Any LOST fans?

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Can't help you w/this, but from the preview it looked like a great next episode.
Originally Posted by lackofcolor
IAND PLEASE does ANYONE know where i can watch a preview for next week's show

More people connected= eko and claires psychic and he said he was a hack but he predicted claires fate pretty darn good. WOW, you're observant, I thought Claire's Psychic was a young thin person. and i really wonder if they will figure out a way to watch back logs of that tape and see micheal shooting them.
and the button...does nothing of course i knew it was some type of experiment.
i really hope that we find out where desmond went too Yes, this is driving me crazy! haha i heard he is going to be appearing the last one's of this season and might be connected to libby in a way but that could be a rumor.



Well-known member
So yeah, I dont think I can wait a week for the next episode. I cant believe the seasons almost over. I'm gonna be dying over the summer!


Well-known member
ha I am not observant I have just seen every one a zillion times it seems.
I have the first season on DVD in which I have watched way too many times.
and i tape every show from the second season so far bc I like going back and watching again bc i miss things. i usually pop in a tape at random when i am getting ready/eating in the morning cause i am that big of a lost freak!
I am seriously wondering if someone else will die before the season is over, I hope not but if it is maybe it will be someone not known like how arzt blew up in the finale. (even thought he was in 3 episoids i loved him especially when they showed he helped claire with her bags on the plane)
Another connection not sure if anyone said this already but Jack operated on Shannon's father and he died bc Jack chose to work on his future wife(not knowing her at that time) bc she had a better chance to live.
cannot wait to see what happened to micheal and i am soooo glad they are showing it THIS season and not next like they did with claire.

And seriously...when will they explain how locke got crippled!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lackofcolor

And seriously...when will they explain how locke got crippled!!!

Yes, I figured it had something to do with complications with the kidney surgery, but that wasn't it. I wonder if he tried to kill himself and botched it? And for the person who pointed out previously that maybe Locke's dad was involved with the island somehow? I totally forgot he faked his death. Maybe he will turn up. Arrrgh, can't wait until next week. Oh, abc usually has a spot for showing next week's preview. Just look around and you should find it.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
It will drive me crazy to not have the show for the entire summer. Maybe I'll give in and buy the 1st season video (I missed a few episodes anyway).

Oooh, I didn't know that Jack operated on Shannon's father.

Could Locke be crippled because those men whom his father was hiding from came after him?


Well-known member
I'm watching today's episode right now...I'm obsessed
with this show.

Did anybody see the past few episodes? I'm sooo disappointed for Hurley, since Libby is gone. I was so excited that he got a girl, and then they have to mess that up!

Alos, did you see the episode where it flashes back to Hurley in the hospital? Like, they show that picture of him and his friend, but it's only him there? What's up with that? I'm really curious to find out about that.

Is anyone else in love with Charlie like I am? He is my absolute favorite, I would cry if something happened to him!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Not in love with Charlie, now Sawyer, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Hurley's friend was imaginary, I felt so bad for him when he realized that he didn't exist. Nthing seems to go his way, OK maybe Libby was a little ill too (I’m trying to be politically correct), but she really liked him. Why didn’t he notice that they were in the same hospital? If she really was a mental health professional, how did she end up as a patient? How did she get on the same flight as him, could she have been following (stalking) him?

Regarding yesterdays episode (5/17/06), what did Mis Clue mean when she said they couldn’t go get Henry? Could it be that they can’t cross to that side of the island?

How about that boat approaching them? Could it be a lost boat, the introduction of new characters? Could it be sent by the “thers”to remind Michael that he has to keep his promise? Could it be the “others” on their way to attack them! AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Well-known member
I can't wait for the two hour finale next week. Boy I wished some of you lived near me so we could all watch together. It is much more fun when you have someone to talk to about what's happened

Ms. Z

Well-known member
You are so right, I have to admit its much more fun when I have someone to discuss it with. Besides my child, I only know one other person who's into the show and he lives a bit far from me.

Below is the preview for next week.

Originally Posted by Shawna
I can't wait for the two hour finale next week. Boy I wished some of you lived near me so we could all watch together. It is much more fun when you have someone to talk to about what's happened

Who will die next?


Well-known member
They could not go get him because there are always people in the hatch at least 2 and if they went in and got him/killed those people in the hatch then the losties would know that the others did it and go after them in a war.
And I CANNOT WAIT for Walts flashback next season about what the heck they have been doing with him and the "tests" and I loved how he said they are not who they seem.
More insight that the "others" are pretending to be non-civil in a way because seriously..what type of people that are stranded on an island suddenly get scrubs??(doctor scrubs from claires flashback)
I know who is on the boat but I do not know if you all want me to post it or if you want to wait and see.
But next week does look sooooo good and Charlie is in it a lot for whoever likes him!!!! (he was on one of those late night shows and said he was in the final one a lot).
And gotta love sayid for actually knowing micheal is not all on the up and up.
Does anyone have any theories on why the others want those 4? I have nooooo idea!! I want to know!! AND HOW THEY KNOW SAWYERS REAL NAME...
And I think the plane crashed by the magnetic pull on the island bc they showed that again with eko's cross being pulled towards something. AND with micheal and the compass. He was going NORTH like walt said but if you remember the compass does not work right bc of the magnetic something on the island. So he was going in the wrong direction hence why he did not end up at the rock like walt said.

Okay this is long but my final thought is:
I loveeeeeeee Alex, Rossous(spelling??) daughter that asked micheal about claire and the baby. I hope she is in it more next season and i really want her to be reunited with rousso geeez i wish i knew how to spell her name.


Well-known member
By ZLoves2Shop:
Hurley's friend was imaginary, I felt so bad for him when he realized that he didn't exist. Nthing seems to go his way, OK maybe Libby was a little ill too (I’m trying to be politically correct), but she really liked him. Why didn’t he notice that they were in the same hospital? If she really was a mental health professional, how did she end up as a patient? How did she get on the same flight as him, could she have been following (stalking) him?

Oh, I didn't realize that he figured out that he was imaginary, and that's interesting how you said that maybe she was following him, I never thought of that!

ZLoves2Shop: Not in love with Charlie, now Sawyer, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I really like sawyer too, if charlie hadn't been around then I would probably be in love with him!

I cannot wait to get this season on dvd,
I missed a few episodes b/c I had to work on some wednesday nights, and I just wanna watch all of the episodes straight through!

By lackofcolor:
But next week does look sooooo good and Charlie is in it a lot for whoever likes him!!!! (he was on one of those late night shows and said he was in the final one a lot).

I saw him too, I was soooo excited when he came on
, I cannot wait for the finale, I am so anxious now!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
lackofcolor said:
I know who is on the boat but I do not know if you all want me to post it or if you want to wait and see. C'mon who do you think is on the boat? I think it's Desmond.
But next week does look sooooo good and Charlie is in it a lot for whoever likes him!!!! (he was on one of those late night shows and said he was in the final one a lot).
And gotta love sayid for actually knowing micheal is not all on the up and up. Yeah, I'm glad he figured that out.
Does anyone have any theories on why the others want those 4? I have nooooo idea!! I want to know!! AND HOW THEY KNOW SAWYERS REAL NAME...On some blogs some people think its because they all saw visions (Kate the horse, Sawyer the boar & horse, Jack his father, Hurley the imaginary friend) but that doesn't work for me because didn't Sayid see Walt.? And I think the plane crashed by the magnetic pull on the island bc they showed that again with eko's cross being pulled towards something. AND with micheal and the compass. He was going NORTH like walt said but if you remember the compass does not work right bc of the magnetic something on the island. So he was going in the wrong direction hence why he did not end up at the rock like walt said. I'm starting to think that the pilot had something to do with it. Hmmm, now that I think about it, you could be right,' maybe that is why the food was dropped off by hot air balloon instead of a place.

Yes, I would love to see a reunion btw. Ruosso ( I don't know the correct spelling either) and her daughter
Check out this site & see tonights Preview.


Ms. Z

Well-known member
Music Video "Ultimate Showdown Lost Ensemble"

I was just thinking a magnetic force could not have pulled them in; wouldn’t it pull all planes & ships that pass by/over it? The plane had to be sabotaged; it must have been someone on the plane (maybe the pilot who was pulled out of the plane by the monster). Supposedly some of the passengers were given their tickets, maybe people were paid by the Dharma project to get these certain people on the same plane, remember Claire was given her ticket by her psychic?

Check out video below. "Ultimate Showdown Lost Ensemble"

2 minute sneak peek of tonight’s episode


Well-known member
so it was that magnetic force, it all built up bc desmond did not push the button, when someone hits the button it lets out the excess magnetic whatever and since he didnt that one time thats why the plane crashed..i am thinking it was a tad confusing too me and the ending left me wanting more but not as much as last season's ending with what was in the vault.
now i want to know where the others are taking those 3
and now we know they did pretend to live in those huts, will michael really go back to the "real world" or somehow turn around. i think he will go back to the camp to try and make right and save people. i dont think thats the last of his charecter at all
and locke and eko will of course be okay and what exactly did that key do and is desond still alive?? i was actually starting to like him!!!!


Well-known member
i wanted to avoid this thread till after i downloaded and watched the last ep... heheh!!! Anyone else notice Mr Ekos nipples are always sharp? they could cut ICE!!!!

Wasnt the girl that drowned that talked with Mr eko the daughter of the psychic? And he said to Mr eko that she was ok and that he didnt need to report her as a miracle... so he knew mr eko would get on the plane? Or was that a diff australian guy lol!

This serise wasnt as great as the first.. but still kept me hooked!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Yes, the girl at the airport is the Psychics daughter. The woman that went up to them to ask if everything was OK, was Libby.
I had not noticed that about Eko, I'll have to take a better look next season.

Originally Posted by JesusShaves
i wanted to avoid this thread till after i downloaded and watched the last ep... heheh!!! Anyone else notice Mr Ekos nipples are always sharp? they could cut ICE!!!!

Wasnt the girl that drowned that talked with Mr eko the daughter of the psychic? And he said to Mr eko that she was ok and that he didnt need to report her as a miracle... so he knew mr eko would get on the plane? Or was that a diff australian guy lol!

This serise wasnt as great as the first.. but still kept me hooked!


Ms. Z

Well-known member
The last episode left so many questions.
Are Desmond, Locke & Ecko dead? NO! They will be back. Why, Charlie was too calm when he returned to the camp. When asked about them, he said, oh, they are not back yet?

If not pressing the buttons causes a crash, is it possible that another plane or ship has crashed on the island? Is this the way they plan to introduce new characters? They sure need to add to their group, their are too many of the "others".

I don't think Walt & Michael will be able to get away. Why would they let them go that easily? Remember when Ms. Klugh asked has he ever been somewhere he is not supposed to be? Maybe that’s not really Walt.

How about that statue?
Henry is the leader?????????


Well-known member
So what did everyone think about the new episode? I was disappointed that it didn't really explain as much as I had hoped............

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I loved the episode. We got to see how the OTHERS really live, we found out that it was true what some under water hatch, we got to see that Sawyer really is in love w/Kate (that made me tear up).

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