Bimbos unite!

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Lou-- still no signs of baby. She is having contractions and has for a couple of weeks. Although those can go on for quite some time. If she goes in to labor tonight perhaps we'll have an Aril fool's baby. That would be cute. My nieces's hubby was born on April 1st.

I texted her earlier and how she was doing and she said very tired and she was doing homework in bed. She's in her last semester of college and her professors have been great about working with her. Before she got this far she was working ahead. She would have already graduated but she changed her major a couple of times. I think she now is international business. My son is in school also. He went to college right out of high school and after one semester decided to do other things and bounced around. He did like the partying and such but not so much the classes. He then joined the Marines and went to Iraq two twice causing his mother endless worries:) He is finally back in school and strating his last year.
You must be so impatient waiting for this baby!! That's good that she's resting and getting some work done - she's about to have a whole lot less free time on her hands!

Quote: Originally Posted by ElvenEyes

What a day. Severe cramps so now I am super sick to my stomach and my head is pounding. Our friend passed away just after midnight so very sad and upset over that. 175.00 came in for 2 sets of tarot so had hubby send it out. He is dealing with end of month/end of quarter crap for work and is in a nasty mood. I wish he would work from work, not home, once in a while, but now they plan to close the office in June and have everyone work from home, so he will always be here. When do I get to play CD's and have privacy? NEVER! Get a new job, dear! I'm not even sure he made it to the PO on time.

And my new purse arrived, it is gorgeous, but I will wait and put a picture up when I feel a little less barfy. Other than that life is peachy. Oh, and they upped the amount of snow to 10 inches. I can't believe we are getting so much. They keep raising the amount. Time to put the tree back up and just leave it year round. Hehehe....

Oh noo! Hope you're feeling better now! LOL, both my parents are at home together for the first time probably ever, and I think they're driving each other crazy for the same reason! :p
Yay for the new purse! Can't wait to see your pics later :) lol at the snow... but only a little... I can't take anymore!!! lol

Originally Posted by sonu

Ohh I was gone for few days & missed on so many things.. but looks like things are almost same..

Shadow addict waiting sucks.. I hope you can announce urself proud, young & fun grandmom very soon..

Debi I hope you feel better soon.. Hubby working from home is not good..Mine works once in a while & it is not fun.. I feel like he has encroached in my territory...He will be all over the place & there will be no system..

I just came back from Florida & it was so hot there.. I went there for interview & bench test at NOVA & after exams I was roaming around & enjoying hot weather & beaches there.. As later part was unplanned I did not have water resistant sunscreen & I tanned so badly... I hate being tan...Can you tell me is there anyway I can get rid of it li'l faster..

Hey again! I'm jealous your were in Florida!!! Hope your interview and exams went well :) Sorry, can't help with with de-tanning - I only know how to reduce fake tans! lol


Well-known member
Here's the famous mani I was talking about yesterday and a peek at my look from today:

Gosh Nail Polish in Wild Lilac (Base), Essie Sexy Divide (Tips), Witchcraft Art Liner in White (Dots)

This is what I did while I took a break from studying! lol... it's fun and springlike, though, and the touch of asymmetry is very edgy for me! I'm very OCD like like that normally - everything needs to be symmetrical and balanced!


Well-known member
Jen your nails look beautiful! and i am sure that you will both get a job soon. are you still looking for on overseas?

today i am at work... wishing i was at home to be honest. i have a sore throat and hope i am not getting a cold!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
shadow - yeah an April Fools baby would be cute!

Here's the famous mani I was talking about yesterday and a peek at my look from today:

Gosh Nail Polish in Wild Lilac (Base), Essie Sexy Divide (Tips), Witchcraft Art Liner in White (Dots)

This is what I did while I took a break from studying! lol... it's fun and springlike, though, and the touch of asymmetry is very edgy for me! I'm very OCD like like that normally - everything needs to be symmetrical and balanced!

Gorgeous! Asymmetrical is nice!

Have a good weekend, everyone!


Well-known member
Gorgeous! Asymmetrical is nice!

Have a good weekend, everyone!
yeah mine is a pro with inbuilt battery! and yes i shall message my friend. he used to work for me as a saturday lad but then left to work for apple! he even came to my house to set up software on the mac when i bought it! bless him!


Well-known member
Ohh jenn your nails look amazing.. You are an artist..Florida was a nice break from cold rainy weather but now since I came back its sunny in california too. I din't look at the weather forecast & as a routine turn on all the heaters in the apartment.. It was 85 outside & the apartment was boiling...

Lou congratulations on becoming veteran mod. .. .. Too bad I have to live with this tan... lesson learned..

I might go to pro store in San Francisco today.. Can you guys suggest what pro only items I must not miss ( As I will be driving approx 50 miles to reach there so I should better have a list) I was going there for quite cute stuff but after reading the reviews I think I might be left with some spare cash..


Well-known member
Ohh jenn your nails look amazing.. You are an artist..Florida was a nice break from cold rainy weather but now since I came back its sunny in california too. I din't look at the weather forecast & as a routine turn on all the heaters in the apartment.. It was 85 outside & the apartment was boiling...

Lou congratulations on becoming veteran mod. .. .. Too bad I have to live with this tan... lesson learned..

I might go to pro store in San Francisco today.. Can you guys suggest what pro only items I must not miss ( As I will be driving approx 50 miles to reach there so I should better have a list) I was going there for quite cute stuff but after reading the reviews I think I might be left with some spare cash..
aw thank you very much! and yeah the collection is turning out to be a big dissapointment for me :(


Well-known member
Cool nails, Jen! And so glossy! Love the look!

Thanks for all the good wishes. A few lingering cramps but nothing like yesterday, which was so sharp and painful. At least it has been a fruitful day of selling, packing up, sending out and organizing tarot. I am actually super psyched to see my collection going out the door and each time I sell a box it just makes me want to sell off more. Not just for the money but for the sheer peace of mind that comes from not having this ridiculous clump of decks around. Hurrah for finally committing to this task!

Eye seems better but still not wearing eye makeup and just letting it calm down, hopefully for good. I guess this explains why I don't go for a lot of eye palettes but prefer my favourite standbys like MAC and Bobbi Brown. I just know I don't have problems with them. And all Hail Zoya Nail Polish! This stuff is amazing. I have been packing, moving things, using super strong tape and not a chip to be seen in 5-6 days. I have some OPI I want to try out, but may try another of my Zoya colours. Truly amazing polish and if they all act like this, I just found my favourite brand! I love the way some have gold sheens to them and others have silver or a bit of green or something. I want them all!!!

Other than that, watching TV and eating strawberries to cheer myself up! And wishing my Sephora order would magically come tomorrow and not on Monday!


Well-known member
Debi--sorry you feel so yucky. I would scream if my hubby worked from home. He would drive me nuts and I would feel like he was invading my privacy and space. I dearly love my hubby but this would go well beyond our marriage vows. My DIL said when her dad retired her mom went to work full-time. My hubby and I used to both work downtown so we drove in together and it was horrible. He likes to litsen to NPR and I like music in the car. I'm so glad I got transferred to another bank and that ended the ride. We only did that for a couple of months. I don't think I could have lasted much longer without trying to have an eject button installed to push and fling him out:) I do not know how couples work together all day. I couldn't stand to be with anyone all day every day.

I will have to order some Zoya n/p soon with that great review. I just wish I could see the colors in real life. I love the shimmery ones, kind of like micro glitter, like little sparkles when the light hits it. I don't like the bigger glitter on me.

Jenn--Love the nails, so cute.

Well no April Fool's baby. I texted my DIL this morning and told her Happy April Fool's day and I told her hopefully the dr doesn't tell you she got your due date wrong and it's actually June 5th that this baby needed to for cook 11 months:) She texted back "I'll punch her"

She went to the dr today and the dr stripped her membranes. I didn't know what this was so when I got home I had to google it. If you don't know it is where the dr seperates the water bag from the uterus to help labor along. Apparently this works sometimes and other times not. I read that it was uncomfortable and hurt a little but Megan said it hurt a lot. She said when the dr came in and said what she was going to do Megan said you're going to do what? They are going to induce labor next Thursday if she doesn't go before then.

Lou--from all the reviews I may just skip Quite Cute. I thought I would buy at least the blushes but they sound pretty dupeable or blah and so does the quad. I hope Surf Baby is not a let daown also.


Well-known member
So! It is almost 1am and I feel great! lol My cramps are gone, my stomach is normal and though exhausted, I feel hungry enough to eat a burger and just finished my nails. I was thinking of heading for my OPI, but Zoya has won my heart! I will try and show pics tomorrow...the bottle is downstairs so I don't even know the colour, but it came out a cool blue, pink, rose-coloured orchid! lol I am so going to be buying more of their polishes! They are so unique. The ones I have picked are not glitters, and not really what I call frost. They shimmer. Like a nicely done satin lipstick with a pretty sheen that catches the light just right. And so many colours to choose from. I am amazed that very few people mention or show these in the YouTube videos. They are like a best kept secret!

But I really should start getting ready for bed or it will be breakfast time!


Well-known member
So! It is almost 1am and I feel great! lol My cramps are gone, my stomach is normal and though exhausted, I feel hungry enough to eat a burger and just finished my nails. I was thinking of heading for my OPI, but Zoya has won my heart! I will try and show pics tomorrow...the bottle is downstairs so I don't even know the colour, but it came out a cool blue, pink, rose-coloured orchid! lol I am so going to be buying more of their polishes! They are so unique. The ones I have picked are not glitters, and not really what I call frost. They shimmer. Like a nicely done satin lipstick with a pretty sheen that catches the light just right. And so many colours to choose from. I am amazed that very few people mention or show these in the YouTube videos. They are like a best kept secret!

But I really should start getting ready for bed or it will be breakfast time!
i'm pleased yoru cramps have now gone!! i'm actually wearing a revlon polish todasy called peach smoothie and when it dried it actually smelt fruity! this is both weird and nice!

have a great day guys! think of mke at work! lol!


Well-known member
Here I am today. Eye makeup on! Woot! Let's see what happens to Mr. Eyelid! Of course, it is allergy season so my eyes are itchy and runny anyhow. Lovely! But, I love my Zoya nail polish! Last night I put on Sydney and matched it with MAC's Milan Mode lippie. Bobbi Brown eyes, MAC Pink Cult blush, etc., etc.! And I sold two more boxes of tarot and sent 2 more out, so celebrated by ordering 16 more Zoya nail polishes because 12 was not enough. Move over OPI!



Well-known member
Debi-love all the pink. You must take a pic of all your Zoya n/p and show us. I was so overwhelmed on their site because they have so many gorgeous colors.


Well-known member
Quick flyby! I am selling tarot, playing a game, dusting the house and need to eat lunch. Besides all that I have been working on my "Lip Drawer". I still have all those lipsticks, cremesheen, lustergloss/glass and pencils on the spinner, but now I have my other lip goodies in this drawer (which smells delicious) and has room to grow. Then again, do I need more? Yep! lol Of course!

The Lip Drawer, always in transition, as I have learned! Above it is the face drawer, to be seen in the near future! Muhahaha. Below it a ton of tarot decks. lol!

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