Woah....two weeks? Okay, around here you definitely have to have a note from your doctors to prove you are ill, regardless of whether you get pay or not, in order to keep your job. A business cannot run on lack of employees who keep extending their time and "might" return after an undetermined amount of leave. And if it is stress related (mental) he would also need a note from a psychiatrist stating he is unable to presently work and is undergoing treatment (therapy, meds, etc.). I say this out of experience because I suffer from agoraphobia and panic attacks which manifest themselves in a very physical way (vomiting, sudden drastic loss in weight, etc.) and have had to take a leave of absence from the bank I worked at. It can hit hard and sudden and really take you out of the circuit, but I followed the rules, didn't hide things, had both letters sent and kept my job. Slap him around for me, please!
Ooh, Villains would be cool, too. I don't think you need to worry too much on "copying" someone. Isn't that what we all do? We get inspired by watching YouTube tutorials and hauls. We buy the same things, or try the same or similar look, we purchase our own things and share our hauls and so it goes on and on. Just recently a bunch of people did videos on looks from the red carpet, but everyone has their own inspiration or twist on it, which makes it fun and allows us to be playful with our makeup.
Hang in there, lady! The work stuff will get sorted out and for the best. Oh, and how funny is this! I love fall and winter and the cold weather and usually dread the heat and humidity we get smacked with in summer, but after this long snowy winter I have been looking forward to it, only to have a very cold and rainy May! We are beginning to forget what the sun looks like!