Anyone else feel sad about the state of our country?


Originally Posted by xIxSkyDancerxIx
A lot of people will probably disagree with me about this.. But I really don't like it when people think the more wealthy should be taxed more for this and that just because they have more money, so that means that they should give more of it away. I can never understand that. I mean, they worked just as hard and probably even more so than others to make all that money, so why should they have to give more of it away in taxes for all their effort? My mom makes an above average income and she has to give away about 43% away in taxes because she makes more even though she's supporting 3 people on her own.

I know it can be annoying if taxes are huge but still see the benefits too. I think democracy needs those kinds of taxes. Tax payer’s money goes to government and without that money health care would be out of poor peoples reach. I know system is different everywhere so I can only speak about my country’s way to do things. Those high taxes might be the best way to stop rich people getting richer and poor people getting poorer. Not so many people remember that. It sucks that system doesn’t see individuals, but in general higher taxing for rich people serves whole society including those rich people who like to enjoy about safety and other valuable things.

And about that add which I have't seen. Has anyone seen that Simpsons family episode where Krysty burgers keep addictin people? Maybe it was done from real life after all


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
i agree with all the points made!
Also I think it is so rude when people are one their little "blue tooth" or cell phones in stores, especially when they're paying. I will be at the grocery store, and some lady is blabbing away. People can't go anywhere without a cell phone. I know it's good to have one, but come on, leave it in your purse or something.

I love my bluetooth. I won't lie. I hate carrying crap, and what with my family spread the way it is, I take the opportunity to talk with them when I can. I'm not comfortable talking whilst standing in line, but when I'm walking through the mall etc.?
A) It deters random strangers from speaking to me, or the kiosk people from snatching at me,
B) I view that as less offensive than the groups of people gathered around squawling and screaming and laughing and shoving each other.

But, other people don't like them, and that's fine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I love my bluetooth. I won't lie. I hate carrying crap, and what with my family spread the way it is, I take the opportunity to talk with them when I can. I'm not comfortable talking whilst standing in line, but when I'm walking through the mall etc.?
A) It deters random strangers from speaking to me, or the kiosk people from snatching at me,
B) I view that as less offensive than the groups of people gathered around squawling and screaming and laughing and shoving each other.

But, other people don't like them, and that's fine.

For me, it's really only when people are talking while they're standing in a line, as if no one else is around. I talk on my cell all the time when I'm walking through a mall or store, and admittedly, it would be great to have bluetooth, especially after a long conversation, my arm gets cramped and hurts like hell!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
It's soo true. Each person is in their own little box and everyone around them is of no consequence, so long as no one gets in the way of where someone is going. I, myself am a turn-signal nazi!! I really pisses me off when these people have these fancy cars that don't come equipped with turn-signals...oh, wait, yes they do - the jerk offs just don't use them!! And of course, it's always your fault if you're in their way when they change lanes. HELLO, if you used your turn-signal, I'd know to slow down a bit and let you over!!

I used to be that way about signals, then realized that when I actually USE mine, people consider that a reason to speed way up and cut me off because GOD FORBID I be in front of them for the 300 feet that I'm going to be there before I make my exit. Garrrgh. People annoy me.

Originally Posted by Loveleighe
Something that really bothers me and has for a long time. Is how some people are so completely self absorbed and ignorant. Aside from stupidity that has to be my biggest pet peeve. I knew a girl who had the nerve to say "haha god I hate poor people, they should just all be put be put in a third world country so i don't have to be near them." like WTF. Another girl turned to her firend on the subway and said "eww i smell like black people". exactly what do black people smell like?! It's so totally un cool to be racist and ignorant and if you are staying on top of trends in fashion and know all the latest celebrity gssip why can't you open a history book or read a newspaper and actually feel something for someone who isn't yourself. There is hardly any compasion left. People are so focused on themselves and forget to think about others. People dont stop an think what can i do today that might help someone else. Instead they go to Burger King and breakdown because they can't get a burger. oh and by people i don't mean to generalize if thats how it sounded. This topic just coils my stomach up in knots so sorry if i sound all flustered.

Generally those statements are made by someone with no real exposure to the harsh side of reality. =/
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I'm disappointed in myself this season. Without even realising it, I replaced my "Have a Merry Christmas" with "Have a Happy Holidays". I feel brainwashed.

Sure people will argue that "Happy Holidays" is a "safer" more "PC" thing to say, but it eliminates individuality. We are all different and that is OK.

I celebrate Christmas, I should say "Merry Christmas" as it speaks about how I celebrate and who I am. Just as a Jew should say, "Happy Hanukkah". It is a personal expression. My God, how homogeneous if we all just blend into one PC blob. How boring.

I refuse to answer when someone says "Happy Holidays" with anything but "Oh remember JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!" or "HAPPY HANUKKAH!" or "MERRY WINTER SOLSTICE!" with the brightest smile I can find, simply because I find the "holidays" phrase almost patently offensive. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I refuse to answer when someone says "Happy Holidays" with anything but "Oh remember JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!" or "HAPPY HANUKKAH!" or "MERRY WINTER SOLSTICE!" with the brightest smile I can find, simply because I find the "holidays" phrase almost patently offensive. :/

I'll have to remember those for next year!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
...I refuse to answer when someone says "Happy Holidays" with anything but "Oh remember JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!" or "HAPPY HANUKKAH!" or "MERRY WINTER SOLSTICE!" with the brightest smile I can find, simply because I find the "holidays" phrase almost patently offensive. :/

It is offensive, because of what it represents. It represents the watering down of American culture. It represents saying the safest thing possible as to not potentially offend anyone. It has become offensive to believe in something. Just watch the political races. EVERY single candidates has waffled on one belief or another. Every one wants to play it safe, by watering down what they believe in. I may not believe in someone else's point of view, but if they can intelligently back their opinion, I can at least appreciate their position.

The phrase "Happy Holidays" is like MAC's lustre lipstick. It's a way to please the masses. It is an easy way for MAC to please a wide range of skin/lip pigmentations due to watered-down colour payoff in the product. I understand that some lipsticks won't work for me, but will work for others. I'm fine with that and I accept that. I would rather have one lipstick per collection that I love and that has colour payoff, as opposed to 4 washed-out lustres per collection. Did my ramble make sense? Yeah, I had to put my argument into terms of makeup.

Regardless....There is another New Year's resolution of mine. STOP saying Happy Holidays!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
It is offensive, because of what it represents. It represents the watering down of American culture. It represents saying the safest thing possible as to not potentially offend anyone. It has become offensive to believe in something. Just watch the political races. EVERY single candidates has waffled on one belief or another. Every one wants to play it safe, by watering down what they believe in. I may not believe in someone else's point of view, but if they can intelligently back their opinion, I can at least appreciate their position.

The phrase "Happy Holidays" is like MAC's lustre lipstick. It's a way to please the masses. It is an easy way for MAC to please a wide range of skin/lip pigmentations due to little colour payoff in the product. I understand that some lipsticks won't work for me, but will work for others. I'm fine with that and I accept that. I would rather have one lipstick per collection that I love and that has colour payoff, as opposed to 4 washed-out lustres per collection. Did my ramble make sense? Yeah, I had to put my argument into terms of makeup.

Regardless....There is another New Year's resolution of mine. STOP saying Happy Holidays!

I said something along the same lines in another post. It seems that people have been/are being brought up to raise a stink about anything that offends them. People need to grow some thicker skin and get over it. If someone wished me a "Happy Hannukah," I'd respond with, "Thanks, you too." Not because I'm Jewish, but because it's the thoughtful way to respond to that person's well wishes. It's only natural to wish someone a "Happy _____" (fill in the blank with your religious holiday) because it's what's closest to your experience. No, not everyone celebrates the same religious holidays, but does that really matter? We're supposed to be a nation of tolerance, and that includes religious tolerance, but it seems that we're moving further and further away from that.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
For me, Happy Holidays is easier than wishing everyone a Happy Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Eid/whatever other holidays I missed that sometimes or always occur in the month of Dec. It's a catchall, and it isn't about offending people honestly. I do wish everyone a happy holiday, whatever holiday or holidays they celebrate this time of year. If it's something like Easter, which typically doesn't coincide (at least to my knowledge) with a bunch of other holidays, I wish people a Happy Easter. Same with Diwali, Ramadan, etc.

I think it's moronic to rename symbols of Christmas, for instance, to more generic things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I love my bluetooth. I won't lie. I hate carrying crap, and what with my family spread the way it is, I take the opportunity to talk with them when I can. I'm not comfortable talking whilst standing in line, but when I'm walking through the mall etc.?
A) It deters random strangers from speaking to me, or the kiosk people from snatching at me,
B) I view that as less offensive than the groups of people gathered around squawling and screaming and laughing and shoving each other.

But, other people don't like them, and that's fine.

i dont have anything against them, it was just an example that I see many people talking on those while in line and paying and not even noticing the cashier, and I think that is exteremely rude. Same goes for cell phones. I see your point though how it could help but I just think it's silly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I'm glad some retailers have finally taken a stand and won't allow people to check out if they're on the phone! The poor kid checking you out (and the others within earshot) don't need to hear about little Susie's potty training status!

i didnt know about this but i like that idea lol


Well-known member
I mourn the loss of general manners in day to day society. I was shopping today and some young men were together, one started coughing loudly and frequently and did not cover his mouth! I mean, how rude can you be?? And I am frequently shoved aside by someone's kid as they are trying to rush through a shopping aisle, no excuse me, no acknowledgement of the rude behavior either by the kids, or their parents. People cuss at their kids and then wonder why the kids have such awful behavior.

Dang-it people, all it takes is a little graciousness.


Well-known member
I'm sure that they just chose the select few that were outraged. I mean out of the possible hundreds there were like 20 stupid people like " hey, where's my whopper. i'm calling the cops"!


Well-known member
I had an enlightening experience that other day that encompasses a lot of what we are missing in my mind. I was waiting for the bus at my stop and this elderly man walked into the little booth where I was to wait. When the bus came he was closer to the bus and waited for him to board first. Of course said, "After you" because it's just polite. He refused and said "No. No. Ladies first. Your generation could use that."


Well-known member
If I see one more bratty teen mouthing off to his/her parents I will snap. Seriously, what happened to respecting your elders?

I was at a shoe store yesterday afternoon, just looking for shoes to wear for new year's, and there's this girl and her mother shopping. The girl keeps yelling at her mother about she "needs" the shoes, and her life will be "over" if she doesn't have them. And she's yelling the entire time.

Now I have no problem with saying I'm materialistic and take pleasure in nice things, but I have a serious problem with yelling and being bratty with your parents, especially to get things.

With all the time, love, and effort they've put in to your life and well being, the least you can do is be respectful.


Well-known member
A lot of interesting posts in this thread - I too can't stand the PC "Happy Holidays" greeting either and I'm an agnostic! I cheerily told peeps to have a "Merry Christmas" because I don't like watered down, diluted politically correct crapola! Merry Christmas does not offend me, nor does Merry Winter Solstice since the christians took over pagan holidays for their own.

Of greater concern to me is the sense of entitlement that teenagers and many adults seem to possess. What happened to personal responsibility? I hear this mentality from a lot of illegal immigrant activists, extreme left-wing AND right-wingers. The illegal immigrant activists claim it's their "right" to have the benefits of US citizenship without taking the effort to learn English. Left-wingers claim it's a "right" to be guaranteed a union wage job and universal healthcare. Rightwingers claim it's a "right" to teach creationism and pray in schools. I don't understand where these "rights" police get their ideas, did none of them understand the meaning behind our Bill of Rights and the "right to the PURSUIT of life, liberty and happiness"? I don't see any guarantees in that statement that guarantees happiness!

Another concern is the falling value of the US Dollar. OPEC is actually considering using something else as the standard because our dollar is so weak; that's scary!

Of course my greatest concern is the Iraq war. I didn't agree with it, but we're there now. When will someone who's running for President have the stones to admit that we should plan on being there for the long run, like for the next 10-20 years?

Done ranting, may 2008 be a better year for all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dark_Phoenix
If I see one more bratty teen mouthing off to his/her parents I will snap. Seriously, what happened to respecting your elders?

I was at a shoe store yesterday afternoon, just looking for shoes to wear for new year's, and there's this girl and her mother shopping. The girl keeps yelling at her mother about she "needs" the shoes, and her life will be "over" if she doesn't have them. And she's yelling the entire time.

Now I have no problem with saying I'm materialistic and take pleasure in nice things, but I have a serious problem with yelling and being bratty with your parents, especially to get things.

With all the time, love, and effort they've put in to your life and well being, the least you can do is be respectful.

Yeah, that's my sister in a nutshell...and sadly, she's past her teen years and is now a bratty 21-year-old. When she doesn't get her way, she just yells louder, as if you didn't hear her the first time. I most definitely don't blame my parents for the way she turned out because both my parents did their best to raise us, including working opposite shifts to make sure we had everything we needed, and more. Somehow, my sister interpreted this as meaning that she should get everything she wants, without lifting a finger.


Well-known member
Yeah, that's my sister in a nutshell...and sadly, she's past her teen years and is now a bratty 21-year-old. When she doesn't get her way, she just yells louder, as if you didn't hear her the first time. I most definitely don't blame my parents for the way she turned out because both my parents did their best to raise us, including working opposite shifts to make sure we had everything we needed, and more. Somehow, my sister interpreted this as meaning that she should get everything she wants, without lifting a finger.

My sister USED to be like that until I "very gently" told her that her behavior is completely unexceptable and that it must stop.. NOW. I cannot tolerate any child that whines and b_tiches about things that they HAVE to have when it's really a want and not a need.

But unlike my sister my 2 cousins have not figured that out and are spoiled rotten. It's really disgusting to me to see them get everything they want then throw it away in a few short weeks when they're bored with it.


Well-known member
Yeah... I'm kind of sad how people act nowadays. My friend told me a story of a woman who was getting robbed in a bank in China. Everyone just watched, like it was so commonplace! Even the security guard didn't do anything! (It's like, hello, do your job?!) Anyways, she finally opened her purse, took her money out, and threw it into the slot to the teller, just so she could deposit her money and the guy makes off with her purse.. and everyone just turns back to what they were doing. Like it's no big deal.

OMG. If it were me, I would run up and help the poor lady.
People, are so horrible nowadays, if someone is in trouble, no one helps anymore. Everyone is so apathetic!!!! It wouldn't kill someone to help another person out! Sure, there might be a risk to help out that lady, like if maybe the man had a gun, but at least I might die knowing I was trying to help someone! Geez people. O_O There's risk EVERYWHERE, being scared of that stuff means you might as well not even leave the house!

And the other thing that gets me. THE KIDS.
If I had the balls to act the way the kids do today. I would get smacked to hell and back. It's NOT ABUSE, it is abuse if there is no reason for it, or if the spanking is out of malice. I turned out fine, most kids I know, turned out better with spankings and stuff, than those who never got it.
My boyfriend's sister spanked her son because he did something, REALLY bad. Like, he needed to know it wasn't right what he did.
You know what he did? He called the cops on her! He made up a story like she beat him daily with a special belt... and all this mess... HE ALMOST PUT HIS MOM IN JAIL. Just so he could get out of trouble! I would NEVER do that to my mom or dad, I KNEW when I did something wrong. This kid, is only like, 7 or 8 years old by the way.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If I had the balls to act the way the kids do today. I would get smacked to hell and back. It's NOT ABUSE, it is abuse if there is no reason for it, or if the spanking is out of malice. I turned out fine, most kids I know, turned out better with spankings and stuff, than those who never got it.

Actually, it still can be abuse. Sometimes abusers have legit reasons but take it too far.

The problem, at least how I see it, isn't people spanking their kids (I was not, and I believe I turned out fine). Parents often don't go through with punishments, reason with their kids, reward obvious behavior, use excuses to justify bad behavior. I've seen too many parents cite "intelligence" or "genius" as a reason why their kids misbehave.

Maybe it's just that I'm getting older, but it seems like there are so many fad-like parenting techniques, and most, if not all, aren't any good.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Actually, it still can be abuse. Sometimes abusers have legit reasons but take it too far.

The problem, at least how I see it, isn't people spanking their kids (I was not, and I believe I turned out fine). Parents often don't go through with punishments, reason with their kids, reward obvious behavior, use excuses to justify bad behavior. I've seen too many parents cite "intelligence" or "genius" as a reason why their kids misbehave.

Maybe it's just that I'm getting older, but it seems like there are so many fad-like parenting techniques, and most, if not all, aren't any good.

I have a 3 year old who is brilliant. It makes her act like an idiot sometimes. It is definitely a reason behind her behavior. BUT she knows the rules of the house and she knows that she will be punished for disobeying them.

I don't have a problem with citing the reason behind the misbehavior as long as it isn't an excuse to not punish. In fact for me, it helps to know why she does things she isn't supposed to because then I can punish her with an eye to correcting the behavior, not just punitively.

I swear, this kid is either going to be the POTUS or she's going to try to overthrow the gov't of some country and end up in jail for the rest of her life.