Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Hee hee! You sound like me! I am still l like that. Books galore! And I married a complete nerd, though he is not a reader (his mom is, though!). He is a Cost Analyst Accountant. A Belle look would be so cool! You could even do a series throughout the year of all the female Disney characters! Oooh! And a kitty video! Meow! Think how much fun this blog will be come Halloween!! I love the nail polish haul, too! So nice and some of the colours I have and some you held up are ones I want! That was super fun and reminded me I had a Zoya order to place! I will do that today....just a little one. Sadly it is very hard to find OPI around here or they have poor turnover (I don't even get that) on some colours and never carry others. I get so mad because they have such nice nail polishes and I am having fun changing my nails a lot now!


Well-known member
Miss QQ~It is so cold out here the heat actually came on and we have the thermostat set at 57 degrees! What cold and raw weather we are having! I will try and send some over to you!!

I was just saying to my husband that this summer is going to fly by and before we know it fall and winter will be back, and we had such a long & severe one just ending. I can't believe we are more than halfway through May and we have only had a few days that really felt like spring. They predict cold and rainy weather through Saturday. By the time mid-August comes around our days are getting quite shorter and cooler weather starts to filter in. That doesn't leave much time for summer!!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Thanks Debi, I need some cool air! It's a shame that spring is nearly gone and you still have such cold weather. I will not like it too if I go through a long and hard winter and the next one comes again so soon. I'll send sunshine over to you!


Well-known member
Thanks Debi, I need some cool air! It's a shame that spring is nearly gone and you still have such cold weather. I will not like it too if I go through a long and hard winter and the next one comes again so soon. I'll send sunshine over to you!


Well-known member
Woah....two weeks? Okay, around here you definitely have to have a note from your doctors to prove you are ill, regardless of whether you get pay or not, in order to keep your job. A business cannot run on lack of employees who keep extending their time and "might" return after an undetermined amount of leave. And if it is stress related (mental) he would also need a note from a psychiatrist stating he is unable to presently work and is undergoing treatment (therapy, meds, etc.). I say this out of experience because I suffer from agoraphobia and panic attacks which manifest themselves in a very physical way (vomiting, sudden drastic loss in weight, etc.) and have had to take a leave of absence from the bank I worked at. It can hit hard and sudden and really take you out of the circuit, but I followed the rules, didn't hide things, had both letters sent and kept my job. Slap him around for me, please!


Ooh, Villains would be cool, too. I don't think you need to worry too much on "copying" someone. Isn't that what we all do? We get inspired by watching YouTube tutorials and hauls. We buy the same things, or try the same or similar look, we purchase our own things and share our hauls and so it goes on and on. Just recently a bunch of people did videos on looks from the red carpet, but everyone has their own inspiration or twist on it, which makes it fun and allows us to be playful with our makeup.

Hang in there, lady! The work stuff will get sorted out and for the best. Oh, and how funny is this! I love fall and winter and the cold weather and usually dread the heat and humidity we get smacked with in summer, but after this long snowy winter I have been looking forward to it, only to have a very cold and rainy May! We are beginning to forget what the sun looks like!


Well-known member
So, inspired by Lou's video blog and one of my favourite tarot decks, I turned her lovely summer look into the mysterious tarot reader look! I used the same NARS trio, added some MAC Creme de Violet, UD 24/7 pencils and MAC Pink Cult...and a tarot deck, of course! What else to do during what looks like a monsoon outside my window?? Hehehe... If I had known my nails would show I would have done them first!! Ah, well! Next time!!



Well-known member
Thank you! I am totally rethinking colour on me! The bright colours are starting to look a lot better these days! I remember when I was a teen the colours I wore the most were lilacs and blues, then greys and browns. But I had this super cheap blue frosty creme eyeshadow that I wore with a lavender pencil, much like the NYX Jumbo pencils (here I am using UD 24/7 and love it) and it always looked good on me. Now I want to rummage through my stash and see what else I have that is bright!!


Well-known member
Thank you! I am totally rethinking colour on me! The bright colours are starting to look a lot better these days! I remember when I was a teen the colours I wore the most were lilacs and blues, then greys and browns. But I had this super cheap blue frosty creme eyeshadow that I wore with a lavender pencil, much like the NYX Jumbo pencils (here I am using UD 24/7 and love it) and it always looked good on me. Now I want to rummage through my stash and see what else I have that is bright!!
oh yes! i think anybody can wear bright colours! no matter what age, skintone and eye colour! i think purples are stunning on you and my personal fave of yours! :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - love the look! I don't know anything about cards reading and the pic of you with the cards is beautiful and mysterious. Makes me one to get mine read. Your work company was understanding and supportive, it makes me feel touched.

Lou - sorry that you are having a rough time at work. Hope it - or the man creating the problem, gets sorted out soon. I don't know how or why he is getting 2 weeks of sick leave, I know you can't say due to confidentiality. So I don't want to speculate but I'm supporting you over here!


Well-known member
Debi - love the look! I don't know anything about cards reading and the pic of you with the cards is beautiful and mysterious. Makes me one to get mine read. Your work company was understanding and supportive, it makes me feel touched.

Lou - sorry that you are having a rough time at work. Hope it - or the man creating the problem, gets sorted out soon. I don't know how or why he is getting 2 weeks of sick leave, I know you can't say due to confidentiality. So I don't want to speculate but I'm supporting you over here!
Aw you are so sweet! Thank you, i need all the support i can get at the moment. I had his mother come to the store this morning to hand me his shop keys and such. she barely said a word to me - which is much better than 10 minutes of abuse!


Well-known member
Thank you Lou and Miss QQ! I would have never bought this NARS trio if Lou had not raved about it, so decided to do a look and once I had it on I wanted to add the purple. This was the Peacock look I was hoping to achieve from the Peacocky Collection, which I find has pretty colours, but not bright enough. I don't have pretty coloured paint pots or anything to put underneath to make it pop, but it popped on its own! And I love that I am experimenting more with liner!

Lou~Maybe your co-worker's mother is beginning to taste a bit of humble pie. It is easy to yell over a phone or at someone on a computer, but not so easy to do face to face. I have a feeling he won't be coming back. Time to take in applications, just in case. Never hurts. Lots of hugs to you. You don't need this kind of stress. Be sure to get in a good amount of thrillers and Disney films this week, along with favourite scented candles burning and kitty play!

Must start my day and see what kind of mischief I can get into. This cold rainy weather is making everyone sleepy and lazy. Too cold for open windows, too humid for heat, and we all feel like mushrooms!

Group hug!


Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Group hug! You have fun today and update us. Living vicariously through you! The hot days here are making us exhausted and drained with all the sweating. Hope we all have better weather soon! By June at least!

Lou - good that she is keeping quiet. I agree with debi I guess she is beginning to taste the humble pie.


Well-known member
^^ Group hug! You have fun today and update us. Living vicariously through you! The hot days here are making us exhausted and drained with all the sweating. Hope we all have better weather soon! By June at least!

Lou - good that she is keeping quiet. I agree with debi I guess she is beginning to taste the humble pie.
oh dear! i guess we all have extreme weather conditions to each other being all over the world! sorry you are melting away like an ice lolly in the heat! :)

What to do with your MAC Pigment – Episode 2 the latest video is now up too - if you have melon pigment Debi you need to watch this!


Well-known member
oh dear! i guess we all have extreme weather conditions to each other being all over the world! sorry you are melting away like an ice lolly in the heat! :)
What to do with your MAC Pigment – Episode 2 the latest video is now up too - if you have melon pigment Debi you need to watch this!
I do, I do!!! Off I got to watch it. I haven't done anything today. I feel sickish, so think I am fighting a little bug. I plan a nice long nap until a light supper. Not wearing a stitch of makeup today! Eeek! lol


Well-known member
I do, I do!!! Off I got to watch it. I haven't done anything today. I feel sickish, so think I am fighting a little bug. I plan a nice long nap until a light supper. Not wearing a stitch of makeup today! Eeek! lol
i hope you feel better soon sweetie - it's not nice feeling sicky :( sometimes drinking lemonade helps me feel less sick - no clue why! but it always helps.

nick is working late tonight so i have no idea what to have for dinner. i am thinking maybe i will wait for him to get home and then do us some soup and rolls - i had a big lunch (including some strawberries with a touch of cream!!)


Well-known member
Thank you! Nothing serious, but just off and my tummy feels weird, so hubby made me up some chicken breasts while I took a long nap! What a sweetie! This weather isn't helping either. No sun for a week, rainy, windy, a few storms, too cold to open windows and heat coming on once in a while. I really need some warm, fresh air. I did wake to a pleasant surprise, though. An order from JCrew and sold a tiny box of tarot (3 decks) for $80.00 which I didn't think would go, so that was an extra treat.

Strawberries and cream sounds delightful!!


Well-known member
Hey guys, I'm finally trying to get back in routine after the vacation. We had a great time considering that we both got sick:( I was sick in bed the whole last day in Vegas before we went Utah. it felt just like the flu only didn't last as long, thank goodness. I had the whole shebang, vomitting, high fever and my entire body hurt like hell. That night my hips, and down through my legs were killing me. I finally got up around 2:30AM and went and got in the tub and soaked in a hot bath. I took one of the huge hotel towels and covered my body and laid my head on the side of the tub for well over an hour. Every time the water started to cool I let some out with my foot and turned the hot water back on. This actually helped. After I got back in bed I was able to get some sleep.

We had fun in Zion National Park whick is gorgeous. We were there in 2004 and it was nice to go back. We stayed there five days and one day drove up to Bryce national Park. There was still lots of snow there. We watched a bunch of prairie dogs running around and yapping at each other.There were quite entertaining. then we headed back to Vegas for three nights. The second day we drove to Death Valley which is super cool especially Scotty's Castle.

The first day back in Vegas I started feeling weird and then driving back from Death Valley I was feeling car sick which I've never had that problem. We stopped and got some motion sickness medicine and I laid back in the seat. The following day I kept feeling off balance and just kind of wonky, the whole vertigo thing going. It did not occur to me until Friday morning, the day we were flying back what the problem was. I had filled two weeks of my medicine in those plastic thingies. I had to get a refill of one before we left to have enough. But apparently I did not put it in when I got it.So I think the last day i had it was a day or two before we left Utah. It was my antidepession medicine and one that you can't just stop taking or you do have withdrawal symtoms. I was able to get hold of my pharmacy and have them call it to one near our hotel and my husband picked it up. I felt a bit better a few hours later once it got some back in my system. But it took a few days to get to feeling more normal.

Our vacation was definitely not uneventful.


Well-known member
Lou, I love your videos. They are really good and helpful. Keep up the good work. I'm sorry you're having such problems at work. I hope it gets better soon.

Debi, I love your bright colors look, very pretty pic with the cards.They make the colors on your eyes really pop.

Jenn, good luck with the job search. We are all pulling for you here.

Alana--I hope you have found your 217 brush by now. I honestly do not know what I'd do without mine. I have two of them that I use. I could easily use a third. It is probably my favorite brush.

Also I was playing around on the Sephora site last night and saw they had their brand of chubby liner pencils. They look just like UD shadow pencils. They have great reviews and people said they work as well as the UD ones. I think I may have to try one. They are $10 which is about half the cost of the UD ones and come in lotsof colors. Has anyone tried these?


Well-known member
Lou, I love your videos. They are really good and helpful. Keep up the good work. I'm sorry you're having such problems at work. I hope it gets better soon.

Debi, I love your bright colors look, very pretty pic with the cards.They make the colors on your eyes really pop.

Jenn, good luck with the job search. We are all pulling for you here.

Alana--I hope you have found your 217 brush by now. I honestly do not know what I'd do without mine. I have two of them that I use. I could easily use a third. It is probably my favorite brush.

Also I was playing around on the Sephora site last night and saw they had their brand of chubby liner pencils. They look just like UD shadow pencils. They have great reviews and people said they work as well as the UD ones. I think I may have to try one. They are $10 which is about half the cost of the UD ones and come in lotsof colors. Has anyone tried these?
aww thanks so much sweetie! i am hoping today at work all my issues will be sorted - should have been sorted yesterday though :(
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