Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color


Active member
lmao at this thread tooo real and funny
black lipliner with a fuschia or frosted lipstick /or gloss

white eyeliner on top lid as highlight and/or e/s e/l (mexican and black crime)

drawn on sperm brows

blush not blended in and only on cheeks not temples jawline or lightly dusted on the eyelid.

that is all i can think of right now lol


Well-known member
Chestnut does NOT go with everything lipcolor you have. Try Cushy..


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Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
The SE brushes aren't manufactured as well as the original brushes in the line. It's not just your brush, all my SE brushes suck eggs.
However, the 242 brush isn't a blending brush. It's an applicator, it's too hard to blend with IMO. You need a soft, tapered brush for actual blending. The 242 is supposed to be hard so that it lays down a lot of pigment in one spot.

I love using the 239 for applying pigment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
Chestnut does NOT go with everything lipcolor you have. Try Cushy..



Originally Posted by sexypuma
ITA agree with you. What about having fun? We are aware that it doesn't look like we were born with those colours but it's about (at least for me) having fun the same way you were that purple eyeshadow or red lipstick. Those are not natural colours either. Granted I don't go to work like that but I would do it occasionally.

I can count on one hand the times I've worn something other than brown/bronze/gold. I have a peach blush (NARS Gina), but I don't think that really counts, as it looks quite natural on me. it was sort of surprising to hear I (and those like me) are pet peeves; everyone isn't comfortable with color. And although i hear "oh, you should try color!", it's sort of difficult to do well. So I choose to err on the side of caution and just wear what I'm comfortable with: neutrals. And the occasional bit of red gloss or lipstick.

I'd love to try color, but it would have to be in a way that was a)easy, and b)work-friendly. I can't see myself trying to rock purple shadow during a meeting. A lot of the lcolorful looks here I think are gorgeous, but I couldn't wear to work.


Well-known member
Well ... great question

If makeup is art, biggest makeup crimes do not exist. After that, that depends on the woman or on the man who wears him.

But I say FOR EVERY WOMAN (white, black, yellow, etc) :too much makeup with too much clothes with too much jewels with too much accessories.
It's nice on catwalk or on photo but no in really life

Edit : Change my response, I read "Biggest Makeup Crimes" not "Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color".
I don't think women of color make bigger makeup crimes than other


Well-known member
:confused:Red blush with pink lips, purple lips or berry lips
I don;t think women in general understand "the color story". They don't realize that this is not cute.
I hate when any woman tries to create a lip line by over drawing or under drawing her lips. The camel humps created by over drawing really sends me over the edge!
In general I think most women of color...(and it depends on the area of the country). *Don't enjoy experimenting with color at all* Are too cheap to purchase quality makeup, so they try to hate on females who really "paint" their face! And think by wearing the gold bronze shades that they are appearing "natural".

Most don't realize they are acting's usually a feeling thats engrained in them as a person. Usually church, men, & community feeds into this negative opinion of makeup "hating".

**As for the fake contacts. I don't get it! Why put something in your eye thats not really needed. Contacts keep your eyes infected and drama filled. Why would you bother to put something, that doesn't belong in such an important area?????


Well-known member
alotta women of color mostly the mexican girls do the dark red liner with a light shade of lipstick or gloss over here. nortenas my ass, but yeah i think it looks nice on SOME women that can pull it off. it's a lil trashy though. :]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
BLACK EYELINER AS A LIPLINER! That's the number one.
Two: A light shadow in a obvious line as "highlight" under the brow. Blend, gals, blend!
Three: not using enough color. (Example: there are other lip products besides Oh Baby! and Sinnamon))
Four: Honestly, I'm a little alarmed at how a percentage of women of color find it necessary to match their eye shadows to their outfits, regardless of whether or not it is flattering (as in the woman who wanted me to use a kelly green and hot pink combo on her eyes because that's what her shirt and shoes looked like).

very well said!


Well-known member
My biggest pet peeve is not so much makeup, nor is it only limited to WoC, but unfortunately, I seem to notice it more in us darker beauties. It's not taking excellent care of our skin. NOTHING bugs me more than seeing someone who obviously spent a lot of time and effort (and maybe money, you can't always tell) on their makeup and put it on top of sh!tty skin.

Like me, many PoC have a tendency to oily, blackhead prone skin and hyperpigmentation and scarring. I know how hard it is to find good foundation but if your hyperpigmentation is really bad, think about investing in a good foundation - as a last resort get it custom blended. Also, don't forget coverup for under/around the eyes as many darker/olive ladies like me have bad dark circles.

Finally, invest in an effective skincare system - I know a good routine is expensive, so go for less expensive alternatives where possible, but please, exfoliate and keep the oil under control. Shine and blackheads are NOT cute. I agree with the poster above who said that in our culture, spending a lot of money and effort on beauty is considered frivolous, but believe me, most of the celebrities (male and female) we admire don't have 'naturally' beautiful skin, or only use a little cocoa butter or whatever natural remedy they try to convince us of. They spend thousands on chemical peels, lasering, botox, microdermabrasion and prescription-strength skin-care.

Again, this is not only/every WoC, but I seem to see it quite a bit in our community.
1. im not a fan of the over dramatic lip liner esp. black liner.
2. when some women shave off the eyebrows and draw them in with sharpies
3. too much blush- either blend them or use it lightly!
4. l/s on the teeth- blot it so it wont have to get there
5. in some older women i find that they like to line under the bottom lash line and not the inside. i cant stand that!! it just looks like something is missing.

skin care is very important. i had dark scars in my face from poppin the bumps and everything. now its at a min. and im pretty good. tone is even and now i dont have to apply so much make-up when i do wear it. i am an nc50 girl and i love earthtones but i try to get funky ever now and then with bolder colors. my latest funky moment is in my pics. i used blue storm to the fullest! check it out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kaycee37
**As for the fake contacts. I don't get it! Why put something in your eye thats not really needed. Contacts keep your eyes infected and drama filled. Why would you bother to put something, that doesn't belong in such an important area?????

That came off highly pretentious and condescending.

Contacts do not keep your eyes infected, whatever that means. If you take care of your contacts with the sanitation and deep cleansing process, your eyes will be fine. I have been wearing contacts since I was a freshman in high school and I have never had any sort of eye problems. What do you mean by drama filled? And what does that have to do with contacts?

I actually need contacts because I have not been blessed with perfect vision. I wear glasses on some occasions but unfortunately my glasses can sometimes give me bad headaches. I have clear contacts as well as coloured, and that is because I like to change up my look and I like wearing coloured contacts. So that is why I "bother" putting contacts, which apparently do not belong, in my important eye area. I kind of need to see.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kaycee37
:confused:Red blush with pink lips, purple lips or berry lips
I don;t think women in general understand "the color story". They don't realize that this is not cute.
I hate when any woman tries to create a lip line by over drawing or under drawing her lips. The camel humps created by over drawing really sends me over the edge!
In general I think most women of color...(and it depends on the area of the country). *Don't enjoy experimenting with color at all* Are too cheap to purchase quality makeup, so they try to hate on females who really "paint" their face! And think by wearing the gold bronze shades that they are appearing "natural".

Most don't realize they are acting's usually a feeling thats engrained in them as a person. Usually church, men, & community feeds into this negative opinion of makeup "hating".

**As for the fake contacts. I don't get it! Why put something in your eye thats not really needed. Contacts keep your eyes infected and drama filled. Why would you bother to put something, that doesn't belong in such an important area?????

The part about church, men and community feeding into makeup hating is true. I have had women and men both say that I was trampy because I like vibrant makeup even at church. THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS, they are not divas like the members of our group.


Well-known member
That reminds me alot of Touch Lipstick and 80% Lipliner!

Originally Posted by aziajs
Thanks faifai & lipshock. Nude lips are so hard. There are so many kinds of "nude". Anyway, I like Kelly's lips here (not to mention the eyes):




Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kaycee37
:confused:Red blush with pink lips, purple lips or berry lips
I don;t think women in general understand "the color story". They don't realize that this is not cute.
I hate when any woman tries to create a lip line by over drawing or under drawing her lips. The camel humps created by over drawing really sends me over the edge!
In general I think most women of color...(and it depends on the area of the country). *Don't enjoy experimenting with color at all* Are too cheap to purchase quality makeup, so they try to hate on females who really "paint" their face! And think by wearing the gold bronze shades that they are appearing "natural".

Most don't realize they are acting's usually a feeling thats engrained in them as a person. Usually church, men, & community feeds into this negative opinion of makeup "hating".

**As for the fake contacts. I don't get it! Why put something in your eye thats not really needed. Contacts keep your eyes infected and drama filled. Why would you bother to put something, that doesn't belong in such an important area?????

I've been wearing contacts over 30 years and never had an infection. The last decade I have been wearing tints. I've used the transparents with a slight glimpse of gold-these are gorgeous on women of color. Lots of women of color have noses that are not made for eyeglasses! If you are African American or Asian American,you may have problems finding a flattering,comfortable pair! If you do have beautiful eyes, why hide them behind windows? As far as changing the eyecolor,its fun! I am wearing blue right now....I saw Memoirs of a Geisha a couple years ago and thought "Hey,if she can pull off blue eyes,why can't I? It doesn't mean I want to change my identity or that I hate my inner Asian. It's like changing your hair. Everyone perms, and today everyone colors. In my neighborhood,its Japanese people who all but a few tint their hair! Many wear grey or green contact lenses. If you like the look,why not? Its not like plastic surgery,where you change a feature forever (also huge in my neighborhood-eye lid and nose surgery).


Well-known member
Here we go:

#1- Helped a woman who was NW50 learn that white pencil is not the correct highlighter for under her eyebrows(p.s. NW 40 Studio Finish Concealer well blended can look AMAZING!)

#2-Ivory soap and baking soda is not a proper way to take care of your skin (that is just one combo i have heard)

#3- This cute, more mature client going out of her way to "under" draw her lips. (I gave up trying to convince her otherwise and try to show her how to make it less noticeable)......forgot to say all she uses is Magenta lipliner and she mixes it with Morange and Up the Amp

But at the end of the day....i am just a makeup artist and not a preacher. I can give and opinion but if they feel confident and beautiful who am I too judge as long as they leave my counter happy

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