Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color

pheonix phire

Active member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu

Eh, gotta say that I disagree with all the above and the idea that we all can wear "anything".

we most certainly can wear i said it's a about how you blend or pair a color.

i too have seen many lighter counter parts using colors in manners that i as a woman of color could not use..that dose not mean that particular color is off limits to me..i may not be able to wear it the way my lighter counter part can..but i CAN make it work for my coloring..which is what i meant.

i have yet to come across ANY color i could not wear..many being colors that a lot of my AA sisters of various groups thought they too could not wear..*shrug*
to each their own..its all about experimentation.
and yes any color (neon or not) can be worn as a "wash" and look great on us (i feel a tutorial coming on *chuckle*) also there really isn't anything "editorial" about a "wash" (but i dont know what you are picturing..but i am betting its not the same thing i am)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pheonix phire
we most certainly can wear i said it's a about how you blend or pair a color.

i too have seen many lighter counter parts using colors in manners that i as a woman of color could not use..that dose not mean that particular color is off limits to me..i may not be able to wear it the way my lighter counter part can..but i CAN make it work for my coloring..which is what i meant.

i have yet to come across ANY color i could not wear..many being colors that a lot of my AA sisters of various groups thought they too could not wear..*shrug*
to each their own..its all about experimentation.
and yes any color (neon or not) can be worn as a "wash" and look great on us (i feel a tutorial coming on *chuckle*) also there really isn't anything "editorial" about a "wash" (but i dont know what you are picturing..but i am betting its not the same thing i am)

Welp, we obviously have a difference of opinion, and I'm fine with agreeing to disagree. I'm perfectly aware of what a wash of eyeshadow is ( light application of color from lashline to beyond the crease), and there is not much one could do or say to convince me that a wash of say...Shimmermoss, and nothing else is a good look for a person that's out and about. In my opinion, a wash of a single color is best suited to *some* neutrals and sometimes, pinks or purples. A wash, can look clownish if one is not careful to use a suitable color, I don't care how much it's blended.

As stated earler, I think something like that may be just fine and beautiful for runway or editorial (magazine shoots, btw), or other types of fashion work/looks, but not for me to go to my 9 to 5 or have Sunday brunch with my grandparents. Catch my drift?

If certain colors were for everyone, there's be no need for the swatch forum, or for people to request that colors be swatched on varying skintones, or for cosmetic counters to have samples and artists at their counters to try looks on customers; this is how people know that colors are for THEM.

I guess what it boil down to is that you and I have different opinions of what is aesthetically pleasing to us individually, and that's what makes the world go round, huh?

As for WOC seeming to be afraid of color; I do believe that many of them hold onto the stigma of not "needing" it, but I think there are just as many others who would like to wear more color, but do not want to devote the time and effort into the application, which is understandable. I'm a quick and dirty kinda girl, so I'm not gonna go for a colorful look if I don't have the time to work out the color groupings and apply in a way that looks nice. Sticking with neutrals is just easier for some people to do, and greatly reduces the margin of error for someone who doesn't have a steady hand, patience, or the devotion to makeup that many of us have.

And that's all I have to say about that... (c) Forrest Gump

...for now anyways, LOL


Active member
Originally Posted by pheonix phire
i don't believe in makeup when i think of makeup..i dont think there is a such thing as "night" and "day" looks..i think people should wear what makes them feel good so long as its flattering on them. i rarely wear what most people would deem "day time" looks. that kind of makeup dosent really apeal to me.

There may be no 'rules' to makeup, but there certainly are about what looks are appropriate for what occasion. It's simply unprofessional to show up to the office in overly shimmery, heavily applied eyeshadow, or a very dark smoky eye with fake lashes and loads of mascara. It may be flattering, but its not appropriate. I wear what some might consider 'night' looks during the day, but I am college student. No one cares if my makeup matches the time of day. But I do think it looks ridiculous when a girl shows up to an early morning class with her eye makeup looking like she's going to the opera....or performing in one.


Well-known member
still wearing that vampirish blackberry lipstick..Where I live at not enough women wear makeup..they're more concerned in getting that hair did and nails did..but as for their face..dark spotted healed pimple marks, uneven skintone. But when I do see a WOC wearing makeup and it is impeccable I have to compliment her immediately..


Well-known member
omg a couple of days ago I saw this woman wear a thick link of gold something (idk if it was shadow or eyeliner) across her lids. She then took that same gold whatever and DREW IN HER EYEBROWS


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
Next, I have some crimes I want to get off my chest. LOL

1. Why is it that when you walk in some MAC Stores, the folk (you know what I mean LOL) think we own the damn store. No people, you do not own the MAC store other people are free to come in and make purchases.

2. Do we really need to bring our husbands/boyfriends with us to the MAC counter (unless he's buying some makeup himself)? LOL

3. Some of us need to stop looking at the sister next to us up and down and rolling our eyes. Show some love at the counter. We are all trying to buy makeup and it's only makeup.

4. Everyone cannot be blonde like Mary J. Blige and Beyonce.

5. If the sister next to you asks what colors you are wearing, let her know. Don't say "Oh, this is something I just threw together." Help a sister out.

6. For some of us, after you have spent your money at the MAC counter and FootLocker, please go to the bookstore and buy your children some books. Or go to the library. No need to come to parent teacher conference all MAC'd out and your child is failing. "No Child Left Behind really means that "Our children are being Left Behind."

esp. #3, #4 and #6


Well-known member
I had witnessed the same thing at Sephora's..this girl was putting the makeup on her eyes..The SA was helping her and she(the SA) didn't even sanitize the tester for her....eeeewww. I went and tested a Nars Lip gloss on the back of my hand and fell in love with it..When I got home to try it on the color great for my bottom pink lip but not for my dark top lip. But it looked so pretty tested on my dark hand..oh well..


Well-known member
oh I can't moisturize..My face produces enough grease to fry a whole chicken along with some fries..I thought it was my moisturizer I was one day I decided not to wear my moisturizer and again my face oiled up with a quickness..


Well-known member
Actually, they say that it's imperative to moisturize, even if you've got an oily face! Phisoderm makes a great gel moisturizer for acne-prone skin. It's very lightweight. I think there's a little mattifier in it, too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu

Eh, gotta say that I disagree with all the above and the idea that we all can wear "anything".

I completely agree. Some products are just not suited for some people. And I am of the opinion that when it comes to an expensive makeup item, there should be none of this "I have to mix it with several different colors and turn my head at a 45 degree angle and then it works!" Please. If you are NW55, chances are Lightscapade MSF is not going to work for you. And it's okay!

Now when it comes to color families, I feel like anyone can rock any color. For example you may be of a darker hue, but want to rock pastels. You may not be able to use a lighter less pigmented color that a paler person uses, but you could use a different, more pigmented product to achieve the "effect" of pastel. But when it comes to a specific shades, some things just don't look good on everyone. Let's accept it and move along.

ETA: I think we can all agree that what looks "good" is a matter of personal opinion and taste. But let me just add that just because you "can" do it doesn't mean you should. Yes anyone can physically wear any product. What is it going to do, melt itself shut when you reach for it? Also I am inclined to agree with HeavenLeiBlu that a wash on just any and every color on the lid won't look necessarily look good. I can't imagine a wash of radioactive blue from brow the lash line looking good although I'd love for someone prove me wrong.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LatteQueen
oh I can't moisturize..My face produces enough grease to fry a whole chicken along with some fries..I thought it was my moisturizer I was one day I decided not to wear my moisturizer and again my face oiled up with a quickness..

Part of that oiliness problem may stem from your skin trying to overcompensate because you aren't moisturizing. It's the same situation with using drying cleaners (which is why most cleansers made for oily skin suck). Kiehl's makes an awesome, light, glycerin based moisturizer called the Blue Herbal Moisturizer. I love it. When looking for moisturizers try to find something that is oil-free.


Well-known member
I agree with needing a moisturizer even if you are oily. My skin had gone from being bone dry to super oily due to some hormonal issues. I mean so oily I was considering Accutane. I stopped using my old moisturizer b/c it made my face look like a dirty skillet. No moisturizer at all did the same thing and I would be oily within 15 minutes of putting on my makeup. I admit I only put moisturizer on my drier spots at night (around my eyes and sides of my chin) but, I use facial treatments at night and I'm alseep so who cares If Im a grease bucket. My skin is no longer super oily its just oily/combination now but, I have found that using a gentle cleanser (cetaphil) in the morning and the RIGHT moisturizer with SPF my skin isn't as oily, doesnt break out as much and any dark marks heal faster (b/c of the sunscreen and my skin is moisturized properly which promotes healing). I am using Neutrogena Visibly even spf 30 and I really like it. It kinda shines initially but once it sinks in (less than 1 min) you are good to go.

People "can" do whatever they chose with their make up but, that won't guarentee they will look good to everyone else. In the end its your appearance, if you like it on yourself, then I love it on you. I'm sure those people who draw on those surprised chola brows think they look fantastic. That's fine for them but, not for me. If we were friends then I would be like "No.Ma'am." but that's still that persons choice. I guess it really depends on your setting also. Wearing something totally "unique" is fine in certain places but, if you did that same look at work they would ask you to take a mental health day for sure.


Well-known member
1. using white eyeliner pencil as 'highlight' and as a eyelid colour
2 not being courageous enough with makeup colour choices
3 my pet peeve, not blending foundation in enough so it's clearly visible on the jawline

4 using a foundation color that you KNOW is definitely lighter than your skintone. come on ladies you aren't fooling anyone!
5 using red lipstick or gold lipstick on the lower lip only and leaving the top lip without any makeup (what gives?)
6 using maroon or some other crazy colour as an eyebrow pencil. my cousin did this and i almost fell of my chair

7. using a lighter shade foundation(esp cream to powder) under eyes to cover dark circles. My friend (a dark skinned girl like nw50) uses a very light colour under her eyes. she never listens when i tell her it's not good though

8 black pencil as a lip liner.
9 completely shaving off eyebrows and redrawing them in. close second is very thin eyebrows that make someone look constantly startled

10 not following any beauty regimen. where women think that a ton of foundation will cover anything instead of working on the skin first.


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Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Yeah, 'cause you did not go out with me on Saturday night. My best friend did this and I was horrified for the entire night.



Active member
Originally Posted by snkatha
1. using white eyeliner pencil as 'highlight' and as a eyelid colour
2 not being courageous enough with makeup colour choices
6 using maroon or some other crazy colour as an eyebrow pencil. my cousin did this and i almost fell of my chair

8 black pencil as a lip liner.

Hi! I'm new (writing) to the forum--I've done my fair share of lurking, though.

I'm a North American of Southeast Asian origin, but currently live in South America (Brazil), so my skintone ranges from medium olivish to darker depending on how well I flee the (RELENTLESS!!!!) sun here... ugh. Brands like MAC and even NYX cost a fortune here, when they can be found, but there are some native brands like Vult, Yes and Contem 1g which have some gorgeous products and great colours. Bobbi Brown isn't an option here.

Thus, I could never understand why darker-skinned women hide into the plummy, orangey and brown tones as in North America--and it seems the darker the tone, the more timid the woman is. I myself usually use sparkling dark blues, teals, emerald greens, black, metallic reds, purples... and if I had the absolutely gorgeous tone that many African-American women have, then I would go REALLY crazy!

I've never been fond of the Bobbi Brown idea of "you, but better"... if something's going to be a better me, than it had better kick ass!

And as for the black eyeliner as lipliner... I didn't know so many WOC were Goths!

Take care and cheers to all!
PURPLE BLUSH!!!!!! URGH!!!!....WE MAYBE BLACK BUT WE DON'T BLUSH IN PURPLE.....Women of color should stop copying styles from the pale skinned


Well-known member
WOW...This was a great thread!

I must say I have never seen the white eyeliner look here in Florida. What's funny is my server at IHOP wears the black lipliner religiously. It drives me crazy. I always want to say something, but better yet "to each its own." I just stay mum.

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