Big Brother Anyone??


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Originally Posted by TISH1124
I think it will come down to Kevin or Michelle ...Michelle has truly earned it if so ...she is crazy but she has played the game

I think Michelle will win too. Even in the Jury house, I think they'd pick Michelle over Kevin. Russell and Jesse at least has shown they recognize someone who's played the game better, than someone who's a floater.

Originally Posted by TISH1124
Oh Michelle is Smart as hell....she is a Doctor after all...But she is cooky crazy...she spends more time talking to herself than anyone else...But she is very very smart and knows every move she is making...she evaluates every move down to a science

Michelle is really smart. Out of the four left, she should win. I don't think she's crazy, I'd be doing that too in the house. She just isn't a type A personality--she's an internal thinker, I respect that she got this far, she just did it in a subtle way and weeded out the real crazies.

Originally Posted by TISH1124
Sorry...I can't believe they allowed her to come back and win!! Ugghhh it sucks!!! Jordan and Michelle had the damn game!

Omg, this is just madness I tell you, madness!!!! I thought FOR SURE Jordan or Michelle would get it. For sure! AHHhhh!!!!

Originally Posted by TISH1124
^^ That bitch better not make it to F2 I mean that!

True that. Unfortunately, a miracle's gotta happen. If Natalie makes final two, she'll win the game. The only person who might have a slim chance of beating Natalie in the final 2 would be Michelle I think. Even still, Natalie has a lot of friends in the jury house.

If Kevin doesn't make a big move away from Natalie, he is screwed. I see his only shot being with Jordan. Natalie will beat him in the final two and so will Michelle. Kevin and Jordan--it's a toss up, probably Kevin, cuz he has more friends sitting there.

Tonight was the worst case scenario that could happen. What pissed me off the most was when Natalie screamed at the end, "This is for you, Chima!" and then something about how she will seek revenge. WTF???? Is this girl completely senile? Chima did her self in, and as for the revenge part, omg, get over it, seriously!!! I just have no respect for someone like Natalie who doesn't even understand the game.


Well-known member
Yeah i like her husband said she can't ever remember anything in real life and they can't figure out why....Ok that is the crazy part...go get some test done


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Yeah i like her husband said she can't ever remember anything in real life and they can't figure out why....Ok that is the crazy part...go get some test done

Idk, that doesn't bother me cuz I can totally relate to that. I have horrible memory issues, which I sometimes wonder, it could be due to that fact that I have narcolepsy (a sleep disorder). Granted, not a lot is known about the specifics of narcolepsy, especially to do with memory impairment, but it's possible they correlate. Sry for the ramble. Anyways, I feel for Michelle--you can have a brilliant and smart mind in many ways and have hang ups that are out of your control, i.e. memory.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Ok this is my hopes....I know I am reaching....

Nat told Kevin she has to put him up to make it look good with Jordan....So she is gonna put up Kevin/Michelle...and of course she will win Veto and take him off...again wtf ever
(Ugghhh she is even making Kevin sleep in the Splish Splash room to keep Jordan / Michelle from ever!!)

My Veto Dreams.......
Jordan has to win Veto with help of Michelle...Jordan takes Michelle off and then she and Michelle are safe, no one else to put up...Kevin automatically goes home...

Then they pick her ass off in F3

Tish--I like the way you think. That would be amazing if Nat would be dumb enough to put up Kevin. She certainly has the potential, I'll give her that much, lol.

Is she really making Kevin sleep in the Splish Splash room???

Originally Posted by TISH1124
^^^ yeah but I wish it had been before Jeff left so I don't think so...Because they handed them all their Check...But I do think there is another trick coming up

Jordan and Michelle need to pray for a twist in the game. There's a lot of luck involved in getting any closer to the final 2. ...I will not lose hope yet!


Well-known member
It's times like these where I wish I had the live feed like you, Tish! I should have got into this thread at the beginning, I freaking love this show. I love analyzing players moves in the game.


Well-known member
haha gnat's talking like she already won the veto ...... i cant stand her another thing i noticed is why does she hide her body all the time like the last hoh when kevin won she had a rack and i was like wtf where did those come from.


Well-known member
Yeah she is firm about Putting up Kevin and I am shocked that Kevin is not protesting it...he just goes...Ok, but you have to promise me you will play hard for the Veto....Oh DUDE...I'm gonna win the Veto...Ugghhh Win Once and now we are super cocky! Ok I just hate her....maybe if I liked her she wouldnt bother me so bad...But since I don't she does...they are getting ready to show her HOH room shortly I can't wait to see the dude that actually likes her in real life....

I pray Michelle or Jordan makes F2....but Jordan has got to get her act together and try harder

No clue why she hides...because she has a kick ass body...still hate her...when I saw her in the bathing suits..I was like wow where did that come from


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They must have just had some kind of luxury comp...they are all trying on brand new clothes....and they all have tags and crap on them


Well-known member
Not yet....but she got the worse clothes of the bunch...a cute bathing suit...But all the clothes are too big for her because she is a XS....Whhaaahhhh sucks to be her


Well-known member
I know I kept wondering....Did I miss them....did I go to the bathrrom...weird...and I know they did them because Jordan was telling Jeff what she said and that she cried....

I was trying to stay up and wait to see the Trolls HOH ...but I am too sleepy and they still don't have it ready...they probably had no thoughts of her ass winning......I will have to see the pictures of them tomorrow


Well-known member
thats ok looking at gnat then going to sleep will cause a nightmare ... i wonder if they'll have a pic of jessie for her lol


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Sorry but I was sad to see Jeff go. It was amazing to see how the studio audience reacted to him. My dh & I were laughing.

Needless to say....I can't believe Nat won HOH! I wanted Michelle to win it. Then Nat was so cocky about winning.

Like everyone else, I hope she doesn't make it to F2! And I'm dying to see the pic of her man...LMAO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
D/h is calling that gnat wins....I will be VERY disappointed if she won it! :angry:

She won HOH yesterday...are you saying someone is saying they think she will win the game....She has a very good chance of winning the game since she will be in the F3 for sure ...But I will die if she does too


Well-known member
Update...Gnat has not done nominations yet...they had a was part 2 of the pandora's Box....She was able to spend 20 mins with her Boyfriend in the Big Brother House...but in return she had to give up playing in the up coming Veto competion...she gave it up to spend 20 mins with her boyfriend....he gave her a twistie tie ring and purposed...he will give her a real one later....(That MoFo just think she is gonna win that 500k) j/k but
But this may be a big mistake if she can't play and she puts kevin up with Michelle and Jordan or Michelle wins that veto...Kevin might be Gone...But now she may put up Michelle and Jordan...we shall see later tonight


Well-known member
They did not show them ....they did Trivia on the screen...until it was over....They may show shots on Sunday's show