Hmm I agree with shimmer. A lot more people know whats going on with the arab world and our soldiers then you realize it. Thats why we have the news media! Sometimes I hate their guts but they are the watchdogs in Washington.
Now here instead of treading lightly like many of the ladies do here I'm just going to do what I always do (Hense my name
You are not reading the message. You see the words profiling against arabs, muslims and you automatically went into a rage. Understandably so!
Did you by any chance see anywhere that as times change if they wanted to use teenage girls of the white race we should start profiling them? You should've.
I'm going to be very honest with you and I have told this to many of my islamic friends and they have agreed with me and offered these solutions to me-I did my own homework and I have a tendency to agree with them.
I understand many people just want to get to the US to see what's over here, or whatever reason they have that's very peaceful. Islam is a very peaceful religon. No one should be treated differently in our world-if it were up to me we'd all get along, but unfortunately we don't. With my thoughts on profiling, I'll still be for it, do I think you should be yanked to the ground and scanned and cavity search? No. It should be done respectfully.
Now here is the situation with this-many Americans want to think that they are very open minded etc-but it's kind of like when you have a bad experience you never want to do that again.
Here is the bottom line: The islamic fasciests-the ones who like to kill people just for the hell it-are not helping the matter with the civilians. All the American people are seeing (regarding this) is these people that like to kill others on the news, in the paper etc.
This lays down a big problem because if we're just seeing all this hate and ignorance steps in and we start thinking-if for the past few times they have tried to hurt us.
This may be the stem where you have been (as you said about 9/11 thread) mistreated and treated as a terrorist. Yes, every muslim person in this country their lives changed for the absolute WORST on 9/11. And many people aren't terrorist!
Another thing I see very little of, is an uprising in the Islamic community against these people who are killing others. There may be some but if there is it's not on a national level. I've read maybe one article regarding a group calling for a stop of the bloodshed. I've heard of mosques where they will call for an end. But I know personally that I haven't seen a huge Islamic/Middle Eastern movement in the country or abroad to demand that the fasciest stop
Now the question is-how do you change this? It's hard. But I think if every muslim in this country did what they normally did and showed the kindness that Islam really holds dear you can start to change minds one at a time. Maybe a national movement that gets our attention that you all don't agree with whats going on (this is just an idea) that will get our attention. Many people will say hey they aren't all like this..
Kind of like the revolution America is facing right now with immegration. It just takes the power of one to make it happen.
And I for one would be thrilled if the Muslims in this country did it because I understand that it's hard for you and for every muslim here in the US now.
And I too hope that come 9/11/07 things will have changed for the postive for the Islamic people in our country.