Be Honest: Do You Always Wash Your Make Up Off At Night?


I used to wash my face about...80% of the time. But once I didn't my face for 2 nights in a row, then I got a pimple, then it developed into an acne scar. Now I make sure my face is washed before I go to bed


Well-known member
Religiously... I always take make up off, I usually wear concealer and powder and sometimes eyeliner, but I take it all off, otherwise the following morning will be breakout hell.

As for skin care regimen, I used to be lazy, but now I'm quite the fanatic. I only recall once not doing the whole routine, but still I took off all the makeup first.


Well-known member
well, once in a blue moon (very rare now, lol) I fall asleep without taking MU off. I've gotten good at washing my MU off this year, but when I don't have any MU on? hehehe I get lazy sometimes.


Well-known member
I do everynight...

UNLESS I've been drinking and then I end up passing out on my bed. Eek. Hangovers and bad skin? Eww


Well-known member
I always always do. There have been 1 or 2x where I fell asleep and my skin just knows, I'll wake up with a pimple!
Yeah. I ALWAYS do because I hate the feeling of waking up with eyeliner and mascara smudged half way down my cheeks.

Morning: Proactiv cleanser, toner, repairing lotion. Olay moisturizer.
Night: Cetaphil for makeup removal. Proactiv kit. Proactiv mask. Olay moisturizer.

My skin has cleared up tremendously since I started using proactiv. It's just those damn acne scars that won't go away.


Active member
i'm terrible, I rarely wash my face before bed... I justify it to myself because I only wear tinted moisturizer, not foundation... but I know it's still bad...


Well-known member
I always wash my face before going to bed (only exception is if I'm wasted and I pass out on my friend's couch), even when I didn't wear makeup I washed every day. I'm a freak when it comes to washing, I have to shower and wash my hair every day or I get really self-conscious to the point where I don't wanna go near people because some how I have it in my head that I must be filthy. I also wash my hands quite often during the day. I know I sound totally obsessive but I rarely get sick and I have pretty good skin with no visible pores if I do say so myself :p

I recently read a newspaper article about some dermatologists avdocating for the "less is more" skincare regime and it made a lot of sense to me, so I'm on one now, so far I'm very happy with it


Well-known member
Always, always, always. Even when I'm tired and I want to go to bed...It takes me about 15 minutes to go through the whole routine, but I prefer my clean skin than the extra 15 minutes of sleep I may get.


Well-known member
as long as i'm not about to fall asleep standing up. most of the time i'll wash my face and go through the whole routine, but if i'm just really tired and feeling lazy i'll use MAC's wipes to take everything off so at least it wont clog my pores overnight or something.


Active member
No matter how tired I am I ALWAYS at least use the MAC Wipes or smiliar product (like from neutrogena or oil of olay)...espeically to get the mascara off and avoid dark circles...if I'm not too tired I'll actually "wash" my face too.


Well-known member
Yes!! I always make sure I go to bed with a clean face, no matter what. From past experience, anytime I did not take off my makeup, I was rewarded with a breakout of some sort!@!#@&*!! With eye makeup, I am very careful and use a gentle remover to not stretch or pull the skin around my eyes too much. I know it has made a difference in how young I look.


Well-known member
yea im right there along with you. i used to wash my face and moisturize EVERY night. but then i started school, and i was out all the time. sometimes id just be too drunk to remember, but now... most of the time i stay up so late i just want to crash. makeup and all. now i all i use is the face wipes. lol i ran out of cleanser, and shamefully... im too lazy to remember to buy more! damn myself. u religious girls make me feel bad now! haha! i think ill work it on it.


Well-known member
If I can't be bothered one evening to do it, I normally just only wash my eye make-up off, and splash some water in my face, dry it and put night moisturizer on. But then again, even if I use the face cleanser I have, it's not coming all off, as it's not a real good cleanser...

Miss World

Well-known member
completely.. I NEVER sleep with make up on.. even if I'm dead-tired! otherwise, I'd get a bad breakout :| and I can't stand breakouts hehe

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