Be Honest: Do You Always Wash Your Make Up Off At Night?


Well-known member
I always make sure I have a clean face before going to bed - I have very oily/acne prone, but sensitive skin and I'm always paranoid about what I have on my face lol


Well-known member
ahhh! i hardly do... i never remember too.. or maybe its that i love makeup so much i never wanna take it off =T yeah that will be my explanation for not doing so.


Well-known member
Always! There were maybe one or two times I didn't & hated the way my skin felt the next morning. Not to mention how horrid it was to see my eyeliner halfway down my face! *lol*


Well-known member
There have been a few very rare occasions when I came home teetering pissed drunk from a club where I just fell into bed and passed out and didn't take off my makeup, and even slept in my eyelashes. It soooo gross though, the next day my eyes were glued shut from the lash glue! Nasty stuff.

But 99% of the time, I remove all my makeup with a washing cleanser and cold water. I can't wash my face with warm water, it needs to be on the cool side. And I always moisturize after, and put on eye cream. I can't go to bed with makeup on, it just feels sooo gross and I feel like I'm spreading a layer of germs and gunk to my bedsheets. But, often I shower at night before bed (not much of a morning shower person) and I just wsh it all off in the shower.


ALWAYS!!! My skin is very oily and prone so I have to clean it every evening (I don´t want to risk breakouts


Well-known member
Yes, absolutely. I consider removing my make-up as an obligation, even when I come home at 5 or 7 a.m (it happens loooads of time on week-ends!!).
It is such a chore sometimes but I know my skin very well, and as I used to have some acne (just a little, but enough to make me a cleaning-psycho!) I just can't imagine what it'll look like the next morning with all my make-up on... that is just so gross :eek2:
Plus, smoking & drinking do so much damage to the skin that I can't let all that mixture on my face before going to bed. NO WAY!!


Active member
99% of the time. The 1% when I fail to do so is when I'm so tired I didn't even realise that I've fallen asleep straightaway once I get home


Well-known member
I make myself wash my face every night no matter if it's 2am & I'm dead tired. I like the feeling of a clean fresh face, helps me sleep better haha.

arabian girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss World
completely.. I NEVER sleep with make up on.. even if I'm dead-tired! otherwise, I'd get a bad breakout :| and I can't stand breakouts hehe

me toooooooooo


Well-known member
about 99% of the time I do. I was so tempted to go to bed without taking my MU off last nite, but I forced myself into the bathroom, lol!


Always! Sometimes I'm tempted not to after a big night, but I somehow force myself to do it. For the rare occasion that I really can't er, stand at the basin and wash my face properly I'll use a face wipe, vowing to deep cleanse and exfoliate the following day...


Well-known member
Yes. It's the one thing that I must do before I sleep.
Even when I'm just wearing sunscreen with a light layer of powder, I still use cold cream to wash it off.


Well-known member
I always clean my face, I feel so unclean if I don't. I even wash my face when I get home from school with water and a tiny amount of face wash. Blah, the job of having oily skin.


Well-known member
yes. always. i wear pretty heavy makeup so my "tip" is that i keep a couple of packs of those ponds face wipes stashed in my bedroom and bathroom for those "bad" nights. there have been times when i've fallen into bed with my clothes on, without brushing my teeth, or w/ a bottle of tequila still between my lips -- but i always at least give my face a quick wipe down, no matter what. i admit that some nights, it's less then a thorough job, but better then going to bed w/ a full blown mask on. lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cindysilver4
I keep Pond's Clean Sweep face-wipes by my bed just in case I am too tired or worn out to really wash my face -- I'll just clean my face with them! I really recommend them
I hope this helps!!

I love these wipes too! I work in a pizza restaurant so my face is always WAY too greasy when I get home to not wash it totally.

Then if I don't feel like it, I start imagining all the crud getting on my pillowcase and it makes me change my mind!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
There have been a few very rare occasions when I came home teetering pissed drunk from a club where I just fell into bed and passed out and didn't take off my makeup, and even slept in my eyelashes

ITA!!!! I always wash my face, unless I'm drunk.


Well-known member
I almost always wash my face and use my lancome makeup remover, unless I don't have it.
I don't wear foundation so my main concern in going to bed with makeup on is waking up looking like a raccoon.