Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
I have several single UD e/s also and I regret so much a few years ago not buying their e/s vault. It was a box that had little holes for I think 15 e/s. I wish I had it so that my UD's would be all together and in one thing.

I haven't tried any products from Illamasque but I've looked online and they look nice. I get the temptalia newsletter and she had a behind the scenes page of their Toxic Nature. I love these picks. I like the name of the collection also. You may have already seen these but in case you haven't here's a link with different pics.

Oh I just saw the square to click on to watch the little film. It is so cool.


Well-known member
I have several single UD e/s also and I regret so much a few years ago not buying their e/s vault. It was a box that had little holes for I think 15 e/s. I wish I had it so that my UD's would be all together and in one thing.

I haven't tried any products from Illamasque but I've looked online and they look nice. I get the temptalia newsletter and she had a behind the scenes page of their Toxic Nature. I love these picks. I like the name of the collection also. You may have already seen these but in case you haven't here's a link with different pics.

Oh I just saw the square to click on to watch the little film. It is so cool.
I had to add them to my FB account because I want to keep up with their new products! The film is cute! It actually reminds me of some tarot cards I have! lol I woke up with a nasty cold. Ugh! But I have also sold another 200.00 of decks and possibly another for 100.00. We shall see. I will have to let these go to their destinations before the next round. I still have so much to go through, but I am eying that bureau now and the solid cherry drawers and thinking how sturdy it is and how much makeup I could store in it...once I get rid of a lot of decks! A drawer for lips, one for face, one for eyes, one for odd things, one for makeup bags... The possibilities are endless!

Lou!~Thinking of you at your new destination and wishing you all the best. I hope things are going well and smoothly for you.

Sally~I think this might be moving day for you. I hope all is going well for you too!

Jen~Hope you are feeling better all the time. Miss your cheery face!

Hope to see more of the gang as the weekend approaches! A happy day for me. I finally quite playing FarmVille after over a year of wasting my time. Yay! Tomorrow I lay in bed and read! No more harvesting! No more visiting neighbours farms! No more wasting time! My life is back! And more time to play with makeup and connect on other parts of this forum, too!


Well-known member
sorry guys, i am just quickly popping in to say hello to all you lovely ladies! today was super stressful. and when you add late trains and me running like forest gump trying to catch one you can see why i am still slightly shakey and stressed. plus i barely had time for lunch so i think that is why i am shaking. i was hoping to have a look around the shopping centre but no chance for that! i weirdly enjoyed myself though!


Well-known member
Debi--Those products do look nice and I've love the artwork for the promo pics too. The film was very cute and for my ADD brain things like that just makes me want to stare at them over and over, like in a trance:) I was in Sephora just for a sec today and they didn't have the Toxic Nature stuff yet but I'm sure they will. I must check it out when they get it in. Congrats on selling more, yay for more cool things. The bureau sounds nice and I love how you already have it planned out for your stash:)

Lou--Sorry to hear you are so stress. I hope you day gets better and then perhaps you can relax some. I know it's been pretty hard on you.

Jenn-still working on your project? Hopefully you'll have your break soon and can just chill for a bit.

Sally--Good luck on your moving.


Well-known member
We just finished rewatching Season 2 of The Tudors and earlier I watched Burlesque. Some fun makeup in that movie and worth seeing Cher sing, though the storyline was a bit better than I thought. Still, not exactly Oscar material!

Now I have people coming to me asking if they can buy certain decks. I hate it when that happens. They are not supposed to so that. They are supposed to wait until you put it up. No trades or sales behind backs. And I am not selling off all my decks. I will still have several hundred when I do this downsize. Right now I just want people to buy the decks I have up for offer and let me keep things straight and slowly pick my way through my collection. Some of it will take time and savvy salesmanship!

Looking forward to a good book and crawling into bed. I can't believe I have come down with a cold. Germs at Sephora, maybe? Something I rubbed on my hand to swatch? Hmm... Someone got me!



Well-known member
I do love UD e/s and eyeliners. I have the Anniversary collection of the eyeliners, so pretty set on that. I have Ammo and Naked Palette. I try to keep my UD palettes to a minimum, though. I only buy something that I will wear and don't have replicas of because all makeup does expire after a while and should not be used. The last thing I want is a nasty eye infection. So, I keep my eye out for very unique ones. I have a lot of UD singles now and have been collecting the ones that are colours I will use a lot (browns, pinks and purples). My e's from NARS are unique in the sense they are highly glittered (at least the ones I bought) and my Bobbi Brown ones are very matte and everyday mellow looks. Then MAC is my go to! I also like the palettes that have blush and lippies in them for stuffing in my purse and daytrips. I buy a lot, but believe it or not, I am a picky buyer!!
i want i want! hehe.. congrats on selling more of the decks! more money for MU and hauls!

u quit playing farmville? i am nw obssessed with bakery story on my iphone.. bt i really shld stop as it is just getting out of hand..

well im so glad that friday is here. im flying off to perth tomorrow so im very psyched about tt. the sad thing is i cant check up on specktra as the place im staying at does not have internet connection =( bt hopefully when im back, the colour stories for SB and swatches for QC will be up.

Im gg to sephora later at night after work. hope ill be good.. i only need to check out the MUFE Mat Velvet foundation and MAC MSFN. Maybe have a look at the UD pencils.. sigh.. its gg to be an expensive friday night!


Well-known member
Hey ladies! Missing you lots!

Just a quick check-in - I'm officially off for March Break, and so I can finally settle down and relax a little! Jerome still has one more day though and had his mental break down tonight, so I've been taking care of him and convincing him that he needs and is allowed to have some time for himself sometimes! As such, this post will be quick.

I've got a panel I'm speaking on tomorrow morning and I'm training later on, but I will be back again more regularly now! Yay! :) I'm sooooo excited - it's not the same without Specktra in my life!

I'll do my best to go back at some point tomorrow and catch anything I've missed!

Sweet dreams to all of you :)


Well-known member
I got up early and was watching the news with my dad with the coverage of the earthquake in Japan. It just looks so terrible. 8.9... Wow. CNN said it was the 5th largest recorded quake in history.

Hope all you girls are okay? I can't think of anyone here offhand that would have possibly been affected but I'm awful at remembering where everyone is from.


Well-known member
I also woke to the awful news and devastating pictures of the earthquake/tsunami in Japan and watching the dark early morning hours cameras on the beaches of Hawaii. So sad to see yet another natural disaster so soon, yet I am not surprised as I told my husband now that there was the one in NZ it will set off others as the earth continues to shift. Wishing everyone the best.

I thought about UD palettes all night. TY Shadowaddict! I just sold 200.00 more in tarot and so much more to go through. Hoping a MO or two might come in today so I can package them out and send them along their way. I have 475.00 worth sitting in boxes, ready to go! I just want to keep this all rolling! But I want to get some of those Lancome Nu lipsticks as soon as they come out! All these lovely spring lines! I will have to be more prepared in the future since they usually have the colours I wear the most! I do plan to get a few Clinique Chubby Sticks. They look like fun! And I LOVE my MAC Sheen Supremes. What is it about me and lipsticks?? They are always the first thing I go for in a line. Then glosses and blush. Eyes always come last!

First day of no FV. Yay! I can do so much more now! I hit level 113 and had mastered all the crops, no more room for any decorations and played for over a year. That was plenty of my time. Moving on!!

Jen~Good to hear things are going well and look forward to your face back here on Specktra.

Wishing Lou all the best on her 2nd day at the new location. Don't stress out!

Wish I could get together with all of you and have an insane MU shopping day with you ( with someone handing us a nifty sized voucher to divide amongst us)! Of course, my Sephora is so attacked by teens that it looks like a tornado pushed through!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Just saw the news. I"m fine here, but being an Asia country too my country will probably be sending quite a large amount of aids there. Hope everyone is safe too!

Debi I'm interested in the L'absolu Nu too! Pretty excitng! I love lipsticks too! I used to play FV too but I stopped after a few months. I'm playing Cityville at the moment, but few of my friends are playing so there isn't much I can do lol. Glad you moved on! It gets a bit bored after a while, and we just clicked for the point of clicking!

lou - we are cheering for you! :)


Well-known member
Lou -- hang on, hang tough, you can do it!

ms qqq.. a lot of my family in South America have been told to evacuate.. I know this was a major quake, and I am praying that all in the line of fire will stay safe.

as for Absolu Nu.. that ls name was out in the 80's.. it was a gorgeous suedey matte lip, although a tad drying as all attempts at matte lips have been to date. I am waiting on some samples !!


Well-known member
I wish everyone well in Japan and around with all the horrible things going on there.

Becky--I really love the UD liners but didn't get the set because I just wanted particuklar colors. I also love the MUFE aqua liners. If you have oily skin I think you will like the mat velvet plus. if you haven't tried it get a couple of samples and play with a couple of colors. They matched me with the lughtest #15 but when I applied it was a bit too light and the next one #20 was a bit too dark. I bought one of each and mix them to get a good match. I think this will be a great foundation for summer as it gets quite humid here. I just put major sunscreen under.

I'm still on the lookout for a high spf that doesn't increase my oilies. Any ideas HG?

YAY Debi for selling more. Youare doing great at this.


Well-known member
Japan quake and tsunami is terrible! i was at work on night shift when it hit, so, so terrible. but from seeing the footage i am glad of one thing for NZ, i am glad we are nuclear free, as they have declared a nuclear emergency, as the coolant in the power plants is failing.

feel so horrible for japan


Well-known member
Japan quake and tsunami is terrible! i was at work on night shift when it hit, so, so terrible. but from seeing the footage i am glad of one thing for NZ, i am glad we are nuclear free, as they have declared a nuclear emergency, as the coolant in the power plants is failing.

feel so horrible for japan
it really horrid. at the moment the world seems to be turning upside down with such extreme things happening.

my last day at the other store was once again stressful. a bloody auditor arrived at the store! and because my own store hasn't had this yet it means that next week i shall have to do it all over again for my own store. very annoying. it went ok but i had to argue the bloke down a few times and i felt like an arse hole :( got to be done sometimes though when if this store failed it would look bad on me.

then i got the owner of our company calling me up saying congratulations. i had no idea what she was on about. it turns out that my store had been mystery shopped by an electronics magazine weeks ago and we got full marks. which is excellent news! other shops in the city got no points at all so we did really well. and the sony stores average is only 6.9 and i got 10 so that is great! the title for the article is pure cheese though! it says ' 3d is a breeze with Louise'.
so yes it turns out that i was the person who was mystery shopped! good thing i was having a good day right?!


Well-known member
Congrats Lou on a fantastic (even if annoying) audit! What a dirty trick to play on you! But you passed with full marks and yay! That is over. Now back to your own store and you will be a pro if you get audited there. And yes, I plan to have lots of milk! lol Maybe even milk on the rocks! Or chocolate milk, straight up!! Living wild!!


My heart is just sinking as I watch the news. The sun is rising in Japan. We will start seeing and learning more, but to hear of entire towns and villages swept away, 4 trains completely missing and believed to have been full and swept away as they were on the northern east coast of Japan, the nuclear situation which seems to worsen by the minute. I can't even imagine. Yet I keep telling my husband that more earthquakes will happen in the Ring of Fire, because the one in NZ was so bad and would trigger others. Now several more in Nagano, which they believe are not aftershocks but a different fault altogether. Under the ground the earth, rocks and water are like a puzzle, Take one piece out and the rest shifts until it settles, with edges sharp and brittle, eventually to break again. I dread the pictures to come. Prayers to all involved. Then there is all the stuff about Libya and now Saudi Arabia. I feel this terrible tension rising and rising to a full blown war. Very scary.

No sales today because no MO's are arriving. Everyone is being super slow in mailing them out and very sluggish and unprofessional. I had it set up that each person's mo would come a day apart for three days and then could get on with selling. So I have to sit back and wait. It is driving me batty. I can't wait until this selling is over, though I have loads more to get through and haven't even started on the other bureau. Gads.

Decided to buy almost all the colours of the Sheen Supremes after seeing swatches. I bought two and love them, though I don't think I would keep them in a warm pocket book come summer! They are soft and would melt. Love the smooth black packaging and just excited for the other colours. They look so bright in the store, but on you they mellow out and look really pretty!


Well-known member
oh bimbos, ive had a terrible time at work this week

and now they're trying to swindle me out of a day of my holiday time i have coming up in a couple weeks, i wish i could just walk out


Well-known member
Lou I'm glad your time at the other store is ove and how great to get such a good review for the mystery shopper.

Banana1234-- I'm sorry you're having a tough time at work. and that really sucks about them trying screw you on your time off.
to you and
to them.


Well-known member
Lou I'm glad your time at the other store is ove and how great to get such a good review for the mystery shopper.

Banana1234-- I'm sorry you're having a tough time at work. and that really sucks about them trying screw you on your time off.
to you and
to them.
thank you so much sweetie! it means lots to me that you guys are behind me like this. when the article goes to print i can put a link to the website with the article on for you guys to see! there is a piccie of my store on it too so you can see where i work! :)

i'm back at my store troday and it feels so good to be here! i have missed it and my guys. although one of them i am extremely pissed off with over his attitude. he even upset the other two while i was away. so i shall be smacking his attitude out of him today. lots of toilet cleaning, putting rubbish in bins and general dirty work should sort that out!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Lou I'm glad your time at the other store is ove and how great to get such a good review for the mystery shopper.

Banana1234-- I'm sorry you're having a tough time at work. and that really sucks about them trying screw you on your time off.
to you and
to them.
I agree to both!
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