Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Hope you get things sorted out, Lou!

Shadowaddict-- I was wanting to try those too. I should have grabbed a few when I was at Sephora the other day. Actually, I should have grabbed them when they were on sale on the website :( Ah well.

I'm trying to decide if I want to do anything today or not. I kind of want to do my makeup and go apply for a job but... Then again... Why not wait until next week? Haha ;)


Well-known member
So sorry to hear that you were sick during your vacation, Shadowaddict. What an awful time to be sick. :(

Lou~I think of you every day and hope that things quickly get sorted out at your workplace so you can be stress free from it all. I wrote about Smallville on another thread! :)

LittleMaryJane~I am as lazy as you! And I don't mind a bit because I ended up getting lots done yesterday! So, today is for books and puttering and hoping someone will buy two boxes of tarot I have up for sale!!!


Well-known member
Hope you sell your cards!

I'm waiting on a response from an eBay user about shipping costs for some Catherine Arley nail polishes--I want some! It's funny though because they come from Bulgaria (at least via eBay) and it's like don't I have enough nail polish? Do I really need to import from Bulgaria? haha.


Well-known member
Hope you sell your cards!

I'm waiting on a response from an eBay user about shipping costs for some Catherine Arley nail polishes--I want some! It's funny though because they come from Bulgaria (at least via eBay) and it's like don't I have enough nail polish? Do I really need to import from Bulgaria? haha.
lol! i know what you mean about polishes! i can't stop buying stuff like that at the moment!


Well-known member
I'm so glad I am not the only one who suddenly has a fetish for nail polishes! There is just something about painting your nails various colours that is both soothing and exciting!


Well-known member
I'm so glad I am not the only one who suddenly has a fetish for nail polishes! There is just something about painting your nails various colours that is both soothing and exciting!
yup! i totally agree! i have run out of polish remover though and keep forgetting to buy more! so annoying! i need to re-paint!!


Well-known member
What are you guys wearing on your nails right now? I'm wearing one by Borghese called Mediterraneo Sea. It's a really pretty dark teal with glitter. I think I might re-do them today though. I think I have a serious nail polish addiction.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone, yeh a horrible time to get sick. Yes Zion and Bryce Nat. parks are both just beautiful. When the sun hits the mountains they are this gorgeous shade of orangish red. It's so different than our big green mountains here like in the Smokey Mountains Nat Park.

On a brighter note we finally got a repair man here and fixed the air, just in time as it is starting to get hot again. We lucked out with a cool front blowing through while it was out so the windows and fans helped a great deal.

I was just starting to buy more n/p and then earlier in the week as I was messing with one of the windows trying to pull it down it hit my hand and broke two nails all the way down to the top of my fingers. I ended up trimming all of them to about the same length so it didn't look weird. I had already broken a nail on the other hand to about that length anyway. Oh well I guess I'll wait till they grow to wear bright colors. I have a thing with my short fingers that when my nails are short I only wear pale colors. It feels like my short fingers and nails together look even shorter with bright n/p. Thank goodness for my Butter "All Hail The Queen" At least that is a lighter color that I absolutely love. This is one polish that I can easily see me finishing before it goes bad.

That reminds me. Does anyone know how long a n/p will last if it is unopened? I have been thinking about ordering a backup of the above mentioned n/p before they discontinue it. But if it's not going to last very long then I don't want to waste the money.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm going to babysit my little grandson tomorrow. My daughter-in-law is working one day a week and then they have a wedding to attend tomorrow evening. So me and the lil dude will be hanging out all day.


Well-known member
Hope you have a great time with your grandson, Shadowaddict!

I'm going to my sister's this weekend to do a little family time stuff... Dinner... Seeing my nephew's baby... Good stuff. Should be fun, I love spending time with my fam

Changed my nail polish tonight to China Glaze "Life Preserver"-- China Glaze has got to be my favorite kind of polish.


Well-known member
Hope you have a great time with your grandson, Shadowaddict!

I'm going to my sister's this weekend to do a little family time stuff... Dinner... Seeing my nephew's baby... Good stuff. Should be fun, I love spending time with my fam

Changed my nail polish tonight to China Glaze "Life Preserver"-- China Glaze has got to be my favorite kind of polish.
oh have fun with your sister! and china glaze is my favourite polish too, closely followed by zoya! :)

i have no special plans this weekend. tomorrow me and nick will be having a chill out day playing his computer game and baking a custard and cinnamon tart :)


Well-known member
I have been wearing Orly's Catch The Bouquet since Tuesday, with no chipping and just a little tip wear. This is amazing for me, as my nail polish is usually chipped by the second day. I don't think it's just down to the polish though - I got Orly's primer, rubberized base coat and top coat in the hope that they might make my polish last longer, and this first test of it is working out very well :) I am also working on the assumption that the base coat etc of the same brand as the polish will work best, so I've also bought China Glaze Strong Adhesion Base Coat to try next with my China Glaze polishes.


Well-known member
Right now I am wearing Yvette by Zoya, which has been on my nails for 4 days and still not a single chip. This stuff is amazing! And I have been using lots of sticky tape packing up the boxes of tarot, so not bad! I am impressed! I have also never bought a backup of nail polish except for Princess's Rule, because I do go through it a lot! I guess I figure nail polish goes bad pretty quickly, starting to thicken and separate, plus fashions for various colours change by season and year, so I can always find something close or a dupe. Mostly I just like trying new things and then have my few beloved ones that get used often. I think of all those lovely OPI's I am not even using right now, so need to switch around more!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I wanted to buy Princess Rule before but I pass for the time being. It's pretty! Great that Zoya lasts so long on you. Nail polishes don't last on me at all, about 2 to 5 days max.

lou - sounds like a fun and relaxing day you are planning for tomorrow. I love it when you are baking things! Yummy! Sorry that the head office haven't get back to you and kept you waiting.

shadow - welcome back! Have fun babysitting! Sorry that you were very sick during your vacation. I got carsick when I was in Australia when I was 12 and I don't usually get carsick too. Despite of that, it sounds like you have a good time at the park and the castle!

Everyone have a good weekend!


Well-known member
i finally removed my old polish and have now just painted my nails with Jules by zoya - very subtle tan colour with loads of god shimmer. pretty for a understated look :)


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by LMD84

i have no special plans this weekend. tomorrow me and nick will be having a chill out day playing his computer game and baking a custard and cinnamon tart :)

Mmm yum, that sounds delicious! I'm coming over to have some!

It's SUCH a nice day today... Sunny and warm but not too warm. I need to be cleaning though... Not hanging out outside.


Well-known member
Mmm yum, that sounds delicious! I'm coming over to have some!

It's SUCH a nice day today... Sunny and warm but not too warm. I need to be cleaning though... Not hanging out outside.
hopefully it will turn out how it should do!! lol! but i'm not the best chef! hee hee! and i'm pleased you were enjoying yourself yesterday. even if you couldn;t go outside in the lovely weather! the weather is weird here - it looks super sunny but it is actually really windy so quite cold!


Well-known member
Lou, I love your videos. They are really good and helpful. Keep up the good work. I'm sorry you're having such problems at work. I hope it gets better soon.

Debi, I love your bright colors look, very pretty pic with the cards.They make the colors on your eyes really pop.

Jenn, good luck with the job search. We are all pulling for you here.

Alana--I hope you have found your 217 brush by now. I honestly do not know what I'd do without mine. I have two of them that I use. I could easily use a third. It is probably my favorite brush.

Also I was playing around on the Sephora site last night and saw they had their brand of chubby liner pencils. They look just like UD shadow pencils. They have great reviews and people said they work as well as the UD ones. I think I may have to try one. They are $10 which is about half the cost of the UD ones and come in lotsof colors. Has anyone tried these?
yes i found it, it was under my boyfriends bed, i turned his house upside down looking for it!! hehe

i'm so annoyed, the weather report said this whole weekend was going to be hot, yesterday was gorgeous, but its raining today, i only packed pretty maxi dresses and flip flops to stay at my boyfriends, its cold!
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