Archetype cosmetics are a rip off
Hello everyone. I feel the need to vent my story about this company ripping me off so that no one else has to experience what I have been going through. Like many of you I saw these pigments and I was like OMG I have to have these. I did my research and granted I knew about the long waiting period but I placed my order. My order was placed on 10/04/2009 and as of today I have NOT received my order.
Over the past 2 weeks I have sent 6 emails and I even went to great lengths to get Holly's cell phone number and I called and left a message and I have not received a phone call back or a email. I will start disputing the charges with my bank. I feel like I have been taken advantaged of and duped by this company. They are DEFRAUDING people and it is not fair that they get to take peoples hard earned money and you get nothing in return. Please if you are thinking about ordering from this company... don't.
Sorry for the rant but I had to get this off of my chest. I do not believe in bad mouthing companies unless you do something terrible to me.... like take my money and not give me anything in return. Granted I will file a dispute to my credit card, but that will not take away the frusteration and dissapointment this company has caused.
Hugs and Kisses,
Hello everyone. I feel the need to vent my story about this company ripping me off so that no one else has to experience what I have been going through. Like many of you I saw these pigments and I was like OMG I have to have these. I did my research and granted I knew about the long waiting period but I placed my order. My order was placed on 10/04/2009 and as of today I have NOT received my order.
Over the past 2 weeks I have sent 6 emails and I even went to great lengths to get Holly's cell phone number and I called and left a message and I have not received a phone call back or a email. I will start disputing the charges with my bank. I feel like I have been taken advantaged of and duped by this company. They are DEFRAUDING people and it is not fair that they get to take peoples hard earned money and you get nothing in return. Please if you are thinking about ordering from this company... don't.
Sorry for the rant but I had to get this off of my chest. I do not believe in bad mouthing companies unless you do something terrible to me.... like take my money and not give me anything in return. Granted I will file a dispute to my credit card, but that will not take away the frusteration and dissapointment this company has caused.
Hugs and Kisses,