Well-known member
You must be so impatient waiting for this baby!! That's good that she's resting and getting some work done - she's about to have a whole lot less free time on her hands!Lou-- still no signs of baby. She is having contractions and has for a couple of weeks. Although those can go on for quite some time. If she goes in to labor tonight perhaps we'll have an Aril fool's baby. That would be cute. My nieces's hubby was born on April 1st.
I texted her earlier and how she was doing and she said very tired and she was doing homework in bed. She's in her last semester of college and her professors have been great about working with her. Before she got this far she was working ahead. She would have already graduated but she changed her major a couple of times. I think she now is international business. My son is in school also. He went to college right out of high school and after one semester decided to do other things and bounced around. He did like the partying and such but not so much the classes. He then joined the Marines and went to Iraq two twice causing his mother endless worriesHe is finally back in school and strating his last year.
Quote: Originally Posted by ElvenEyes

What a day. Severe cramps so now I am super sick to my stomach and my head is pounding. Our friend passed away just after midnight so very sad and upset over that. 175.00 came in for 2 sets of tarot so had hubby send it out. He is dealing with end of month/end of quarter crap for work and is in a nasty mood. I wish he would work from work, not home, once in a while, but now they plan to close the office in June and have everyone work from home, so he will always be here. When do I get to play CD's and have privacy? NEVER! Get a new job, dear! I'm not even sure he made it to the PO on time.
And my new purse arrived, it is gorgeous, but I will wait and put a picture up when I feel a little less barfy. Other than that life is peachy. Oh, and they upped the amount of snow to 10 inches. I can't believe we are getting so much. They keep raising the amount. Time to put the tree back up and just leave it year round. Hehehe....
Oh noo! Hope you're feeling better now! LOL, both my parents are at home together for the first time probably ever, and I think they're driving each other crazy for the same reason!
Yay for the new purse! Can't wait to see your pics later
Originally Posted by sonu

Ohh I was gone for few days & missed on so many things.. but looks like things are almost same..
Shadow addict waiting sucks.. I hope you can announce urself proud, young & fun grandmom very soon..
Debi I hope you feel better soon.. Hubby working from home is not good..Mine works once in a while & it is not fun.. I feel like he has encroached in my territory...He will be all over the place & there will be no system..
I just came back from Florida & it was so hot there.. I went there for interview & bench test at NOVA & after exams I was roaming around & enjoying hot weather & beaches there.. As later part was unplanned I did not have water resistant sunscreen & I tanned so badly... I hate being tan...Can you tell me is there anyway I can get rid of it li'l faster..
Hey again! I'm jealous your were in Florida!!! Hope your interview and exams went well