Originally Posted by amoona
that is what i said about you shimmer. if u want to profile arabs and muslims as terrorists then we need to start profiling you. you are a bigger threat to me then i am to you.
In order for profiling to be applicable there has to be an established pattern of behaviour by one specific group of individuals.
IE Southern, white, tattoo'd, country, uneducated, illiterate men in Alabama...chances are good they're racist.
Why? Because of where they grew up, their exposure to the world, and past experiences in dealing with them.
Does it make it wrong to make that assertation? Not necessarily. It just makes one aware of the result of past interaction with a certain type of person.
Unfortunately, in this case, past interaction with these types of individuals has led to a mistrust based on the fact that there doesn't seem to be an issue with using an 8 year old child to carry a backpack full of explosives into the middle of a pack of soldiers under the guise of asking for a piece of gum.