Bad Customers!


Well-known member
LOL... Ella that was brilliant. She so deserved that. If somebody spoke to me like that, I wouldn't have been able to control myself.

You would think people have manners but obviously not from what I have been reading. I think the MAs are great. You put up with so much and yet are still very kind and helpful. I have never had any bad experience at MAC. I think the MAs are brilliant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ledonatella
Or here's another one, people who go, "I want a pink lippie" and you show them 10 different pinks and they hate them all and then they grab a dark brown and go, "I like this one" and act like you are stupid for not knowing pink=dark brown in their color scheme.



Well-known member
Ella you gave her what she deserved! I don't think I would have been as restrained as you were. I cannot believe that someone would actually be that rude right to your face. If I was there I would have clapped and shook your hand!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ella_
Im not a makeup artist or a sales assistant but I had to deal with a troll customer on Saturday and Im not ashamed to admit I was nasty right back at her, I was havng a horrible day and I wasnt about to let her get away with making it worse...

I was talking to the SA about skin care and this horrible woman stormed up to the counter from outside the store, pushed me out of the way and started ranting at the SA about how she was being ignored - she had litterally just walked in the store entrance and to the counter so there was no way she could have possibly been ignored. The SA said that she was helping me and that she would be available shortly. The troll woman looked me up and down, snorted and said 'Oh no you wont, this little whore wont buy a thing. Look at her, all tattoo and ratty hair. Shes probably a junkie...' Everyone around us were gobsmacked and people were mumbling about manners and how rude she was.

I snapped at her. First the bitch shoves me, then calls me a junkie whore, all because I was there first. I tapped her on the shoulder and said 'Yeah, firstly. I was here before you so wait your f*cking turn. Secondly my body art does not mean Im a junkie or a whore, but thanks for making it painfully obvious what a revolting excuse for a human being you are and thirdly you just shoved me out of the way. Thats assault and honey, this store has security cameras so I have all the evidence I need to press charges. So f*ck off, go get yourself an attitude adjustment or a personality by-pass and let me shop in peace.'

She looked shocked, coughed and walked off and then the SAs at the counter and surrounding counters, along with other customers, started clapping...

I finished buying my stuff, got a bunch of free samples thrown in and went home...

I really feel for you ladies that work in retail dealing with monsters like that woman. I hate to think how she would have treated the SA based on how I was treated. Some of these stories make me want to slap the women. Honestly, what ever happened to manners and being polite? Were they raised by wild animals??

Ugh at least as a fellow customer I can bite back and not take that kind of crap.

Wow!! Go you!!! I love you! =D


Well-known member
I hate to say it guys but stories like this happen all the time to us - but all any ever hears about is that some MA ignored them because of some random drama reason (race, age, etc) but I can't count the number of times we've been attacked or treated miserably.

And as far as the B2M thing goes - I've learned my lesson. I spend my day explaining it over and over and over again only to have that same customer walk back in the store and say that no one has ever told them about that program. I finally had it one day and said something cause she was telling my manager that no one had told her and my manager just saw me ring her up for something and then walk out only to come in and buy something else. Then she finally says - 'oh is that what you were talking about, I wasn't listening'. THANX!


Well-known member
Random thing I remember from the MAC near the school I went to:

All the Lipglasses, Liquid Last Liners, and (in general) any lip gloss like product had the doe foot applicators or brushes cut off so that they couldn't be applied without a brush

And I think it's weird to steal lipstick testers. They don't have the cap out on display!! WTH are you going to do with a germy, crapped up, dried out l/s? Grossness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by onnachan
Following up on my intial post... we've all encountered rude, arrogant people in life/work/whatever.... but what about THE CRAZIES!!
at my MAC counter, we had a customer that was so obsessed with one of my coworkers... would honestly buy ANYTHING that this MA wore/recomended (only to return it all the next week)...and then one day this customer came to show us her new tattoo.. it was IDENTICAL to the tattoo that the MA had, same flower, same shading, same shoulder. Pretty hillarious/terrifying.
This same customer was later banned from our counter for being verbally abusive to MAC staff and then getting physical with security.
All in a MA's days work... or something.

So funny (in a scary way) I wonder if she tried to return the tatoo too...


Well-known member
Dear Ella, I love you. Can you come to my store and deal with this, please?

A lady came into our store yesterday and asked for an Elizabeth Arden makeover. The MA (who is very talented) obliged, let her pick out what colors she wanted, suggested some new items, etc. The lady seemed thrilled. Then after she saw the results, she literally SCREAMED. Then started swearing at everyone within range that "Why didn't this bitch TELL me she hated doing makeup? Then I wouldn't look like this!". She then pointed at a woman at the Clarins counter and said "She's pretty, make her do my face over again!". She ended up calling a manager, saying that she was discriminated against because the MA had purposely put ugly makeup on her, and that she wanted someone who could represent the classiness of Elizabeth Arden to meet with her and give her a makeover. Yeah.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I would love to see how these people function outside your stores. It blows my mind how they think it's okay and acceptable to behave so awfully.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I would love to see how these people function outside your stores.

Me too. Are they like this with everyone or is it just where makeup's concerned?
I wonder if they are all 'this bitch' and 'that bitch' at the supermarket or at work


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lissa
Me too. Are they like this with everyone or is it just where makeup's concerned?
I wonder if they are all 'this bitch' and 'that bitch' at the supermarket or at work

They are exactly like this when it comes to food service. I also work for a catering company and they will try to treat you the same way but we don't take any sh*t and we are willing to fight. (and since my boss is the first one to throw a punch - no reprecussions). Quite a few people are generally rude and downright evil and when they have a chance to be that way to someone they deem is in a lower position - they will.


Well-known member
Today, I had a really catty customer. She asked me if we had a perfume called 'Cachet' by Prince Matchabelli. (She was saying Machiavella, but I knew what she meant.) I proceeded to tell her that, no we did not, but suggested she tried online as I knew a few online stores stock it. She then called me an idiot, and proceeded to look up and down my fragrance section, looking for it.
I know the wall like the back of my hand. I've remerchandised it three times a year for the past 3 years, since I transferred to my store, and I clean, tidy, and sell from it 5 days a week. She then wandered off to ask someone who doesn't work on the beauty section (I look after fragrance, electrical stuff like ladyshaves and the cosmetics section in my store, with my 3 colleagues), who then came back and asked me 'do you do etcetc.' to which I obviously responded "No, sorry, we do not." - very much aware that this was the same customer.
She then proceeded to ask 4 other members of staff (all female, as males dont know ANYTHING about ladies fragrance or cosmetics obviously, regardless of my training or 6 years experience..) and told two of them that 'he doesn't know anything so don't ask him'.
Finally, one of my colleagues explained to her that I'd worked on the section for a long time and knew all the fragrances 'inside-out' (her words, not mine. I blushed
). She wanted the manager and wanted to make a complaint to him about the service she'd received.
All we did was tell her we dont stock something, very politely!

And then there is saggy-face. She's a repeat offender that has made 3 people that work in our store cry. She's horrible to anyone and everyone, making ridiculous demands (I checked when we were due a delivery of a certain item, and it said that it was due in on that day, but we don't get our delivery until the store closes - and she told me I'd need to go and get it off the lorry for her immediately because it was important that she got it as it was on buy-one-get-one-free! I dont drive, so I wouldn't even have been able to go to the other side of the town to the warehouse! And she then threw her usual stroppy fit and left.)
She's raised her daughters to be the same as her. I've seen her and them in supermarkets and restaurants acting like complete bitches. I really want to put her in her place, but I can't because we are all about customer service, killing them with kindness as my manager calls it.

I love it when my regular lovelies come in though. Like Sue*, who brings her little puppy (not such a puppy any more - I have no idea what kind of dog it is, its face looks all folded up and creased but its so cute!) and asks about new perfumes and if theres anything she would like, and always ends up buying about 5! Or Joan* who comes in and spends ages chatting to us and updating us on her physio, and is just wonderful in general. And the little lady whose name I never learned, who always buys truckloads of the same cleanser and toner. She must have a cupboard full of it, but she always comes in looking for me.

*(not using their real names)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Thank for this topic! I am NEVER going to return something to MAC again! It makes me sick to think of all of those MAC products sitting in a box with all the other returned/used MAC products.

I try never to return but I am going to make sure that from now on I really only get what I really want.

I completely agree. What a waste of such wonderful products. I feel bad for you ladies- this thread is now my "never-do" guide book when i go to a MU counter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calliestar
I know what you mean...I'm not an MA or anything, but I've seen some pretty testy customers when I'm at the MAC counter. I've had customers push themselves in front of me because I'm a shy, little 17 year old girl and then start talking to the MA's like they are beneath them. I'm sure that it gets a lot worse than that too! And it never fails that people will be the most rude to the nicest employees because those are the ones who won't just tell them to step off!

Agree I hate those stupid people who push themselves like that! ARGGHAGH they think since they are older and hotter or whatever that they can have all the attention on them!!!! AND IT should be the Younger people asking for help because we may need it more then the older more mature people!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clamster
AND IT should be the Younger people asking for help because we may need it more then the older more mature people!!!!!!!

You do realise that's the same attitude we've just been discussing about some people feeling that they need/deserve to go ahead of everyone else?

First come, first served.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
You do realise that's the same attitude we've just been discussing about some people feeling that they need/deserve to go ahead of everyone else?

First come, first served.

Absolutely. I feel I need a lot of help with makeup still and I'm 28 and have been wearing it since I was about 14. But I will be polite and wait my turn. And expect everyone else to do the same, regardless of age or apparent makeup skills. It's plain old good manners


Active member
Wow~the amazing array of people!
I just wanted to say that I've never had a bad experience at any makeup counter. Everyone is so nice and helpful^^. And now I respect all of you even more for both your talents and the enormous amount of crap you deal with.