Bad Customers!


Well-known member
jeez, now i feel bad for returning products. i always assume that since i only returned stuff i hadn't touched, they could use them as testers in the store. from now on, i will make sure i buy stuff i know i will keep.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sexypuma
jeez, now i feel bad for returning products. i always assume that since i only returned stuff i hadn't touched, they could use them as testers in the store. from now on, i will make sure i buy stuff i know i will keep.

Now you know why prices have gone up. They have to cover the cost of returned products being destroyed simply because customers took more than they actually wanted so they could decide what they would keep when they got home and return the unwanted items for a refund.


Well-known member
I agree with caffin

i think MAC should change the exchange discourage buyers from buying and returning at their whim..because ultimately the cost of all these wastage are being passed down to us the consumers.

They should only provide leeway for those who are allergic to the item.
No offence to anyone here...but this is what i feel. I hate returning stuff that i don't use to the whatever i buy i keep it..(Unless the MA gave me a wrong colour and that happened only once)'s such a waste to throw all those brand new stuff away.


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@ Lara


Well-known member
I agree, MAC has the BEST customer service because they give away freebies and exchange/replace things with no questions asked but of course that cost gets passed along to us.
But thats the reason I buy MAC because I know I will never get stuck with something I dislike.
I didnt know they threw unopened items in the trash, why raise millions of dollars for AIDS research and then trash thousands in returns? You would think they could come up with a better use for returns. I would buy a returned item if it was slightly discounted but I guess they cant garauntee that there wasnt any tampering with the product but thats just the chance you take buying "clearance" stuff.
I wish I could get some of those trashed returns, which dumpster do they use exactly? ha ha!


Active member
Originally Posted by ebonyannette
I didnt know they threw unopened items in the trash, why raise millions of dollars for AIDS research and then trash thousands in returns? You would think they could come up with a better use for returns. I would buy a returned item if it was slightly discounted but I guess they cant garauntee that there wasnt any tampering with the product but thats just the chance you take buying "clearance" stuff.

i agress with you, it totally sucks but unless the customer hasnt left the store, theres no real way of being 100% sure that the product hasn't been tampered with.
and i have no problem when customers take back stuff if the colour does suit, or something along those lines... my problem is with customers who buy stuff with the full intention of returning it. ive seen customers who have boughten stuff just for 1 night out/ a wedding/ a grad/ a formal event to return it the next day with l-a-m-e excuses !!! they didnt have any desire to own the product, just to wear it out for 1 night - BAD CUSTOMER!


Well-known member
onnachan and i have no problem when customers take back stuff if the colour does suit said:
Eh, even there I think if you're buying it in store, you have almost every opportunity to try it out and decide if you like it or not. I just hate how people use liberal return policies to take stuff home for an extended trial period, whether its with makeup or clothes or appliances.
On that note, however, I am glad that MAC still won't resell items that don't appear to have left the store or been opened - I don't want to pay full price for something thats been swimming in the bottom of someone's germy purse, just like I don't want to pay full price for a pair of jeans someones taken home and worn for a few days, only to decide they don't want them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ledonatella
Ok, I am an MA, not for MAC, but I have been in retail for years so I completely understand. Yeah, we got some wack jobs out there who just argue with you about everything so they can feel better about themselves. They'll be like, "I read in a magazine in 1982 that yellow (or whatever color) is ugly on me so no golds or anything goldy or has gold in the name." and you wanna be like, "Ok, first of all this ain't Color Me Beautiful and second off I understand if you hate yellow (or whatever color) but step out of the box and try something new besides what some so called expert told you in 1982!". I guess that's one of my pet peeves. Or someone will say "Do whatever you want to me, what you think looks good." and you try and then they say, "I don't like it because I only wear brown (or whatever)" and I am like "Ok, tell me what you do like." and they go "I dunno you're the expert, you tell me." UGHHHHHHHHHHH, I am not a freakin mind reader! I can give suggestions and do what I think, but ultimitely if the customer doesn't like a color or look it don't matter if I love it, they're the ones that are wearing it. Sorry to rant but I just got off work..ha ha

Oh my God, I HATE when people do that. If I wanted to do whatever I wanted to your face, I wouldn't have asked!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ebonyannette
I agree, MAC has the BEST customer service because they give away freebies and exchange/replace things with no questions asked but of course that cost gets passed along to us.
But thats the reason I buy MAC because I know I will never get stuck with something I dislike.
I didnt know they threw unopened items in the trash, why raise millions of dollars for AIDS research and then trash thousands in returns? You would think they could come up with a better use for returns. I would buy a returned item if it was slightly discounted but I guess they cant garauntee that there wasnt any tampering with the product but thats just the chance you take buying "clearance" stuff.
I wish I could get some of those trashed returns, which dumpster do they use exactly? ha ha!

I think the return items are processed and then the containers are recycled. They just can't take any chances with possibility of someone tampering with it-esp. with all the frivolous lawsuits around these days.


Well-known member
Couldn't some of the returned items be used as testers, to be tested on hands and arms, not face?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kchan99
Couldn't some of the returned items be used as testers, to be tested on hands and arms, not face?

Cast your mind back to the last time you were at a cosmetics counter - how many people did you see rubbing funk-laden eyeshadow on their eyes, smudging unsanitised tester lipstick on their lips and going to town with the unsharpened tester eyeliners? For every sane person who swatches on the back of their hand, there's a fool who applies it to their face.

Because of those hygiene cowboys, no returned product is /ever/ going to hit the counter as a tester in case it's been tampered with. People like that are the reason more and more cosmetic houses are changing their display systems to reduce the amount of contact a customer has with the testers.


After working in retail and customer service for well over a year - for clothing, makeup and just customer service - I've seen so many ridiculous things happen over the dumbest things.

What I always tell, well everyone, is that if you want something done, be polite and have patience. As a service rep, we WANT to help you. If you say please and thankyou, we'll even bend the rules a bit. What I hate is when people start cussing and throwing personal insults to you when they don't get their way. How childish is that?

As someone who has worked with makeup, I try to know everything there is to know about what I'm selling. Colour-wise, product-wise, whatever. The only frustration I have with "MAs" is when they don't know the benefits of their own products.

Example, the other day I was at the mall and saw a counter selling mineralized makeup. I stopped to look, and right away a girl ran towards me - almost knocking down another customer I might add - and starts hard-selling me these products. I asked her questions regarding sanitation (water directly into the full pigment jar?!) and she just kept replying, "Oh no it won't go bad. Nothing will happen." When I asked her WHY, she was stumped completely. In attempts to cover up her ignorance about her own products, she continued hardselling to me until I couldn't take it and had to walk away.

Now, it might seem mean, but when you don't know the most basic principle of your product, I feel that it's fair game. But when you do know, and somebody's a total jerk about it, then just ignore them. You're not getting paid enough to be insulted.


Well-known member
Thats why i never want to do weddings! im soo afraid of bridezillias its like nothings ever good enough for their wedding that theyve been dreaming about since they were 5!!! hahaha

One of my roommates who works at MAC was at work just selling stuff as usuall and then a group of teenage girls come in [ the kind that think their the shit haha] so anyways one of the other MA's says hi to them and see's if she can help them then they start yelling and making a big fuss for apparantly no reason well my friend was going to grab an eyeshadow out of the drawer for her costumer and then one of the girls attempts to slap the MA and she ducks and slaps my roommate!!!

anyways the police were called out but liz didnt press charges... but she got a week off work paid.

I just remember her comming home saying omg you wont bealive what happened at work today! lol

Theirs soo many insane people these days. It really scares me you never know whats going to happen when you go to work these days seriously...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Cast your mind back to the last time you were at a cosmetics counter - how many people did you see rubbing funk-laden eyeshadow on their eyes, smudging unsanitised tester lipstick on their lips and going to town with the unsharpened tester eyeliners? For every sane person who swatches on the back of their hand, there's a fool who applies it to their face.

Because of those hygiene cowboys, no returned product is /ever/ going to hit the counter as a tester in case it's been tampered with. People like that are the reason more and more cosmetic houses are changing their display systems to reduce the amount of contact a customer has with the testers.

ehhh that creeps me out sooo bad when i see people [ usually teenage girls ] testing lip gloss on their mouths! in my head im thinking FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOOOOOO!

i only test on my hand and instantly wipe it off with a wipe once im done testing. ive heard way to many horror storys about people shareing lip product and getting all kinds of sicknesses


Well-known member
This thread has given me some laughs
We all experience such similar things working behind a makeup counter no matter where you work. After 5 and a half years at MAC and a couple of more years at various fragrance and makeup counters, I've seen it all!

The thing most people don't realise about doing a behind the counter job as an MA is that when you're dealing with people's looks you're dealing with many of their insecurities and unhappiness about themselves. This can be a very positive experience if a nice person needs a little boost and you point them in the right direction. It turns horrible when there's an unrealistic expectation about the interaction.

*Disclaimer* I am NOT talking about your average customer who walks in and needs help! My co-workers and I loved showing someone something new, doing a gorgeous makeup, or teaching application. I'm talking about people who are in some way abusing the situation or the individual.

One example was a woman I'll call Sandy. She would scope out the counter from afar, to see if she saw either a new freelancer or new employee on their own or with someone else new. She would come over and start talking to them (even if they were helping another customer, she would wait for them) and she would act like she was very interested in buying some shadows.

She would then ask the MA's if they could 'do her eyes' and give them specific instructions about what colours she wanted and how she wanted it. At the end of it, she would tell them she wanted to "think about it" and then would ask them to write the colours down for her. OF course none of us who had been at that counter for years could ever remember her even buying ONE thing!!

She would do this very frequently, we all knew her after working there for a couple of months. Every store has a few Sandys. Although not an evil person, a real time waster and a sales killer if you're trying hard to make goal. Is it really worth the fakery to feel like you got something for nothing?

Then there were the endless chronic returners. The people who loudly complain about the things they buy, but then make a loooong drawn out exchange on which they demand your undivided attention no matter how busy it is. After all of it, the come back with an item the next day and repeat the whole process.

Again, I am not referring to the average person who returns things. In my experience it is easier to do a quick and painless return, get over it, and go onto to help someone else who will help you rebuild your sales for the day. The person who you make an easy return for and don't give a hard time will most likely remember you for being cool and buy stuff from you another time.

The kind of customer I am referrring to here will not LET you make an easy return, they live for the attention and the idea that they are in charge of you and essentially "own" you for that period of time. They will monopolise your time and become aggravated if you so much as say "I'll be right with you" to another customer!

There are soo many stories like all of ours. I used to get upset when things turned sour or someone started stressing me out. However as time went on, the minute I felt someone was crossing a line or I felt uncomfortable with the situation..I would always have the same solution. I would say "One minute please" and call my counter manager or if needed the cosmetics manager and let them deal with it. They are paid and trained to put up with it. There is no reason to try to take on someone who's being a beast on your own, that's what your managers are there for. Save yourself the headache.

That being said I'm so glad I don't sell colour anymore
If people only knew how mean some people are with total strangers!


Well-known member
I wish that every customer that goes to a makeup counter could read this thread. I used to work in the restaurant industry, and thought I had more than a few bizarro customers, but I was wrong. Cosmetics counter girls really do take more than their share of abuse. I read through your posts and feel totally outraged.

Haha, you've all made me feel really protective of cosmeticians and MUAs at all the stores I shop now. I try to spend more than $50 on a MAC purchase, to make up for the "lookie lous" and a-holes in your day. I know you get a lot more "lookie lous" than creeps, but still - I want them to be happy with me as a customer. I think the payoff is every bit as important, as me liking them as a salesperson. It's mutally beneficial, yanno!


Active member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
ehhh that creeps me out sooo bad when i see people [ usually teenage girls ] testing lip gloss on their mouths! in my head im thinking FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOOOOOO!

it's usually the old ladies i catch... lips coated in the stuff "just so you know we do have sanitary lipglass testers behind the counter" as my stomach is lurching ... and i throw up in my mouth a little.


Well-known member
I am not a MAC MA , but a freelance MA. I was doing some commerical work..but now I am sticking to strickly movies and print.

I hate when models show up to the shoot and it just so happens that they had a super break out. Gross..I can cover the redness, but I can't cover those bumps. Than they pull out their MAC makeup and say oh I can get better coverage with this..I want to slap them soooo badly. Look hefa..that's going to turn you ghost face on film...put the titanium dioxide down and step away slowly. Before I drop kick you.

I hate when doing commerical work..someone looks like they got whipped with the ugly stick and have never taken care of there skin in their life..but request a beyonce look. Whaattt? Whoever said that this is a makeup brush not a magic wand..ain't lying. Oh just so you know I am taking that line on the road.

I also hate when doing commerical work..someone wants you to do their makeup the way they usually wear it. This even applies to film sets. I am doing makeup for the character not for you..not for how you usually look. LOSER. Obviously I know things will be different when I move out of these Indies and student films..but these folks aren't going to make it with these attitudes.


Active member
What I really don't appreciate are people who insist on having a specific MAC artist help them, even when they're helping someone else! I cannot count the times that a MA has been helping me, but I had to graciously let them help a belligerant or impatient customer (who has invariably showed up at a later time than me, looking to buy less product, or be a "know it all" as has been discussed earlier in this thread)... I see nothing wrong with helping out my fave MA's by cutting them some slack with helping me, because I can afford it (I'm usually not in a time-crunch when I go to the counter/store, and I'm in a GOOD mood, unlike many I've seen).

I also HATE it when lame customers come in to buy an eight dollar set of lashes, and immediately expect them to be put on them (I understand this is a complementary service, but PLEASE!), often with an instant full application FOR FREE. I've encountered this many times, and it really must suck for the MA's.

Personally, I have made friends with several MAC artists so I don't have to pull one specific one away from a potential sale. I have been in the commission retail business before, and since i was "good" at what I did, and had many loyal customers, I had a tough time "juggling" them all when several of them were in the store. Though I was in clothing (which I see as a much easier job...) I have SO much empathy for the MA's, and whenever I go in to see them, I find it really rewarding (both personally and for the MA's) to just be patient with them, for the sake of their sanity, and the sanity of CRAZY customers. I don't understand why some people don't respect this!