Bimbos unite!

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Miss QQ

Well-known member
Love the bag and the bangle! Gorgeous! Love the colours! I love light coloured purses but I always stain them!

Which chubby sticks do you have? My counters got only 4 shades, and only 1, whoppin' watermelon, is left. It is the sheerest and I pass for the time being. I wanted mega melon, chunky cherry or even super strawberry, which are more pigmented. But chunky cherry is not even coming here at all, and I'm so disappointed! If I get watermelon I can use it as my night time balm. It's easy to apply in the dark when I'm half awake! lou I hope your counters get the chubby sticks. Seems that it is out of stocks everywhere.


Well-known member
I got Mega Melon and Whoppin Watermelon, but have more on the way. I also just used the new Clinique lower lash mascara and it is a must have for everyone! I picked 2 up, one in black and one in brown/black. It has a teeny weeny wand that gets all those tiny lashes you never even knew you had, plus is awesome for both upper and lower corners with the wand sooo small. I will try to take pics later, when my hair is dry! lol But I love it and pray it doesn't flake. Now I hope every cosmetic line comes out with it so I can try them all. What a brilliant idea!


Well-known member
ooooh debi the chubbys are on my list when they come out! what do you think of them? what is the best nudeish one?

im wanting to try that mascara out too, sounds a bit gimmicky, but does it make a huge difference?


Well-known member
p.s tomorrow is my last day at work before i move back to the south island! am so so happy cannot wait!
and yay!!! i am so pleased for you sweetie! it will be will worth the wait! :)

my day at work went well today. i spoke to the company owner about the manager swap and most things seemed ok thank goodness! plus this magazine mystery shop has scored me mega points which is amazing. and i guess now i can actually be proud about things rather than being stressed over them. plus we did triple our target today so that gave us a nice kick start to the week!


Well-known member
Okay, Chubby Lips. Love it. Here I am (sorry not particularly pretty, but I am packing up decks right now, and my face is red from running up and down the stairs!) but you get the idea of the colour of Mega Melon. This is without any gloss, etc. They are nicely moisturizing and I love the tip is pointed. At least for now! Helps shape them and it is pretty long lasting. Also, check my lower eyelashes, especially the inner corner. The minute I used the wand on this new mascara I was picking up lashes I didn't even know I had! It really works awesome. I bought two colours, black and brown/black, because those are the colours of my mascaras. This is in brown/black. So worth it and not at all goopy. I am sold on it!

Lou~I fell in love with the colour of the purse, too, and was looking at the real buttery yellow one and trying to decided between the two when the lady told me to stand in front of the mirror and decide. Then it was so easy. Pink all the way and she agreed.

And yay! 450.00 worth of MO's arrived today so it is pack like a maniac time, post tomorrow and put more decks up. Then order another bag, more bracelets, more makeup, and keep the wheels turning! lol I am such a nerd.

Sally~Have a good move and yay! I bet you are so excited!!

Lou~It is not milkweed season so come on over and get a bracelet or two! They are going fast! That place was a mad house. Congrats on work! And it must feel really good to be back in your own store with your own team. Thumbs up!

Rockin~Thank you! It just screams fun to me! And summer. And since we had some snow today, I need to look at flowery things!



Well-known member
Debi--I love your new bag, love the color and bracelet is so pretty. It does look very springy. Poppies are so pretty. I love them, perhaps because they remend me of Wizard of Oz and that is my all time favorite movie:)

Thanks for your review of Clinique's bottom lash mascara. I've been thinking of trying it. I'll pick it up when I get their SPF 50 body cream. I need one for hands, arms, neck and such. I've heard this one is good and that it absorbs well is not sticky. Dillards is doing bonus time so maybe I'll go there. I can give my niece anything I won't use from it.

Jenn, I was probably the one that mentioned Butter London's All Hail the Queen. I am in love with this. I hope your break goes well althoughit seems you are quite busy . Hopefully you will actually be able to take a few breaks to relax.

I wish all your friends and family in Japan and area the best. It is so sad seeing the people there on tv.


Well-known member
Okay, I am quite confused. There is a section that has swatches for the Quite Cute collection and some of you already have it. I thought it didn't come out until April? How did you get them early?



Well-known member
Hi everyone!

Lol Lou - I'm trying not to work TOO hard - only 3 weeks until I'm done my Master's though, so lots is going on! I did manage to get out for beer and wings tonight with Jerome and a couple of our friends, so that was a nice break :) It was pretty hilarious - I have accumulated most of my lippie collection in my purse from touch-ups and doing my makeup on the go. and was commenting on the need to clear it out. The girl who was there with us asked to see my stuff because she's interested in makeup, thinking it was maybe 5 or 6 items. Nope, must have had 40 or so in there!!! Her jaw dropped. "There is hundreds of dollars worth of stuff there!" YUP. lmao - I'm an addict!

Debi, I love your look!!!!! I was reading somewhere that you can dupe the new Clinique mascara by chopping off the end of a mascara wand (once it's been cleaned, of course).... but if the formula is really nice, I wouldn't mind paying at all! :) It looks really pretty on you. And of all the things I've been reading about the Clinique Chubbies, your pic is the one that has made me want one really badly!!!! :D So glad the business is going well :)

ShadowAddict - I am loving this colour too, although it's much more tan/greige than I was expecting it to be - I thought it would be slightly lighter and more golden. Still in love, though! I'm going to swap for No More Waity, Kaity tomorrow! :)

Thanks everyone for the well-wishes for Japan. We're all praying for everyone over here, but thankfully so far no one we know has been hurt. Let's hope the natural disasters are done for a while!

EDIT: P.S. Debi, we got the QC plushglasses early because they were being some on :) It was a total fluke that they were there early - we just caught wind of them on Specktra and some of us decided to cave! :)


Well-known member
aaaah debi i love your bracelet!

am so going to nab myself some of that mascara and a chubby (when they bloody arrive here!!)


Well-known member
aaaah debi i love your bracelet!

am so going to nab myself some of that mascara and a chubby (when they bloody arrive here!!)
sally i found out that the chubbies come out on the uk on 15th april so perhaps you guys will get them at a similar time?

today i shall be doing my usual day off routine! house cleaning, catching up on tv shows and also reading. i am sad through because it is dark and foggy outside today. a far cry from what it was like yesterday!


Well-known member
Hi ladies. I hope everyone's doing fine!!

I've been busy with business trips
When I'm home, I've housework piling up waiting for me.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi ladies. I hope everyone's doing fine!!

I've been busy with business trips
When I'm home, I've housework piling up waiting for me.
Hello! Take care and we miss you!

jenn - hugs! Hope they stay safe!

I'm concern with the nuclear explosions in japan and I wonder how much of the radiation is coming over here. Definitely makes me nervous. They say the winds will be blowing it down south and after that may be blowing it across the pacific ocean.


Well-known member
Hello! Take care and we miss you!
jenn - hugs! Hope they stay safe!

I'm concern with the nuclear explosions in japan and I wonder how much of the radiation is coming over here. Definitely makes me nervous. They say the winds will be blowing it down south and after that may be blowing it across the pacific ocean.
i hope that everything will be ok for you with the explosions. it must be so worrying and stressful. i can't imagine what you guys are going through right now


Well-known member
Jen~I love the formula because it is made for our thinner lower lashes. Not heavy or clumpy, didn't flake and the bottle is just 10.00, which seems fair to me since we are supposed to change mascaras every 3 months anyhow. I never finish them, so that works for me! I love the teeny wand! And thanks for explaining the whole QC thing. I wish I had known about it! I can't wait for that collection!

Sally~Thank you! The bracelet is so cute!!

ShadowAddict~I can't watch the Wizard of Oz. It freaks me out! All those munchkins and their voices, the mean monkeys, the nasty green witch. I get nightmares!

Miss QQ~Thank you! I am completely addicted to chubby sticks now and hope they introduce even more colours. I would love a pretty pink/rose one. They are very popular and always selling out fast.

Lou~Your day sounds exactly like mine! I hope we have fun getting stuff done and having time for ourselves as well!

I have this sort-of friend who is 62 yrs old and owns a used bookstore. She is moody, refuses to watch the news, acts very eccentric and weird and won't even discuss the situation in Japan. She just turns a blind eye and I detest that. She also got super angry at me when I bought a Kindle because she says technology is ruining her business. Personally I think it is her dirty store and the pathetic looking books she buys these days. No one wants them. Anyhow, I told her how I was selling off part of my tarot collection and bought some Coach bags. She had no idea what they were and asked if they were like carpet bags (yeah, the things from the Victorian age). Considering Coach is everywhere here, she has a 23 yr old daughter and they shop at the same mall as me, I find it hard to believe she has no idea what a Coach bag is. I told her off. LOL I am sick of her hermit life and her constant need to badger or squash someone else's fun. After I bought the Kindle she didn't speak to me for about 2 weeks. I have a feeling she is one friend I am very ready to let go of.

On a much happier note, our anniversary is coming up on May 2nd and hubby let me buy another Coach bag that is LE, so will have that in a few days. I love my MU but I want to put some of this money to other things, too, and this seems like a good thing to invest in, especially since I can make bags last ages! Off to have breakfast and start my day. Hope you all have good ones!


Well-known member
ElvenEyes, I have to admit to never having heard of Coach bags until I came on this forum. On the ebay forums it used to be all talk about Kipling bags, LV and Radley and nobody ever mentioned Coach.

I'm not into designer bags myself, or shoes. I buy a bag simply because it suits my needs, and I like the look of it (usually black or leopard print lol). I think the most I've ever paid for a handbag is about £14, and the one I've used daily for over 3 years now was just £3, down from £6 in a shoe shop sale. It's still in great nick and suits my needs perfectly.


Well-known member
rockin~Around here you have to be blind not to notice Coach. It is the first brand of bags you see in every department store. Filene's, Macys, Jordan Marsh, Lord and Taylor, plus a Coach store here in our local mall along with all those other ones. My mother never bought Coach, but even as a little girl I remember seeing them because they were everywhere. For me this was just the last straw in a series of several years of her badmouthing anything she doesn't like or approve of. She does this to all her "friends" and wonders why no one bothers with her anymore. She is just so negative all the time. I can't talk to her about world events because she doesn't care. It upsets her. Tough noogies! People in Japan can't just walk away from it. Nor can the people of NZ or anyone else who suffers through tragedy. She pulled the same thing over 9/11. I can't talk to her about Coach or makeup because she isn't into bags or makeup. She doesn't want to talk about books, which is pretty odd for someone who owns a bookstore. She just wants to play her harp and ignore the world around her. I can't talk about my Kindle or what I might be reading on that because she despises it and computers and email, FB, etc. She also found out we both have the same maiden name and insisted we were cousins. She is big on the genealogy thing, but we can trace our roots back to the 15th century whereas she can only go back to late 1800's. It is a super popular last name and I am sure we are not related for many reason, one especially being we have no gaps and no place for the connection to be made. So she goes around introducing me as her "cousin" and yet she holds no interest in meeting or hearing about my parents, my sister, my real cousins and family. A little bizarre, yes? She lives is a little make-believe world, says horrible things about her customers and employees, even though they are nice and helpful. She just brings me down and I am making a clean break of it. No one needs that sort of foolishness in their lives.

Sorry for the vent! MAC order arrived (little one, but super fun). Happy dance! Cold and cloudy day, but I think the ice is starting to break up across the street and when it does the peepers can finally start peeping (little tree frogs that peep all afternoon until about 1am!). Spring just isn't quite here yet!


Well-known member
rockin~Around here you have to be blind not to notice Coach. It is the first brand of bags you see in every department store. Filene's, Macys, Jordan Marsh, Lord and Taylor, plus a Coach store here in our local mall along with all those other ones. My mother never bought Coach, but even as a little girl I remember seeing them because they were everywhere. For me this was just the last straw in a series of several years of her badmouthing anything she doesn't like or approve of. She does this to all her "friends" and wonders why no one bothers with her anymore. She is just so negative all the time. I can't talk to her about world events because she doesn't care. It upsets her. Tough noogies! People in Japan can't just walk away from it. Nor can the people of NZ or anyone else who suffers through tragedy. She pulled the same thing over 9/11. I can't talk to her about Coach or makeup because she isn't into bags or makeup. She doesn't want to talk about books, which is pretty odd for someone who owns a bookstore. She just wants to play her harp and ignore the world around her. I can't talk about my Kindle or what I might be reading on that because she despises it and computers and email, FB, etc. She also found out we both have the same maiden name and insisted we were cousins. She is big on the genealogy thing, but we can trace our roots back to the 15th century whereas she can only go back to late 1800's. It is a super popular last name and I am sure we are not related for many reason, one especially being we have no gaps and no place for the connection to be made. So she goes around introducing me as her "cousin" and yet she holds no interest in meeting or hearing about my parents, my sister, my real cousins and family. A little bizarre, yes? She lives is a little make-believe world, says horrible things about her customers and employees, even though they are nice and helpful. She just brings me down and I am making a clean break of it. No one needs that sort of foolishness in their lives.

Sorry for the vent! MAC order arrived (little one, but super fun). Happy dance! Cold and cloudy day, but I think the ice is starting to break up across the street and when it does the peepers can finally start peeping (little tree frogs that peep all afternoon until about 1am!). Spring just isn't quite here yet!
oh my goodness! yeah she sounds very odd indeed! and i honestly don't think i could imagine my life without a computer! i need one for work and i spend lots of time using a computer for watching video, listening to music, editing photos and videos and of course going on awesome sites like this and chatting to you lovely people! :)

i hate to say this but i can't wait for nick to come home tonight. i am so bored right now. plus i watched a movie called due date today. it was quite amusing but nothing i'd want to watch again. i have spoken to my boys at work though which was nice. when they saw me on saturday after being off for a few days they both told me how much they missed me which was sweet. espcially seeing as i'd spoken to them via text message each day anyways!
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