
Originally Posted by widdershins
I feel so bad about doing a double post, but I must sing the praises of You're a Doll! Metamorphosis Finishing Powder. Amaaaaazing! I have crazy oily skin so glitter on my skin is a no no, but this creates a soft glow--like you're lit from inside. It's like an old Hollywood filmy veil, masking all your imperfections. It's quite greenish gray in the package, which really scared me...but the green really counteracts the redness of any blemishes/broken capillaries.

Their Metamorphosis is my favorite finishing powder from them! I like to mix it with a bit of bleu coquille.
Originally Posted by widdershins
I definitely agree with Sweetssweettart--I LOVE the Rocks! blushes. Lately, I've been really into the porcelain doll look with the bright pop of pink on the cheeks, and boy do they deliver. I bought the entire line of sample Rocks! blushes and I think they will last me a year. They're small sample (compared to Meow Cosmetics samples) but they're so intensely pigmented you only need a tiny tiny amount.

I also really enjoy the coupon deals every week--they're really tempting!

If anyone has tried Aromaleigh and Meow foundation, how do they compare?

I think Meow is better than AL for foundation, but EGM is definitely the best. I've tried sooo many different mineral companies like Buff'd, Joppa, Lumier, etc. and nobody beats EG when it comes to coverage and lasting power. All the online MMU brands I've tried definitely beat Bare Minerals though. EG is the powder version of Revlon Colorstay which is saying a lot coming from me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by paintednightsky
Glad to see them posted about here. I loveeeee their eyeshadows along with Fyrinnae. Their new LE line is gorgeous, especially the color elegie which I know need a full size of and sylph! Their Rocks collection is beautiful as well for eyes. I have sooo much eyeshadow from them. For foundation, EGM is the best for heavy coverage and staying power. I think mineral companies tend to excel at certain things.

Oh, I seem to have been missing out on this brand...gotta try it immediately!!


New member
Newbie here butting in with my two cents. I don't know about Aromaleigh's samples being skimpy. The first time I received the baggies of samples I thought, "Really?" But I've discovered, being a new user of loose powders, that a little bit goes a long way and that there are several uses in those baggies - plenty enough to help you decide whether or not the product/color is for you.

I love the great variety of colors. I have lots of full size eyeshadows - more than I will ever need in this lifetime - so now I'm moving on and sampling blushes and foundations. I'm also sampling the perfumes - just two of them so far, but they are nice enough that I want to sample more.

I have had no problems getting the eyeshadows to last as long as I need them to. I really like their eyelid primer; as long as I remember not to apply too much, the makeup will last forever and won't crease. That's something I've been looking for because when you run around as much as I do at work and get all gross and sweaty, makeup tends to disappear.

Something else that I recommend trying are the indelible gel eyeliners. They do not, unfortunately, come in sample sizes any longer, since they dry out too quickly as samples. Eyeliner has ALWAYS been my nemesis, so I'm still learning how to apply it, but once it's on, it's not going anywhere - no mirror or reflecting line pressed into the eyelid.

I recently ordered a few full sized lip balms and have to say these are an instant fave. They go on light and silky and you really don't need very much to put a nice coat of balm on your lips, and my GOODNESS they smell so good! Key Lime Pie is delicious and Mint Cocoa Chip is exactly what it should be.

They also sell brushes there and they are really great - wonderful, soft takon brushes and the fiber optic brushes which are so popular for putting on more intensely colored pigments. I have spent more money on other brushes that are not as soft or pleasant on my skin.

Other notes - the shipping is incredibly fast, the ladies in the forums are really nice, respectful, and helpful, and I've never had any problems whatsoever with any of my orders. (And I've ordered a LOT!) The only other MMU I've tried is Everday Minerals, and I have to say AL beats EM hands down. EM's stuff tends to be too brown/orange on me, and the foundation doesn't feel as nice on my skin.

AL is definitely worth stopping in, if you haven't tried it. I have read good things about Meow's foundation, and Fyrinnae seems to have some great colors as well, but I'm afraid of checking them out at the moment, LOL, neither my bank account nor my bathroom drawer can handle my new obsession with makeup!

:::stepping down now and hoping I don't sound too much like an infomercial:::


Well-known member
Just made my first Aromaleigh order yesterday

Can't wait to try out all the stuff ordered.
I needed a new mineral powder/foundation so I ordered allot of sample baggies to test the color and texture first.
Also bought the night time treatment I'm very curious about.
And some eyeshadows


Well-known member
I really have been happy with AL for the most part but have issues with certain colors. I bought Heart and Soul last year from the Valentine's LE and started getting a problem with my eyes that I finally pinned down to this e/s. I noticed it last summer when I had red eyes the next morning and mucous lightly after wearing this e/s. It cleared up the next day. At the time I thought it was my contacts. Well then I had the eye problem again and I'd worn the Heart & Soul the previous day. I even went to the eye doctor because everyone told me it was pink eye but it wasnt. He said it was something I used that I was allergic to. I didnt use the Heart and soul for months and then used it again about a couple months ago and same problem. I wrote to AL and told them about it stating all their other e/s I have didnt bother me such as Bette Noirs or Sonic Rocks in shades of greens and wanted to know what was in that one that was different from the others. They wrote back concerned about the problem but said there was nothing different in Heart&Soul then Bette Nior and no one else had ever had such issues. Well then I had received a free sample of Boiling point which is very similar in color the Heart&Soul and not thinking anything of it the next day woke up to the same red eyes and mucous. I wrote back to them saying I really needed to know what ingredient is in those colors to make them that color that IS NOT in other colors because I need to avoid them. Its been about 3-4 weeks since I hear from them and I even wrote to them again

If anyone else knows what ingredient is causing this I'd be ever so grateful. I dont have problems with purples so either they dont have the ingredient or its the concentration of it that's causing the problem.


Well-known member
I must say I'm impressed with their TAT!
One day after ordering I received an email that my order had shipped *kiss that Archetype Cosmetics!*

Can't wait to get my order!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
Well then I had received a free sample of Boiling point which is very similar in color the Heart&Soul and not thinking anything of it the next day woke up to the same red eyes and mucous. I wrote back to them saying I really needed to know what ingredient is in those colors to make them that color that IS NOT in other colors because I need to avoid them. Its been about 3-4 weeks since I hear from them and I even wrote to them again

If anyone else knows what ingredient is causing this I'd be ever so grateful. I dont have problems with purples so either they dont have the ingredient or its the concentration of it that's causing the problem.

The thing is, Boilingpoint's color is created with artificial colorants, since it is a Rocks! shadow. Heart & Soul wasn't. If you're having a reaction to the both of them, it's either a base ingredient or a pure coincidence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
I really have been happy with AL for the most part but have issues with certain colors. I bought Heart and Soul last year from the Valentine's LE and started getting a problem with my eyes that I finally pinned down to this e/s. I noticed it last summer when I had red eyes the next morning and mucous lightly after wearing this e/s. It cleared up the next day. At the time I thought it was my contacts. Well then I had the eye problem again and I'd worn the Heart & Soul the previous day. I even went to the eye doctor because everyone told me it was pink eye but it wasnt. He said it was something I used that I was allergic to. I didnt use the Heart and soul for months and then used it again about a couple months ago and same problem. I wrote to AL and told them about it stating all their other e/s I have didnt bother me such as Bette Noirs or Sonic Rocks in shades of greens and wanted to know what was in that one that was different from the others. They wrote back concerned about the problem but said there was nothing different in Heart&Soul then Bette Nior and no one else had ever had such issues. Well then I had received a free sample of Boiling point which is very similar in color the Heart&Soul and not thinking anything of it the next day woke up to the same red eyes and mucous. I wrote back to them saying I really needed to know what ingredient is in those colors to make them that color that IS NOT in other colors because I need to avoid them. Its been about 3-4 weeks since I hear from them and I even wrote to them again

If anyone else knows what ingredient is causing this I'd be ever so grateful. I dont have problems with purples so either they dont have the ingredient or its the concentration of it that's causing the problem.

Aww, sorry to hear that!! Do you know that some of their valentine collection have been made into permanent. you can check out their MINERAL EYE section and click on Limited Edition icon then click Valentine's. Their ingredients are listed under Item Details. Though I love aromaleigh's colors, I have to say that aromaleigh's customer service can be better. Send them one again to see how their response is since mails are lost sometimes or they missed it. hope this helps. (their colors per collection should always have ingredients listed)


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies. Right now I'm totally irritated with steve there at customer service. It took me 3 times of writing a second time and a month later for him to reply to get out of them what the heck the ingredients could be in the "Coloring". Its like he's not really listening to what I said and I've not got a definite answer about the ingredients....its like its a run around. No I wasnt aware they used artificial colorants. I also got the same reaction to Garnet that I used the other day too.

I shall copy and paste all the email/replies here. He mentions in one email about Carmine but I never brought up Carmine to him along Briana and Reverie which I never mentioned either to him before but my friend did.

Hello there,

I am hoping you could help me out with something. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that everytime I wear the Heart & Soul e/s from your Valentine's collection I get very irritated eyes by the end of the day and during the night and the next morning my eyes are mucus-y and red. I havent had it ever happen with any other of your e/s or anyone elses either....just Heart and Soul. What I'd like to know is there anything different in that e/s that might cause such a reaction then lets say your Bette Noir e/s for example which I never have any issues with?? I do really love your e/s but I've got to try and figure out what is irritating my eyes in that particular e/s so I can avoid it in the future.

Hello Michelle,

I'm sorry you're having an issue with Heart & Soul. The ingredients in it are mica, iron oxide, tin oxide, tin dioxide, & calcium aluminum borosilicate. Kristen was surprised you had a reaction to this, because Bette Noir contain the same ingredients. They're benign ingredients that don't commonly cause reactions.

Does this happen each time you wear this color, with periods of "wellness" in between?
Because having 2 kids, it actually sounds like pink eye, the way you describe it.

Perhaps you should discontinue use, and see if the condition subsides. We can't think of anything that would cause this.

Please let me know,


Hi Steve
Thanks for the reply. I know for one thing that it isnt pink eye that I get because I've gone to the eye doctor for it and he said it was an allergic reaction to something. Yes each time I wear the Heart and Soul I have this problem of some degree. Sometimes it's just red eyes other times it's the mucus w redness like I had. It clears itself up 80% 24 hours after having worn it and by 48 its gone.

Is there not a different coloring ingredient in the reddish shades vs a green? That's what I am thinking is the cause....something that makes the shadow red vs a green or blue per say. I also stumbled across a youtube video by someone who was doing a red e/s tutorial and she mentioned to be careful with the reds because they are known to cause reactions to some people. I am going to not use the Heart and Soul as it does seem to be the culprit. Like I'd said I use all our other shadows...this being the "reddest" one with no problems. In fact I've been using Rock Bottom the past few days and no issues.

I appreciate your reply and please let me know if there's something in the "red" part of this shadow that's not in any of the others.

Thanks again



Just sending this again to see if I can get some help. I forgot that I had gotten a sample of your boiling point e/s and used it last week. I had the same reaction as I did with the Heart and Soul shadow which is very similar in color. Can you please tell me if they have the same color ingredients and what colors are in there.... ie red #



1/20 I sent the above message again:



Hello Michelle,

Garnet Pure Hue does not contain carmine or any dyes- Heart & Soul does not either. Both contain ferric ferrocyanide, which is ALSO in the Brianna and Elegant reverie that you use without problems.

Ferric ferrocyanide is coated on mica to make red iron oxide more burgundy toned, and also on greens and blues to give them different levels of color- these are micron thin layers, that all range to five varying shades.

Some reds, pinks and purples contain CARMINE or FDC dyes. We use very very few that do, and no carmine is in the shadows that you are using. There are no strange or out of the ordinary ingredients.

And ferric ferrocyanide- the only possible ingredient some are sensitive to- is in all of the shades you mentioned, some of which you had no issue with.

This type of (duplicated) reaction has not happened to any of our customers before.

I can't think of how to pinpoint your issue any further. If you do decide to use these products further, I would definitely recommend using a brand new brush. And discard the unused portions that were affecting you before you use it.

We definitely want and appreciate your business. But if this continues to affect you adversely, I wouldn't want you to continue using our eye shadows.

Hope this helps,




Hello Steve,
Thanks for getting back to me but I'm a bit confused by your reply. You mentioned Brianna and Elegent Reverie and that I use them and I've never mentioned them nor do I own either of those. I'd said that the green shades of Bette Nior and Rockbottom I had no troubles with. In fact I used Amaranthe almost every day for awhile there and no problems. The only problems I had are with Heart and Soul, Boiling point and Garnet. I have other shadows of yours along with the above mentioned and none have bothered me. So since you mentioned two shadows I dont know is there anything the same in Boiling Point as Heart & Soul? I decided to not use Heart & Soul anymore since I had such an adverse reaction. I know I have other shadows that have the Ferric ferrocyanide in them but maybe it's less of a %. I don't know but I need to figure out what the mystery allergen is.




Hello Michelle,

Sorry about the mix up. I had replied to you regarding this issue previously (I pasted it in below). Unfortunately we don't have any new info for you. I'm sorry you are having this issue. I know it's frustrating when you can't peg something that's causing I reaction. We hate when we can't provide an answer!

There's nothing identical to those 2 colors, but if you go on the forum, I'm sure the ladies will have plenty of suggestions on alternatives or combinations for you. Please give 'em a try!




Well-known member
Garnet Pure Hue is an unaltered mica, straight from the supplier (I believe Pure Hues were from TKB).

Now I'm wondering if it's a skin reaction, or a reaction to the makeup getting in your eyes. If there's any kind of fallout, it could be giving you issues.

I would see if they give you a reaction elsewhere on your body, honestly. When you have a day at home, gently clean and dry the inside of one of your arms. Swatch the colors that give you issues, both plain and over any primers you may use. If there's any sort of reaction on your arm, then at least you know it's an actual allergic reaction.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shatteredshards
Garnet Pure Hue is an unaltered mica, straight from the supplier (I believe Pure Hues were from TKB).

Now I'm wondering if it's a skin reaction, or a reaction to the makeup getting in your eyes. If there's any kind of fallout, it could be giving you issues.

I would see if they give you a reaction elsewhere on your body, honestly. When you have a day at home, gently clean and dry the inside of one of your arms. Swatch the colors that give you issues, both plain and over any primers you may use. If there's any sort of reaction on your arm, then at least you know it's an actual allergic reaction.

Thanks for the ideas. I will give it a try since I am still laid off and spend most of my days at home. I no longer have the heart&soul because I didnt want to use it anymore or boiling point. I still have Garnet so I'll give that a try. I wished I still had some of the heart and soul so I could try it on my arms. I may order another "similar" looking color from them in a sample and see what happens.


Well-known member
Just received my first order

Everything looks great!
My package got missing, and when I contacted them they were very nice and sent a replacement.
The replacement order arrived this morning, it was wrapped in pretty pink paper.
The products look really great, haven't tried everything yet, but the things I did try were great.
I also ordered several mineral foundation samples to determine my shade and 00 Alabaster is my perfect match.
I'm in love with the Rocks collection, I ordered Ozone and Moonage Daydream jars, Hit or Miss & Lady Stardust sample bags, all are stunning colours.
Other samples I got were from the Gothic Lolita collection, also very pretty.
I heard that the samples from them were rather skimpy, mine were not skimpy at all, okay they weren't super generous or anything but skimpy - no not at all.
Can't wait to try Nocturne (lite) tonight!
All in all, excellent customer service and quality products, I will be ordering from them again


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Artemisia
I heard that the samples from them were rather skimpy, mine were not skimpy at all, okay they weren't super generous or anything but skimpy - no not at all.

I think that the complaints of skimpy samples mostly come from people who are used to huge samples from some other companies (and remember, some of those companies that give the big samples are repackers), or used to getting MAC pigment samples. Aromaleigh's samples are pretty standard from what I've seen, both in size and price. Not only that, but I have ordered samples from other companies that were allegedly twice the size (1/8 tsp vs. Aromaleigh's 1/16 tsp) and they turned out to have the same amount of product in the bag, so how companies describe their sample sizes is not a helpful comparison at all.

I've been ordering samples from Aromaleigh for years, and what I've received in the baggies has been pretty consistent.


Well-known member
Has anyone with really dry skin tried the Glissade foundation? I've been thinking of getting some for the stash since it's so cheap, but I've tried other mineral foundations and they ruined my skin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilexica
Has anyone with really dry skin tried the Glissade foundation? I've been thinking of getting some for the stash since it's so cheap, but I've tried other mineral foundations and they ruined my skin.

Glissade is my everyday foundation, and while I don't have really dry skin, I have bad combination skin with dry patches on my cheeks that flare up and flake off. I use my normal moisturizer when they're acting up, before applying the Glissade, and then I'm fine.


Well-known member
Just an update on the allergic issues. I had ordered a color almost the same as Heart and Soul from About Face. It was in with the order I just got where I had all the troubles with Heather. Anyway I only ordered it to see if I'd have the same reactions so yesterday I used it and noticed by evening my eyes were bothering me. This morning I woke up to the same eyes/mucousy! I have Romping from MAC and have not had that issue so it's something only in the mineral pigments. BTW I received a nice email from Kristen who had ironically found this post! She said they get google alerts whenever her company is mentioned anywhere on the internet. She wrote me a long email with all the ingredients but it seems we've come to the conclusion at that time that there was no definite thing that caused the issues I had. However now I wonder if it can be pinned down since I have the issues with About Face's pigments?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
Just an update on the allergic issues. I had ordered a color almost the same as Heart and Soul from About Face. It was in with the order I just got where I had all the troubles with Heather. Anyway I only ordered it to see if I'd have the same reactions so yesterday I used it and noticed by evening my eyes were bothering me. This morning I woke up to the same eyes/mucousy! I have Romping from MAC and have not had that issue so it's something only in the mineral pigments. BTW I received a nice email from Kristen who had ironically found this post! She said they get google alerts whenever her company is mentioned anywhere on the internet. She wrote me a long email with all the ingredients but it seems we've come to the conclusion at that time that there was no definite thing that caused the issues I had. However now I wonder if it can be pinned down since I have the issues with About Face's pigments?

I'm trying to get through here. So, is this the only color from Aromaleigh (other than Garnet pure hue) that you're allergic with? It could be some ingredients, so it's always good if you buy samples first to try. I know that so far, I'm allergic to colors that have chunky glitter and they get in my eyes. The color you bought from About Face, is it only similar to the color to Aromaleigh's heart and soul? I'm no expert, but if you can't wear it don't put it near your eyes again. You don't want more serious problem. (I know that you've known that be now, but just saying)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flowitu
I'm trying to get through here. So, is this the only color from Aromaleigh (other than Garnet pure hue) that you're allergic with? It could be some ingredients, so it's always good if you buy samples first to try. I know that so far, I'm allergic to colors that have chunky glitter and they get in my eyes. The color you bought from About Face, is it only similar to the color to Aromaleigh's heart and soul? I'm no expert, but if you can't wear it don't put it near your eyes again. You don't want more serious problem. (I know that you've known that be now, but just saying)

I've had issues with Heart and Soul, Boiling Point and Garnet. The color from TSS is almost a dupe for the HS and BP. I was doing an experiment with TSS color just to see if it was indeed the color. I was just googling mineral pigments and the base ingredients and have found out that Iron Oxide which was in all of the colors that gave me problem actually comes in colors and in itself is not a color persay. There is Blue Iron Oxide which is Thermatite, Red Iron Oxide is Hematite, Yellow Iron Oxide, Black Iron Oxide and Maroon. They are also called Iron Oxide (II) (III) they are each unique. Altogether, there are sixteen known iron oxides and oxyhydroxides. So my guess is it's either the concentration of Maroon and or Red Iron Oxide that I'm allergic to. Anyway I'm avoiding the pinky color!

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