Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by onnachan
We totally aren't allowed to do this. If youre a MAC MA and have a PKM in the IMAC service section it says that we are to graciously accept a returned item for any or no reason... in accordance with the store's return policy, of course. So basically all these "bad customers" know this and take advantage.

yeah but i think our counter manager got the OK from our trainer cause we do this too


Active member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
yeah but i think our counter manager got the OK from our trainer cause we do this too

random... do you work for a freestanding or a department counter? i'm curious b/c i've worked at both and the policy was the same. maybe my mro/trainers are too sweet.. b/c i've def. dreamt of the day when i could tell a customer "sorry, i can't." when it came to a scam return. i must say im pretty jealous


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Just remember the mantra: "It's a make-up brush, not a magic wand."

I think I'll get that engraved on a plaque above my station..ha ha! It's genius


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
At the Nordstrom I worked at, we weren't allowed to do that either...if it was purchased and returned, even if it was 1 minute later....into the return bin it went...:confused:

I remembered that was one time i bought swimming e/s....the ma just put the e/s in the bag...stupid me never checked the e/s and i walked off...

5 mins later when i was walking towards the train station and i took out the e/s to see...i noticed that she gave me the wrong colour...i went back immediately to get my swimmin e/s back.

u mean that they ACTUALLY THROW away the e/s they wrongly gave me?? even though i never opened the box at all...let alone test it..
If that is the case...THAT's a big waste man...geesh..

Next time have to check properly before i leave the counter.


Well-known member
Hah, that's happend to me too, but with colours so close that it was understandable. For example gorgeous gold and goldmine. When I discovered it was the wrong shadow, I tried it anyways and of course it looked awesome. I usually end up keeping most things and then pulling them out a few months later with an "oh yeeeeeeah, I forgot about this one"....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
I think my worse had to be when a young woman came in and needed a return but had no receipt. I advised her very nicely that we could not return or even exchange it without a receipt (and maybe if she could find it at home) but before I could finish trying to help the girl, her boyfriend decided to loose his mind and start calling me all kinds of b*tches and c*nts in the middle of my store. After my manager came over said sorry no return and walked off, the two walked out of the store and he stood in front threatening me and telling me to come outside so he could kick my a$$. Now as I am from a small town called *I don't take sh*t from nobody* it took all I had not to take off my MAC pin and join him outside and show him how much of a B I coulda been - but no I just smiled.

Honestly, when I worked in retail or the service industry, those were my FAVORITE people!! That's when you look at them and say: "Go ahead. Kick my ass and prove what a MAN you are. It still isn't going to get you what you want." (BTW: I'm 5'1" and 105 lbs)

I've done this, then watched my coworkers behind him totally crack up laughing. The guy couldn't figure out if he wanted to save face or slink out in shame.


Well-known member
If you work in retail, your job depends on customer satisfaction. Repeat customers, and word of mouth is what is keeping your bills paid. Sometimes, rude/difficult/crazy customers can be a nightmare.

I used to work in customer service and as a cashier at a store and people would treat the sales associates like they were lower than them. I used to process product returns and so many people would try to return things that werent even from the store, without a receipt, or tags. Sometimes, people were understanding, other times people would get irate even if it was their fault for not reading the return policy thats on the back of their receipt. It was extremely frustrating at times.

Currently, I work as a sales associate at an apparel and shoe store. I do have a sales goal, but I dont make any commission at all. I try the best that I can to make my sales goal, and to help as many people as I can.
When I have a rude customer, or a bad day, I just try to remember that the reason I do this job, is because I like to interact with people, and I love hearing their great comments when I help them find a shoe that fits their needs, or an outfit that matches.

I heard somewhere ( I cant remember if I read it, or was told from a friend) you can determine whether or not someone is truly a kind hearted person from the way they treat the people that are serving them at restaurants, stores, etc. I agree with this idea.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macnatic
u mean that they ACTUALLY THROW away the e/s they wrongly gave me?? even though i never opened the box at all...let alone test it..
If that is the case...THAT's a big waste man...geesh..

Yes, they don't put it back into stock. I've been given the wrong shades several times and even though I checked the bag inside the store and got them replaced they still didn't take my returns back into stock.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
Once I even got slapped.

ummm.... what???? dude.. i woulda drop kicked that bitch to the floor! jigga what??????????? oh HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL no :bigpimp:


Well-known member
Wasn't hard... she kind of missed. Then she stormed off. Which is too bad b/c yeah, I would have rolled her...


Well-known member
Maybe you suddenly got my stock of insane Bridezillas.

No one has laid a hand on me yet, but I've had my brushes broken. That was, uh, interesting.


Active member
God... I would love to see your Bridezilla's and my Gradzilla's face it off. Seriously, I've had my share of "challanging" brides, but nothing could compare to the endless stream of crazy grad girls last spring/summer.
Soooo many swweeeeet stories from that lot.


Well-known member

I'm gearing up for formal/graduation season soon. It's a month of teenage hormones and drama overload - last year I ended up carrying another bag filled with tissues, tampons, panty liners, hair pins, hair elastics, and clear nail polish for runs in stockings. Always prepared!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

I'm gearing up for formal/graduation season soon. It's a month of teenage hormones and drama overload - last year I ended up carrying another bag filled with tissues, tampons, panty liners, hair pins, hair elastics, and clear nail polish for runs in stockings. Always prepared!

Ohh I feel for you.
I remember doing the makeup for my sister and her friends at their formal. They were all such trolls, I refused to do any of their makeup untill they apologised for their behavior and got me a coffee

But this was at my place so I could get away with that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macnatic
sorry but i don't agree with u on this point. Many people do not know what colours they are suited for...hence they need some advice from MAs who are more knowledeable of skin tones and colours. And that's part of what the MA's job provide advice on colours that suits the individual.

Exactly what I was thinking. For example, last week I went to my MAC counter to look for a red lipstick to wear to a special event. I was relying on the MA to tell me what type of red would look appropriate with my skin tone (since I know you have reds with blue undertones, orange, etc), and he didn't dissapoint, as I ended up purchasing a lovely shade. In the past, due to (very few fortunately) bad experiences with MAs, I have tried to rely soley on the internet for my makeup purchases. Because I am not an MA, I ended up making some heinous color choices for my skin, and have since modified my buying habit to once again include counters (for the record, I have never had a bad MAC counter experience). Usually one of my first questions to MA's about something I am interested in buying is, "Will this look good with my skintone," because I want their professional opinion. I think its safe to assume that not all m/u shades work for everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

I'm gearing up for formal/graduation season soon. It's a month of teenage hormones and drama overload - last year I ended up carrying another bag filled with tissues, tampons, panty liners, hair pins, hair elastics, and clear nail polish for runs in stockings. Always prepared!

Got Mace?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

I'm gearing up for formal/graduation season soon. It's a month of teenage hormones and drama overload - last year I ended up carrying another bag filled with tissues, tampons, panty liners, hair pins, hair elastics, and clear nail polish for runs in stockings. Always prepared!

I guess that's one advantage we have here in the UK. Nobody "graduates" from high school. Pupils don't even get their final grades for GSCE (aged 16) or A Levels at 18 for weeks after they've already left school. No gradzillas here

They may have a party or a dance but there's no formal graduation ceremony at all. We leave that until the end of university by which time folks are usually 20 or 21 years old.