Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
Ohhh gurl!!!! breathe, breathe BREATHE!!!!!!!! Call me next time so we can whoop some butt!!!!

Girl, I had to laugh. Like seriously. It wasn't directly at me - like she was trying to hit me, it was in my direction but on the counter. Which still isn't right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
why the hell did this lady bitch at me for 10 minutes about how her daughter has been waiting for 30 minutes to get her makeup done for the nocturnelle event and even though i was supposed to get off in 15 minutes being the nice person i am decided to do her makeup just so she doesnt go and complain to her friends
after i did the whole entire face...and i mean the whole damn thing, even extra crap they wanted me to do and asked me about
i have never been so irritated

I learned not to do this anymore...after getting burned a few times, I learned to just leave when it was time for me to leave...if I HAVE to do a last minute face, it's a super quick one (and one of the best makeups I ever did took me all of 7 helped that the girl had PERFECT skin!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ieatbugs
Yes. I had a woman offer me like $35 to sell her a tester of something discontinued "under the table." I'm like, ew, why would you even want that?

That has happened to me many, many times...I say no every single time...


Well-known member
The customer that haggled with me offered me a dollar.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mitziedoll
Im a Sales mgr for a wireless store and I always thank my customers for their business. I made commission from them, they trusted me enough and thought I was professional enough to buy from me. The mentality of the comment about considering us even is sick. In that case why have people in retail at the counter? Why not just put all the pertinent info on the internet (color chosing, application tips etc), or have a computer at the store? You wouldn't have to worry about making commission or even having a job for that matter. It's your customers who make you successful yet you do not believe in being courteous? And its not about how much you spend, I would expect to be thanked if I had bought a spice lipliner but I thought it was ironic that I did spend so much and did not get good service. The nightmare b/s that you have to deal with (returns etc) does suck but isn't it worth it considering that you get to work with what you are passionate about (m/u) all day? You do enough volume, does it matter? In my experience the nicer and more accomadating to customers you are, the less likely they are to return on you. (Do you get charged back)? Some people, actually most people are not lucky enough to get a job that they love. Have you noticed the amount of people on this site that would cut off a limb to become a m/u artist? Yes, I posted on this board on purpose, because I was curious and wanted some real answers. I don't know any of you and did not mean to insult you, merely to talk about my personal experiences and I thought you as artists would appreciate some honest feedback.

Great post! I totally believe that what you give is what you get. Obviously there are exceptions but for the most part I believe that to be true. I've worked in customer service and there are some people that aren't happy but I believe in killing negativity w/kindness. IMO, it always works and sometimes you get an apology from an initially disatisfied customer.

Anyhow, I'm very happy w/the MAC artists at my counter. I know I came across as clueless at first because going to MAC can be overwhelming sometimes(all the colors, products, want it Some people are also nervous so they may come across as unaware. That's where your job as a pro in customer service and an expert in makeup comes into play. I'm guilty of saying "you're the expert, why don't you tell me" because I genuinely care to know your opinion since you would know best what colors would look good on me and compliment my features and coloring. If I don't like the color, my MAC artist(s) always finds a beautiful alternative although they usually get it right the first time 99% of the time.

At first I wish I never read this thread(honestly, I was quite taken at some of the comments because I don't see how some things make someone a "bad" customer). However, I did at least gain some insight. I make sure to be prepared and purchase at least 2 products. However, I usually end up getting more because the women at my counter are extremely delightful, nice and helpful in helping me find the right colors and achieve the right look that I'm looking for.


Well-known member
i think i met the world's most persistant woman yesterday, she wanted to exchange a b2m... my manager kept telling her she couldnt and she went on babbling for 20 minutes, he finally was like "ma'am it was free, how can you ask me to return something that you didnt even pay for" and she had the nerve to say that its not free and she "paid for it with the stress saving up for the 6 containers"

i wanted to laugh in her face...

my manager just calmly said well im sorry you feel that way with this look on his face and told her to call corporate if she had anything else to say


Well-known member
Okay, I just have to be the one that annoys everyone and say that ALL of my experiences at MAC counters have been negative. Sometimes I think those girls just have chronic PMS. Jesus! The crappiest attitudes ever. If your counter is that good then damn I'd love to visit. I've worked in Customer Service for years and would never treat customers so badly ....especially for no reason. Not to say that you're one of those crappy people....just stating my experience.


Well-known member
well I'm glad you got it handled. i'm like calbear, we would have had to handle up on that! we got your back!

Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
Girl, because I was already working with 3 customers when she walked up. I couldn't get to her right away but I did achknowlege her right away. The other 3 ladies were like, "You are doing good, don't let her get to you."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Naturellle
Great post! I totally believe that what you give is what you get. Obviously there are exceptions but for the most part I believe that to be true. I've worked in customer service and there are some people that aren't happy but I believe in killing negativity w/kindness. IMO, it always works and sometimes you get an apology from an initially disatisfied customer.

Anyhow, I'm very happy w/the MAC artists at my counter. I know I came across as clueless at first because going to MAC can be overwhelming sometimes(all the colors, products, want it Some people are also nervous so they may come across as unaware. That's where your job as a pro in customer service and an expert in makeup comes into play. I'm guilty of saying "you're the expert, why don't you tell me" because I genuinely care to know your opinion since you would know best what colors would look good on me and compliment my features and coloring. If I don't like the color, my MAC artist(s) always finds a beautiful alternative although they usually get it right the first time 99% of the time.

At first I wish I never read this thread(honestly, I was quite taken at some of the comments because I don't see how some things make someone a "bad" customer). However, I did at least gain some insight. I make sure to be prepared and purchase at least 2 products. However, I usually end up getting more because the women at my counter are extremely delightful, nice and helpful in helping me find the right colors and achieve the right look that I'm looking for.

I don't think MAs are annoyed if someone says it in that way. We are talking about people that do not meet you half way. They won't give you any indication of their lifestyle, they do not know what they like or what they feel comfortable in. They shoot down every suggestion that you offer. It's very frustrating because we want to help but we cannot read people's minds.


Well-known member
"You're the expert, you tell me."

It's all about the infliction. Saying it one way indicates that you want my professional help and are open to suggestions, saying it another way makes you an aggressive jackass. Always be the former one, because it benefits you and me.

I practially fall to the ground and weep with joy when someone takes the time to phrase it as, 'I need some help with _______, can you show me/suggest some ideas/colours/products that you think would work well/suit me/do this?'
We're make-up artists, not mindreaders. We need some input from you in order to help you as efficiently as possible.


Well-known member
I completely agree. I counted and yesterday I had customers who came up to me over thirty times and couldn't even come up with a phrase, just state one word and expect me to answer this ambiguous question. "Clothing." "Estee Lauder." "Stairs."

I get excited when people can manage a "Can you tell me where the.." or "Do you have.." or "I'm looking for.."

Originally Posted by lara
"You're the expert, you tell me."

It's all about the infliction. Saying it one way indicates that you want my professional help and are open to suggestions, saying it another way makes you an aggressive jackass. Always be the former one, because it benefits you and me.

I practially fall to the ground and weep with joy when someone takes the time to phrase it as, 'I need some help with _______, can you show me/suggest some ideas/colours/products that you think would work well/suit me/do this?'
We're make-up artists, not mindreaders. We need some input from you in order to help you as efficiently as possible.



Well-known member
I really feel you on the ambiguous question. Cause if I counted the number of times that I get some child that I have to pull out of her what the heck she wants. My constant conversation goes like this:

Me: Welcome to MAC - what brings you in today?
Her: I need eyeliner.
Me: Ok is there one in particular that you are looking for?
Her: Black.......duh (as if it's obvious)
Me: Well since we have about 10 black eyeliners maybe we can narrow that down abit.
Her: Well I just want the black one... My friend has it. (then she has the nerve to roll her eyes).
Me: Hmmm.......liquid, gel, pencil? Water resistant or one you could smudge? One you can sharpen or one you twist up? Some people use our eyeshadows as liners so that adds about 3 or 4 more black options.
Her: I don't know (still rolling her eyes at me)

THis is my everyday conversation and after awhile it gets frustrating between the lack of help in finding the product and the major attitude given to us. Yet we are always the bad guy cause that same customer I will see posting on specktra, mua, lj etc talking about what a bad experience she had at MAC but I'm supposed to just not say a thing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
I really feel you on the ambiguous question. Cause if I counted the number of times that I get some child that I have to pull out of her what the heck she wants. My constant conversation goes like this:

Me: Welcome to MAC - what brings you in today?
Her: I need eyeliner.
Me: Ok is there one in particular that you are looking for?
Her: Black.......duh (as if it's obvious)
Me: Well since we have about 10 black eyeliners maybe we can narrow that down abit.
Her: Well I just want the black one... My friend has it. (then she has the nerve to roll her eyes).
Me: Hmmm.......liquid, gel, pencil? Water resistant or one you could smudge? One you can sharpen or one you twist up? Some people use our eyeshadows as liners so that adds about 3 or 4 more black options.
Her: I don't know (still rolling her eyes at me)

THis is my everyday conversation and after awhile it gets frustrating between the lack of help in finding the product and the major attitude given to us. Yet we are always the bad guy cause that same customer I will see posting on specktra, mua, lj etc talking about what a bad experience she had at MAC but I'm supposed to just not say a thing.



Well-known member
Girl, that's when I grab Engraved and call it X-mas.

BTW, that sounds like a senario that you see in a certain book. ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Girl, that's when I grab Engraved and call it X-mas.

BTW, that sounds like a senario that you see in a certain book. ...

#1 I did that one time only to have that child turn around and return it after finding her friend in the mall and confirming it wasn't the one the friend had. ARRRGGGHH!!!!

#2 What book?????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Girl, that's when I grab Engraved and call it X-mas.

BTW, that sounds like a senario that you see in a certain book. ...

I do that too!!!!


Well-known member
In all fairness we're not all like that. I can honestly say that I'm quite shy and polite, especially with strangers. And I can tell you that I've had atleast 1 person atleast 1 time at atleast every MAC i've been too, ignore me completely or be rude. I've come to the conclusion there's one in every store and avoid that person.

Some people also need to realize that just because we come in wearing sweats, or jeans and a t-shirt doesn't mean we can't afford MAC. That's how I dress most of the time, and I spend more on make up than anyone I know.


Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
Some people also need to realize that just because we come in wearing sweats, or jeans and a t-shirt doesn't mean we can't afford MAC. That's how I dress most of the time, and I spend more on make up than anyone I know.

Yeah, that's a good point. Unfortunately, I often made that experience, especially when buying high-priced cosmetics here in Germany. Sometimes, I was simply ignored. People also tried to assess how old I might be (Or to say it with different words: How much money I might carry).

Well, I can spend my money elsewhere. A customer is a customer is a customer - and I think I shouldn't have to apologize for not being dressed up like a starlet while shopping.


Well-known member
Oh boy.

Nobody is saying anything about our good customers. This thread is just a place for us to vent about the bad ones that's all. If that isn't you, it doesn't apply.


Well-known member
Exactly. I personally don't care what customers wear ...I try to be nice and helpful to everybody. I notice that some will apologize for coming in without makeup on or for being in "casual clothes". I always tell them that I do the same thing on my day off! There's no shame in being comfortable!