Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color


my #1 pet peeve is NO MAKEUP! Lipstick doesn't count. If you going out, get gussied up! Let me see a different you than the one I saw at the store this am!

#2 is Oh Baby. I just hate it. I live in the SF Bay and people really think they are doing something when they bring out their MAC Oh Baby. Girl, please. Branch out. You just bought that because it's MAC and that's the only one you heard of.

#3 when I try to go to MAC and get foundation and they want to put me in NW45. I'm not NW45 and neither is every dark skinned sista who comes in here. When I first got into makeup, I walked around wearing NW45 looking a hot mess and didn't know any better. Why don't they make NW44? Tha'ts my color? Cuz they want to put me in that NW45 box and I REFUSE!

I think that a lot of what somebody wears makeup wise is their personal choice. Maybe their man likes it. If he does, who am I to say she should change. It's very interesting reading these comments, because they are just so funny! But what I have noticed from being online is that a lot of times women commit these crimes with MAC products and that seems to make it okay. Example, I was looking at the last Viva Glam Gaga lipstick and when I googled it, I thought it looked a hot mess unless you did this and that and this to it. I have seen it look really good on some woc, but I don't think that I should have to do a million things to a lipstick. That's a sign it's not the right color for me.

MAC Violetta. Now to me it is very pretty but it's def a color from the 80's Wet N Wild colors. A lot of people love Violetta but to me it's throwback WnW. Would so many sistas be willing to wear it if it wasn't MAC and only WnW? Hmmmmm.



Well-known member
my #1 pet peeve is NO MAKEUP! Lipstick doesn't count. If you going out, get gussied up! Let me see a different you than the one I saw at the store this am!

#2 is Oh Baby. I just hate it. I live in the SF Bay and people really think they are doing something when they bring out their MAC Oh Baby. Girl, please. Branch out. You just bought that because it's MAC and that's the only one you heard of.

#3 when I try to go to MAC and get foundation and they want to put me in NW45. I'm not NW45 and neither is every dark skinned sista who comes in here. When I first got into makeup, I walked around wearing NW45 looking a hot mess and didn't know any better. Why don't they make NW44? Tha'ts my color? Cuz they want to put me in that NW45 box and I REFUSE!

I think that a lot of what somebody wears makeup wise is their personal choice. Maybe their man likes it. If he does, who am I to say she should change. It's very interesting reading these comments, because they are just so funny! But what I have noticed from being online is that a lot of times women commit these crimes with MAC products and that seems to make it okay. Example, I was looking at the last Viva Glam Gaga lipstick and when I googled it, I thought it looked a hot mess unless you did this and that and this to it. I have seen it look really good on some woc, but I don't think that I should have to do a million things to a lipstick. That's a sign it's not the right color for me.

MAC Violetta. Now to me it is very pretty but it's def a color from the 80's Wet N Wild colors. A lot of people love Violetta but to me it's throwback WnW. Would so many sistas be willing to wear it if it wasn't MAC and only WnW? Hmmmmm.

Agreed!!!! I always hear alot of WOC talking proudly about not wearing makeup. I'm sorry, 95% of WOC could benefit from some sort of makeup! And slapping on some gloss doesn't count.

My pet peeve is how most WOC are terrified of blush. I always hear "I don't want to look like a clown/doll". If you learned how to apply your blush, you wouldn't have that problem.


But going back on topic: I think the biggest Make-up crimes commited by Women of Color is using bronzer when Women of color don't need it,too much blush and bronzers
. This also goes for women not of color to. I hate when they also to put blush, self-tanners,and bronzer on themselves, you're fine just the way you are. No wonder why I like things like MAC's Naughty Nauticals because they don't use blush or bronzer and the model came out just fine the way she was.
I don't know. I have seen some beautiful dark skinned women online using blush and bronzers and its made me want to learn how to wear it. I think it enhances the browness of our skin. I feel if it's done right, blush and bronzers are a must have. And I know for myself, if I don't wear any makeup at all, I'm not leaving the house unless I have on my WW Golden Lariat over a spritz of Studio Fix +. It just gives my face the most beautiful glow!


Well-known member
Agreed!!!! I always hear alot of WOC talking proudly about not wearing makeup. I'm sorry, 95% of WOC could benefit from some sort of makeup! And slapping on some gloss doesn't count.
My pet peeve is how most WOC are terrified of blush. I always hear "I don't want to look like a clown/doll". If you learned how to apply your blush, you wouldn't have that problem.
Its perfectly okay to not want to wear makeup, maybe they're comfortable with the skin that they are in and don't feel the need to cover up every single little "flaw" on their face or enhance something. It's so disappointing to hear women tell other women they would look better if they wore makeup, using some silly little excuse of "they could benefit" or "they would look more fresh faced" If you really want to break it down, their makeup less face isn't pleasing to YOUR eye therefore they should put a little concealer on to make YOU feel more comfortable. I didn't think that someone else' personal choice (which btw has no effect on your life or you in general) could be considered a real pet peeve, don't like it just look's so pathetic that women are busy tearing each other down over stupid stuff...


Well-known member
Its perfectly okay to not want to wear makeup, maybe they're comfortable with the skin that they are in and don't feel the need to cover up every single little "flaw" on their face or enhance something. It's so disappointing to hear women tell other women they would look better if they wore makeup, using some silly little excuse of "they could benefit" or "they would look more fresh faced" If you really want to break it down, their makeup less face isn't pleasing to YOUR eye therefore they should put a little concealer on to make YOU feel more comfortable. I didn't think that someone else' personal choice (which btw has no effect on your life or you in general) could be considered a real pet peeve, don't like it just look's so pathetic that women are busy tearing each other down over stupid stuff...

PREACH Gabi. I do not understand trying to enforce one's values and beliefs on another. I have tons of makeup, but there are some days that I go without. I have pretty good skin, and I do not need to cover every single imperfections. Makeup on my face is for ME, not the next chick walk next to me. I wish I would get up and say I need to put on makeup, because the next chick thinks I should... to hell with that! And why should anyone care how much more "beneficial" or "fresh faced" anyone else looks? I think this is yet another way for women to judge and be condescending to other women.... just pathetic!



Well-known member
Umm.... most people can benefit from some sort of makeup. That's what makeup is for, to enhance someone's natural beauty. I'm not saying that someone can't look good without makeup, or that you need a full face of makeup to look beautiful, but some mascara, some concealer can work wonders for some! My pet peeve comes from people acting as if not wearing makeup, makes them more of a natural beauty or somehow puts them above women who do wear makeup. You don't have to agree with what I'm saying, just agree to disagree. It's not that serious, it's just makeup.


Well-known member
Umm.... most people can benefit from some sort of makeup. That's what makeup is for, to enhance someone's natural beauty. I'm not saying that someone can't look good without makeup, or that you need a full face of makeup to look beautiful, but some mascara, some concealer can work wonders for some! My pet peeve comes from people acting as if not wearing makeup, makes them more of a natural beauty or somehow puts them above women who do wear makeup. You don't have to agree with what I'm saying, just agree to disagree. It's not that serious, it's just makeup.
Yes some people can benefit from makeup but who are we to tell them that? If they're happy and content without makeup in their life, then great. And yes there are some women who find it to be a badge of honor not to use makeup and thats fine, they don't feel the need to conform to our societies beauty standards in order to feel beautiful or accepted. So at times yes they do over compensate and act all high and mighty but thats quite rare. And yes its not that serious, its just makeup so why again is it a pet peeve for you lol?


Well-known member
Yes some people can benefit from makeup but who are we to tell them that? If they're happy and content without makeup in their life, then great. And yes there are some women who find it to be a badge of honor not to use makeup and thats fine, they don't feel the need to conform to our societies beauty standards in order to feel beautiful or accepted. So at times yes they do over compensate and act all high and mighty but thats quite rare. And yes its not that serious, its just makeup so why again is it a pet peeve for you lol?

I'm not walking around telling people that they should be wearing makeup, I'm not pushing my views on anyone, I'm just stating my opinion. However anyone wants to wear (or not wear) their makeup is their personal choice. So if you want to be technical you could say that no one on this thread should be concerned with anyone's makeup decisions. But I thought this thread was for stating your pet peeves commited by women of color. And I did that. If you don't agree with what I'm stating than that's fine. Let's move on :)


Well-known member
PURPLE BLUSH!!!!!! URGH!!!!....WE MAYBE BLACK BUT WE DON'T BLUSH IN PURPLE.....Women of color should stop copying styles from the pale skinned

We don't blush bright pink, fuchsia, tangerine, coral, bronze or copper either and we still wear those colors as blush. Our skin doesn't naturally shimmer nor do our lips flush violet or brown or any other color, but a reddish tone and not even that if your lips are pigmented, like many WOC's lips are. I also wasn't aware that purple blush in the pale community was a trend or that a makeup color trend was set by skin coloring alone.

I guess everyone is entitled to her pet peeve, but I am kind of surprised at the tone this thread is taking.


Well-known member
so my cousin and I were driving in her car and then she began to do her makeup. She took the BLACK EYELINER and proceded to line her lips. Icing to that it was not even straight. She then added her clear gloss over it and I just looked at her disguisted as she used her version of blending. Gosh I will never forget that day


Well-known member
I know a lady who does this everyday. She lines her lips with a black liner and draws her brows with it too. Every time I see her, I want to say something. But my opinion doesn't mean she's wrong. She obviously likes the look.
so my cousin and I were driving in her car and then she began to do her makeup. She took the BLACK EYELINER and proceded to line her lips. Icing to that it was not even straight. She then added her clear gloss over it and I just looked at her disguisted as she used her version of blending. Gosh I will never forget that day


Well-known member
Dope thread! I definitely agree w/ black lipliner, harsh white frosty eyeliner on the lid, black eyebrows, and a white brow highlight..... womp.

No likey:

- Not experimenting with "white girl" colors & shying away from colors that aren't "WOC approved," like a pastels or bright whites! (Don't get me wrong, I absolute-lay favor rich, pigmented colors on WOC, so take this one with a grain of salt!) I honestly think WOC have more options with colors because we really can wear *any* color out there. I know I'm getting serious side eye right now, but to me, it's really all about finding a way to make those scary-looking colors work on our gorgeous skin tones! So essentially, using these colors in moderation, pairing them with colors that naturally flatter your skin tone, blending, etc. We should try not to limit ourselves because we think something is for white/lighter skinned women only. Now, clearly a pastel may take more work to look good, but it's all good! Play around and have fun!! :) It all washes off.

- Huge/overwhelming/overdrawn/disproportional, waxy, obviously penciled in, fake looking eyebrows. And then applying bright ass concealer around the brows..... O_O

- Generally looking too made up and being super heavy-handed with eyeshadow application. I know we have to work sometimes for colors to show up, but damn! Go easy.

- Blue lipstick

- Looking a little toooo natural with the application. Natural doesn't mean boring and uninspired.

- I'm totally all for not wearing foundation if you feel you don't need to or want to, but having a decent eyeshadow/lip application sitting on top of uneven, shiny/oily skin makes me think "Sooo close! And yet, so far away". Esp if our skin is clear, but fabulously oily, we may not think to use oil control products because we don't use foundation.

- Using thick, cakey foundation to adjust hyper-pigmentation (from acne, for example); thicker doesn't always mean better coverage. That being said, I'm on the fence about this being a makeup crime, because I can definitely appreciate how difficult and daunting it can be to conceal dark scars or pigment when we think our product options are limited.

Okay, I'm done complaining. It's all from a place of love, I promise! lol Night y'all!


Well-known member
Quick q, how is *not* wearing makeup a makeup crime?
I'm not calling anyone out at all, but I took the original question to be about makeup no-nos, meaning that those who don't wear any are inherently excluded.


New member
I'm new here and rather late to this thread, but I will say I think it's interesting that people feel the need to respond with a judgement of one's "pet peeve." The point of the thread is for WOC to share their pet peeves, not necessarily to share in them. People are getting over defensive and hyper sensitive to the opinions of people you don't know and who don't know you! All of these pet peeves are fairly superficial in nature, so nod your heads to the ones in which you share, and ignore the ones you don't. In other words, LIGHTEN UP!


Well-known member
I'm new here and rather late to this thread, but I will say I think it's interesting that people feel the need to respond with a judgement of one's "pet peeve." The point of the thread is for WOC to share their pet peeves, not necessarily to share in them. People are getting over defensive and hyper sensitive to the opinions of people you don't know and who don't know you! All of these pet peeves are fairly superficial in nature, so nod your heads to the ones in which you share, and ignore the ones you don't. In other words, LIGHTEN UP!
nvm fuck it.


Well-known member
Intentionally wearing a foundation that's too light to "look lighter/fairer." My mother does this and I can never convince her that it looks hilariously bad.
I know many who are guilty of this a big no no I be looking like ummm please go get matched up for real and stop playing


New member
Biggest makeup don't....over board with the bronzer! And way too much fake tan....looking like willy wonker from the chocolate factory is not a pretty look


These posts have me cracking up! Most of them are soooo true. A couple i have noticed are:

This highlighting thing done WAY overboard...MJ looking highlight with Wesley Snipes skin colour are a fail on so many levels.

Contouring EXTRA hard....come on stop this! A nice light contour is good enough lol why are you looking like Rupaul

Foundation too light, too orange, too yellow... its a crime that has happened to many of us prior (me included) thank god companies have finally remembered us sisters and woman of colour

The pasty white/or chalky eye shadows
White winged out eyeliner
Pasty lipstick shades and no lip liner
Bad eyebrows...too fake looking. Light unblended concealer drawn around them. Drawn on like a cartoon character.
Someone above mentioned the fear of makeup i agree/ the worst is the ones SO EXTRA PROUD they don't wear makeup and act like us makeup wearers are wrong...(meanwhile they could use some lipgloss, mascara, and a little foundation/tinted moisturizer for their ashy face) ___> i know a bit off topic but gets on my last nerve lol


Well-known member

lol is this sarcasm? I just read through this thread and then googled the black e/l as l/l and came across this :S

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