Anyone else feel sad about the state of our country?


Well-known member
So that Burger King commercial was just on again where they tell people that the Whopper is no longer available and then they play the freak outs. Anyone else a bit disturbed by people's reactions to the fact that their hamburger is no longer available? I mean, it's a freakin' hamburger for Christ's sake!! Get over it and order something else!

Anyone else have their own disappointments to share?


Well-known member
I'm disturbed that so many people are down right selfish, rude, disrespectful, & inconsiderate in public & driving their cars. And, it's as if a generation raised their kids (not all kids) to be complete zombie idiots!


Well-known member
i agree with all the points made!
Also I think it is so rude when people are one their little "blue tooth" or cell phones in stores, especially when they're paying. I will be at the grocery store, and some lady is blabbing away. People can't go anywhere without a cell phone. I know it's good to have one, but come on, leave it in your purse or something.


Well-known member
I've seen those commercials. I don't feel sad for the state of our country. All things considered, the US is a great place to live. I have visited and worked in other countries where things are quite bad. The US doesn't even come close to that.

I do, however feel concerned for the state of our citzenry. In the US, as well as several other countries, we are becoming a land of consumers. Our sole purpose is to purchase, consume, and obtain. There are bigger things in life. People need to put down the burger and go for a jog. Put down the wii and read a book. I am not saying we need to eliminate these things (video games, fast food, etc), just put them in the proper perspective and balance them with other things in our lives.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I'm disturbed that so many people are down right selfish, rude, disrespectful, & inconsiderate in public & driving their cars. And, it's as if a generation raised their kids (not all kids) to be complete zombie idiots!

It's soo true. Each person is in their own little box and everyone around them is of no consequence, so long as no one gets in the way of where someone is going. I, myself am a turn-signal nazi!! I really pisses me off when these people have these fancy cars that don't come equipped with turn-signals...oh, wait, yes they do - the jerk offs just don't use them!! And of course, it's always your fault if you're in their way when they change lanes. HELLO, if you used your turn-signal, I'd know to slow down a bit and let you over!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
i agree with all the points made!
Also I think it is so rude when people are one their little "blue tooth" or cell phones in stores, especially when they're paying. I will be at the grocery store, and some lady is blabbing away. People can't go anywhere without a cell phone. I know it's good to have one, but come on, leave it in your purse or something.

I'm glad some retailers have finally taken a stand and won't allow people to check out if they're on the phone! The poor kid checking you out (and the others within earshot) don't need to hear about little Susie's potty training status!


Well-known member
i feel bad that alot people my age have a minimal amount of interest in education. at my uni, people say 'i've only been to 2 classes this week!' like they're soo outrageous. we have the best resources at any point in history & people care less and less. it's obscene really.
obviously i find it strange that homophobia is still very common. i know it's been worse but you'd think people would be used to gay individuals after thousands of years, obviously not....
another big thing that bothers me is rampant consumerism with credit card debt on the rise. i like all my material posessions, but i'd happily throw them all away to keep my photo albums. don't base your life around 'stuff'...society is getting greedier & shallower....'life sold cheaply forever'

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Well, it is just a commercial, correct? My concern would be when people start actually freaking out about it. I heard people freaked out about various storyline about Sex and the City (the TV show), to the point of little protests. That was so WTF? to me. Even when I hate a storyline in a show, it's not protest-worthy, until it's advocating dangerous behaviors or has some greater effect on society than Carrie not ending up with Big.

Probably what bothers me the most currently is the entire Christmas season. I hate the consumerism, the terrible attitudes in stores, and the entitlement. I had to buy gifts for people I despise (my father's girlfriend) in order not be bitched out. I'm not Christian, but it kills me when "Christian" people take on that attitude. When I think of what Jesus would do, Jesus wouldn't be angry that he didn't receive anything or what he received was meager.

I'm also just concerned about how this selfishness and entitlement comes into play at other times. I got back from a trip to see friends, and it's amazing to me how a certain person in the group is so selfish and lacks self-awareness and thinks she's perfect and everyone else is just so mean to her. I see it play out from a distance all the time but when it shows up so close- ugh.

My final sadness is the shelter I adopted my boy cats sent a holiday newsletter requesting money because more and more people are dumping cats, less and less people are adopting cats, and costs are continuing to rise. I seriously ponder whether I could take a 4th cat in a 450 sq. foot apartment while being a grad student.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Well, it is just a commercial, correct? My concern would be when people start actually freaking out about it. I heard people freaked out about various storyline about Sex and the City (the TV show), to the point of little protests. That was so WTF? to me. Even when I hate a storyline in a show, it's not protest-worthy, until it's advocating dangerous behaviors or has some greater effect on society than Carrie not ending up with Big.

That's exactly my point...if the worst part of your day is that your local burger outlet stopped selling your favorite hamburger, then you should count yourself lucky. There are so many more important things that are worth freaking out and protesting over.


Well-known member
if you think about how the world has changed - online stores, credit cards, EFT transactions, stores open later more often - it points to fulfilling a consumerism-based need for instant gratification of people's wants.

it's become so easy to obtain something you want NOW - even if you don't have the funds (just use your credit card) or it's the wee hours of the morning.

the ability to do this has led (to an extent) to greed and selfishness in people. sure, it's nice to get a shiny new toy, but at what cost to yourself if you can't really afford it and don't really need it?

not everyone is like this, but it's definitely becoming more common. i am guilty of buying things i don't really need too. i don't measure success through material possessions though. i don't care if someone has a better TV, computer, car or house than what i have. their life is not necessarily greater than mine because of these things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Probably what bothers me the most currently is the entire Christmas season. I hate the consumerism, the terrible attitudes in stores, and the entitlement. I had to buy gifts for people I despise (my father's girlfriend) in order not be bitched out. I'm not Christian, but it kills me when "Christian" people take on that attitude. When I think of what Jesus would do, Jesus wouldn't be angry that he didn't receive anything or what he received was meager.

This is precisely why I like Thanksgiving more than Christmas. Sure, it's fun to exchange gifts but all the commercialism and politically correct-ism has decreased my enjoyment of Christmas over the years.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Also, the internet and technology in general is instant gratification... while I don't want to go back to the old days, I wonder if that's why people are so quick to give up on so many things.

I think, throughout history of consumerism, people have bought stuff they don't need. You don't need makeup, for instance. As much as I love it, I know I won't die if I don't have lipstick or blush.

I think it's fine to have frivolous things. It when you start going into crazy debt or taking it to the extreme is when it becomes a problem.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
This is precisely why I like Thanksgiving more than Christmas. Sure, it's fun to exchange gifts but all the commercialism and politically correct-ism has decreased my enjoyment of Christmas over the years.

Yes! It's really sad to see that there a few people who live such coddled lives and are so easily offended that they launch an attack on any and everything that offends them.


Well-known member
In general, I don't really feel bad about the state of the US. I see specific people or stories and get SO pissed off, but collectively we are some of the most generous people on the planet and this truly is the land of opportunity.

I know I come of as a curmudgeon most of the time, but I'm really not, I swear

Oh and Beauty, when DH and I first got married we lived in a teeny tiny studio with four cats. It was insane. Never horrible, but always crazy!


Well-known member
I don't feel bad about the Burger King commercials. They are funny. And true. LoL the whopper is great and they better not ever take it off of the menu.
(I'm such a fat ass)

Anyways I agree with a lot of people. Get the hell of your cell phone for one minute while you go inside of the store. Do NOT get mad and scream at me because your doctor didn't call in your precription and you really need your medicine. It is not my fault. When you're walking in the mall, how bout not walking diagonally/really slow/stopping in the middle of the entire mall for no reason. Smile at someone every once in awhile.Everyone in the world is so damn mean and rude nowadays that when someone smiles at me I feel like my entire day is wonderful. How about not being so nice and perfect at Christmas time, only to go back to being mean not even a week later?

How about you think about other people, and the fact that they haven't had a day off all week and that they walk to their other job 3 days out of the week because they have no car and nobody else cares enough to give them a ride, and they've washed 10 hairpieces and all of your clients, so maybe you should cut them a break instead of hunting them down to sweep your floor, and yelling at them when they didn't have time for the laundry or anything else for that matter.


Well-known member
Something that really bothers me and has for a long time. Is how some people are so completely self absorbed and ignorant. Aside from stupidity that has to be my biggest pet peeve. I knew a girl who had the nerve to say "haha god I hate poor people, they should just all be put be put in a third world country so i don't have to be near them." like WTF. Another girl turned to her firend on the subway and said "eww i smell like black people". exactly what do black people smell like?! It's so totally un cool to be racist and ignorant and if you are staying on top of trends in fashion and know all the latest celebrity gssip why can't you open a history book or read a newspaper and actually feel something for someone who isn't yourself. There is hardly any compasion left. People are so focused on themselves and forget to think about others. People dont stop an think what can i do today that might help someone else. Instead they go to Burger King and breakdown because they can't get a burger. oh and by people i don't mean to generalize if thats how it sounded. This topic just coils my stomach up in knots so sorry if i sound all flustered.


Well-known member
A lot of people will probably disagree with me about this.. But I really don't like it when people think the more wealthy should be taxed more for this and that just because they have more money, so that means that they should give more of it away. I can never understand that. I mean, they worked just as hard and probably even more so than others to make all that money, so why should they have to give more of it away in taxes for all their effort? My mom makes an above average income and she has to give away about 43% away in taxes because she makes more even though she's supporting 3 people on her own.

Another thing I really don't like is how un-sympathetic/empathic everyone is now-a-days. If something happens to someone no one really seems to care about it. It's all about each person for his/herself it's almost disgusting.

But still.. not everyone is like that.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Loveleighe
Something that really bothers me and has for a long time. Is how some people are so completely self absorbed and ignorant. Aside from stupidity that has to be my biggest pet peeve. I knew a girl who had the nerve to say "haha god I hate poor people, they should just all be put be put in a third world country so i don't have to be near them." like WTF. Another girl turned to her firend on the subway and said "eww i smell like black people". exactly what do black people smell like?! It's so totally un cool to be racist and ignorant and if you are staying on top of trends in fashion and know all the latest celebrity gssip why can't you open a history book or read a newspaper and actually feel something for someone who isn't yourself. There is hardly any compasion left. People are so focused on themselves and forget to think about others. People dont stop an think what can i do today that might help someone else. Instead they go to Burger King and breakdown because they can't get a burger. oh and by people i don't mean to generalize if thats how it sounded. This topic just coils my stomach up in knots so sorry if i sound all flustered.

People are so ignorant about their privilege and the complexity with poverty... I remember a girl in high school saying that she thinks that poor and/or homeless people are lazy and should just get a job. I could've belted her across the mouth. Instead, I explained to her that some of those people are homeless vets.


Well-known member
I'm disappointed in myself this season. Without even realising it, I replaced my "Have a Merry Christmas" with "Have a Happy Holidays". I feel brainwashed.

Sure people will argue that "Happy Holidays" is a "safer" more "PC" thing to say, but it eliminates individuality. We are all different and that is OK.

I celebrate Christmas, I should say "Merry Christmas" as it speaks about how I celebrate and who I am. Just as a Jew should say, "Happy Hanukkah". It is a personal expression. My God, how homogeneous if we all just blend into one PC blob. How boring.