Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Oh man, GWP. Nothing gets so old so fast.
Especially the next month when people come up, and I spend time with them on a consultation, picking stuff out, and then they learn there isn't a gift, and go "oh, I just wanted to buy this to get a gift. Nevermind."

There's also a constant barage of people who only come up to ask if I have something free for them or insist that they deserve something special for making any purchase. I had one couple who had a husband come back by like three times to go "Are you SURE you don't have anything free to give me with this?" I'm like "Yes, I only have things to give out when the company sends them to me. It's not my personal decision."

I personally am one of those people who gets in trouble with samples - I got a little mini smashbox primer sample and ran out and bought it after the first time I used it. This happens all the time. It certainly makes me understand why companies sample.

Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Crystalintegra, you just reminded me...the damn people that think that since they bought anything more than a Chestnut liner, they expect a GWP. I hear "where's my gift" several times a day. Ugh! If they're nice, I'll throw them a sample cup of moisturizer, but if they're obnoxious, 'No, if you want a GWP, we would have to raise our prices. Would you rather spend $30 on a lipstick just to get a trial size of something?'

And, Ieatbugs, I personally haven't taken makeup off someone's face, but it has been done before...actually, I think it's been done a lot at my store.



Well-known member
At our store, when MAC customers ask for a GWP, our artists tell them "Yeah! MAC has GWP year round! It's called BACK 2 MAC."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NikkiHorror
At our store, when MAC customers ask for a GWP, our artists tell them "Yeah! MAC has GWP year round! It's called BACK 2 MAC."

Oooooo, that's a good one! I'm totally stealing it!


Well-known member
I have customers who come into my store and just want me to make them samples. And, if I give them samples at the register, they go, "Oh, just one?" And I have the customers who go "What's on sale today?" and if we don't have anything on sale, they walk out. *Growls*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ieatbugs
Okay, I've gotta know - have you actually ever done that? If so, I really want to hear what the customer's reaction was.

Me too!

And NikkiHorror, I totally know what you mean. Sales goals are pretty intense & I know a bunch of MAC MUAs who will be "too busy" or literally hide from or ignore cutomers who want "onsies"...or even worse, pass them onto me cause I'm the "nice little white girl" at the counter. It kills my numbers, but I do it with a smile, hoping that one day that customer will come back with their big purchase and come straight to me....unless of course, they want only ONE SPONGE, then I give them the ones we have for us to use, or tell them to take a trip across the parking lot to Target.

I used to work with people who would hide to keep their numbers up, too. That or if they were doing a walk up makeover they would not step away. I had someone's husband cuss me out because I kept having to step away from his wife. Did he think I enjoyed stepping away to ring up one item sales or to help somebody that just wanted to "test" foundation...then blush...then eye shadow, etc while all that was going on? I pulled him aside and told him the situation.

Has anyone else had a customer haggle with them over a tester because they didn't want to spend full price on a new item?


Well-known member
Do you guys have actual sales, where items are lower prices than normal? We only ever have GWP, PWP or Sets which cost less than the individual items bought seperately.

Originally Posted by MACtastic
I have customers who come into my store and just want me to make them samples. And, if I give them samples at the register, they go, "Oh, just one?" And I have the customers who go "What's on sale today?" and if we don't have anything on sale, they walk out. *Growls*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Has anyone else had a customer haggle with them over a tester because they didn't want to spend full price on a new item?

Yes. I had a woman offer me like $35 to sell her a tester of something discontinued "under the table." I'm like, ew, why would you even want that?


Well-known member
There's people who really don't know that MAC doesn't offer GWP or something like that. Me , for example: i'm from Brazil, and a year ago had no idea what MAC was or if it was a good brand. Then i went to USA and usually did shopping on Clinique, because my mom uses Aromatics elixir and she already told us that Clinique (and others like Lancome and Estee Lauder) on USA usually gives gwp or things like that (here in brazil we don't have that because of the stores - people say that they hide the gifts or sell them alone or making the product with gift more expensive). If MAC had a gwp maybe (a big maybe , since i'm a shy person who doesn't like to ask much) i'd be tempted at least to try it.

PS: really, the worst thing is when people doesn't respect you or treat you badly even when you try to be the nicest person ever


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Has anyone else had a customer haggle with them over a tester because they didn't want to spend full price on a new item?

"I'll buy your entire make-up kit right now for $100! You'll sell it, right? That's a good price for make-up!"

Considering that the single case I'm currently carrying is insured for $4500, you may have to raise your offer a little.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ieatbugs
Do you guys have actual sales, where items are lower prices than normal? We only ever have GWP, PWP or Sets which cost less than the individual items bought seperately.

We usually have GWP events, sometimes sales. I work at The Body Shop (I'm always embarassed to say that because that isn't where I want to be, but I have a Sephora interview on Thursday!)...but believe me, we still get the crazy makeover stories like you guys. Most people don't know that we are trained to do makeovers.


Well-known member
I love the people who think cosmetics has sales. They ask "Especiale? A special today?" (HUH!?) Then they get mad and don't believe you when you tell them we don't ever have sales. What are we gonna do? 15% off Lipstick today! Hurry In! Whatever.

No guys, a lipstick is a lipstick, and will forvever be $22 dollars. So penny pinchers, get out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
That's when you want to say, "Wal-Mart/K-Mart/Target is right around the corner...have a nice day!"

I know. I never cease to be somewhat surprised at the people who come in looking for makeup that's like under $9 and wonder why they can't find it at a department store.


Well-known member
Im a Sales mgr for a wireless store and I always thank my customers for their business. I made commission from them, they trusted me enough and thought I was professional enough to buy from me. The mentality of the comment about considering us even is sick. In that case why have people in retail at the counter? Why not just put all the pertinent info on the internet (color chosing, application tips etc), or have a computer at the store? You wouldn't have to worry about making commission or even having a job for that matter. It's your customers who make you successful yet you do not believe in being courteous? And its not about how much you spend, I would expect to be thanked if I had bought a spice lipliner but I thought it was ironic that I did spend so much and did not get good service. The nightmare b/s that you have to deal with (returns etc) does suck but isn't it worth it considering that you get to work with what you are passionate about (m/u) all day? You do enough volume, does it matter? In my experience the nicer and more accomadating to customers you are, the less likely they are to return on you. (Do you get charged back)? Some people, actually most people are not lucky enough to get a job that they love. Have you noticed the amount of people on this site that would cut off a limb to become a m/u artist? Yes, I posted on this board on purpose, because I was curious and wanted some real answers. I don't know any of you and did not mean to insult you, merely to talk about my personal experiences and I thought you as artists would appreciate some honest feedback.


Well-known member
oh no! what happened?

Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
I was called a bitch, had a mirror thrown in my direction and got major attitude this weekend. LOL


Well-known member
I'm not a MAC MA, i work at Sephora, and we have a pretty lenient return policy. If you have the receipt and no more than 20% of the product has been used, we take it back. If you have the packaging but no receipt, we'll return it for store credit on a giftcard.
We have 3 clients that we all recognize as frequent buy/returners. They'll buy something and then a few days later, or even the same day! bring it back to us. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars in merchandise. if it's not used we dont have to throw it away (meaning hatchmarks are visible on products, packaging is intact etc etc). These clients buy hundreds of dollars at once, then return almost all of it the next day, most of it used or damaged in some way. We can't say anything to them, it's bad customer service, but sometimes I wish we could. Especially when they get upset at me when I ask them for a receipt or tell them that I can't take something back because it's been used etc etc. It's so annoying. I only take back items that i had a reaction to or that were recommended to me by mistake, for example, I was matched for a foundation that was for DRY skin and it completely ran off of my oily skin. I returned that because I wasn't happy. But I don't spend hundreds of dollars and then suddenly decide I don't want it and take it back.

Gah! Why don't people get it?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by devin
oh no! what happened?

Girl, because I was already working with 3 customers when she walked up. I couldn't get to her right away but I did achknowlege her right away. The other 3 ladies were like, "You are doing good, don't let her get to you."


Well-known member
If she threw a mirror she should have been asked to leave. What did everyone do? Do these people act a fool like that in the bank on Fridays when everyone's in line? What if there is a line at the grocery store? Do they throw food at the cashier? No home training!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
Girl, because I was already working with 3 customers when she walked up. I couldn't get to her right away but I did achknowlege her right away. The other 3 ladies were like, "You are doing good, don't let her get to you."

Ohhh gurl!!!! breathe, breathe BREATHE!!!!!!!! Call me next time so we can whoop some butt!!!!