Bimbos unite!

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Miss QQ

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Can't wait to see your new nail polishes! You can check out the chanel thread, there is one on nail polishes. They have very nice colours, but are pricey.


Well-known member
I will have to check out a perfect coral lipstick, too. Yikes. This is getting tricky. I keep imagining something terribly bright and orange on my lips, like my mother's old Revlon lipstick I used to wear at Halloween when I dressed up as a gypsy. Actually, it didn't look half bad in spite of the fact I was only 10 years old! Tangerine. I think that was the name of it! Oooh...hehehehe...


Well-known member
I will have to check out a perfect coral lipstick, too. Yikes. This is getting tricky. I keep imagining something terribly bright and orange on my lips, like my mother's old Revlon lipstick I used to wear at Halloween when I dressed up as a gypsy. Actually, it didn't look half bad in spite of the fact I was only 10 years old! Tangerine. I think that was the name of it! Oooh...hehehehe...
hee hee! i wonder if they still make that lipstick?

my day has been a bit poop. not many customers at work and i'm pretty tired right now too. not cool!


Well-known member
Lou~My day is zooming by with absolutely no production whatsoever! I gotta sell me some decks! And you need kitties, some bright lipstick and a funky nail polish to make your day! Maybe popcorn, too. Hehehe.... I can't seem to find that lipstick, but it was bright neon orange. It was also one of the only lipsticks and makeup my mother wore and she had it for about 10 years. Eeewwww! lol OMG.


Well-known member
Lou~My day is zooming by with absolutely no production whatsoever! I gotta sell me some decks! And you need kitties, some bright lipstick and a funky nail polish to make your day! Maybe popcorn, too. Hehehe.... I can't seem to find that lipstick, but it was bright neon orange. It was also one of the only lipsticks and makeup my mother wore and she had it for about 10 years. Eeewwww! lol OMG.
good luck with the deck selling today! and i have the kitties next to me now. although dylan keep trying to sit on my chest which is painful! and the nail polish is sorted because i have just painted my nails with essie turquoise caicos and then topped it with the hot pink barry m crackle polish! very 80's style but very awesome!


Well-known member
good luck with the deck selling today! and i have the kitties next to me now. although dylan keep trying to sit on my chest which is painful! and the nail polish is sorted because i have just painted my nails with essie turquoise caicos and then topped it with the hot pink barry m crackle polish! very 80's style but very awesome!
Where did you get your Barry M crackle polish from, Lou? I've been in Boots and Superdrug today and neither of them have had any in yet, apart from the black, of course.


Well-known member
Where did you get your Barry M crackle polish from, Lou? I've been in Boots and Superdrug today and neither of them have had any in yet, apart from the black, of course.
i got it from superdrug. they only had a couple of the pink left but loads of black. there was also space for two more crakle colours - i think one is blue but not sure about the other but they were both sold out :(


Well-known member
i got it from superdrug. they only had a couple of the pink left but loads of black. there was also space for two more crakle colours - i think one is blue but not sure about the other but they were both sold out :(
I think the other one is white. Our Superdrug didn't even have a space or shelf edge label for the new colours :(


Well-known member
I think the other one is white. Our Superdrug didn't even have a space or shelf edge label for the new colours :(
ah yes, i think you could be right! i will buy the blue but skip white - i am never a fan of white on nails! no clue why, just not my thing. and these must have been new out because i went in a few days ago and they weren't there.


Well-known member
Debi--The Chanel n/p is $25. So that's why I am hoping to find a dupe. When reading reviews from a search everyone said the Chanel n/p was very high quality and and wore very well. I would say it should with that price tag. I can't remember which blogs I was reading though. I was on a major mission to find info or dupes:)

Speaking of popcorn reminds of my afternoon on Monday. I played around on the computer and around the house most of the day knowing I needed to go to Target and get a few things, such as toilet paper as I think we had one roll in each bathroom. Anyway I waited knowing in my head that the forecast called for rain and storms. So I'm at Target going through picking all the stuff I could think of we needed (of course still forgot stuff) I headed toward the front of the store and looked outside it was raining like crazy and quite dark. I decided I would sit in their little food area and have a diet coke and popcorn. But right then they were not letting anyone leave and telling everyone they had to go to the back corner of the store as we were under a tornado warning. Seriously couldn't they have waited just a bit so I could get my yummies to have back there? So I was stuck back in the mens underwear section, great couldn't it have been a section with fun stuff?

They finally let us leave so I checked out and then went to the doors and it is still coming down so hard but not as it was at least you could see. I couldn't just dash to my car as I bought the super giant thing of toilet paper, paper towels, drinks and all sorts of thinks. I just couldn't dash out with an entire cart full and there was no way I could carry it all. So I thought I'd go now and sit in the food part a bit and hope the rain lightens up. I got over there and the hot pretzels smelled so yummy as well as the popcorn. so I got a drink, a pretzel and a bag of popcorn that I tied up in a plastic bag to keep dry for my daughter and I to share that evening. There I sat eating my pretzel and finally I thought this isn't letting up for a while so I had to just deal with it. I tried to walk fast but I was pushing the cart and I had clogs on so my feet are wet and the bottom of my jeans were just absorbing it all. I got it all in my trunk get home which is 10 minutes tops from there. It starts to slack so I get in the house and as you would know in about 15 min it stopped raining. The bottom of my jeans were soaked about 8 inches up and my hair and all is just drenched. I get changed and was able to bring everything in. It did rain off and on all evening. I do like Target but spending almost two and a half hours there is overkill.

And about the popcorn I bought for us? I got it out later that night for us to eat and it was like eating a handfull of salt. I love salt way too much and put it on everything. I like it on popcorn as well. But someone there has a serious problem or they just decided to get happy with popcorn salt container.

When we were let free from the underwear I saw some mens graphic tees and wondered over there. I got this tee for my DIL I thought was funny. It has the Dairy Queen logo right on the chest and since she is breastfeeding I thought it was perfect for her:)


Well-known member
Debi--The Chanel n/p is $25. So that's why I am hoping to find a dupe. When reading reviews from a search everyone said the Chanel n/p was very high quality and and wore very well. I would say it should with that price tag. I can't remember which blogs I was reading though. I was on a major mission to find info or dupes:)

Speaking of popcorn reminds of my afternoon on Monday. I played around on the computer and around the house most of the day knowing I needed to go to Target and get a few things, such as toilet paper as I think we had one roll in each bathroom. Anyway I waited knowing in my head that the forecast called for rain and storms. So I'm at Target going through picking all the stuff I could think of we needed (of course still forgot stuff) I headed toward the front of the store and looked outside it was raining like crazy and quite dark. I decided I would sit in their little food area and have a diet coke and popcorn. But right then they were not letting anyone leave and telling everyone they had to go to the back corner of the store as we were under a tornado warning. Seriously couldn't they have waited just a bit so I could get my yummies to have back there? So I was stuck back in the mens underwear section, great couldn't it have been a section with fun stuff?

They finally let us leave so I checked out and then went to the doors and it is still coming down so hard but not as it was at least you could see. I couldn't just dash to my car as I bought the super giant thing of toilet paper, paper towels, drinks and all sorts of thinks. I just couldn't dash out with an entire cart full and there was no way I could carry it all. So I thought I'd go now and sit in the food part a bit and hope the rain lightens up. I got over there and the hot pretzels smelled so yummy as well as the popcorn. so I got a drink, a pretzel and a bag of popcorn that I tied up in a plastic bag to keep dry for my daughter and I to share that evening. There I sat eating my pretzel and finally I thought this isn't letting up for a while so I had to just deal with it. I tried to walk fast but I was pushing the cart and I had clogs on so my feet are wet and the bottom of my jeans were just absorbing it all. I got it all in my trunk get home which is 10 minutes tops from there. It starts to slack so I get in the house and as you would know in about 15 min it stopped raining. The bottom of my jeans were soaked about 8 inches up and my hair and all is just drenched. I get changed and was able to bring everything in. It did rain off and on all evening. I do like Target but spending almost two and a half hours there is overkill.

And about the popcorn I bought for us? I got it out later that night for us to eat and it was like eating a handfull of salt. I love salt way too much and put it on everything. I like it on popcorn as well. But someone there has a serious problem or they just decided to get happy with popcorn salt container.

When we were let free from the underwear I saw some mens graphic tees and wondered over there. I got this tee for my DIL I thought was funny. It has the Dairy Queen logo right on the chest and since she is breastfeeding I thought it was perfect for her:)
yeah that is what i think about the chanel polish! at the crazy price it should be the best bloody polish i have ever tried! i just cant bring myself to spend that much on one! speaking of chanel i asked when we will get the summer collection and the lady told me the 28th may!! how come you guys get it so far in advance?! we're closer to france for goodness sakes! isn't that where chanel is from! lol!

and that is terrible about getting stuck in the rain like that! not cool at all! i hope the rai goes away very soon for you! and sorry about the disspaointing popcorn! i hate salty things so for me salty popcorn is a no no! i cant image what it was like if it was extra salty like that!!

that shirt you bought sounds so cute and funny! you should take a picture to show us!!

me and nick have decided to go and see scream 4 on sunday! i am so excited because i love those movies! and then of course we shall stop off for lunch at my favourite place to eat - Nandos!! yummy chicken!


Well-known member
Woah! Too steep for me for just a nail polish. Imagine if you ever knocked it over? And who ever finishes a nail polish? No way. I can find a dupe close enough for me at 8.00 or less, I am certain. I will only be wearing coral in spring and summer, maybe early fall, but that is it. I am totally a seasonal makeup girl for the most part, except I love pinks and purples year round. But if I am going out I make sure I am made up properly and not wearing autumn colours in spring or vice-versa. If I am staying home, no problem.

Hey ho! I sold 165.00 worth of tarot today. Yay! I only put one box up and it sold within 15 minutes. Maybe I should take a look at more decks to toss? This is getting rather fun! And a friend of mine is supporting me in the sense that she sold most of her collection a few years ago and keeps around 10 decks now. I am not sure I can ever reach that low number, but it is teaching me not to get over-sentimental on decks I never use and just stare at.

And I am now looking at coral lippies! I realized I can go for a cute sweet coral look with my pale skin and peach blushed cheeks, or bronze myself up and look beachy keen! Hehehe...

<~~~Does not do salty popcorn. Ick. I like light butter only. No salt, no butter overkill!


Well-known member
Lou-I don't like very much salt on popcorn but a tad. This was like someone wanted somepopcorn with their salt.

Debi--yay for more selling and so fast.

I can't bring myself to pay that for n/p either. I thought the $14 I paid for the Butter London "All Hail The Queen" was a bit high. But I will say that I absolutely love the color and the performance. NARS is around $17 I think and the couple I have were gifts.


Well-known member
Lou-I don't like very much salt on popcorn but a tad. This was like someone wanted somepopcorn with their salt.

Debi--yay for more selling and so fast.

I can't bring myself to pay that for n/p either. I thought the $14 I paid for the Butter London "All Hail The Queen" was a bit high. But I will say that I absolutely love the color and the performance. NARS is around $17 I think and the couple I have were gifts.
lol!!! how rank?! i used to be a salt feind though! i used to use so much on mashed potato! not good for me at all!

i hope everybody is set to have a great day today!


Well-known member
Wow...Sugared Popcorn! I have never even heard of that! We do have Cracker Jacks, which comes in boxes with a little bitty prize, and it is popcorn with toffee and peanuts mixed in. Delicious and sticky, but you buy it at the store so not ever fresh. There is another brand that escapes my mind right now, but I have not had those in ages. I wonder what other surprises await me whenever I make my dream trip to England....some the yeas ahead! How is the Royal Wedding Day mania? I know I will be glued to the TV. Will everyone shut down for the day or will they all be on the store sofa watching it on a Sony big screen?

Thanks to all of you I am addicted in my search for the perfect coral colours for my skin. This should be very interesting. I can't wait for my Zoya order to arrive! Of course, it still looks like early March outside and not a flower to be seen!

Oh my, Lou. I can't even imagine you dropping a pigment. Was that the earth-shattering scream I heard the other day??


Well-known member
I'm a Butterkist Toffee Popcorn fiend LOL. Can't stand salted popcorn - bleurgh!

Currently trying out the nail polishes that have arrived in the post over the past couple of days. The OPI Texas collection ones seem very watery, and after 2 coats are still very see-through, unlike the Sally Hansen Hard As Wraps ones in Berry Frost and Magenta Creme. I'm also loving MAC's Radicchio lipstick - such a beautiful colour on me, and Maybelline's Coral Pop lipstick (420)


Well-known member
I've been reading on Twitter that Christine from Temptalia and Karen from Makeup Beauty Blog are both at the MAC production facility in Toronto, and are currently watching Shy Girl lipstick being made. They say the whole place smells of vanilla lol.

Apparently, Bobbi Brown cosmetics are made at the same place

Lucky ladies!


Well-known member
I've been reading on Twitter that Christine from Temptalia and Karen from Makeup Beauty Blog are both at the MAC production facility in Toronto, and are currently watching Shy Girl lipstick being made. They say the whole place smells of vanilla lol.

Apparently, Bobbi Brown cosmetics are made at the same place

Lucky ladies!
very lucky indeed! i would love to go to the mac factory! it would be awesome!


Well-known member
That sounds like fun, to hear about the UK! I hope it involves cool places to visit and shop, bookstores and the like! Yes, I am a reading freak! We need a permanent thread on what people are reading and what movies people are watching, oh Miss Veteran Moderator! (hint, hint, hint...)

I super excited. I just made good use of the 15% sale at Sephora and ordered several high end e/s palettes. 3 from Lancome and 3 from Shiseido. Lovely colours and very unique. I have more in my basket from Dior, but I have to sell a few nice decks first so better get busy! It is a slow night on the tarot forum and super quiet. Everyone is asleep or getting their taxes done at the last minute!!


Well-known member
Debi-Great Sephora haul. I can't decide what to get with my coupon. I have been playing with the idea of trying NARS sheer matte foundation. It's suppose to buildable and good for oily skin. It also comes in some pale shades so possible a good match.

I need to get another UD liner in Stash as mine is getting to be a stub. I'll probably get a couple more colors of MUFE aqua liners. I need to make a trip to the store to play with some colors in person. There's more of a selection online but when I'm undecided I like to see if the store has it. I'm also still interested in NARS blush duo in Hungry Heart. I haven't heard if it is glittery or not. A bit of shimmer on my cheeks is ok but not glitter. Sometimes looking at NARS blushes they seem so bright in the pan but when I see swatches some of the ones I like seem like they would work. I get so undecided about things.

You guys that toffee popcorn sounds very yummy.
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