Bi Women

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I don't think it's easy to leave you boyfriend, but once y'all come to your conclusion, you'll have to figure out of it is something you can live with.
I couldn't live with a man who exploited my proclivities, and was jealous of any of my attention on any member of either sex.
If you and he can reach a compromise you can both live with, where you're both happy, by all means, please do! The world needs more love!

I agree that the world needs more love but sex isn't love. Only love is love.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
I agree that the world needs more love but sex isn't love. Only love is love.

I never once said they were one and the same

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I never once said they were one and the same

But it did sound like you were implying it. Seeing how the topic starter said she wants to have sex with a female from time to time and that's basically what the thread is about. My bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
But it did sound like you were implying it. Seeing how the topic starter said she wants to have sex with a female from time to time and that's basically what the thread is about. My bad.

I think you just misread her. When she said, "the world needs more love" she was saying that she hopes her and her boyfrend can reach an agreement between each other, hence "more love."

Not that sleeping with other women is love.


Well-known member
My post was actually in response to her saying she loved her boyfriend, and wanted to be with him. In acknowledging that, I told her I hoped the resolution was something they both could live with, because if they love each other, that's fantastic, because the world needs more love.

Sex does NOT equal love, validation, affirmation, or any other emotion like that. It's an extension but one is not necessary for the other.

Hope that clarifies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
My post was actually in response to her saying she loved her boyfriend, and wanted to be with him. In acknowledging that, I told her I hoped the resolution was something they both could live with, because if they love each other, that's fantastic, because the world needs more love.

Sex does NOT equal love, validation, affirmation, or any other emotion like that. It's an extension but one is not necessary for the other.

Hope that clarifies.

Beat yah too it!

*sticks out tongue*

lol <3


Well-known member
yeah yeah you beat me to it. I was typing with a smacked up wrist and a 4 year old in my lap so ninner.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
yeah yeah you beat me to it. I was typing with a smacked up wrist and a 4 year old in my lap so ninner.



teaching her about being bi?


Well-known member
Weigh your it more important to have sex with other people, or is it more important to have a relationship with this guy? It's pretty obvious that you can't have both, and I dont' think it's fair to ask him to be OK with it when he's not. Not to say that you're a bad person or anything (because you're not!) But just to toss it out there, I'd be really offended if my boyfriend asked me more than once (and I said no!) to be OK with him having sex with another person, man or woman.

Really, really, just think it through. And like the others alluded're young. It's totally understandable to want to have sex with other people, not just one person forever. Seriously, just sit down with yourself and try to figure out which one will make you happier. Both options are going to make you deny yourself just gotta figure out your priorities.

And, seriously hun, if you think that 'maybe i'd rather be single and open to do whatever with whomever', it's a pretty good indicator that you *should* be single, at least for right now.

I'm rambling. But good luck, either way!
(And I hope I didn't offend you or anything!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

kinda funny, i figured your 4 year old was a girl.

No, he's a hellion little boy. I've only got one girl, and she's ten.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No, he's a hellion little boy. I've only got one girl, and she's ten.

Ut oh... Almost as old as Alec Baldwin's daughter, watch out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by medusalox

And, seriously hun, if you think that 'maybe i'd rather be single and open to do whatever with whomever', it's a pretty good indicator that you *should* be single, at least for right now.

I'm rambling. But good luck, either way!
(And I hope I didn't offend you or anything!)

You haven't offended me. But I don't feel that way. I've been through that before. And its a totally different feeling that I'm having now. But thats not really how I feel. I could NEVER picture me with another guy. I just couldnt. Just sometimes I want some female attention.. in the sexual form.

Its so hard to explain. I just want to be able to be with a woman from time to time. If he was bi, I'd support him and let him do what he needed to do, as long as he didn't put anyone before me. Or nothing got out of hand. But if he just wanted a random male hookup occasionally I really truly believe I'd be fine with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eighmii
Its so hard to explain. I just want to be able to be with a woman from time to time. If he was bi, I'd support him and let him do what he needed to do, as long as he didn't put anyone before me. Or nothing got out of hand. But if he just wanted a random male hookup occasionally I really truly believe I'd be fine with it.

What does being bi have to do with anything?

Since I'm guessing he's not bi, would you have a problem with him seeing another girl, if occasionally he wanted a female hookup? As long as it was just sex, and he wasn't putting them before you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
What does being bi have to do with anything?

Since I'm guessing he's not bi, would you have a problem with him seeing another girl, if occasionally he wanted a female hookup? As long as it was just sex, and he wasn't putting them before you?

No no no no no.

Its completely different. I am perfectly happy with him as a guy. And I hope he is satisfied with me as a girl.

Sometimes I feel the need to be with a girl. Theres nothing he can do about that. Hes not a girl. Theres nothing hes doing wrong. He is just simply NOT a girl.

Same goes as if it was the other way around. No. Its not okay for him to go be with another girl even if its just sex and she doesnt be put before me. I'm a girl, he wants to be with a girl, hes with me.

Not to be rude or anything, but I really wanted BI WOMENS input on how they deal with this problem if they are in a commited relationship.


Well-known member
Honestly, it's something that unless you personally experience it, you really can't relate. You can say "Yeah, I can kinda see that" or put yourself as much in those shoes as possible, but can't really imagine what it's like unless you KNOW.


Well-known member
Amen! You have to be in your own shoes to know what the heck is going on & how to deal with stuff. I'll have you all know though, Dave has read my post as well as this one. We talked & things went FINE
It feels so much better to have shared my feelings & I do believe he's going to post something tonight on my thread. Just wanted to put that out there. Again, thanks so much for initially posting, eighmii!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eighmii
Not to be rude or anything, but I really wanted BI WOMENS input on how they deal with this problem if they are in a commited relationship.

lol, thats an ignorant opinion. You have no idea who i've slept with, and what sex they have been ;p