Big Brother Anyone??


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Michelle.....made the second best move!!!! Not gonna be a spoiler and call names but I am so proud of her


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Chima throws a shit fit 2 y/o tantrum last night....whhaaa whaaaahhh she is no longer in control of the game....goes f'n crazy, because she is on the block with her bff the Gnat so unfair ....destroys people stuff, hides their things, they are acting like a bunch of pre-schoolers....Refuses to put on her MIC...curses...then throws her mic pack in the pool....all while being edged on by her mature teammies, Lydiot and The Gnat!! Poor Kevin just has no choice but to sit by silently and watch them ruin his game

When you ask will BB Producers get tired of this BS from this crazy heifer .....ABOUT 3AM this morning that is when...she was either forced to quit or they booted her ass out!!! Whichever way I say
and she will NOT be going to the Jury house...they are trying to determine now if there will be a eviction next week since she is gone............Crazy heifer!!


Well-known member
I am praying at this moment before I leave for the gym that they do not let this crazy heifer come back....BB has a way of having crazy u-turns....Expect the Unexpected!! Can't wait til Sunday's show to see if they mention it all


Well-known member
I just read the Chima was out!!! lol I'm not suprised cuz she is nuts!

From JokersUpdates...

>> BB 11 News! <<
The game has taken a unexpected turn. As of early Sat. morning, the 15th of August between 1:00AM & 2:43AM BBT (PDT), there is only one HG, Natalie, on the block at this time. Chima Simone Benson is no longer on the block because she is no longer in the house, and most likely is out of the game for good. She was acting out and had become disobedient to production's requests. At one point Allison Grodner came out to the HGs and the feeds went to fish. Chima being out may have been, in part, a decision of production. Jeff, while talking to Jordan, later confirmed Chima had quit and was not booted. BB News & Rumors - Chima Gone, Out Early Sat. Morning!

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
For someone that is 33 years old Chima certainly acted like a complete spoiled brat the entire game. I mean grow up and realize that the world does NOT revolve around you. I am glad she is gone although I would have rather seen her voted out. Good luck finding a man know that will put up with her...everyone knows what she is like and men will steer clear!


Well-known member
She went totally crazy after Jeff got the CDT...I mean crazy....she felt it was a conspiracy, BB was being racist, that they over ruled her HOH powers (NO one does that by the way) and she looked like a fool on national TV (That pushed her over the edge, possibly looking like a fool ) she said she vowed to be disobedient until she was kicked out from that point forward...watching this crap everynight with her acting a fool has been just crazy!! She refused to let anyone use the washer/dryer...the three crazies Gnat, Lydiot and her would put their clothes in the washer on Long wash for hours and just keep rewashing and rewashing....crazy as F*! Childish to say the least...I think when she threw the MIC pack in the Hot tub last night that was the almost final straw ... But when they gave her a new one and she put the MIC to her mouth and said " BB producres can suck a Dick" I think that was the Last Straw and her ass was out! Now she doesn't even get the Jury house $18K she has spent 6 weeks for NOTHING! Crazy Cow!!

They have cried everyday about Jesse leaving wtf, wearing his clothes everyday, wtf....

Oh now this morning Lydiot want to be friends again with Michelle and bash Chima...SURPRISE

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Seriously...where do they find these crazies?? Guess sometimes they don't screen as well as they should b/c someone must have known she had a screw loose!! The second she is not in control she flips her lid. The look she had on her face when Kevin did not use the Veto on Lydia said it all..."Take that; I am in control and he is doing exactly what I told him to".

So glad Michele turned out not to be a mindless sheep...


Well-known member
CBS producres have announced they will have formal announcement regarding the Chima incident before Sunday's show airs

feeds are back up gotta watch for a minute


Well-known member
wowza. Its so interesting to hear how different the feeds are to what we see on the 3 1hr episodes we see on CBS per week.

Thanks to Tish and the rest of you who are checking out the feeds!

Why do I feel so cheated? I wish we (the regular CBS viewers) were informed on whats really happening behind the scenes, instead of giving us this pretty produced package.

Well I am friggen happy Chima is gone. Thank goodness, that cackle is GONE!!!


Well-known member
latest CBS Post

08.15.2009 CBS Statement Regarding Chima on Big Brother: "Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show's jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show."

They are having a HOH now due to Chima's gracious departure....poor Michelle was only allowed to be HOH for one day....I pray Jeff, Jordan or Russel win....Gnat, Lydia and Kevin said they will not loose if they have to bleed thru the competition....Whatever...ya'll haven't won shit yet....Skanks!! But watch them pull some trick out of their hat and I will be crying later


Well-known member
When she threw her microphone away, she cost herself 5K. that was penalty, then producers came out to talk to her and them and she apparently quit.

Crazy. She has cost herself time spent with her God (Jesse). How will she survive?

It's 3:00. and they say the game won't be known until tomorrow. I don't think it is HOH.

Yeah, like they will bring back Jesse or someone booted from earlier, so they can get a new jury member. I do believe that Braden, Laura, Ronnie will be back (but that would be unfair b/c they have a opportunity to see the live feeds and know what is going on.


Well-known member
They are showing on the live feeds she did not quit she was Evicted for breaking the I guess we will see when the final word comes...but that is what CBS has posted also on their website


Well-known member
I wonder about the wording evicted/quit b/c they are saying at different places that producers came out and I wonder, do they mean

She quit b/c she wouldn't stop her behavior and was warned or she was evicted b/c she wouldn't stop behavior
you see what I am saying.

But you know the feed watchers will get down to the bottom of it, I wonder will they show us it all. I saw the microphone and calling the producers dicks, and hiding russell rosary(which was beyond disgraceful).

Next, who will race out the door to love on Jesse first, Lydia or Natalie?


Well-known member
Yeah I totally understand.....It's hard to say but that statement CBS issued seems pretty cut and dry to me...But one never knows .. they may back peddle later

latest CBS Post

08.15.2009 CBS Statement Regarding Chima on Big Brother:

"Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show's jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show."

Entertainment News
Categories: News, Television
CBS confirmed today that Big Brother 11 contestant Chima, the freelance journalist from West Hollywood, was booted off the show this morning. Chima’s surprise departure capped off a particularly volatile 24 hours in the Big Brother house. On Thursday, Chima’s powers as the head of household were overruled when fellow houseguest Jeff exercised the coup d’etat, a special power that allows him to withdraw Chima’s nominations for eviction and put up two of his own instead. He nominated Jessie and Natalie; the bodybuilder was subsequently evicted on a 3-2 vote. Chima, together with fellow houseguests Natalie and Lydia, bemoaned Jessie’s departure by villifying Jeff and his apparent alliance with Russell; at one point she called the latter martial arts fighter a “terrorist.” Multiple fansites tried to stay on top of Chima’s antics on Friday, including some that reported she threw her microphone into the pool and refused to put it back on. An official statement from CBS seems to confirm that Chima failed to comply with BB mandates: “Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show’s jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show.”


Well-known member
Chima was so stupid. She didn't know if she would've won POV or not.
Jessie and Nat fought over the same man and now are best friends, idiots.

Kevin knows he can't lydia. Last night, she even say she would have kept jessie over kevin, to natalie and I believe her.


Well-known member
I know it's all up to chance and she had just as much chance of getting lucky hitting the balls as the rest of the house....

I think her image meant more to her than the money I guess...she kept saying BB made he look like a fool on National TV when they let Jeff over rule her...and she felt it was a personal conspiracy...well NO!! the CDT was announced b4 you even won HOH...he had it the week b4 just didn't use it....Then she said no matter what if she made it to the Jury House she would Vote for Russel the Terroist to win if they kept him that long...and they had already warned her that calling him that was not allowed but she continued to use that word and make references to 911 ....People have been bombarding CBS with complaints about her talking about 911 like it was a joke ...They prob had no choice but to boot her ass childish to be a educated strong woman that survived being raped etc....But you let a game bring you down...Then she went on to say....America you must be even more stupid for voting for


Well-known member
It was Golf!

Now Lydiot and Gnat planning when they win POV
....Ok haven't we heard about when they win HOH, POV for 6 weeks and neither one have won a damn thing LOL LOL LOL

Lydiot says when she wins she will take Gnat off ...she would rather save her than save herself....Ok No you want to go bone Jesse before Gnat gets there to interrupt