Big Brother Anyone??


Well-known member
Yeah she trying to make kevin go with them .....Lydia, Gnat and her....

He told her Jeff did not save Ruscle because of freindship...but to get Jesse out...she is going BS....


Well-known member
well if he would have left russell up against jessie russ would have gone home so either way he would have had to put up jess and pitbull up lol im glad kevin told her cackling ass that do u think he will join sides with jeff?


Well-known member
I think kevin will go with whomever has the power...he is a they are all about to be now....they have no choice...

That is how Michelle has made it thru ....


Well-known member
Chima and kevin just told Gnat to go up and Kiss Michelle's ass so that she can feel like she can trust them....and tell her no hard feelings...jesse is Jesse and I am Gnat....what the f ever


Well-known member
that is true michelle has been a floater ......i still cant believe kevin didnt use his veto on his supp bff lydiot (lol) so im sure he will be doing some major ass kissing! i just hope mich dosent fall for it!!! have u noticed michelles nervous laugh after almost everything she says lol


Well-known member
He was smart not too...the only people safe from the CDT was the HOH and veto holder...he was saving his own ass


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Jeff/Jordan/Rssel/CooKoo in the bath...they told Russel to keep his cool and watch what he says...basically don't talk the rest of the game lol


Well-known member
lol right he better keep his mouth shut from going off! lol specially since cheeba is going to be kissing ass and throwing her ideas into michelles head


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Yeah she kept telling Gnat that you and Ruscle will be their targets....Like she is NOT!! wtf.....she said I think everyone will come after Gnat and Ruscle...and you to Chia...I can't watch anymore I'm about to spit


Well-known member
lol im watchin the live about how the pitbull wants to team up with cheeba and michelle and how pitbull wont stab anyone on the back


Well-known member
Sickening....lying thru her teeth....she just mispoke saying I am only loyal to Chima....then she said again I am only loyal to Lydia...I mean Chima

Please tell me CooKoo is not that stupid!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
oh man i hope cookoo isnt that stupid! stupid pitbull couldnt even keep her story straight ..... o i will let u sleep on it .... ruff ruff ruff ruff growl lol


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Chimma and Gnat....I think they have been off so long cuz Chimma thru another shit normally is only off air 30 mins for has been over an hour

Chimma just knew 100% she was safe....Michelle tried to tell her she won't be happy...LOL


Well-known member
LOL! oh man i was wondering why it was taking so long she prob did throw another fit! oh man im like counting down until after dark....they are going to be super extra pissed if they they are up


Well-known member
I heard they already put her on warning for the comments she made about Ruscle.....

calling him a Arab terrorist, said he the twin Towers and she is 911....CBS producers issued a letter of apology to the people on the live feeds and adviced that corrective actions have been taken....wonder what her penalty was ...she should have been kicked Joke about 911 is highly offensive on so many levels


Well-known member
yea i couldnt believe she said that! i wish they would have kicked her out for saying things like that! maybe she will do something and really really get kicked off! the worse thing is she didnt say she regretted saying anything!