Bad Customers!


Well-known member
I have to say that I shop at the San Bernardino Macy's MAC and I have NEVER had bad service. I'm ALWAYS acknowledged. They may not be able to assist me right away because they are with customers but they ALWAYS acknowledge me and Thank me whether I spent $10 or $500. I go to the same person because I like her, she's sweet and she really seems to care, she never presures me to buy anything and is ALWAYS helpful. It upsets me when people talk bad about the employees at MAC. I know not everyone has my luxury of having all of the MA's at their counter be WONDERFUL individuals but people need to know that there are GREAT MAC MA's out there. Bash the company and the re-promotes/every color looking the same/collections every other week/LE products but don't bash the MA's! They work hard! It's not easy dealing with some demanding customers, people who can't wait their turn (sorry, first come first serve no matter how much you're spending!) they are on their feet all day dealing with brides, prom girls and people who are set in their ways (ie someone who claims to be a NC15 when they are clearly a NC35) They are expected to work miracles when they clearly are just humans themselves. Cut these girls (and guys) some slack. You want to post about your "bad" experience with an MA post it in another thread, this one was made for them to vent about us for a change. And sorry, but seeing first hand how some of my girls (& guys) have been treated and reading these horror stories, they deserve a place to vent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mitziedoll
I used to really love to buy and wear a lot of MAC. I think that when someone is going to purchase an avg 300.00 per trip in cosmetics that they should not have to wait for half an hour before getting assisted. I understand that you get busy with customers but should you not have business cards so that you can build raport with frequent customers. I never see the same people when I go to MAC. Also, with such great colors and options sometimes the girls (usually pretty and young) get made up like drag queens (No I don't think Electric Eel would be a good highlighter). Sometimes I think they get hired because they are pretty or edgy and not because they know anything about cosmetics or cosmetics application. Many do not know the products well. Many discuss the price before the product which is a huge turnoff. In some occasions I remember dropping 300.00 or more and not getting so much as a thank you for my business. I wonder if it is because they are young or rude (I am only 25) Most of the artists I have had the most luck with are actually male. Because of my love of m/u I am not going to write off MAC although I have discovered great customer service with other lines. For instance a Giorgio Armani associate Rhonda from Brea Nordstroms calls me when new colors come in and greets me by name when I meet her. If she is busy which she often is she is courteous and thanks me when I have waited. She also not only shows me the products but the looks and how to apply them so they look GOOD on me and not overdone. I guess Im not in the minority in the opinion that MAC is the Cheesecake Factory of makeup. What your getting is quality fare but a chain like following and one of those annoying vibrating buzzers to hold while waiting for a table. The same colors are being repeated over and over again like a flavor of the month except with different names and creative "limited edition" marketing schemes. What happened to the MAC that was like an upscale sushi place. Sorry to vent but working for MAC Im interested in knowing a bit more about you, a refreshing minority, providing good customer service.

Sorry for your experiences but that has nothing to do with who we work for, that has to do with the person period. Some might not have no proper upbringing to know how to be nice and say thank you. It's not about MAC or whoever. They can't teach you that, you have to ALREADY know that.

And remember, this is just MY opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mitziedoll
I used to really love to buy and wear a lot of MAC. I think that when someone is going to purchase an avg 300.00 per trip in cosmetics that they should not have to wait for half an hour before getting assisted. I understand that you get busy with customers but should you not have business cards so that you can build raport with frequent customers. I never see the same people when I go to MAC. Also, with such great colors and options sometimes the girls (usually pretty and young) get made up like drag queens (No I don't think Electric Eel would be a good highlighter). Sometimes I think they get hired because they are pretty or edgy and not because they know anything about cosmetics or cosmetics application. Many do not know the products well. Many discuss the price before the product which is a huge turnoff. In some occasions I remember dropping 300.00 or more and not getting so much as a thank you for my business. I wonder if it is because they are young or rude (I am only 25) Most of the artists I have had the most luck with are actually male. Because of my love of m/u I am not going to write off MAC although I have discovered great customer service with other lines. For instance a Giorgio Armani associate Rhonda from Brea Nordstroms calls me when new colors come in and greets me by name when I meet her. If she is busy which she often is she is courteous and thanks me when I have waited. She also not only shows me the products but the looks and how to apply them so they look GOOD on me and not overdone. I guess Im not in the minority in the opinion that MAC is the Cheesecake Factory of makeup. What your getting is quality fare but a chain like following and one of those annoying vibrating buzzers to hold while waiting for a table. The same colors are being repeated over and over again like a flavor of the month except with different names and creative "limited edition" marketing schemes. What happened to the MAC that was like an upscale sushi place. Sorry to vent but working for MAC Im interested in knowing a bit more about you, a refreshing minority, providing good customer service.

Does this not strike you as ironic that you, as a customer, posted a string of insults about MAC and MAC MA's in a thread about customers who are nasty to MAC MA's?


Well-known member
I start twitching whenever someone says 'I just spent XXX dollars, you should thank me'.

I supplied a service, you paid me for it. Consider us even.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
I start twitching whenever someone says 'I just spent XXX dollars, you should thank me'.

I supplied a service, you paid me for it. Consider us even.

I love you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki

I had one lady come up to me and ask for "Lustre", so I'm thinking, I haven't heard that one before, I know I'm new but that doesn't sound right to me. I go, "Ok, let me check for you." I go look and I'm like, that's a formula. We go back and forth for like what seemed forever, she even called her husband who was at home. Come to find out, she wanted Viva Glam V.

And I hate it when they tell you the manufacture number. "I need the lipstick A87" I'm like :confused: . And then they go, 'This one' and hold it to your face. "Oh you want, "O" lipstick, that's the manufactures number. They feel so stupid.

Girl that used to drive me crazy! The ones I have ran into always got an attitude. " I SAAAAID I need Frost!" "But..." "I know what it's called, and it's called Frost!"

when she came to the counter she didn't say oh i'm looking for a blush do you have any suggestions,she said WELL HERE I AM AND HERE'S MY SKINTONE YOU ARE THE PROFESSIONAL YOU TELL ME

If they have a friend with them, they nudge them and wink-like they just came up with something really clever. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mitziedoll
Also, with such great colors and options sometimes the girls (usually pretty and young) get made up like drag queens (No I don't think Electric Eel would be a good highlighter). Sometimes I think they get hired because they are pretty or edgy and not because they know anything about cosmetics or cosmetics application. Many do not know the products well. Many discuss the price before the product which is a huge turnoff. In some occasions I remember dropping 300.00 or more and not getting so much as a thank you for my business. I wonder if it is because they are young or rude (I am only 25) Most of the artists I have had the most luck with are actually male.

I think you are overlooking the fact that you HAVE to wear certain looks at MAC. Although in your off time you might like to look more natural, it is part fo your job and a company expectation that you wear your makeup according to the "MAC look". Right after a launch, you are expected to wear the looks from the face charts which are very dramatic.

Good communication is a very important factor that must never be overlooked. Are you proactive when you get your makeup done? Do you tell the MA you would like it very natural? (no blues, no outrageous shades, ect.) Or do you say "I don't know do whatever" in which case we are encouraged to use the newest colours and looks which might not be to your tastes.

That actually is another preconception that is wrong is that the artist would ONLY know how to do dramatic makeup because that's what they happen to be wearing. That's the same notion that only an artist that is of your exact same colouring, age and facial features would be able to do your makeup properly.

Also, it's interesting you say you prefer male MA's instead of females. This is an unfortunate occurence that seems very common at the counter. The men would be juggling 2 customers who for whatever reason didn't want any of us ladies to help them. I think we women have to try doubly hard to fight the perception of being bitchy, while our male counterparts aren't held accountable for the exact same behaviours.

Also your point about you spending 300$ so you should go first in queue, I'm a little gobsmacked at the sense of entitlement here. Honestly, if some less well off working person has been patiently waiting and they can only afford a Spice lipliner, do you think it's fair they be bumped back so you can be waited on first?

If only the "I spend more so I should go first" theory worked everywhere, I would never have to stand in line at the grocery store again.

Originally Posted by mitziedoll

Because of my love of m/u I am not going to write off MAC although I have discovered great customer service with other lines. For instance a Giorgio Armani associate Rhonda from Brea Nordstroms calls me when new colors come in and greets me by name when I meet her. If she is busy which she often is she is courteous and thanks me when I have waited. She also not only shows me the products but the looks and how to apply them so they look GOOD on me and not overdone.

Remember, when you work at Nordstrom, you HAVE to call customers. It is actually a huge expectation of your job and part of your review! MAC is normally busy enough not to have to rely so heavily on this, but other lines that are slower are constantly reminded to call people when it is slow. I'm not saying the person is not providing you with good service, jusy letting you know that it is nothing unusual. You are actually expected to call people everyday and follow up to promote sales.

Also, while I worked at MAC I did have business cards and I also had loads of repeat clientele who would wait for me specifically or call me to find out if I was working when they wanted a makeup application.

Originally Posted by mitziedoll
I guess Im not in the minority in the opinion that MAC is the Cheesecake Factory of makeup. What your getting is quality fare but a chain like following and one of those annoying vibrating buzzers to hold while waiting for a table. The same colors are being repeated over and over again like a flavor of the month except with different names and creative "limited edition" marketing schemes. What happened to the MAC that was like an upscale sushi place. Sorry to vent but working for MAC Im interested in knowing a bit more about you, a refreshing minority, providing good customer service.

I agree with you on these points. MAC has changed very much and it has become more common, more chain-y and more corporate compared to the small, cutting edge and artsy company it once was. I've been a MAC customer since 1988 when it was really small and only in 2 places in L.A. but I know those days are loooong gone and now it is what it is. A big, corporate business who's goal is to make loads of money.

That however, is nothing to do with the people that work there, they didn't make it that way, the company fat cats decide how things are run. The workers can only 'fight the system' so far.

I'm not dismissing any of your points as invalid, because obviously it's you opinion/experience but I would say cut the people some slack, working behind a makeup counter is NOT an easy, play all day job. Most of us just do the best we can to get through the day as I'm sure you do in your job!

You're right in saying that people who provide great service in any sort of retail ARE a minority, but much of that is down to a company's hiring and training.


Well-known member
Working for EL, I have SO MANY PEOPLE who come up and go " I need Estee Lauder." And I'm like... Estee Lauder what?!?!?! We make like 897 products. And they'll say powder, or perfume, or whatever. I once had a woman who demanded from me Lancome Lucidity Powder, (which doesn't exist), and insist everyone in the store was crazy because she had a college degree! Or just walk up to me and literally state "Lipstick." and expect me to know what that means.

Alot of people tell me to go back and tell Estee *insert comment here.* I'm not sure how they expect me to do that being that she's passed away but also even if she hadn't I'm 100% positive she wouldn't call me up to find out what people were saying.

I think my craziest story was the pre-operative transsexual with the fake pregnant belly strapped on who stated "I need an extra GWP with my sister. Everyone always gets us confused." As she reeked of cigarettes and liquor and handed me an id that said "Edward Somethingorother."

Or it could be the woman who made me dig up an empty foundation dramming bottle from the bottom of the trashcan after she made me throw it away.

Or the woman who cut in line on the first day of gift and then yelled at me in front of everyone how i "ignored her" because i was waiting on the customers in order and i wouldn't "dare ignore her again or else!!" She went on for so long I almost stepped away to walk off because it was just getting downright abusive.

Last week we had a woman come in looking for an older product and a new girl didn't know where it was so she called me at home to find out. The woman walked behind the counter and started going through all of the doors while she was calling! Then, this customer filed a complaint, and now is getting "complimentary services and a gift for her disappointing experience."

I had $600 in products returned the other week, after everything had been used once. What a waste. The woman said she just "didn't like them."

I once had someone call me and ask me to walk from Macy's to the MAC Store in the mall to see if they had their lipgloss in stock as well.

Phew. </endrant>


Well-known member
ieatbugs, girl, you are better than me. LAWD!!! I would've kirked out!!!!!!!!!

*hugs and a stiff drink to you girl!*


Well-known member
and here I was always under the impression that Nordstroms customers would be much more demanding and irrational than Macy's.

Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
ieatbugs, girl, you are better than me. LAWD!!! I would've kirked out!!!!!!!!!

*hugs and a stiff drink to you girl!*



Well-known member
why the hell did this lady bitch at me for 10 minutes about how her daughter has been waiting for 30 minutes to get her makeup done for the nocturnelle event and even though i was supposed to get off in 15 minutes being the nice person i am decided to do her makeup just so she doesnt go and complain to her friends
after i did the whole entire face...and i mean the whole damn thing, even extra crap they wanted me to do and asked me about
i have never been so irritated


Well-known member
I think people fail to realize that we do not just "do" makeup. I don't get to "play" with makeup all day. We are also expert multi-taskers, advice-givers, stock people, miracle-makers, customer service specialists, complaint takers, and we have to clean and maintain the counters too. And I *DARE*:duel: any customer to even try to schematicize a lipstick unit on a friday or saturday and juggle phd's too!!!
WE have to do that. No one does the cleaning or stocking for us. The counter needs to look spotless at all times. Its chaos and mayhem. And I love every second of it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
why the hell did this lady bitch at me for 10 minutes about how her daughter has been waiting for 30 minutes to get her makeup done for the nocturnelle event and even though i was supposed to get off in 15 minutes being the nice person i am decided to do her makeup just so she doesnt go and complain to her friends
after i did the whole entire face...and i mean the whole damn thing, even extra crap they wanted me to do and asked me about
i have never been so irritated

Gah, that's the worst! If that happens at my counter, my managers have given us total permission to take a wipe to their face.


Well-known member
You know what I hate? When customers come in saying "Where is the (insert product here)?" and it winds up being something we never carried, and the customer starts going "Yes you do, where is it, where is it? I know you have it, where is it?" Um..yeah, like I don't know what's in my store.

Ohh..why do people insist on having a makeover while bringing their crying, screaming kids along with them? I mean, if the kids are really well behaved and sweet, fine. But its a little hard to apply liquid liner when your customer's bratty kid is wiggling all over mommy's lap.

Some customers are so gross too. They take the lip glosses and start using that wand directly on their lips. Yes, just go ahead and contaminate the tester! We don't know if you have herpes or anything, but that's ok, let's all share! thanks.
I'm not a MA but I've worked with the public for 7 years, 4 of which were in fine jewelry sales. Some of these stories are eerily similar to my experiences in jewelry. Because I know what it's like, from the little annoyances to the downright crazy people, I always try to be extra polite and patient with anyone who ever helps me out in customer service (especially if it's hemm). If the person assisting me is nice and very helpful, and if I know they make a commision or have sales goals, I try to stay loyal and usually spend more.

One of the things that I always hate is the way people expect to have preferential treatment because they spend more (or what THEY think is a lot) money. Everyone should be the treated with the same courtesy, because you know what, they would complain if it was the other way around too. Whenever someone throws out how much they have spent in the past, you know you are in for a fun experience.

I was never more insulted than when a group of women walked into my store when it was slow and they yelled out to us that they have cash, and then proceeded to wave a hundred in the air. It made me feel like we were prostitutes.

I just don't think many of these people have ever had to deal with the public in service. Very ego-centric with a ridiculous sense of entitlement. I still get this daily working for a doctor's office. I think those of us who take this the hardest and get frustrated by this the most are those that really try their hardest to do their best and please everyone. It's so hard not to care.

On the other hand there are even those few who have worked in similar jobs and expect things to be ran exactly the same way as it is with their company. I one had a customer smugly tell me that she worked for Walmart and knew that if you make a big enough stink you can always get things your way. This was while another associate was on the phone with the regional manager trying to authorize her return which was over a year old that she wanted cash back for. I'll never forget that lady because I think I went home that night a little less naive about humanity.


Well-known member
(Here's my rant.)

I think to have a successful business, you need to genuinely value your customers. I'm a one person counter, yet I manage to have the biggest increase of all the counters in my territory! I write thank you notes and call my customers a week later to see if they're liking their products, and notify them about in-store events and sales. I try my hardest to remember their name when they come back, because I want to feel like a friend to them. I want them to come back and see me, not go to another smashbox counter when they need replenishment.

Even as a makeup artist in the same department, I get anxiety going near the MAC counter. Even our MUA's that KNOW me aren't always in the most helpful or pleasant of moods, and that's a real put off.

I think it's outrageous that many MAC artists think of their customers as numbers with problems, (ex. "oh, did you grab that one or is she still waiting for our help?") Rather than a valued person who is really interested in learning your beauty secrets and willing to spend money for them. These people look up to us to make them feel good. We have the greatest power of giving them the gift of personal beauty!!! I think not only should we do our best with artistry and give them amazing makeovers, but we should conciously try to be nice about it and thank them for taking time out of their day to sit with us, AND spend money. Hey, if all MAC M/U artists start doing this, you all might be able to change around the reputation of your company.

Just food for thought.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Gah, that's the worst! If that happens at my counter, my managers have given us total permission to take a wipe to their face.

Okay, I've gotta know - have you actually ever done that? If so, I really want to hear what the customer's reaction was.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NikkiHorror
(Here's my rant.)

I think it's outrageous that many MAC artists think of their customers as numbers with problems, (ex. "oh, did you grab that one or is she still waiting for our help?&quot
Rather than a valued person who is really interested in learning your beauty secrets and willing to spend money for them. These people look up to us to make them feel good. We have the greatest power of giving them the gift of personal beauty!!! I think not only should we do our best with artistry and give them amazing makeovers, but we should conciously try to be nice about it and thank them for taking time out of their day to sit with us, AND spend money. Hey, if all MAC M/U artists start doing this, you all might be able to change around the reputation of your company.

I wholeheartedly agree. I always try to do my best to treat my customers like people. Its always "Do you mind ringing this nice lady up while I finish with (insert customer's name)'s makeup?" I really think its makes a huge difference learning your regular customers' names if you can. Otherwise, its always 'How can I help you miss?', etc. Its just when customers are so rude despite your every effort to be courteous...that really bothers me. It even bothers me when I see it happening to other sales associates when I'm just shopping around.


Well-known member
Thank for this topic! I am NEVER going to return something to MAC again! It makes me sick to think of all of those MAC products sitting in a box with all the other returned/used MAC products.

I try never to return but I am going to make sure that from now on I really only get what I really want.


Well-known member
Crystalintegra, you just reminded me...the damn people that think that since they bought anything more than a Chestnut liner, they expect a GWP. I hear "where's my gift" several times a day. Ugh! If they're nice, I'll throw them a sample cup of moisturizer, but if they're obnoxious, 'No, if you want a GWP, we would have to raise our prices. Would you rather spend $30 on a lipstick just to get a trial size of something?'

And NikkiHorror, I totally know what you mean. Sales goals are pretty intense & I know a bunch of MAC MUAs who will be "too busy" or literally hide from or ignore cutomers who want "onsies"...or even worse, pass them onto me cause I'm the "nice little white girl" at the counter. It kills my numbers, but I do it with a smile, hoping that one day that customer will come back with their big purchase and come straight to me....unless of course, they want only ONE SPONGE, then I give them the ones we have for us to use, or tell them to take a trip across the parking lot to Target.

And, Ieatbugs, I personally haven't taken makeup off someone's face, but it has been done before...actually, I think it's been done a lot at my store.