Are "we" safer?

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
This whole post made me laugh so hard I snorted a NERD out my nose.


At what point in time does ANY of this really start to make sense???

Obviously never to you. Live their lives and see who the real terrorists are. Sorry if it was too confusing ... next time I'll break it down into retard lingo.



Well-known member
oo let me profile you shimmer ... ur from texas i see ... explains y u have the ignorant republican views you have. profile is fun right?


Well-known member
Why should I ask any lebonese person or Palistenian? I have you. I asked YOU to educate me on Hamas and Hezbollah.

Not any Lebonese or Palestinan person. I asked YOU to educate me.

And it's not necessarily sarcasm-because from most of your statements in these threads I have detected a bit of profiling from you without you even saying a word about it. Like I said, I went to Africa, I was profiled, I was detained and interogated because of it, I'm OK with it. You can profile me all you want to it's not going to bother me.

Do we have free health care? No.
Do we get paid to be educated? No.

But this is a good thing because it generates competition for health care and it keeps the government out of my life and dictating what I can and cannot do.

And I would like to point out-it's not the US that doesnt care about its citizens-after Katrina, you will recall that we have 3 levels of government in the US. Local, State, and National. The US has an understood rule that it cannot send in federal troops to any state within the union as it is considered a strict violation of the States rights (What's the word for this Shimmer? It's escaping me)

Now, had the "LOCAL" branch actually demanded a mandatory evacuation etc and the "STATE" actually OK'ed the help then a lot of this wouldn't have happened. I'm still trying to figure out how the hell Nagin got re-elected.

As for rebuilding of homes-the government doesn't get involved with that because again it's a violation of rights and if the people wanted to move they can very easily move and why should the government spend billions of dollars to build homes on private property? If they did that it would then be considered eminate domain and the property would be theirs.

I think the US government does care about it's citizens, it gives us rights, and the ability to think for ourselves and also deal with our actions and decisions.

The US people need to be weened off of the government.


Well-known member
As for the military in Iraq ... once again you didn't sign up for summer camp you signed up for the military. You're probably gonna die when you go to war. Now if you had a more effective government who actually made a plan to go in and get out then none of this shit would be happening in Iraq. At first they loved the US coming and helping them, now they've fled as refugees to Jordan! At least under Saddam they fuckin had water and electricity!

Please be joking. Please?
Seriously, you're joking. Right? Because um. Hi. Yeah, WHY don't they have water and electricity in parts over there? OHHHHHHHH THAT'S RIGHT! Because the insurgents (we won't call them muslims or islamic fundamentalists, we'll just call them insurgents...) keep blowing shit up!

Sorry kid, that dog don't hunt. I've got too many thank you letters from little children in Iraq, and too many thank you tokens from CIVILIAN ADULTS in Iraq expressing gratitude for what has been done. And I've seen the faces and the woebegone expressions when the 'insurgents' (remember that's another word for islamic fundamentalists) blow the shit out of what was JUST BUILT.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Obviously never to you. Live their lives and see who the real terrorists are. Sorry if it was too confusing ... next time I'll break it down into retard lingo.


Did you seriously just call me a retard?
Remember the TOS there hon. Namecalling's a no no...

Cite me some sources kid.
Cite me something other than your dog's cousin's aunt's owner's sister's nephew's girlfriend's auntie told you a story.
Cite me something real.


Well-known member
If I recall correctly before the US was even a soveriegn country there was fighting in the middle east.

Seems to me that nobody knows what the heck the other person is doing over there.


Well-known member
And please for the love of GOD tell me how Hamas and Hezbollah is actually helping its citizens. This is something I truely want to see.

Give me sources!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
At what point in time does ANY of this really start to make sense???

Never. Its a fundamental difference in world view that will never change. Unfortunately.

And I take serious, serious exception to the idea that ANY of this attacks were justified as "reactions" to anything.

I'm an anomaly in that I see BOTH sides to this argument. Israeli actions in the Palestinian areas HAVE been wrong and over-reaching on many occasions. And Palestinian terrorists (make NO mistake that Hamas HAS a terrorist wing among the other functions it serves) have taken despicable actions as well. And the insinuations that the US has done nothing to help the Lebanese and Palestinian people is just plain fallacious.

And just for future reference, to some people when you use the word retard in such a nasty manner, you lose credibility.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
And please for the love of GOD tell me how Hamas and Hezbollah is actually helping its citizens. This is something I truely want to see.

Give me sources!

Hamas and Hezbollah actually do provide a great deal of the social services that refugees receive. Its part of the problem because it leads to support for both organizations from the refugees.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
oo let me profile you shimmer ... ur from texas i see ... explains y u have the ignorant republican views you have. profile is fun right?


Here's a little note:

I'm not Republican. And neither, technically, is Bush, though he does have a ranch here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Please be joking. Please?
Seriously, you're joking. Right? Because um. Hi. Yeah, WHY don't they have water and electricity in parts over there? OHHHHHHHH THAT'S RIGHT! Because the insurgents (we won't call them muslims or islamic fundamentalists, we'll just call them insurgents...) keep blowing shit up!

LOL, I have to respond to this because my husband was in Iraq twice as a combat engineer with the Marines. The first time, after seeing a report that the US was leaving areas without power and water, an Iraqi man told him that they actually hadn't had power or water for YEARS, that it was cut off under Saddam. Just goes to show you that the media isn't exactly trustworthy...


Well-known member
Yea I'm aware you asked me which is why I'm telling you how Hamas and Hezbollah help their people. You have the choice to ask a Palestinian or a Lebanese person since you don't seem to believe me when I'm telling who how much they help their people.

No healthcare is a good thing?! lol I guess for people who can't afford it and are directly effect by that they must love it! God forbid anything happen to me because I don't have healthcare in this country, but I guess it's a good thing according to you.

The US government could have prevented Katrina! They knew it could happen! But whatever, those are your American citizens so if you don't believe they should have been helped that's your business.

And shimmer ... I guess all the Iraqi's I know who had to flee because of the US invading the country have just been lieing to me. I guess all the news reports from all over the world are lieing to. Thanks for telling me the truth! I must have been imagining all those refugees when I was in Jordan back in Dec/Jan.

Like I always say, you sign up for the military not for summer camp. When you invade another country and don't care to help rebuild what you fucked you and begin to cause hurt to the country then you are the new problem. You're in a war, if you die ... IT'S WAR! Maybe you should talk to your president who didn't come up with an actual plan.


Well-known member
Might I be so bold to add Amoona, you are not helping your cause any to try to sway us that these people are peace loving and helpful with humanitarian aid.

and statements like this:
oo let me profile you shimmer ... ur from texas i see ... explains y u have the ignorant republican views you have. profile is fun right?

is not helping your cause in the least.


Well-known member
Like I said if you want to see proof check out Al-Jazeera, check out the interviews of the Lebanese and Palestinian people who recieve that aid from Hamas and Hezbollah. Me telling you people how they help obviously isn't getting through. So you want sources ... those are some sources!


Well-known member
No I am asking YOU TO SHOW ME that means YOU give me a WEBSITE or an ARTICLE that backs up these statments.

I am not asking to whom to speak with. I am asking you to show me HARD COLD FACTS. I am asking you to show me RESOURCES.

Why can you NOT show me RESOURCES?

And you can just as easily work for a corporation to provide free healthcare where they can supply it. Why do you not do that?

And also The US Government could prevent it-Nagin had the opprotunity to demand everyone get out. He didn't. Blanco had the opprotunity to demand everyone get out. She didn't. Bush could not it would be a violation of state rights.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona

The US government could have prevented Katrina! They knew it could happen! But whatever, those are your American citizens so if you don't believe they should have been helped that's your business.

Did I miss when someone invented a way to stop hurricanes? Bitch and moan all you want, but you will not find people more willing to step up to the plate and help the rest of the world than Americans.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Don't worry sweetie, I'll be out of your precious country soon enough. Keep profiling us and treating us like shit and then you can get all of us damn fundamentalists out. I'm sure that'll make you safer right?

Personal note:
In no way did I intimate that you or anyone else should 'leave the country' or that the 'damn fundamentalists' should leave. Get that right, because I never said it.

Not personal note:
Be aware that when you signed on this site, you agreed to a terms of service (TOS) found here that specifically states that harassment and personal attacks are not tolerated. Bear that in mind when you're disagreeing.
In NO WAY am I saying you cannot disagree, and I will be the first to tell you that the DT forum can get QUITE passionate, however, I am saying that in order to comply with the TOS of the site, you must do so civilly and with a measure of decorum.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Might I be so bold to add Amoona, you are not helping your cause any to try to sway us that these people are peace loving and helpful with humanitarian aid.

and statements like this:
oo let me profile you shimmer ... ur from texas i see ... explains y u have the ignorant republican views you have. profile is fun right?

is not helping your cause in the least.

o i'm sorry i guess i'm the only one that can't profile even though u two are profilin crazy. this is bullshit


Well-known member
Give me a link to the Al-Jahzeera webpage that gives me how this is humanitarian aid.

Give me other webpages or journals that tell me how these two organizations are so wonderful.
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