Big Brother Anyone??


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Originally Posted by Makeup Emporium
Seriously, Jordan has to be the most pathetic thing. She is absolutely useless at competitions and she is right when she says that the only reason she's there is because of Jeff.

Natalie is also pathetic; she can't win a damn thing.

I would like to see Jeff, Kevin & Michele in the final 3. Michele does bother me but at least you can't say she isn't trying hard and doesn't work for it. Out of all the girls on the show she has been the best.

I actually had a bit of respect for Jesse on Sunday when he said that kicking him out was the smartest thing that Jeff did and that he may just vote for him in the end. Guess that shows he's not a complete idiot!

What I want to see is a Jesse & Russel rumble in the jury house! That would be well worth the watch.

Ditto, at least he's nota sore loser.... good for Jesse


Well-known member
Yeah what pisses me about Jeff is How he allowed Jordan to campaign for herself to go and him to stay...Be a man...Campaign for yourself...Let Jordan be voted out because they want to vote her out not because she is trying to save what if you have carried her that was your choice and why make someone give up a possible 500K or 50K voluntarily for your ass....When you are not gonna do crap for her in the end...That just kind of bugged me because he did not do a lot of work he just won the CDT to be honest....he did not do anything before that and seriously if it had not been for America's vote he would have BEEEENNNN gone


Well-known member
J/J are so annoying they were running their mouths last week at russle and now look at them ... and how much of a man is jeff after the pov michelle wanted a hug and he pushed her away its his own damn fault ...

jordan is soo dumb i dont think jeff will really care about her outside of the house,and she's like all over him making him take her on his Hawain trip he will have women all over him when hes done BB. It was soo funny when Gnat was asking him what kinda women he likes and all his triats were the complete opposite of Jordan haha


Well-known member
^^ I know gone get mad cuz she Beat you fair and square...and she is the ONLY one fighting to keep him in the house...I seriously think Jordo thinks Jeff is gonna spend the rest of his life with her....Ok No...after the show it's like he said we will probably text for a few weeks and then it will die off...


Well-known member
I don't even know who i want to win Big brother anymore. I love j / j but there probably going to get voted out soon
so i am gunning for Michelle


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I hope Jordan goes tonight. Then somehow get Natalie out next week. These are the 2 that didn't win or do anything in the game.

When are we going to see footage of the jury house???


Well-known member
They showed when Lydia arrived...they have not shown Russell yet though...that I have seen anyway....I just need them to hurry up and boot Gnat so that I can care about the show again...and then after that I want Kevin gone...I was all for him but he is such a fool behind Gnat that he has worked his way on my I want Gone List as well

Hopefully the F2 will be Jeff/Michelle or Jordan/Michelle


Well-known member
My sexy eye-candy is leaving tonight!!! I almost wanna shed a tear!!!

Nastalie WON I am throwing up inside


Well-known member
Sorry...I can't believe they allowed her to come back and win!! Ugghhh it sucks!!! Jordan and Michelle had the damn game!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Sorry...I can't believe they allowed her to come back and win!! Ugghhh it sucks!!! Jordan and Michelle had the damn game!

what do u mean come back and win?
Sorry I didn't see the show I forgot today was Thursday


Well-known member
they had basically Fact or Fiction questions and Jordan and Michelle were tied for the lead......then they asked the last question and both Michelle & Jordan missed it and then it allowed Gnat to tie with them....and then they had to do the tie breaker question and Gnat won

Uggh she is going thru this I told you Kevin I would win...I am on my period and I won...Ugghhh I hate that troll

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
what do u mean come back and win?
Sorry I didn't see the show I forgot today was Thursday

Natalie was 2 points behind and she got 2 right after she was losing and made a comeback.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
^^ That bitch better not make it to F2 I mean that!

I'm right with you on that!!


Well-known member
Ok this is my hopes....I know I am reaching....

Nat told Kevin she has to put him up to make it look good with Jordan....So she is gonna put up Kevin/Michelle...and of course she will win Veto and take him off...again wtf ever
(Ugghhh she is even making Kevin sleep in the Splish Splash room to keep Jordan / Michelle from ever!!)

My Veto Dreams.......
Jordan has to win Veto with help of Michelle...Jordan takes Michelle off and then she and Michelle are safe, no one else to put up...Kevin automatically goes home...

Then they pick her ass off in F3


Well-known member
eww gnat won HOH ... i hope we get to see a pic of her 'boyfriend' in the hoh room

hopefully there's a twist there should be more to the pandora box then what they have shown


Well-known member
^^^ yeah but I wish it had been before Jeff left so I don't think so...Because they handed them all their Check...But I do think there is another trick coming up