Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color


Active member
this thread definitely brings the LOLs

-back in high school I had a few friends who did the white or mint green line on the lids

-i don't get the painted on eyebrows either. What really bothers me is when I see people who shave their eyebrows and then paint their "new" eyebrows on higher on their forehead. i guess they don't think you can see where they're brows used to go.

-i noticed that a lot of young black women I go to school with don't wear makeup at all. i understand not wearing a full face with blush and all that, but a little color to the face never hurt anyone.

-using one bright e/s (or any e/s for that matter) from the lashline alll the way up to the brow, forming an almost perfect half moon

-as far as the color contacts go I say whatever makes you happy, I used to wear them before I started wearing makeup, but I noticed sometimes they would make me look cross-eyed in pictures. yikes!


Well-known member
^^ I was gonna say that too...Why do girls shave off there brows and draw them on with what looks like a Black Sharpie


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ I was gonna say that too...Why do girls shave off there brows and draw them on with what looks like a Black Sharpie

I used to do this, I think I did it for about 3 years..

I'm not black but, yeah..

Oh, and I used a brown eyebrow pencil, not a black one..

I really think it did suit me, but I also did mine pretty natural..

I'm rocking natural brows now, no more going out in public without eyebrows because you forgot to drew them on or didn't have time..


Well-known member
I had to dig this one back up. Saturday, I hosted an art exhibit and OMG...
one of the guests' foundation was SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong.

It looked super gray and just matte, matte, powdery matte. She was really attractive except for that foundation (and the hideous too-big-for-her-head weave with tracks showing) ...but that's another thread.

I hope she didn't catch me staring in disbelief.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
Please, someone tell I am not the only that hates this:

When WoC do not freakin' blend their lipliner into their lipgloss or lipstick. I'm sorry but when did the look of "ring around the mouth" become acceptable? Especially when they are using Nightmoth, Currant, Chesnut, and a much lighter lip colour! I'm all for people doing their own thing with makeup but I just cannot let this one slide. I think it looks absolutely ridiculous and ruins the entire look of the makeup.

Well, I can say from experience, I started doing this back in '95 when MJB came out with the Not gon cry video. Honey, you couldn't tell me nothing with my dark brown liner and frosty beige lipstick! In all seriousness, I think that may be where a lot of women my age (late 20's into the 30's) started that habit. We tend to imitate those we admire and I adored Mary J. back then. I still break out my Chestnut and some light gloss (1N)... And then proceed to blend the HELL out of it


Originally Posted by claresauntie
BLACK EYELINER AS A LIPLINER! That's the number one.
Two: A light shadow in a obvious line as "highlight" under the brow. Blend, gals, blend!
Three: not using enough color. (Example: there are other lip products besides Oh Baby! and Sinnamon))
Four: Honestly, I'm a little alarmed at how a percentage of women of color find it necessary to match their eye shadows to their outfits, regardless of whether or not it is flattering (as in the woman who wanted me to use a kelly green and hot pink combo on her eyes because that's what her shirt and shoes looked like).

The two biggest ones by far


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
You ain't never lied. I have a friend, who used to take her makeup off with a old sock and Vaseline. Me and another friend were like whhhaaaatt????? The second friend and I are fiends about face care and friend number one, mentioned our skin one day and how she has such problems with evenness and dryness. We asked do you exfoliate? No. Use toner? No. Face masks? No. Well what are you moisturizing with, and she said Vaseline! I nearly passed out! Well we got her on an Origins regimine, and she has seen an improvement. She still has that unblended highlight though, my my my. Baby steps I guess.

LMAO... Origins did wonders for my skin- Have you ever tried Carol's Daughter face wash and toner? So nice


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sdtjefferson
Well, I can say from experience, I started doing this back in '95 when MJB came out with the Not gon cry video. Honey, you couldn't tell me nothing with my dark brown liner and frosty beige lipstick! In all seriousness, I think that may be where a lot of women my age (late 20's into the 30's) started that habit. We tend to imitate those we admire and I adored Mary J. back then. I still break out my Chestnut and some light gloss (1N)... And then proceed to blend the HELL out of it

Yes! My BF loves lauryn Hill and she did the same with her lip colour.


Well-known member
-Using the infamous red sponge from the beauty supply store to "blot" their face. I have friends that would use the same dirty sponge for months at a time....then wonder why they have breakouts.

-Wearing too much lipgloss. Youe lips should not be stuck together as you try to talk....It's lipGLOSS not lipVARNISH!!!!!

-Bleaching/Coloring your eyebrows an unnatural color. I understand lightening your browns a little....but dyeing them the same purple/burgandy as your hair? No ma'am
1. Black Lipliner
2. Pencil thin eybrows drawn on with black eyeliner
3. Using one colour eyeshadow, like lime Green no blending involved
4. Dark Purple/Red Lipstick

The number one rule of make up in my opinion is Blend Blend Blend,


Well-known member
i'm sorry, but not only is black lipliner just nasty lookin, so is dark brown lipliner

on the metro (in DC) i see a lot of women wearing doo-doo brown lipliner with red lipstick or purple lipstick.

don't do this.

it makes your mouth look like a puckered ass-hole. seriously. its not cute.


New member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i'm sorry, but not only is black lipliner just nasty lookin, so is dark brown lipliner

on the metro (in DC) i see a lot of women wearing doo-doo brown lipliner with red lipstick or purple lipstick.

don't do this.

it makes your mouth look like a puckered ass-hole. seriously. its not cute.

O hell!
I just choked!


Well-known member
Ekk!!! I've seen women pair the same color eyeshadow and the same color lipstick and it looks hor-ri-ble! There has to be a contrast when it comes to make up.


Well-known member
Oh I have a lot, probably all mentioned but anyway here's my list!

1. Light-colored foundation on face, dark rest of skin. Color. Must match. Neck!
2. Dark lipliner around mouth, clear (light/sheer?) gloss.
3. Played up eyes... and cheeks, and lips. One at a time, ladies. Actually this doesn't just apply to WOC.
4. Too-light undereye concealer.
4.5 Too-light undereye concealer that's just smattered on and left unblended. Not flattering.
5. Base that doesn't match undertone.
(yellow undertone with pink fdtn for real?)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
I don't know if this could necessarily be labeled as a "crime" but the fact that many women of colour never want to branch outside of the frosty bronzes, frosty golds, frosty brown colour range. I personally believe the beautiful bright eyeshadows were made for us because they pop against the darkness of our complexions. But that's just me.

I understand that bright colours can be truly intimidating but experimentation is the key. We can work any colour truthfully!

YES YES YES. This is my biggest complaint and ditto the black lipliner.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i'm sorry, but not only is black lipliner just nasty lookin, so is dark brown lipliner

on the metro (in DC) i see a lot of women wearing doo-doo brown lipliner with red lipstick or purple lipstick.

don't do this.

it makes your mouth look like a puckered ass-hole. seriously. its not cute.

You crack me up so hard.


Like every time you post, I mentally prepare myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
it makes your mouth look like a puckered ass-hole. seriously. its not cute.


i am mad at that ahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Lots and lots of lip gloss. The shine should only be on the lower lip. I can't stand it when there's a big glob of "shine" in the center of the upper lip. Oh, and also I see a lot of middle schoolers with just a thick layer of black eyeliner all around the blush, lipgloss etc. just caked eyeliner. They are usually very pale too. Geh.


Well-known member
oh btw, I just found out that *apparently* I shouldn't match my e/s to my outfit. I understand that monochromatic isn't that bomb, but really? why does coordination piss people off so damn bad?!?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wifey806
oh btw, I just found out that *apparently* I shouldn't match my e/s to my outfit. I understand that monochromatic isn't that bomb, but really? why does coordination piss people off so damn bad?!?!

This is one of those so-called "rules" that is total B.S. to me! If you feel like coordinating your shadows to your outfit, DO IT!

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