Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color


Originally Posted by priss
i have just spent the last 45 minutes reading this thread from the beginning and am out of breath from laughing.

when i first started wearing mac in 1992, there were no stores or counters in dallas. back then mac printed a paper catalog and i would order it on my moms credit card- i was still in high school. also viva glam came with a condom. this was long before estee lauder. and brush numbering system wasnt even the same. i still have a 263 type brush and mine is a #22. im talking old school.

i consider myself a mac vet. i remember when the containers were silver for a year or so, the screw on top shadows and the whole bit.

im guessing that you all understand how much of a mac trailblazer i think i am.

last year, i was waiting for my mom to finish dressing. she uses mac and she's 63 years old. she was dusting on her studio fix, and prepped and primed her lashes and lips. i was so proud- just beaming...........

and then........

she took her lipstick and SWIPED AND SMUDGED IT ON HER CHEEKS for BLUSH.

yall, i thought i was gonna die. i remember this practice from my younger days (im 32) but i didnt know it was still alive. a subsequent poll of friends mom's revealed that it still in use. apparently baby boomer women of color are still doing this. i cannot believe no one has chimed in with this one but i dont mind being the first.

quit laughing at my momma. we got some razin, peaches and ambering rose now. she is very fair skinned. but i know im not the only one whose mother still does this.

fess up ladies!

and QUIT laughing at my momma- she's tryin.

That is my momma ALL THE WAY!
I'm not gonna tell her age but she is in the BB crew and she used to do that daily when I was younger. she's stopped in recent years, but that is definitely one of the funniest and biggest makeup faux pas, along with white or silver eyeliner on the upper lid... such a problem...


Active member
I have many pet peeves but here is my absolute number one;

Overly frosty lip color/eyeshadows. Ugh. I know this girl who wears the most ultra, frosty white eyeshadow, from eyelid to brow bone. It really bothers me. Same thing goes for lips; sometimes its hard to find a good nude lipstick/gloss, but I see alot of girls use shades of pale frosty pink or other colors meant for lighter and/or cooler skinned girls.


Well-known member
Foundation that is a shadow or two too LIGHT for their skin tone so it looks like mask. I seriously don't understand this!! Not only can you tell her person but in pictures it just looks scary. 0_0 my fiance was telling me about this sometime was quite hilarious. it was a family friend of his and he called her a ghost to her face because her foundation was too damn light!! (mean i know but he loves to make fun of ppl...including myself) im sorry but when even guys start saying shit about your foundation it's time to change it up!!

Wearing bright pink lipstick with eyes that are JUST as bold!!

Wearing black eye shadow or grey eye shadow all over the lid with no gradiation between the lid crease and highlight. (i dont know...i dont find this very appealing)

Ridiculously thin eyebrows (surprisingly even though it looks sooo freaking unnatural i know some people it actually looks good on)

using liquid liner underneath as well as on the lid with it winged out. (if done properly it can look good depending on eye shape or using pencil liner underneath and what not but im not partial to that look)

way dark lipliner with lipstick that is way too light.


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Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I saw an NC50 with bright blue lipstick on at H&M today.

omg i can only imagine what that looked like. how do people walk out of the house like that???!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I saw an NC50 with bright blue lipstick on at H&M today.

That actually sounds pretty cool.

Hey, if NW25s can go around wearing Lavendar Whip then surely an NC50 can rock a blue lippie.


Well-known member
Ummm, this thread has made me aware of my bad habits. Namely the lack of color in my life. I just bought some containers to organize my baby makeup collection and realized I have a lot of varying shades of brown and bronze in everything. I have the required Oh Baby lipglass (I haven't worn it in ages I swear). But I have Beaux and Sinnamon LG's as well. I would like to redeem myself and say that I have Petal Pusher lg and the Holiday VG palette. And I just bought VG VI SE and Lavander Whip. However I found not one but 2 Chestnut liners. I swear one step forward, 3 steps back. I'm determined to overcome my color situation this year. I keep buying the same shades of eye shadow because I forget what I have. I keep asking da husband to make me an iPhone app for this but it doesn't seem to interest him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macgirl3121
Ummm, this thread has made me aware of my bad habits. Namely the lack of color in my life. I just bought some containers to organize my baby makeup collection and realized I have a lot of varying shades of brown and bronze in everything. I have the required Oh Baby lipglass (I haven't worn it in ages I swear). But I have Beaux and Sinnamon LG's as well. I would like to redeem myself and say that I have Petal Pusher lg and the Holiday VG palette. And I just bought VG VI SE and Lavander Whip. However I found not one but 2 Chestnut liners. I swear one step forward, 3 steps back. I'm determined to overcome my color situation this year. I keep buying the same shades of eye shadow because I forget what I have. I keep asking da husband to make me an iPhone app for this but it doesn't seem to interest him.

This sounds like me, I was going to depot some shadows and I realized that they were all neutral, brown, bronze shadows. I also have two chestnut liners, but I have other colors that I use, like plum. I can recall going to the MAC counter one day and the MA said "I see you like brown." I was thinking "damn" am I that bad, I guess so. Oh well, since it's spring I usually wear more pinks, but if I'm in a hurry I will grab a neutral lipgloss and liner. I always seem to grab 3N lipstick and/or gloss. I guess I'm the guilty of being a MAC neutral fan. I loved the N collection.


Well-known member
I used to wear bright bright eyeshadows when I was younger. Must have been a phase I was going through. Now I'm more into neutrals. And honestly I have seen some terrible makeup on people. There was this one customer I had(work in retail) and she was wearing a silver frost eyeshadow. And it was creasing up on her and it looked horrible on her. And it was put on so sloppy that I wanted to reach over the counter and fix it for her! argggggggggh. I wished I worked in a makeup store. So that I can give out advice to people who don't wear makeup on a regular basis without sounding rude about it.

Oh and there was this one gurl who served me lunch on number of times and she didn't know how to blend her foundation in her jawline. u could totally see her bare neck and where the foundation ended. I wanted to blend that out for her as well but didn't want to sound so harsh and embarrass her! POoor girl
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
Sell it to them and then show them some other colors. They may not know anything better or different. I think we should start a thread "The Biggest Makeup Crimes Displayed by WOC at the MAC Store/Counter. Then we need a thread called: "The Biggest Makeup Crimes Committed By MA's at the MAC Store/Counter. In some cases Oh Baby, Chestnut, etc are all the colors some MA's recommend because I've had that happen to me. I just let them know that I dislike Oh Baby, and please don't recommend Amber Lights eye shadow to me. No disrespect to those colors, but I don't like them and prefer different things.

You are so absolutely rite. I am a newbie and was just broswing and had to comment. It never fails when I go to the MAC store. When I ask to try a lippie the first lipliner they pull out is that damned CHESTNUT!!! Don't get me wrong Chestnut is my HG for lipliners but I want to be more adventourous with my lippies. I feel that the MA's should share the blame for this too. As an MA if you tired of WOCs asking for Chestnut and Oh Baby all the time just offer us other options instead of walking to the back and talking about us behind our back after you made your comission selling us that!!! If you suggested something else you probably could've made a bigger comission...

Just recently I found an MA that was aventourous with me. She reccomended I use Deep Soul l/l with Sweet Thing l/s and Triple Yum l/g(from the Sugarsweet line) and it looked awesome. She even reccomended 80% and I will pick it up the next time I'm there. She also recommend a cpl of plums and berry colored lipliners as well and I will get them as well. She even told me that I can totally rocked Girl About Town with a deep plum or berry lipliner. I was shocked because I'm a NW47 and I thought that was a too bright lippie for me. Sorry for the long post but I just had to say something...


Well-known member
Just recently I found an MA that was aventourous with me. She reccomended I use Deep Soul l/l with Sweet Thing l/s and Triple Yum l/g(from the Sugarsweet line) and it looked awesome. She even reccomended 80% and I will pick it up the next time I'm there. She also recommend a cpl of plums and berry colored lipliners as well and I will get them as well. She even told me that I can totally rocked Girl About Town with a deep plum or berry lipliner. I was shocked because I'm a NW47 and I thought that was a too bright lippie for me. Sorry for the long post but I just had to say something...[/quote]

Ha Ha!! I'm happy that you have encountered a good MA. I would suggest going to your local CCO and check out what they have. This is a great way to expand your collection with different lipliners, lipsticks, eyeshadows, and blushes. You can be adventurous and save a little money in the process.
Oh I already know about CCO. I'm new the board but not new to the makeup game lol. BTW if anyone in the Philly area the CCO at Franklin Mills got some colors of the Studio Sculpt foundation available. I'm going today and I'll post the colors I saw there. I know for sure they have NW45 and NW47 there.

And since we on the topic of crimes committed by WOCs. I'll like to mention mines. I hate it when I talk to a WOC and they swear MAC is the be all and end all in makeup for us (WOC). Don't get me wrong, MAC is like crack to me and I have been hook since day 1 (Senior Prom lol) but there are other just as good makeup companies out there that are WOC friendly and could put MAC to shame in some areas of makeup. Like Nars with their blushes or Urban Decay and their eyeshadows. Or Ms. Make Up Forever that is just an all around high intensed, ultra pigmented line and their foundations are WOC friendly (don't ever let MUFE get their own store they going to put MAC out of business LMAO).

Another crime is dismissing the drug store brand. Although I can never be able to bring myself to buy a foundation out of the drug store because of my unique skin color (i.e. lack of NW47s on this board already) they have good selections in Lip glosses and eyeshadows. I love Milani eyeshadows (old school ones especially) and there pigmentation is just as good as MAC. And the Loreal HIP Line shadesticks I find to be a bit more creamier and easy to use than MAC's shadesticks and are excellent bases for shadows. The eyeshadow duos are great too. And I'll never buy a clear lip gloss from MAC when I know that Loreal Color Juice line sell one just as good with staying power. And Black Radiance (yea them too) pressed powder in Honey Amber was the best setting powder I had. I gave up on MAC pressed blot powder because it always breaks up in my makeup bag after having it for 3wks.

Just my 2cents and again sorry for the long post. I need to learn to make them shorter lol...


Well-known member
And since we on the topic of crimes committed by WOCs. I'll like to mention mines. I hate it when I talk to a WOC and they swear MAC is the be all and end all in makeup for us (WOC). Don't get me wrong, MAC is like crack to me and I have been hook since day 1 (Senior Prom lol) but there are other just as good makeup companies out there that are WOC friendly and could put MAC to shame in some areas of makeup. Like Nars with their blushes or Urban Decay and their eyeshadows. Or Ms. Make Up Forever that is just an all around high intensed, ultra pigmented line and their foundations are WOC friendly (don't ever let MUFE get their own store they going to put MAC out of business LMAO).

Well you know, you would think that MAC is the be all and end all, because last Saturday I saw nothing but WOC at the MAC counter at Nordstrom. I was like wow, are there any other types of people getting their faces done, or did they come earlier? Some of us do swear by MAC when its a crime that we don't look at Clinique or Origins to get our skin together. I see it all the time. I can't put loads of makeup on my skin if it is not in tip top shape. Have you ever seen an MA with bad skin, with a pile of foundation on their face? It's not a good look. Many of us aren't born with good skin, but it's something we can work on. I tell my teenage daughters all of the time to make sure they keep their skin looking good and drink plenty of water. I think it would have been great if some of the Clinique MA's approached some of those ladies I saw and offered them a free skin analysis. Some of us spend boat loads of money on makeup and nails, but forget about working to get clear skin.

Note: MAC could make a killing if they sold some type of acne cleansers, toners, and moisturizers specifically to clear up the skin.


Well-known member
^^Were you in the Nodrie's in Towson Town Center? I went Sat to pick up a VG VI SE LS & LG. I was gonna go to the MAC store but it looked like a club in there then went to Nordie's, same thing. I found an MA and got my stuff and bounced.

And, my mom (not as girly as me, virtually no makeup ever) did not school me on skincare. Unfortunately, growing up in the 80's, I didn't have access to the vast amount of info availble about proper skincare. Now I'm going to a derm to get my skincare situation together so that I'm not piling on foundation to cover. I'm not making that mistake with my daughter. She will know that skincare is first!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macgirl3121
^^Were you in the Nodrie's in Towson Town Center? I went Sat to pick up a VG VI SE LS & LG. I was gonna go to the MAC store but it looked like a club in there then went to Nordie's, same thing. I found an MA and got my stuff and bounced.

And, my mom (not as girly as me, virtually no makeup ever) did not school me on skincare. Unfortunately, growing up in the 80's, I didn't have access to the vast amount of info availble about proper skincare. Now I'm going to a derm to get my skincare situation together so that I'm not piling on foundation to cover. I'm not making that mistake with my daughter. She will know that skincare is first!

Hey, I love Towson Town Center, the folk in Baltimore keep it "real." To answer your question, I was at Columbia Mall and I guess you saw the same scene I did. It looked like MAC was giving something away. The store upstairs appeared to be the same. I guess the economy has not impacted the money we spend on MAC. I know in Maryland, WOC spend a lot of money at the MAC counters.
I'm from Maryland too but since I came to Philly for school I never went back home lol. The WOCs back home, in particular, to me are narrowed minded about other makeup lines other than MAC. When I talk to some of friends back home they are like Urban Decay what??? MUFE huh??? or Who the hell is Nars??? I dunno maybe its because its not a Sephora nearby especially near B-more (where I'm from). But even before Sephora branched out I was totally aware of other lines and open to whatever makeup that could beat this face pretty lol....

I totally agree with you about the skincare thing. Because my mom suffered from real bad acne she made me and my sister follow a strict skincare routine. We washed our face twice a day and mostly consumed water as beverage (although I think she did this because she wanted to hog up all the kool-aid for herself lol). Even before I got into makeup I always invested in good skincare products. Just take a look at my avator, I think my skin reaped the benefits until an recent outbreak from biotin pills!!! But my skin will be back in tip top glowing shape soon...


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<---Mexican/Indian/Pinay It really bothers me when ladies get really crazy with their eyebrows. Something that doesnt flatter their face shape that not good.

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