Beauty Resolutions for 2008


Well-known member
Last year someone posted a terrific thread about Beauty Resolutions for '07. It was a great way to look back and reflect, as well as looking forward to the days to come. What would you like to change about your beauty/health/daily routines in '08 that will make your life better?

For me:
  • Keep maintaining my workouts and also vary them a bit more
  • Make more time for myself in the morning. I have been getting up way too late lately. That makes for too much of a scramble in the morning.
  • Get my Lasik
  • Keep exploring different brands of makeup, not just MAC
  • Make time to read more at night
  • Explore more neutral makeup looks - I have been going all out lately
  • OK, I am sure more will pop into my head, but it's too early right now...

What's on your mind for '08?

Girl about town

Well-known member
great thread, i guess with all the excess over christmas i am looking forward to eating healthy in order to feel and look my very best.
i am going to take up running gain as i never looked better.
To wash my brushes every few days.
to spend more time in the morning doing my make up ,even for work i tend to slap it on and run out the door and then look like a mess half way through the day x


Well-known member
where do i start?

i have to start exercising regularly
i have to quit smoking
i have to get up earlier and take some time on my appearance - i've been slack with my clothes, hair and makeup and it makes me feel unfinished and drab
i have to remember that i am not fat or ugly, despite feeling it sometimes
i have to get some proper beauty sleep every night
i have to make time for a relaxing bath once a week - i used to do this and it was lovely. i've stopped doing it because i've been so busy all the time and i miss it so much

i could go on, but those are my main ones


Well-known member
Great thread!

For me, I need to work out consistently. This has always been an issue because I hate going, but I really do need to take care of my body. I did put together my work out for next week and I'm stoked to start feeling awesome again!

I need to have that time to myself in the morning too, more so to meditate and focus on what I want.

Lastly and most importantly I need to remember that I am beautiful and truly live by this. I have found that I like to hide behind my make up and cover up all of the flaws I see. I need to remember that make up is an enhancer to bring out my features. Loud and all out make up is a favorite, but I think more of a natural look will be better to embrace the beauty that is me.


Well-known member
Great idea!

  • Get a breast reduction and LASIK
  • Begin exercising
  • Eat right...and drink more water
  • Expand my makeup collection
  • Get more comfortable going into MAC
  • Become more skilled at applying makeup and my knowledge about makeup
  • Get more sleep
  • Take more time on myself. I work in a salon and makeup is my absolute favorite thing--and I don't have time to put any on! I feel like I could look a lot better sometimes
  • Have more style. When i go shopping, I get cute things. But they look normal. I don't have a lot of money but I want to be able to get things that I can put together and look really cute.
  • Start taking my hair vitamins again
  • Do something relaxing for myself at least once every two weeks. Whether it be a pedicure, manicure, massage, facial--I need to relieve some of the stress and make myself look and feel better.


Well-known member
Yeah...I've already got my laundry list of New Year's Resolutions, but here are the beauty-related ones:

1. Lose weight, which leads me to the next one
2. Run a marathon (I know it's not beauty-related, but training for it will help me accomplish numero uno)
3. Eat more healthy foods
4. Drink more water
5. Do more yoga
6. Try to only buy colors I will actually use...not just because I think they're pretty (I think that's actually going to be the hardest!!)


Well-known member
  • Start running again.
  • Have surgery and rehab from it relatively quickly so I can climb again.
  • Send a V4 prior to surgery.
  • Drop (seriously) about 12 lbs. (That's what the running is for.)
  • Learn to love my veggies.
  • Work back up to 10 overhand/10 underhand pull up sets.
  • Keep growing my hair out. I want porn star hair dammit!
  • Work on my flexibility.

I'm sure I'll think of more but...meh.


Well-known member
Maybe I will drag my ass to the gym
out with the sweets (again)
cook more, eat out less
and my clothes will have to fit my MAC collection, as its grown with all of yours over the holiday!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Actually start wearing the MAC I keep collecting.

i'm right there with you sister! lord knows i have WAY too much stuff i haven't even touched yet

and to this i'll add:

hoo boy where do i start!!!

  • restart and STICK to my spinning class and yoga
  • attempt not to take in anymore stray animals and keep them as pets ( we have 6 now i.e actually find homes for them)
  • eat healthier
  • start zumba and karate classes
  • definitely cook more and eat out less

p/s great thread jen!!


Well-known member
i'd like to gain some muscle/tone weight, i'm sick of being so boney! & i'd like to stop wearing face makeup alltogether.


Well-known member
Oh My gosh so many, but here's a few:

Start exercising regularly
Eat healthier
Like others use the part of my collection that's not been touched
Not depend on others to make me feel worthy
Do at least one thing a day that makes ME feel good or proud
Start yoga or other type of relaxation/stress reducer
Not to let anyone use me as their emotional punching bag
Try my best each day to feel great and happy to be alive and say F**K YOU to anyone who tries to make me feel otherwise

Sorry, not much beauty in there, but at least I got that out of me.

By the way I really like the intro song to the "Biggest Loser" that says "what have you done today to make you feel proud" I looked it up and it is called "Proud" by Heather Small. My husband got me a new iPod Nano and that is the first song I'm going to put on it.


Well-known member
Start taking better care of my hair, skin & nails which includes eating a more balanced diet, drinking more water, taking vitamins and getting the approriate grooming when neccesary.

Keep track of my mascara usage. I am going to start writing the date I first use it on a piece of tape and wrapping it around the tube so I keep to the 3-month rule.

Find more of a balance between using the bold colors I love and wearing the neutral colors that really make me look beautiful.


Well-known member
O wow
clear up my skin (got rid of acne, now for the scars they left behind)
get my wardrobe together ( i have so many sides to my personality its hard to buy clothes that fit all of them)
Step my make up game up (im learning)
Hair vitamins( wanna grow my fro somemore before prom
get a new job(to pay for all of this make up and clothes)



Well-known member
I started the thread last year cause I have a problem with my addiction, really. Here us my post from last year in bold:

I was just going over my stsh and I noticed a few things. I have a penchant for finding the same damn lipgloss and eyeshadow color. If I buy one more neutral lipcolor or bronze eyeshadow I'll go nuts. Anyway here are some resolutions I have for the new year:

1. wear more red lipstick- its so glamorous
2. wear brighter colors instead of the usual browns and golds.
3. don't break my neck get the new stuff (studio mist blush, untamed, and sundressing didnt catch on and its already at the cco's)
4. I WILL HAVE THE POWER TO RESIST BUYING ALL OF HOLIDAY 07'. I'm still one the fence about this because the value is so great. I bought intense, smoked, and warm eyes and warm is the only one that comes out on a daily basis. And ebay prices are nuts so I might have to think about this a little.
Alright thats all my resolutions. Anybody else have any?

1. The red lipstick is still sitting there-a am such a whimp, but pure vanity lipglos has been worn a lot.
2. I have worn so many colors its crazy. I am completely fufilled when it comes to this resolution.
3. I have resisted urges and triumphed through the le collection bombardment. I will catch it in the cco, f*uck eating ramen until payday.
4. didnt touch holiday this yr- too many similar colors from what i have and having the mini version is pointless.

Definitely made some inprovements but still have a lot way to go. Here are my 08 resolutions:
1. cut back on spending period- cant pay rent with clothes.
2. really think about my health-get in shape cause there are so many new fashion trends i cant wear and being a 16 is a pain when finding cute clothes.
3. use more cheeks items- i have so many lovely blushes that sit there and cause i use casino bronzer daily.
4. accept the fact that i have enough makeup and really only need to buy the colors i am i n love with
5. use all the msf that i bought!!!

And a lot of u have some great resolutions-STICK TO THEM! lol


Well-known member
Bullets look cool!
  • More beauty sleep
  • Meditate
  • Take better care of my dry scaly elbows
  • Take my makeup off at night, every night
  • Use my teeth whitener more regularly
  • Try avocodo in my hair. Everytime I buy it to try, I end up making guacamole.
  • Get that nasty blackhead out my ear, it hurts everytime I try and I quit.
  • Quit hunching over at my work desk like Igor.
  • Wear sunglasses that actually block rays. Just because they are pretty pink lenses doesn't mean they are qualified sunglasses Stella!
  • Cut back on sugary sodas.
  • Get back in the habit of taking a multivitiman
  • Stop freakin over 2008 being the last year I am in my twenties. OMG 29! calm down.

NON beauty resolution-take better care of my car. The check engine light has been on for about 3 months and I did nothing, now it hesitates at red lights and finally dies out. But it will retart once I turn the ignition over again. So at least I can move out the way.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
  • Work on upper body strength. After yoga, I realized that's what's preventing me from more of the poses, not inflexibility
  • Hot oil hair weekly. Chicago winter is brutal on my hair
  • Regular (every two to three months) facials. So relaxing, and my skin looks great
  • Attend yoga classes or continue some kind of practice at home
  • Build a respectable wardrobe
  • Finally buy a swimsuit. I haven't owned one in about 6 years!
  • Keep makeup organized. I have a shelf and little boxes that seems to work. Also, keep Excel Sheet up to date