Are "we" safer?

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al-jazeera is a news network. i dont sit on the computer and save links to every article about everytime hezbollah and hamas has helped their people. it's a daily act.


Well-known member
No what I'm saying is you can profile all you want. We don't care.

However how it makes us look to you just remember turn about is fair play. And your language also isn't helping your cause to promote this ideology you are so vehemantly defending.


Well-known member
Islamic (A religion)
Fundamentalist ( A more extream part)

Guess what-we get that here to in the US.
Fundamental Baptist
Fundamental Methodist
Fundamental Presberterian

Need I go on? It's not name calling it's calling it what it is.


Well-known member
And You should start saving sites because I'm still baffled you cannot give me at least 3 resources on how Hamas and Hazbollah are even remotely humanitarian.


Well-known member
Like I always say, you sign up for the military not for summer camp. When you invade another country and don't care to help rebuild what you fucked you and begin to cause hurt to the country then you are the new problem. You're in a war, if you die ... IT'S WAR! Maybe you should talk to your president who didn't come up with an actual plan.

What are you even talking about here?
What point are you trying to make?
What "war" were we in when the WTC was bombed in 93? Or the Cole was bombed in 00? Or in 01? What WAR were those civilians in then? What WAR are you talking about?
As as soldier, you're absolutely right, soldiers defend your right to stand there and curse them. Because there ARE American soldiers you can sit there and call them the pieces of shit you're doing right now. Go ahead, that's fine.
Don't be surprised when someone takes exception to it.

That said, you're right, being a SOLDIER...a REAL soldier in a DECLARED Army is NOT like summer camp.

Something I'm sure the insurgents (those Islamic Fundamentalists we were discussing last page) haven't the faintest idea what that is like.


Well-known member
well to me it's name calling. but thats ok because you guys are doing it. which is why i said this bullshit because a moderator can name call and you can name call but it's ok because you're talkin about muslim people. once again, it's bullshit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
o and using words like islamic fundamentalist isn't name calling?

Nope. It's a statement of observation.

You could call me a stereotypical redhead, and it'd be a statement of observation, and aptly descriptive.

And I'm not calling names.


Well-known member
yea the us was in a war. they were, and continue, to flood money into israel. when an arab is killed by an israeli is with an american bullet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
oo let me profile you shimmer ... ur from texas i see ... explains y u have the ignorant republican views you have. profile is fun right?

that is what i said about you shimmer. if u want to profile arabs and muslims as terrorists then we need to start profiling you. you are a bigger threat to me then i am to you.


Well-known member
what's silly? you profiling arabs and muslims? i agree, which was my point to being with!


Well-known member
Why is it that everything to you is Bullshit but not a rational reasoning for why anything actually is?

I'm still trying to figure out why calling someone a fundamental muslim is any different in anyway then calling someone a Fundamental Baptist?

There is not difference. If you want name calling you are going to have to go to a different site and you can call people names all you want to and they can call you names all they want to.

And right now I'm just giving you a heads up you are violating a lot of TOS on this site and you have provided many good and different perspectives but you may want to watch the violations of TOS.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
And You should start saving sites because I'm still baffled you cannot give me at least 3 resources on how Hamas and Hazbollah are even remotely humanitarian.

it's a news network! on tv!!!! you want me to tape every airing of it? lol since it's 24 hours? i don't check the internet for my news sources i only use the internet for stupid stuff like entertainment gossip. i watch al-jazeera.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
that is what i said about you shimmer. if u want to profile arabs and muslims as terrorists then we need to start profiling you. you are a bigger threat to me then i am to you.

In order for profiling to be applicable there has to be an established pattern of behaviour by one specific group of individuals.
IE Southern, white, tattoo'd, country, uneducated, illiterate men in Alabama...chances are good they're racist.
Why? Because of where they grew up, their exposure to the world, and past experiences in dealing with them.
Does it make it wrong to make that assertation? Not necessarily. It just makes one aware of the result of past interaction with a certain type of person.

Unfortunately, in this case, past interaction with these types of individuals has led to a mistrust based on the fact that there doesn't seem to be an issue with using an 8 year old child to carry a backpack full of explosives into the middle of a pack of soldiers under the guise of asking for a piece of gum.


Well-known member
Shimmer wasn't the one that was for profiling Muslims. I WAS THE ONE who suggested to profile Muslims. At least keep your people straight

and yes Now you are being silly for thinking that God forbid we make an observation. The same one we would make on an AMERICAN.


The horror.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
what's silly? you profiling arabs and muslims? i agree, which was my point to being with!

yea the us was in a war. they were, and continue, to flood money into israel. when an arab is killed by an israeli is with an american bullet.

^^^^^that. is silly.


Well-known member
then throw me off for the violations lol. to me saying islamic fundamentalist is name calling. it's a negative classificiation of muslim people. it is the perception america has of muslim people. so yes i take offense to it! i'm not calling you a fundamental baptist.

when you say islamic fundamentalist in this country it is offensive to all muslims. being it is our sterotype in this country.


Well-known member
I'm still waiting on you to give me 3 sources.

I'm BEGGING You to educate me on this and I'm wondering why you keep saying "Look on Al Jazeera" That's like me saying " Oh look at CNN"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
it's a news network! on tv!!!! you want me to tape every airing of it? lol since it's 24 hours? i don't check the internet for my news sources i only use the internet for stupid stuff like entertainment gossip. i watch al-jazeera.

Google...use it to find accredited documentation regarding your assertations within the thread and use it (and the links provided during your search) to substantiate your argument.


Well-known member
it's silly? actually it's not it's fact. us gives more money to israel then they do the entire continent of africa. you've been backing a war for 58 years!
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