Be Honest: Do You Always Wash Your Make Up Off At Night?


Active member
I often don't, but I always at least use a toner to take some of it off. But I really don't wear much foundation, so by the time I get to bed, most of the makeup on my skin has worn off.


Well-known member
yes i make sure to wash all of my makeup off before going to bed...sometimes if i'm really tired (and i don't have the time or patience to remove ALL of my eyeliner) i do the best i can and just go sleep and wait until tomorrow morning, it's all gone but then i have black boogers in my eyes... =/


Well-known member
i always sleep in my makeup!
once i started washing it off and i got spots!
my skin went into shock!
ive got really clear skin and no spots or lines.
lucky i guess!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
i always sleep in my makeup!
once i started washing it off and i got spots!
my skin went into shock!
ive got really clear skin and no spots or lines.
lucky i guess!

I don't think you got spots from not having day-old makeup on, probably you had an adverse reaction to your cleanser...


Well-known member
yeah. i'm lazy, though, so i just use pond's wipes... but i never just go to sleep with all of my makeup on my face. i have before once or twice, but i didn't even sleep well because of it.


Well-known member
Always! For more then one reason.

First of all, it feels horrible in the morning... I find my eyes become sensitive from all the makeup that sat overnight on them, and it becomes hard to reapply the next day since my eyes are irritated.

Second, leaving foundation overnight is one of the worst things you can do for your skin, I have acne prone skin and leaving my foundation on causes huge breakouts the next day.

Lastly, it always feels great to go to bed with a fresh and clean face.


Well-known member
I ALWAYS have to wash it off, otherwise it bothers me so much I can't sleep. Seriously. My eyes get really irritated, which makes me itch them. Then I get makeup all over my fingers and then into my eyes because I scratch them :p It's not fun. Plus my mascara is water proof so it doesn't exactly come off, it's still there in the morning. I don't know, I just feel gross when I wake up if I fall asleep with makeup on!
I love going to bed with a fresh face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anns
Always, always. I couldn't sleep with makeup on LOL, I love the fresh face feeling.

me too ! I'd hate to have stains of make up on my beddings as well....


Well-known member
Ugh I HAVE to wash my makeup off. I think it is because I am prone to breakouts and those really big painful spots if I don't. If I don't take my MU off at night, I pay for it.


Well-known member
I have to wash the makeup off of my face every night. I just feel the need to cleanse my face and neck of all the makeup before i go to sleep because if i dont i would look like someone in a 1950s horror flick!!! and scare the hell out of my kids in the morning!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MorningGlory
I always wash and moisturize before bed.

Me too....every night. Once I didnt,and that was on my wedding night
and was awful.


Well-known member
yes i do because i wear contacts, so i have to wash my hand anyway....and i'm by the sink
but there were some nights were i got a little too drunk and passed out -big mistake: my eyes were totally blurry and it hurt to take out my contacts...