Bad Customers!


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lol the customers that take free stuff piss me off, i dont wrk in cosmetics but in retail and i have one regular who is a genuine crazy, we had a ladies evening not long ago (ladies learn DIY, free food and drinks, theres entertainment, celebrity chef etc.) this regular comes in goes to the food table and fills her handbag with mini cream cakes... goes to the car comes bac and does it again!!!! seriosly she spends a fortune on usless crap every weekend yet takes all the free food? weird... and even worst it made all the other ladies complain


Well-known member
Ugh had to bump this thread tonight as I had this lady who I was just ready to walk away from to save my sanity when I was at work today so sorry if it's long lol. Ok so I work for Clinique, in a REALLY small Macy's store (we only have us, Lancome, Prescriptives, Estee Lauder, and Elizabeth Arden, that's it). A lady is walking through kind of glancing at my products, so I approach her and ask her if she needed help with anything (mind you I didn't have my labcoat on since it was me and one other person working the whole dept that night). So the lady replies with how she is 'bored' with her foundation and that she doesn't like it anymore and asks if we have a Chanel counter, I apologized and told her we only have the fragrance not the cosmetics line for Chanel. So she asks me what line I work for and I told her Clinique, this is where it goes downhill. She basically complains to me how she's bored with our foundations and that she doesn't like the one she has now from my line (she was using Perfectly Real if anyone wanted to know lol)and that Chanel had this great foundation that she wanted to buy. So she asks me what other foundations I have for her skin type, etc. in my line. So I asked her questions about what she didn't like about the one she is using now, her skin type, etc. and she keeps saying how Chanel's was perfect but she totally doesn't tell me what her skin was like and what coverage she was looking for and any suggestions I had she just shot down (hello not a friggin mind reader here!!) so she picks up Supermoisture and picks out a color herself and is trying to get some out (we're waiting for more stock so we can get new testers out for some foundations) and she doesn't even get some out yet before she says "I already don't like this!", I'm thinking 'like bitch the tester is almost gone since we don't have enough of that shade to make a tester with! don't knock it since it won't come out right then and there!' So she gets some out and smears it all over her face and thinks it's just ok while going on about Chanel still, I offer to make her a sample of it so she can try it first and make sure she likes it before she buys it, nope she wants to buy it right then and there since she said 'If I don't like it I can just return it', I swear I was gonna go AWOL on her, but thennnn it gets better! She pulls out this lipgloss that she is going to try and match, she said it was a Chanel gloss (too bad it has Sue Devitt written all over the tube?!) so we find one and she tries it on and then says it tastes bad (really I don't take the time to 'taste' my gloss) so she'll just get the foundation. I was never sooo glad to see her leave but I cringe at the fact she'll probably bring the foundation back because it won't be 'Chanel' and it will basically be a wasted product, I mean I offered her a sample so wth but whatev. And then I had a lady who came in for a powder I was out of so I apologize to her and ask her if she would like for me to call Dillard's on the opposite side of the mall to see if they have it, "Well aren't they your competitor?!" uh yeah they are but I'm looking at for you so you don't have to drive 30 minutes to the next mall?! Seriously I just want to smack my head against the wall sometimes I get so frustrated with some customers lol.


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Originally Posted by onnachan
Ok. I've been reading lots about poor service people have had MAC. I'm a MAC MA and I am happy to help people and I have a lot of fun hanging out and helping people understand makeup/colour theory/applicaion and I know customers have a lot of fun shopping with me. (Customers write in to head office all the time and say that they've have a great experience with me/with my co-workers/at my counter).
For the record, MAC MA's have to put up with a LOT of crap from customers. It's retail, it's part of the job. Sometimes you feel like there's a sign up in front that says "Crazy People, Come On In!!" I just wanted to start a thread so MA's can have a place to vent, too.
Here's a pet peeves of mine
1. At my counter there's a comitment to purchase of $40 for a makeup application. I HATE when customers come, have they're makeup done for a wedding, grad, etc. and then bring it all back for a refund the next day. We have to throw the product in the garbage! What a waste of make-up and what a waste of the MA's time that went into doing the customers makeup!



Well-known member
My manager got quite annoyed at me at first, she asked me why didn't I sell the anti-aging, why did I sell her a yellow base, why was I away from the counter for an hour etc etc. I explained the whole story, and then she understood, and was really annoyed also, since most of what the customer said was untrue!


If you never ever had a complaint in all the years you worked there why would your manager act like that towards you..I can see if she had several problems with you in the past. But if you had great customer service in all the 3 years you worked in retail and not one major complaint from a me..your manager was out of line of acting this way towards you..she should've said..
"I've never had a problem with you pertaining to a customer..please tell me what happened? Cause I know this isn't like you..
smdh at your manager..


Well-known member
Wow... some of these stories are absolutely unreal. Everyone in customer service has my unending sympathy! (I've been there and done I really do feel your pain!)

I do have a few questions for any of the MAs though. (Advanced apologies for the length of this post).

I often worry about what my local MAC MUAs might think of me. (I have never had a bad MAC experience but I wonder if MAC has had a bad ME experience.) :p

1) Do MAs think you're wasting their time if you come in without makeup and ask a few questions about their products? I often shop without makeup because I am not a "makeup every day" kind of person but will wear it when I go out. In my head I know I'm not the average person off the street that doesn't understand the point of lip liner but I have no way of convincing an MA of that if I have no history with them. Is this likely to frustrate the average artist?

2) (Based on an experience I had yesterday)... I went in to grab the 226 and looked at some lipsticks as well. The MUA helping me was very nice and we eventually picked out a gorgeous red (though I had initially been looking at neutrals... the red caught us both by surprise). To make a long story short, I was looking around at some other stuff while she helped another customer and I remembered that I had some stuff at home that I could B2M for the lippie so I apologized profusely and told her that I'd come back in for the lip liner and lipstick at a later point. Because I was conscientious of the time she had spent with me, I added a Liquidlast liner to my 226 purchase and wrote down the name of the lipstick. I do fully intend to go back for that lip colour and I explained that to her. I also told her that I try not to just buy stuff only to have to return it the next day because it was a waste of product and I figured that since I don't often wear lipsticks that a B2M acquisition would probably be the best way to go. Is this something that would piss off the average MA?

I try to be a pretty good customer (and I've gotten to know a handful of MAC artists at various locations across the city)... but every so often I worry that *I* am *that* annoying customer.


Well-known member
OK so I work at Macy's and we just started our GWP. I was alone tonight no big deal I was fine got people in and out no problems. I had one lady I was assisting (she's a regular) and so her fav foundation just got discontinued in her shade. So I was matching her up so I could give her a sample to try. Well this lady walks up and waits like 5 seconds and goes to another counter, and I'm just with my customer just helping her. Well the other girl from the counter goes over to my bay with the lady who waited a whole 5 seconds and the lady is all like "She's talking to much just get me my stuff", I swear.. I had to bite my tongue, are you serious?! I'm helping another customer who came before you so I am not dropping what I am doing to help your royal pain in the assness! Seriously some people these days! So the other girl got her stuff and she left and she was like "That lady was such a bitch!"- Word!


Well-known member
i work in boots, and we have to be nice, no matter what, even if the customer says you look like shit, you have to reply oh really, thank you... lol

i find, deep breath, ignore it, and enjoy the nice customers.. forget the bad ones, cos they wont remember you!


enjoy your venting girls!


Well-known member
Yeah I had a nice deep sigh after that lady left! I try not to let one ruin the other like 100 customers I help that are super sweet!


I hate when people just grab the makeup off the counter and put it on themselves. I use to wonder why MAC makeup artist were so rude, not all but some that I came across, and now I know why. This past Halloween we were so booked with appointments, and in between one client, I had like ten minutes before my next appointment came, this lady was like hey can you do my makeup, and I said no sorry I can't I have an appointment coming in soon. So she got all mad, and just grabbed the makeup herself and started putting it on. It's like seriously, don't get pissed at me because you thought that you could just walk in here and get your makeup done, people had scheduled appointments for weeks ahead of time.


Well-known member
Yeah I hate it too! It's like one time I had a bride come in the day of her wedding and we were all booked up and she had the nerve to get mad! It's like chick you should have made an appointment weeks ago if you were wanting to get your makeup done! Seriously! And I hate it when people just start getting into makeup and just start putting it on, it's so unsanitary the way they do it and then they get bent outta shape when you try to tell them to put it on a certain way that is sanitary so they can protect themselves and other customers. "Well you should have did it for me!", well too bad I had someone that made an appointment! Ugh sorry I'm getting so fed up with my job anymore..This place is so nice to vent..


Well-known member
I work in a store that sells make-up and even though I'm not one of the MA's, working nightshift as the only girl who wears make-up - I usually get a lot of questions from ppl wanting to know whatever, get suggestions, help, etc...

But seriously, I HATE HATE HATE it when a crackhead comes in and slathers his/her face in the testers....its so frikken gross! They can have open sores, cracked fingers, scabs, etc...and they INSIST on making over their entire face while getting mad at our security guard for "watching" them. And then I see some poor, uneducated (as in, uneducated about public sanitary conditions of a tester in a drugstore) girl come in right after and use the same product that custy ass person just swabbed all over their face/lips....*shudders*...and I know people are like, well why are they allowed in?! Well...if they're not doing anything wrong...its hard to kick someone out. And TBH, would YOU want to confront someone looking like that?! From my experience, it doesn't end well.

WHY WHY WHY would ANYONE with open sores willing and knowingly come into a store and want to touch and contaminate every single tester with their grossness? Its unreal.

And people wonder why I swatch on the backs of my hands and then wash it off with sanitizer afterwards....YUCK!


Well-known member
Oh and I've had my fair share of frikken bitchy customers too.

Case in point: When a person isn't paying attention to a product they bring up and it ends up being a TESTER without a, hello? First of all, its a tester, its not for sale, and second of all, if its "the last one", don't tell me that you don't care that its a tester and you want to buy it anyways...effing gross dude! Besides, we're not allowed! And...just....why?! Ew.

I was done my shift one morning and my coworker took over. A business woman comes in, says she wants a lipstick and proceeds to find it on her own. Like the above, she brings the tester to the counter....coworkers points it out and the woman is like, "Oh, well it was sitting there, go get me the new one". So my coworker does just that - only, she does not wear make up...and if you've seen a Maybelline lipstick wall, you'd know they have a badgillion shades. So apparently, my co worker is "taking too long" and the woman huffs her way over to the aisle (seriously, you couldn't just do it yourself?!) and starts yelling at my coworker about how incompetent she is and how "you don't need to be a makeup artist to pick out a shade of lipstick"....and my coworker is a tiny, older filipino lady and is like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

I swear if I wasn't behind the counter, she would've gotten a good blast from me....what a bitch...seriously....get your lazy ass over there yourself next time or open your effing eyes so that you don't get mad at someone for YOUR mistake. So stupid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by serenity87
I hate when people just grab the makeup off the counter and put it on themselves. I use to wonder why MAC makeup artist were so rude, not all but some that I came across, and now I know why. This past Halloween we were so booked with appointments, and in between one client, I had like ten minutes before my next appointment came, this lady was like hey can you do my makeup, and I said no sorry I can't I have an appointment coming in soon. So she got all mad, and just grabbed the makeup herself and started putting it on. It's like seriously, don't get pissed at me because you thought that you could just walk in here and get your makeup done, people had scheduled appointments for weeks ahead of time.

We had one of those! But instead of just helping herself, she complained.

We have to throw out countless testers because teens come in and use them. Mascara, lip gloss, liquid eyeliner, etc. I can't always get over there fast enough, or I get attitude if I do politely try to offer help. Give me attitude and I will just let you slather bacteria all over your eyes and lips. J/K. Kinda. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Give me attitude and I will just let you slather bacteria all over your eyes and lips. J/K. Kinda. lol

Too funny!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
Oh and I've had my fair share of frikken bitchy customers too.

Case in point: When a person isn't paying attention to a product they bring up and it ends up being a TESTER without a, hello? First of all, its a tester, its not for sale, and second of all, if its "the last one", don't tell me that you don't care that its a tester and you want to buy it anyways...effing gross dude! Besides, we're not allowed! And...just....why?! Ew.

I was done my shift one morning and my coworker took over. A business woman comes in, says she wants a lipstick and proceeds to find it on her own. Like the above, she brings the tester to the counter....coworkers points it out and the woman is like, "Oh, well it was sitting there, go get me the new one". So my coworker does just that - only, she does not wear make up...and if you've seen a Maybelline lipstick wall, you'd know they have a badgillion shades. So apparently, my co worker is "taking too long" and the woman huffs her way over to the aisle (seriously, you couldn't just do it yourself?!) and starts yelling at my coworker about how incompetent she is and how "you don't need to be a makeup artist to pick out a shade of lipstick"....and my coworker is a tiny, older filipino lady and is like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

I swear if I wasn't behind the counter, she would've gotten a good blast from me....what a bitch...seriously....get your lazy ass over there yourself next time or open your effing eyes so that you don't get mad at someone for YOUR mistake. So stupid.

Yeah I know it's amazing the way people act sometimes these days. Sometimes I just wish they had it to where people could be in our shoes for just one day and really see how tough our jobs can be sometimes and maybe that might get people to realize to be a bit more pleasant!


Well-known member
Yesterday, I was helping some women pick out some lipsticks when another woman came up to the counter. Here is how the conversation went. I work for MAC, btw.

Customer: My daughter has this lipstick called "pout" or something, do you know it? She got it at Sephora.
Me: Well, we do not have a lipstick called that...if she got it Sephora, you would probably have to go back there to get it. We only sell MAC here. :]
Customer: No, no, it is MAC. They sell MAC at Sephora at [said mall]
Me: MAC has a freestanding store and a counter in Macy's at that mall, but it is not sold at Sephora. [I was being super sweet when I was talking to her, it is hard to convey that on here, haha]
Customer: Yes, it is.
Then, a coworker of mine jumped in and, once again, told this woman that MAC is not sold at Sephora.

Later on, I get a call at the counter thirty minutes before we close. I answer and it is the same woman!
Customer: Hi, I think it was you that I talked to earlier, but I just wanted to let you know that I called SEPHORIA [yes, she called it that] and they do in fact sell MAC.
Me: MAC is sold in MAC stores or at MAC counters...
Customer: Listen, honey, I was just calling to let you know that they DO sell MAC at Sephora and I will be letting YOUR manager know too.

And then she hung up on me.