Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Idiot parents. Please don't bring your ill-behaved toddler within 500 yards of my counter. I do NOT want to clean up his nasty lipstick smears on the glass.


Well-known member
how about the people that think nothing of coming to my counter and using the q-tips (supplied by us to swatch colors) to clean their ears. why do people think this is a) acceptable to do in public and b) acceptable to use our supplies to do so!? it makes me want to vomit just a little.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
how about the people that think nothing of coming to my counter and using the q-tips (supplied by us to swatch colors) to clean their ears. why do people think this is a) acceptable to do in public and b) acceptable to use our supplies to do so!? it makes me want to vomit just a little.

Or the ones who don't just take a couple of tissues, but take the entire box out of its holder and stash it in their handbag.

Beauty counter != free bathroom supplies.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't work at a counter, but it annoyed me today when these two girls cut in line in front of me and then stood there, looking at me and giggling while talking in some foreign language (something East European is all I could tell from the accent).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
how about the people that think nothing of coming to my counter and using the q-tips (supplied by us to swatch colors) to clean their ears. why do people think this is a) acceptable to do in public and b) acceptable to use our supplies to do so!? it makes me want to vomit just a little.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
how about the people that think nothing of coming to my counter and using the q-tips (supplied by us to swatch colors) to clean their ears. why do people think this is a) acceptable to do in public and b) acceptable to use our supplies to do so!? it makes me want to vomit just a little.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
how about the people that think nothing of coming to my counter and using the q-tips (supplied by us to swatch colors) to clean their ears. why do people think this is a) acceptable to do in public and b) acceptable to use our supplies to do so!? it makes me want to vomit just a little.

Or the people who blow their noses and try to hand you the nasty tissue cause they are just too good to throw it away themselves.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
Or the people who blow their noses and try to hand you the nasty tissue cause they are just too good to throw it away themselves.


Or they blow their nose into the tissue, then put it down on the bench and wander off.

My store has three big bins on the floor and mini-bins on every table - we're not lacking in waste disposal areas, seriously.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
Or the people who blow their noses and try to hand you the nasty tissue cause they are just too good to throw it away themselves.

oh my god...can't you just point out the trash can, that is disgusting! let alone completely unsanitary for you, working with people


Well-known member
Although I don't work as an MA...I have worked in retail/customer service for a bank...and MAN oh MAN did we get some crazy people coming through there on a daily basis. Sometimes it got to the point where I didn't know if I was going to be able to control myself. I had a customer THROW his wallet at me...and another time, this crazy lady threw change in my face...Why, you ask?...because I asked them to show ID...LOL...stupid reason right? Yeah, i thought the same thing but, apparently I'm the stupid one for not knowing "WHO THEY ARE!" lol...anydo, i think this type of thing goes on whenever you're working in retail or customer service. If you're dealing with the public, you're going to come across some crazy people. I learned that the hard way...Which is exactly the reason why I am extremely polite and nice to anyone I come in contact with. Whether it's getting my hair done or buying makeup at a MAC counter. It's not the salespersons fault that I'm having a bad day so I treat them as I would like to be treated. The golden rule...unfortunatley, it backfires sometimes because I'll be the nicest person and I always tend to run into the ugliest person on the other end of the counter. It never fails. So I guess it goes both ways. Wow, I talk a lot...LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Or the ones who don't just take a couple of tissues, but take the entire box out of its holder and stash it in their handbag.

Beauty counter != free bathroom supplies.

If someone did this at my counter, I would flip.

We run out of tissue/paper towels/ q-tips EVERY DAY anyway, so if someone grabbed an entire box....I would lose it! And probably call them out on it...and point them in the direction of the Macy*s bathrooms...



Well-known member
I worked at a Subway and it is the same thing there. Some people get an idea that because they are paying money (small amounts of money too) that they are so high above you. I sometimes feel like telling people that I work this job so I can pay my university bills and eventually get a professional career that I can be proud of! Seriously, this one lady gave me SHIT because she wanted the salt and pepper to be placed in between specific vegetables. Because, you know, you can taste the displacemtn of salt and pepper in your sandwich. A lot of people are super nice but all you need is one bad person to get you in such a bad mood. And I always feel sorry for new staff...they get hit the most. This one guy got a formal complaint that he was too slow...and it was his first day and was obviously being trained by our manager who was standing right beside him! I'm happy to be switching jobs completely, and working at a cosmetics counter, but it sounds like I won't be escaping the crazies anytime soon!

By the way, I can't believe some of the things that have happened to you girls on the job. I remember one time this cosmetically-challenged woman tried to return a lipstick that she explained had melted in her car! When the MA refused to take it back the woman changed her story, and went into the classic "I buy a lot of stuff here, and you'd better reconsider before you lose a valuable customer". Please. A $20 lipstick that you wrecked yourself. Why would she want to give up her favorite line of cosmetics (though it didn't seem like she even wore any) because you weren't cautious with your things?

Three times I've been given the wrong item at a MAC store by accident when I went to purchase. Wrong eye shadow shades, wrong mascaras, and wrong types of foundation. Total accidents or mix-ups, but I've never been rude or snappy to the girls (one time I almost was because she made it seem like it was my fault, and almost refused to give me what I had originally asked for!!). But honestly 99% of you MAC girls and boys kick some serious ass and I love going to the counter and spending forever deep in makeup discussion - and buying lots of stuff of course! I appreciate your skills and hard work!!!!


Well-known member
I am SO SICK of people bringing their seven year old daughters to my counter and asking me to put makeup on her "just to play". I'm sorry, I'm not paid "just to play" with your daughter while you go and shop. Find a damn babysitter.

I had a mother come over and ask me to put makeup on her daughter (and she specifically said she wanted a "makeover" on a nine-year old - not just lip gloss). I told her I was alone at the counter and I really wouldn't be able to, as I had a line of customers. A co-worker came back from lunch a few minutes later and the mother and daughter ran back over, the daughter pointed at me and yelled "Now you have back-up! Do my makeup!" and settled into the chair.


My co-worker was very sweet (and she likes children, unlike me) and ran over and said "Oh honey, I'll do it!"- and the mother promptly left and went shopping in the store, leaving her child alone and unattended.

Freaking pissed me off. I do not mind putting a dab of lipgloss on a little girl when she's there with her mother who is also interested in our services. But don't ask us to entertain your kid while you do your shopping.


Well-known member
Holy crap. My mom would have knocked me into next week if I spoke to someone like that when I was little. Hell, she would probably still backhand me if I did it now!
There are too many undisciplined children running around these days.

I hate it when the mothers shop and their toddlers run away from the counter and they are too busy shopping for makeup/clothes to notice. I've seen several strangers/other store employees have to bring runaway children back SEVERAL minutes later to the oblivious mom. I am trying to work and I don't have time to running all over a department store trying to catch a child.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
My co-worker was very sweet (and she likes children, unlike me) and ran over and said "Oh honey, I'll do it!"- and the mother promptly left and went shopping in the store, leaving her child alone and unattended.

In that circumstance, you would be perfectly justified in calling the police and reporting child abandonment. One of my managers once almost did that, just as the mother was coming back. The mother tried to freak out but my manager informed her that she was welcome to leave the store and that if she ever came back and did that again, she would be reporting without hesitation.

It was awesome.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
A co-worker came back from lunch a few minutes later and the mother and daughter ran back over, the daughter pointed at me and yelled "Now you have back-up! Do my makeup!" and settled into the chair.


AND this little heathen will turn into the 16 who comes into the store with 8 of her friends yells out she's bored and wants someone to do her and all her friend's makeup while they take turns robbing us blind and gets on specktra/ lj to post how much of a bitch the MA was for not giving her 17 pigment samples.


Well-known member
I can't believe that a mother would do that. I agree that it should be reported as child abandonment. I was once in a department store when a mother did something similar but actually did abandon her child and the girl got picked up by family services to my knowledge. How are you, as a MAKE UP ARTIST supposed to be held accountable for the child's welfare and also take upon the job of a social worker?

Completely blown away. Some people just are stupid I guess.


Well-known member
My very first experience with makeup was last year in december. Yes, I never put on foundation, lipstick or eyeliner ever before december of 2006. My first time was at a mac counter with this very sweet and adorable MA. I loved her. She taught me how to put on foundation and how to line my lips and all. She hid some acne scars on my face which looked like scabs. I almost cried and I hugged her. Because I had never looked that good and felt confident ever in my entire life and now I'm a MAC ADDICT!
hehe ...I love MAC. I love all MAC MA's. I've never met a rude MA. *I'm gonna be 25 in a month*


Well-known member
You know I have to say that MAC has the best MA's ever. I have used tons of lines and some are kind of snotty, probably just me and that particular store but Chanel and Lancome mainly.

It must be the EL service because I use Prescriptives foundation and some Bobbi Brown items and have met the greatest people. I usually go in with what I want in mind and then ask for the MA's help choosing colors to go with those items. I also ask their opinion as to whether they feel a certain color will go with my skin tone, eyes, hair. Like I went in today because I had not looked at the new 3D l/g so I told the guy (he was new and so very helpful) I wanted someting to compliment Sunmetal l/s so kind of sheer to let the metalic show through. He thought Backlit or maybe Energy. I liked them both so had to get both. And I had just received my new Indian Ink and Bottle Green e/s and asked if he would suggest colors to go with them. I told him a lot of what I already have (a lot) but he came up with a few I didn't have (can't remember the names, they're still in the bag) and I may not have even tried these colors had he not showed me how well they would compliment the others.

Totally the same thing when Moonbathe came out, I passed on Firespot. Then the next time I went in to pick up some extra Moonbathe l/g it was slow and I was chatting with a MA and I was telling her how pretty I thought Firespot was but I thought it was too bright for my age (almost 45) and I'm so very pale, and I didn't want to look like I was trying to look like my 18 yr old daughter. She said she thought it would look nice on me and just to use it with an easy hand and she showed me how the different brushes will pick up less color so you can go easy.

I asked her about the #223 brush which they didn't have but was still available online (I had been thinking of ordering this one anyway) and she thought it would do great for what I wanted. And I so love my Firespot. I bought three more and use it with Patina and play with it with my other colors. If it wasn't for that MA I would never have purchased those or Going Bananas, Eyepopping, or Fab & Flashy. So, see you guys make people like me feel good about themselves, just knowing I have on that little bit of Firespot or other bright color makes me feel younger and adds some fun to my day. So keep up the great service and advice for those of us who truely appreciate it and need it.