Actually we should have started profiling with OKC bombings and Timothy McVeigh. There are times in history, in the current moment-on a national level I think we need to profile with flights, there are times with immigration and illigal aliens, we need to profile. In each situation there is cause for another reason to profile. In the middle east if you see a white person walking down the road you instantly profile-they are from the west, what do they want with me? I was profiled in Africa. We were detained and interrogated why? Because we were white. No other reason.
As for knowing about the military rape, I dont see how anyone could NOT know about it- it was all over the news, in every newspaper etc. Anyone who says that the rape did not happen obviously cannot read the news or is living under a rock. It was national news.
One thing you have to realize about this country is there is very little that goes on in politics and with the military that the rest of the US does not know about or has not been made public through the press. Now, that's not to say some people choose to ignore it or decide they want to watch American Idol more than they want to know about what our miliatary is doing or whatever the politicians are doing.
For example I'm just pulling this out because I can pick on shimmer

LOL but Shimmer is more in tune with a lot of world events and current events than I am. Why? It interests her. I'm more in tune with how whatever current events tie in with the history of the world and international affairs and how things affect what etc. It's just something I'm interested in.
And you will see that in a lot of my posts how I tie it in with different times of history (with anything I write it's crazy, I love history).
Again you say the first people profiled in the OKC bombing was Arab muslims, well again you gotta look at the history of this country and our relationship with the middle east. Before the OKC incident happened- I'll go as far back as 1970s mid-a lot of incidents happened that involved explostions that were done by Arab Muslims.
Now, I will even agree with you (as I did with Caffin8me) that prior to 9/11 yes we did support regimes that did give cause to terrorism. All in the name of "peace" and "love". But should you look closer now, we are seeing many regimes that the US is no longer supplying aid to (Hezbollah, Hamas, etc) but we did-we are paying for it. We're getting our just deserts on that one.
We have found something we can agree on!
Now my question is why do people run to the US if they are so mad at them for aid? Examples-why would anyone in their right mind decide they hate a country because of the military decisions etc and then decide-yeah but I think I'll move there?
You say its very hard to support a country that will go after your homeland. Obviously there was something about your homeland that you didn't like that made you decide to come over to the US in the first place.
This war and I think many people understand this-is not the same kind of war that we are used to seeing in history. This is not the same war like in WW2 where you had different uniforms or during the Civil war where you could tell who was on whose side etc.
It's hard for Americans to understand and I guess in the military to understand because in our minds we're fighting fair. You go into Iraq theres no question who the American's are. We look different, we dress different, we wear fatigues we look like soldiers. The islamic fasciest they dont like that they are playing by their own rules. It is not unusual to see a bunch of citizens with women and children in a concentraited area and thats where the terrorist is going to do something that will cause fire and then they can go OH OH OH Look at what the big bad US did. That happened with this situation in Isreal and Hezbollah when Isreal fired a missle and killed a ton of innocent children - why? Because Hezbollah had a handful of people in there and were firing at Isreal from there.
You will see a bunch of people driving and one of those is going to be a car bomb but it wont detinate until it is in the most crowded streets.
This is what the US and coalition forces are dealing with over in Iraq and this is what the rest of the world is dealing with. This is not the wars that we knew this is the brink of new wars.
In the future another war will come in and it will not be faught the same way this war is.
Many Americans do not understand this. They think those of us that do are just being mean or whatever when in fact no we're not-this is exactly what the islamic fasciest want to do they want to cause a stir and in order to obliterate them the others will have to go through women and children first. The others will have to go through civilians who have nothing to do with any of this.
And quite honestly with our appeasement we are being viewed by many Islamic countries as being weak because the mentality is the more compromise you give the weaker you appear to the Middle East. Where as in the west you are very much applauded for your ability to compromise and appease.
So then you have a struggle of two very different mindsets. So in order for the US to be able to "fight fair" if you will we will have to eventually switch over to the Middle Eastern Mindset and come up with a more humane way to out these people without harming innocent men, women in children.
So again we agree that many people are being killed senselessly but at the same time we disagree who in fact is doing this and the cause.