Bimbos unite!

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lol Thanks! I still have some balms in a bag to put in and stuff coming in the mail, but you get the idea. Hubby stocks me up on all my regular lip balms and hand creams every Christmas. I get a stocking full of them because I don't want candy, like he does, and I just want necessities!! With my easily chapped lips and our long winters, I literally use these up in a year, so will only have a handful come next Christmas! I also keep an assortment in a ceramic dish on my dresser and more in my purse. I love variety! Most of the basket are two levels deep of l/g, so the darker colours are below. I just love opening this drawer and staring at all its pinkness.


Well-known member
Funny how you look at things from a photo and get a completely different perspective. I should pull out those CD lippies in the big container and switch them with my plain balms, which I have a ton of in another bag and seal them all up. Duh!

Runs off to bedroom, laughing with mad delight!!


Well-known member
Funny how you look at things from a photo and get a completely different perspective. I should pull out those CD lippies in the big container and switch them with my plain balms, which I have a ton of in another bag and seal them all up. Duh!

Runs off to bedroom, laughing with mad delight!!
lol! you crazy lady!
but yes sometimes just by looking at a picture you see things more clearly!

i've done a stupid thing. i applied too much straightening balm to my hair and now it feels greasy underneeth :( such a pain! dry shampoo anyone?!


Well-known member
lol Yeah, I just switched it around and it looks much better! And more organized, even, because now every single lip balm of mine is now accounted for! They were so scattered before! Hubby has several, too, though he is super into his basic Chapstick! I also bought him some grey bins and made him organize his bathroom drawer and now he loves it. lol This place is going to be so darn organized by Christmas that nothing can get misplaced! Yay!

I've done that lots of time with my hair. I want a nice sleek look and have it all washed, looking gorgeous and then put too much product on and ruin it all. It freaks me out. Today it is super windy and dry. My hair would be frizzing all over the place, but it is nicely conditioned and I don't plan to wash it until this evening. Then I will glue myself to Showtime to watch the premiere of the new series "The Borgias". I can't wait!

And I just sold two decks. One for 75.00 and another for 150.00 I am so happy! It won't be a big dent in the drawer I am working on, but love the money coming in on some of these babies!! The are the medium guns. The big ones have yet to go up, after I've cleared out the other ones I don't want. And I don't even need another Coach bag, right now. I will want another in the fall, I am certain, so will tuck some funds away for that.

Hubby is at his mother's house picking up her tax stuff. I can't wait to tell him about the sales. Sunday and Monday are always my bad days. This is awesome. More blush. lol Hehehe....


Well-known member
lol Yeah, I just switched it around and it looks much better! And more organized, even, because now every single lip balm of mine is now accounted for! They were so scattered before! Hubby has several, too, though he is super into his basic Chapstick! I also bought him some grey bins and made him organize his bathroom drawer and now he loves it. lol This place is going to be so darn organized by Christmas that nothing can get misplaced! Yay!

I've done that lots of time with my hair. I want a nice sleek look and have it all washed, looking gorgeous and then put too much product on and ruin it all. It freaks me out. Today it is super windy and dry. My hair would be frizzing all over the place, but it is nicely conditioned and I don't plan to wash it until this evening. Then I will glue myself to Showtime to watch the premiere of the new series "The Borgias". I can't wait!

And I just sold two decks. One for 75.00 and another for 150.00 I am so happy! It won't be a big dent in the drawer I am working on, but love the money coming in on some of these babies!! The are the medium guns. The big ones have yet to go up, after I've cleared out the other ones I don't want. And I don't even need another Coach bag, right now. I will want another in the fall, I am certain, so will tuck some funds away for that.

Hubby is at his mother's house picking up her tax stuff. I can't wait to tell him about the sales. Sunday and Monday are always my bad days. This is awesome. More blush. lol Hehehe....
well for your bad days you are doing very well! what blush are you thinking of? nars?!


Well-known member
lol on the blush. No, unless they have a new soft colour coming out! I have Albatross, 7 NARS blushes, Laguna Bronzer and a duo, plus 3 multiples and an Illuminizer. But I have my eye on another Lorac blush and gosh darn, golly, I am sure there is yet another shade of pink that isn't in my collection somewhere out there!


Yeah, and to think I wasn't even going to put any decks up until Tuesday. Good thing I didn't listen to myself.


Well-known member
Debi--I am so jealous of your lippies. You have so many pretty colors and different brands, quite a selection there. You are so organized. Its a on going joke in my family that some time during the year I will come across a gift meant for someone for birthday or Christmas. Usually its Christmas as there are more gifts and people to buy for all at once. I try to keep a list and all but it never fails to happen. Throughout the year if I see something for a family member that I know they'd love I go ahead and get it. I have even bought a storage thing with drawers to keep stuff like this in and I still can't keep it straight.

Here's a funny story. I had mentioned on here a couple of weeks ago how I was looking for this ceramic cradle that my sister had sent to me in the hospital when I had my son. I was in our study standing on a chair pulling stuff off the two shelves in the top of the closet. There was a box that hed "For Jean" (my sister) in sharpie written on the side. I had no clue what so ever what was in there. I opened it and when I saw it I was like oh yeh. I had ordered her this pillow that was called a boyfriend pillow. It was a pillow that was in a man's shirt and one arm as if around you--like laying in bed with your arm around the back of someone's neck and hand on their shoulder. I bought it for when her hubby started having to do a lot of traveling with his job. I ordered at least five years ago.

I also found a bag that was way back in there. There was nothing written on it. As I pulled it out I'm thinking what on earth can this be? It feels weird. I got down from the chair and opened the bag and just laughed out loud. There was a large (as in over 2 feet) stuffed grey donkey. Of course not just any donkey, it was Donkey from Shrek. I have no idea who I bought it for. I can only assume I got it for my niece's son. I don't know how long it's been up there, probably 3-5 years.

This is a case of hubby "cleaning" and putting stuff up somewhere without telling me and then I forget about it because it is gone and out of my sight.

Debi, Yay for selling more. And yes I am sure there are pinks out there that you haven't dicovered yet. Just like I'm sure there are green and purple eye shadows hiding behind counters waiting for me to come free them and give them a forever home:)


Well-known member
Debi--I am so jealous of your lippies. You have so many pretty colors and different brands, quite a selection there. You are so organized. Its a on going joke in my family that some time during the year I will come across a gift meant for someone for birthday or Christmas. Usually its Christmas as there are more gifts and people to buy for all at once. I try to keep a list and all but it never fails to happen. Throughout the year if I see something for a family member that I know they'd love I go ahead and get it. I have even bought a storage thing with drawers to keep stuff like this in and I still can't keep it straight.

Here's a funny story. I had mentioned on here a couple of weeks ago how I was looking for this ceramic cradle that my sister had sent to me in the hospital when I had my son. I was in our study standing on a chair pulling stuff off the two shelves in the top of the closet. There was a box that hed "For Jean" (my sister) in sharpie written on the side. I had no clue what so ever what was in there. I opened it and when I saw it I was like oh yeh. I had ordered her this pillow that was called a boyfriend pillow. It was a pillow that was in a man's shirt and one arm as if around you--like laying in bed with your arm around the back of someone's neck and hand on their shoulder. I bought it for when her hubby started having to do a lot of traveling with his job. I ordered at least five years ago.

I also found a bag that was way back in there. There was nothing written on it. As I pulled it out I'm thinking what on earth can this be? It feels weird. I got down from the chair and opened the bag and just laughed out loud. There was a large (as in over 2 feet) stuffed grey donkey. Of course not just any donkey, it was Donkey from Shrek. I have no idea who I bought it for. I can only assume I got it for my niece's son. I don't know how long it's been up there, probably 3-5 years.

This is a case of hubby "cleaning" and putting stuff up somewhere without telling me and then I forget about it because it is gone and out of my sight.

Debi, Yay for selling more. And yes I am sure there are pinks out there that you haven't dicovered yet. Just like I'm sure there are green and purple eye shadows hiding behind counters waiting for me to come free them and give them a forever home:)
oh my goodness! i literally laughed out loud! as if finding the man pillow wasn't enough, to find a big shrek donkey?! that is amazing!! hee hee! but how could you possibly forget you bought those?! lol! but nick 'cleans' like that too! i have trained him not to do it so much, but occasionally i'll find something like a candle that i had forgot about!

i am having a day off work today because my assistant manager is off on holiday for the next two weeks. otherwise i wouldn't get a day off at all!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Enjoy your off day! Any plans?

shadow - lol at finding the two items. Now you can consider giving them away to charities perhaps. Yeah things get forgotten in my house too.

debi - love your lips drawer! I spot the rows of L'absolu l/s and I'm drooling! The nars glosses are so beautiful! What are the glosses at the second basket from the bottom left? Estee Lauder?


Well-known member
^^ Enjoy your off day! Any plans?

shadow - lol at finding the two items. Now you can consider giving them away to charities perhaps. Yeah things get forgotten in my house too.

debi - love your lips drawer! I spot the rows of L'absolu l/s and I'm drooling! The nars glosses are so beautiful! What are the glosses at the second basket from the bottom left? Estee Lauder?
well my plans have already been completed! i had the excitement of cleaning door handles and skirting boards in the house. because my in-laws are visiting this sunday i need to make sure the house looks perfect... my MIL picks on these things! and then i went into the city to do food shopping for the week. i don't usually go during the day and i was getting so annoyed! there were old people everywhere! leaving their trollies in the way so you couldn't pass! i was stressed by the end of it! lol! then i wrote up some blog posts and took plenty of pictures while the sun was out!

i hope everybody is having a great start to their week. i am going to bake nick a cake very soon!


Well-known member
shadowaddict~Thanks and how true! There will always be something new out there and right now I am enjoying trying other brands because it gives me the opportunity to see if I like their texture, staying power, formula, etc.. My lipstick drawer is definitely a favourite, but as I work on my face drawer I am also excited. I love having everything in one drawer (and my beloved spinner) so at one full sweep I can see all my choices and go from there.

Lou~Hey ho! Then I probably need that blush from NARS! Droooool.. Seriously though, I love Illamasqua. Their colours rock for our complexion. I bought the first 5 palest pinks, so they range from something very soft, to a peachy tones one to a soft rose...and I can wear them all with no problem! If you ever get the chance, try one out. They are highly pigmented, so only put a wee bit on the brush, but you can also build them up if wanted. I might die if they ever dropped these colours!

MissQQ~Let's see. The row of glosses on the bottom row, 2nd from left. The ones with the silver caps? Clinique. A row of glosses on the bottom and 1 on top with a row of their new Chubby Sticks! Is that the one you mean?


Well-known member
well the cake that i tried to bake actually turned into cupcakes because i can't find my cake tins! how weird is that?! but now we have lovely chocolate cupcakes with choc fudge icing to eat when nick gets home from work... although i have already had one with a cup of tea! lol! i'm terrible

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I'll have a choc cupcake and tea please! Yummy! :) Enjoy your tea with Nick! Great that you finished the cleaning and shopping, at least they are out of the way.

debi - oooh yes those are the chubby sticks! They look so cute. Which is your fav chubby? The 4 shades that are available in my country are completely sold out at counters everywhere lol.


Well-known member
^^ I'll have a choc cupcake and tea please! Yummy! :) Enjoy your tea with Nick! Great that you finished the cleaning and shopping, at least they are out of the way.

debi - oooh yes those are the chubby sticks! They look so cute. Which is your fav chubby? The 4 shades that are available in my country are completely sold out at counters everywhere lol.
of course! i shall send it via carrier pigeon! hee hee! :) also i had a cupcake fail when icing one! i dropped it on the floor.... icing down! lol! it's in the bin now!


Well-known member
Sorry ladies, I've been neglecting this thread! My major project is all done though... should be done all my homework by tomorrow! Woohoo! :D
well the cake that i tried to bake actually turned into cupcakes because i can't find my cake tins! how weird is that?! but now we have lovely chocolate cupcakes with choc fudge icing to eat when nick gets home from work... although i have already had one with a cup of tea! lol! i'm terrible
LOL, that's ok, Lou! Cupcakes are awesome - Happy birthday to Nick! I'm sure he'll love them :)


Well-known member
Cupcakes? Oooooh. Hopping on a plane to go visit Lou and her hubby! Hehehe.... Yum! I love pastries and cakes and cupcakes and brownies and eeek!

I think my favourite chubby stick is the cherry one because it shows up the nicest on my lips and I love the colour. Very berry red!

Jen~busy lady! Zoya rocks. I am in love with their polishes, the colours, the choices, and how incredibly long they last. And they come off easily, unlike a glitter from OPI in which you use half a bottle of remover to get them off! I was all ready to scrub my nails to death when it just slipped right off. And it goes well with Seche Vite top coat, which I adore!

A wee Sephora Haul arrived. They are getting smaller! I must be getting content with my goodies! That is a good thing. One has only so many tarot decks to sell and then it is back to the salt mines!


Well-known member
Cupcakes? Oooooh. Hopping on a plane to go visit Lou and her hubby! Hehehe.... Yum! I love pastries and cakes and cupcakes and brownies and eeek!

I think my favourite chubby stick is the cherry one because it shows up the nicest on my lips and I love the colour. Very berry red!

Jen~busy lady! Zoya rocks. I am in love with their polishes, the colours, the choices, and how incredibly long they last. And they come off easily, unlike a glitter from OPI in which you use half a bottle of remover to get them off! I was all ready to scrub my nails to death when it just slipped right off. And it goes well with Seche Vite top coat, which I adore!

A wee Sephora Haul arrived. They are getting smaller! I must be getting content with my goodies! That is a good thing. One has only so many tarot decks to sell and then it is back to the salt mines!
oh yes please come and visit! we can have a lovely time baking, eating and exploring my city! we have a lovely cathedral! and i still need to get the cherry chubby stick! i have the watermelon one so far!

i'm at work now - feeling tired! i need to muster up some motivation before the guys come in!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Received! :p Tastes heavenly!

debi - I figured the cherry one is very pretty. Why did my local Clinique decide for us that we won't like it? They should bring in all the shades!

jenn - congrats that your major project is done!


Well-known member
Received! :p Tastes heavenly!
debi - I figured the cherry one is very pretty. Why did my local Clinique decide for us that we won't like it? They should bring in all the shades!

jenn - congrats that your major project is done!
hee hee! we're so silly!

today i had an order of hand sanitisers arrive. they are from the bath and body works and smell amazing! sadly the UK pricing is double what the american prices are but because the scent lasts such a long time i don't mind so much!


Well-known member
Hi from Brussels!! How's everyone doing?

I'm on business trip again
I had a big dinner so I shouldn't go to bed now even though I'm so dead tired *woke up at 4am this morning to catch my morning flight* I got myself a Chanel Boy at the airport today. I also picked up Aventure. I wanted Evasion but it was sold out. I hope I'll be able to find it here... I'm not going to pay the retail price for Chanel cosmetics as they're so overpriced in Prague.
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