Big Brother Anyone??


Well-known member
Jeff is getting fed up. I think the nominations is tonite and POV on Monday.

Lydia is now acting a arse and Jeff is getting fed up with the childish nest. But if lydia keeps it up, she won't make it to the jury house. There is speculation that CBS will let us have a vote b/c chima left.

Michelle and lydia argued with lydia calling michelle a bi-polar bisexual, now is that like calling the kettle black.


Well-known member
Yep now....Gnat just called jeff a terroist ....hum thinks thats what got bushy head sent packing loser


Well-known member
can u believe all the stuff thats happened today tish?!?! and omg i cant believe gnat call russ a terrorist! i hope she gets the f out next!


Well-known member
Yeah and this trying to be nice to Jordan and Jeff now saying they were never her target...Michelle is BS heifer


Active member
wow soo much happend
chima is such an idiot im happpy shes out
n gnat sud b next and then lydiot who i used to like but now argg not really
jeff or russ sud win now


Well-known member
Yeah Lydiot, Gnat & Kevin are trying to mastermind this elaborate story against Ruscle/Michelle to say they told them they were getting rid of Jeff/Jordan...Can't wait to see the out come of this lie ....But Gnat is a good liar she starts to believe them herself after saying them for so long...and I must say Lydiot looks like the Idiot she is in that Captain Cape Fool Unitard she is being forced to wear from the HOH contest...she looks a hot heated tore up from the floor up mess

Panic Manic Pink Hair + Capatin Ho outfit!



On a better note



Well-known member
omg, Jeff is so much tanner in that pic than on my tv. makes me want him more. Jordan is right, she is too young, but he smoking.

If I didn't have a husband, I would have his babies after I fight off the rest of the women he is gonna have after this show.


Well-known member
I recorded BB11 last night but 15 minutes got cut off b/c 60 minutes ran over...GRRRRR!! Anyhoo, I got to see Chima's crazy ass act a fool. Lydia, Nat & Chima cry over Jessie like he died. God I would absolutely LOOSE my mind if I had to be in that house. Poor Jeff!!

It's great to catch up on what goes on between shows from those that watch the live feeds or BB After Dark.

Can't wait until tomorrow night!!

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
The cry fest with the 3 of them sitting at the table was just pathetic. Going on and on like the guy died or something! He will probably see it and laugh his ass off just like the rest of us did! They really have no clue. Do they actually think America likes them? They are complete idiots; all 3 of them.

I loved Kevin sitting there rolling his eyes at them. He should just go over to the other team and say I've had enough of these crazies and would like to see them go!!


Well-known member
I guess Gnat and Lydiot shared stores today so she found out Lydiot was giving Jesf*ck blowjobs and handjobs and she keeps calling her a Whore lol

So pissed Kevin told Jeff a lie about Russel telling Michelle she wanted Jeff out next they are thinking about back dooring him at the POV versus getting Gnat out...I will be so pissed if this pissed Jeff fell for the story and then when they asked Michelle...her dumb ass was like I don't know the conversation never happened just say that Crazy ass heifer


Well-known member
I loved the episode where they showed tonight where they called Chima to the DR and she went to sit down on the couch and Allison said "No need to sit down" You can go out this way!! Kicked her ass to the curb!!! Loved it!!!


Well-known member
goodness, natalie says its michelle's fault? its a fricking game, so michelle shouldn't have nominated chima b/c she's fragile? stu-pid!

grrr nat's pissing the hell outta me.


Well-known member
Jordan is a strong woman to keep resisting Jeff. Either she doesn't like him or really does, either way she is doing a good job of convincing everyone.


Well-known member
She said she really likes him...But she is afriad of the distance and the age....she is only 22 and he is 31....she is very sweet and a true country girl...I think they will hook up after this is all over.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
^^^I hope so. Him throwing the HOH competition for her was awesome. He was so cute and asked her first if she wanted it (guess he figured she may not want to have to do the dirty work). I am now even more in love with him...gorgeous and thoughful...yum!