Big Brother Anyone??


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lol guy on the left



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Originally Posted by TISH1124
She won HOH yesterday...are you saying someone is saying they think she will win the game....She has a very good chance of winning the game since she will be in the F3 for sure ...But I will die if she does too

Her winning the whole damn thing! Very disappointing that she is this far and has that chance...


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They are ghetting ready to play Veto....Go Michelle Go Jordo!!

Why did Kevin just look at Gnat's b/f picture and go...My Man is so much cuter and yours is just uccckkkkkk ....he was talking to himself...Gnat was out of the room

he asked Michelle what they planned to do after Veto...Michelle cut him off and said I am not making any deals until after Veto...he was pissed...he told Gnat so if he wins that Bitch is going home...Oh well...You better hope it works in your favor Kevo


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They are playing Veto Ya'll please please let Michelle win...she takes herself off...and she is the only Vote!! Then she can say what Kevin said to Jeff...Sorry, Dude You're out of here....or Jordan wins takes Michelle off and they can Both say ...Kevin, You're out of here....

I liked Kevin until he kept that Gnat around and shitted Jeff! and since she can't go this week...He needs to for his undying loyalty to her Nasty ass


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Kevin WON! they are sending Michelle home...Looks like Gnat and Kevin will be F2...What the hell can Jordan do to stop them in F3

Makeup Emporium

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Originally Posted by TISH1124
Kevin WON! they are sending Michelle home...Looks like Gnat and Kevin will be F2...What the hell can Jordan do to stop them in F3

Pathetic...neither of them deserve to win. Neither did anything but ride coattails until the end. The whole thing just pisses me off!!! I think this may be my last season of watching...this lot was pathetic for the most part. Has not been exciting since the seasons with Kaysar & Dr. Will!


Well-known member
im not watching anymore !!! this sucks i blame this all on jeff he should not have sent russle home, im so mad ....


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I know they said Jordan was out in the first few mins....It was questions I think ...she keeps saying she is so embarressed cuz she can never win shit....Kevin told Gnat that if he finds out she is BS'n him and has no plans to take him to F2 he will be pissed...She swears on her life...they are both lying they both want to take Jordo because they think she is a looser that no one will vote for


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Originally Posted by MissCrystal
im not watching anymore !!! this sucks i blame this all on jeff he should not have sent russle home, im so mad ....

That is the point the Good went bad...and they all Got Got


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aww poor jordan she's not the worst, she tries her best and although shes not that smart she hasn't played dirty or lied to people. I heard that she was casted and didnt know anything about BB... Gnat is the worst player on BB and it'll be so funny when she gets out of the house and finds how hated she is. The people this season where soo stupid even though i didn't like Casey and Laura i wish they would have stayed they would have seen right through Gnat and her BS. I agree Makeup Emporium this has to be the worst season ever, i think most of it would have to do with the gayest twist ever invented HS clicks .... seriously ?? if it wasn't for that there would be no jessie, no gnat no lydia no ronnie ect .... the only people probably would have been jeff, laura, jordan, braden and Kevin (just because every season there seems to be one gay guy kinda weird)... All the other people i think BB picked them up at a psych ward... the ratings are going fall so much this week unless something happens with pandora box. BB should just cancel the rest of this season and redo BB 11from scratch.

LOL sorry for the rant but i love BB and every summer i look forward to it this season was just a huge ass let down ..


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Yeah I think BB makes it suck....the Cliques, CDT all that crap interferes with the game...Just let them play like they did when the show first started....Let them battle it out individually....Gnat/Kevo are so big headed...they are blowing their pretend guns and saying how they are gonna torture Michelle this week...ahh thats a vote tricks!...Operation Success...Ugghhh I am sick of them...Please let Gnat not make it to F2 Please Please!! They are both saying they knew coming in they would make it to'ever


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I agree this BB sucks I havent watched last season, or the season before last I think.... but I still love the game when stupid people aren't in it....
And I'm hoping Kevin wins it all now, Jordon is dumber than a rock


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I have stopped watching to be honest! I am so disturbed by Nastalie that it doesn't quite peek my interest anymore...Maybe if I hear she is gone next week I will resume to see who wins


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no Tish!! Who's gonna give us the low down on the live feeds!!?????
nah ITA with u, these people on BB suck!!!!
Can't wait for the finales


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I have to say that Sunday's episode was so boring. I just couldn't watch Natalie and that cheesy wedding proposal...**gag**! I hate hearing her talk.

I'll watch tonight b/c I've already invested this much time in the season and hopefully I can see Jeff in the Jury House

I too hope Nat doesn't make it to F2 and that Kevin wins.


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Bye Michelle....I hate this show...Please let kevin screw Gnat ...Please Please...he has to win and take Jordo


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Jordo is still hanging on after 30 mins surprise...Gnat is talking shit...and Jordon is talking too much...Kevin is the only one concentrating....