Bimbos unite!

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I keep reading about your tarot decks and am now wondering what makes a tarot deck worth a certain dollar value. How is the value judged/determined or what makes one of higher value than another?


Well-known member
hey darlings im back! finally got internet! i love my new job it is awesome! just a quick hello will catch up tomorrow better!


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LOL Lou~We will be the most stylish corpses around! Hehehehe....

WWJD~I never bought any of these decks with the intention of selling them or making money, so was not even aware that some decks would go for such high prices while others would go for lower. Basically they are not just used as a divination tool, but a collector's item, like art, baseball cards, books, etc. The quality decks are full of gorgeous artwork, be it original, classical or bizarre, full of symbolism, and something many love to study. Some of us collect MU for the same reason. Different colours, unique items, various looks they create. Again, it really is art. If I deck that was popular or unique in any way goes out of print (OOP) the price sky rockets and continues to do so as each year passes. You never know what the market will be like, however. Right now with the economy and being in such a recession decks you could have once sold for 500 or even 1000 won't sell unless they are 300 or under. Many struggle to pull out 100.00 for a deck. So, I feel lucky I have made what I have so far, under these circumstances. I could wait a few years to see if things get better, but they may not, they could get worse or the forum, which has been changing for the worse lately, could go under and I would not have that venue to sell on. Thus, making the most of the time I have! The best way to describe it is that tarot decks have come a very long way in the past few decades and are considered little works of art, thus if a piece of "art" by artist, theme, publisher, etc. is desired, that person is willing to pay dearly for it!


Well-known member
@ElvenEyes -so with decks would you not touch it with your hands but instead store it to preserve the integrity, corners, etc like baseball cards or comics? are a lot of decks particularly old? or are the highly valued ones printed in the last few decades as you mentioned? as published artworks like prints would only a limited number of each deck be printed - I suppose so right? There are so many niches of valued art eh? - very cool!


Well-known member
hey darlings im back! finally got internet! i love my new job it is awesome! just a quick hello will catch up tomorrow better!
welcome back sweetie!! i am so pleased that you are enjoying your new job! location must make one heck of a difference for you! i hope you and Blair are doing ok! :)


Well-known member
@ElvenEyes -so with decks would you not touch it with your hands but instead store it to preserve the integrity, corners, etc like baseball cards or comics? are a lot of decks particularly old? or are the highly valued ones printed in the last few decades as you mentioned? as published artworks like prints would only a limited number of each deck be printed - I suppose so right? There are so many niches of valued art eh? - very cool!

I personally have never owned an old deck. They are extremely rare, as Tarot originates from the Italian game Tarrocchi and were hand painted, no lamination and only a few remain. After all, they are just heavy paper. But those who do have them have them stored in museums or glass cases with humidity/temperature controlled environments, rarely handled, and then only with glove and great care. Some bear seals of the noble Italian familys of Visconti, Sforza, etc. Mine are and were decks that have been printed in the past few decades or even just the past few years that collectors desire either to use or to keep as works of art. And yes, the LE number makes a huge difference. If only 100 or 200 were made and circulating around the world, they can become very rare. So do any decks that will never be printed again and were highly popular from the start. It can really get overwhelming! You never know what to expect!


Well-known member
@ElvenEyes - really cool. Would love to see a hand painted set - sounds like I may need to seek this out in a Europe museum. Thanks for answering my curiosity !


Well-known member
oh i forgot to mention that i saw scream4 today and freaking loved it! such a god movie even though i was super scared!


Well-known member
oh i forgot to mention that i saw scream4 today and freaking loved it! such a god movie even though i was super scared!
I've never seen any of the Scream movies. What exactly are they about?

Sold a deck for 100.00 and hoping to sell a few more today! That pays for my latest Zoya order. I am working on my grey, lilac and coral polishes, though I had to sneak in a pink one, too! And apparently I have a blur on my camera lens! Hehehehe....



Well-known member
I've never seen any of the Scream movies. What exactly are they about?
Sold a deck for 100.00 and hoping to sell a few more today! That pays for my latest Zoya order. I am working on my grey, lilac and coral polishes, though I had to sneak in a pink one, too! And apparently I have a blur on my camera lens! Hehehehe....

well the scream films are basically horror stabbing kinda films - but back in the 90's when i think the first one came out it was very different to other horror movies out there and very good. i still love it but nick doesn't think it has aged well which is sad :(

your zoya's are making me drool!!! sooo pretty!


Well-known member
well the scream films are basically horror stabbing kinda films - but back in the 90's when i think the first one came out it was very different to other horror movies out there and very good. i still love it but nick doesn't think it has aged well which is sad :(
your zoya's are making me drool!!! sooo pretty!
I remember seeing loads of commercials when they came out and the ones for "I know what you did last summer" or are those the same ones? Jennifer Love Hewitt, phones, screaming? lol

I am ransacking my tarot drawers and just claimed another for "eyes". Now I have 4 of the 5. (Poor beloved decks getting shoved in boxes! Hehehehe..) One for face, lips, eyes and nails! The last is filled with tarot, plus 3 boxes, 1 other drawer and a whole 6 drawer lingerie chest. Sigh. And how did I get so many eye things? I thought I had a handle on that one! I have to do some clever rearranging before the grand reveal! I'm so tired, though. I think I have tarot selling burnout. I won't put anything else up until what is up already sells. Then I am going to slow down to a snail's pace and pick at my collection until it is tweaked. I have way, way too much. Blah. Time to huddle in a corner with a book! Upstairs, Downstairs and The Borgias are on tonight. Yay!


Well-known member
@ElvenEyes - So I'm going to ask the obvious question. Why is it now you are getting rid of all your Tarot decks? Money for makeup I understand, but are you no longer interested in Tarot?


Well-known member
@ElvenEyes - So I'm going to ask the obvious question. Why is it now you are getting rid of all your Tarot decks? Money for makeup I understand, but are you no longer interested in Tarot?

Oh no. I had way too many decks. Over 600 decks to be exact! I had too many that I didn't use and too many backups. I had already decided I was going to trim down in a few years and just got to the point where I didn't feel like waiting anymore, so finally started the deep plunge. It is overwhelming, but I will still have about 200 decks when I am done. When I am 80 I hope to have that down to 50 or even 30. Hehehe..... It is a long road still...and it doesn't help that I keep buying new ones that are coming out that I connect to more. Paying for the makeup is just a perk! The plan was thought out long before I decided to get hooked, or found Specktra and the wonderful world of YouTube gurus!


Well-known member
wow 600! that is a collection. not that i should be so surprised with your dedicated drawers of new makeup and polishes; and the rate you 'haul' at.
kudos to you for selling them and passing them on to others to enjoy. Now I understand your 'must sell a deck' dedication. Keep on keep on ...


Well-known member
[quote name="JennsJewelz" url="/forum/thread/98741/bimbos-unite/15750#post_2107908"] Hi again ladies! Just got back from Quebec the other day, and I have some exciting news....



What a relief! :p I'm taking an AQ course starting next week, but that's for professional certification rather than academics. I'm still super busy with all sorts of jobs, but it is pretty wonderful to not have any schoolwork left to do! That giant literacy project I was telling you about ended up at 120 pages. Ridiculous! Seriously, I do NOT understand why it doesn't count as a thesis. lol! But yay for being done! And Jerome is done as well, so we're planning on having a nothing weekend together, which we are both so excited for!!! :D
[/quote] Congratulations!!! :happydance:


Well-known member
Jenn- Congratulations on your masters. I know that is a lot of pressure off of you with getting those big projects done.

Sally--so glad you are liking your new job and things are going well.

Lou--I haven't been on Adina's site in some time. I miss her. I need to check it out.

Debi--when you get your Sephora haul you know we love to drool over your pics of the goodies so please share with us.

Great you've sold some more.

And you guys on your plans for your everafter, I have no idea. You would think I would since I will be 49 this year and my father passed away at 50. My hubby's dad bought a goup of plots years ago so we have that. We just tease each other nothing ever serious about it. When my hubby was very young his dr told him he was very healthy and will live to be126. I think he really believes:) Actually his grandmother passed away right before her 101st b-day and his grandfather on his mom's side was 96 when he passed. My hubby always says he figures I'll kill over given my family record and he can upgrade. I told him then to cremated and put me in a vase on top of the headboard then. I told him the other day he could just have me cremated and put me in with Ishmaels' (my doggie) ashes as that is what I am going to do when he passes.

My mother adored roses and had lots of rose bushes in her yard. So when she pass four years ago we picked a casket that was a lovely soft rose color with beautiful matching interior. if I'm remembering correctly there was a small rose in a just a slight darker rose color near each corner. It sounds kind of tacky but it was quite elegant and so very much her.

I never made it to Sephora so I must go by the 21st. I like when they do the 20% off but oh well every bit helps.


Well-known member
Oh Debi, thanks for the NARS Hungry Heart review. I'm glad it is not all glittery so I will have to check that out.

I have got to stay off of the Chanel threads. They have me drooling over there and I still cannot get that damn Miami Peach n/p out of my head. i am still playing with a gazillion color combo but sadly nothing.

Forgot who asked this, I'm so far behind. But yes I hate to admit it but I have slipped bags and boxes from UPS in and hidden them away taking things out bit by bit. I never used to do this or even think that I ever would but for the last few years I am guilty of doing this here and there. I'm not quite sure why, probably hubby's comments on my spending habits and non-stop shopping. I don't think he gets that I buy for everyone in the house so it does seem like a lot.

Lou--I aso like quality items so on clothing I wait a bit when things first come out hoping to catch them at a discount. Since I don't work outside the home I don't go super high end though. I can do well with quality classic casualy pieces that will last and wear well. I am a bargin shopper. But when it comes to my makeup and hair just can't do it. I mean I don't go and get a $150--$200 haircut. But I figure anywhere from $60--$75 is reasonable. I have been trying to do my base color myself and then go get highlights and lowlights. So I guess that helps a bit. That usually saves anywhere from $75-$100. I also am certainly not getting any younger which adds to my skincare cost. I am not going to go to these dinners with him wearing cheap crappy makeup. It's intimidating enough with the men who are showing off their new trophy wives. I can't compete with them so I may as well feel as good as I can. I hate those social things anyway. They make me uncomfortable as I am pretty shy so I basically role-playI hate those social things anyway. through them


Well-known member
Oh Debi, thanks for the NARS Hungry Heart review. I'm glad it is not all glittery so I will have to check that out.

I have got to stay off of the Chanel threads. They have me drooling over there and I still cannot get that damn Miami Peach n/p out of my head. i am still playing with a gazillion color combo but sadly nothing.

Forgot who asked this, I'm so far behind. But yes I hate to admit it but I have slipped bags and boxes from UPS in and hidden them away taking things out bit by bit. I never used to do this or even think that I ever would but for the last few years I am guilty of doing this here and there. I'm not quite sure why, probably hubby's comments on my spending habits and non-stop shopping. I don't think he gets that I buy for everyone in the house so it does seem like a lot.

Lou--I aso like quality items so on clothing I wait a bit when things first come out hoping to catch them at a discount. Since I don't work outside the home I don't go super high end though. I can do well with quality classic casualy pieces that will last and wear well. I am a bargin shopper. But when it comes to my makeup and hair just can't do it. I mean I don't go and get a $150--$200 haircut. But I figure anywhere from $60--$75 is reasonable. I have been trying to do my base color myself and then go get highlights and lowlights. So I guess that helps a bit. That usually saves anywhere from $75-$100. I also am certainly not getting any younger which adds to my skincare cost. I am not going to go to these dinners with him wearing cheap crappy makeup. It's intimidating enough with the men who are showing off their new trophy wives. I can't compete with them so I may as well feel as good as I can. I hate those social things anyway. They make me uncomfortable as I am pretty shy so I basically role-playI hate those social things anyway. through them
oh that is like me! i will find some clothes that i want and then wait for them to go on sale! plus we have a site in the uk called brandalley where you can buy designer clothes for almost half price. sometimes they are from past seasons but that never botheres me. rthey do shoes and accessories too! and i spend quite ab bit on my hair but that is only because i am so fussy with it! and my hairdresser is amazing and so sweet, she is always giving me products to try out and she always makes sure my hair olooks perfect. speaking of which i need my highlights doing wityhin the next month! i'm getting some roots going on! :(

and i am sure you look bneautiful! sod the trophy wives!!


Well-known member
ahhhh debi pretty nail polish!!! the katy perry opi has just hit the shops here. and quite cute doesnt come out for another month here sigh

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Welcome back, sally!
We have Quite Cute but I can pass everything.

jenns - congrats!

debi - the zoya nps look beautiful! Love all the corals since it is now spring/summer! ENjoy!
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