Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member - if you check out todays specktra youtube video i show lightscapade in detail and have a swatch photo too! it is very lovely and makes a nice highlight. on my paler skin it doesn't show up loads - but gives a lovely sheen. :)

i have had a bad day at work - my new ass manager is the guy that i don't like. and my poor sales guy who really deserved the position has been turned down so is a touch upset too :(
Oh no. I am so sorry. Well, things do change and he may end up not being as qualified or as good as his job as everyone thinks he will be, so let's hope if that happens your other guy will be a shoe in. In the meantime if it means getting another day off now and again for you, take it. You haven't had much time for yourself and working 5 days instead of 6 it will be worthwhile.

On another sad note, my Chanel n/p just peeled. Not even 48 hours in. What a bummer. It flaked off like a piece of tinfoil. Yep. These will be save for special occasions, but I won't splurge on any more of them. What a pity. :(


Well-known member
Oh, and cool video! Thank you for putting it up! I have to rewatch it with pen in hand and make a wishlist! I saw 4-5 MSF's that I want! lol :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Happy 4th of July, Debi!

Lou - Sorry to hear that your friend didn't get the manager position. :( So you have to work closely with the guy you don't like now that he is the manger?


Well-known member
Happy 4th of July, Debi!

Lou - Sorry to hear that your friend didn't get the manager position. :( So you have to work closely with the guy you don't like now that he is the manger?
yeah it kinda sucks. and i'm manager of the store but this new guy will be my deputy manager - which means when i am not in he will run my store. what has annoyed me the most is that i am off all next week and his first day is monday. he won't know where anything is has had no training and i can imagine will be asking my sales guy (who didn't get the job) how to do things - which of course he is not going to be impressed with at all!!


Well-known member
Hurray for having next week off, first of all! You must be thrilled about that! Any plans yet? Too bad they couldn't have him come in this week first, at least for a day or two to get used to the place. Just stay away from the phone or they will be calling you all during your vacation and that is not fair. Sadly, there isn't anything you can do about it so let's just hope those two works things out and get along and maybe a miracle will happen while you are away. You will come back to a perfectly smooth sailing store! :)

I've been lazy. It is super hot and humid so I am hiding in my home, enjoying the A/C and pondering if I want to buy anything from the Semi Precious collection. I have so many things here and there that I want and don't need any of it! On days like this I flick on some bronzer and blush or a pretty creme blush and RC shine and that is it! A squirt of perfume and I am happy. It is too hot to fuss over looks that will just melt anyhow!! And I discovered the fun of FB's game Gardens of Time, which is unbelievable addicting! Shame on me! But the house is dusted, the towels are done, the sheets are done, so not so bad!!


Well-known member
Hurray for having next week off, first of all! You must be thrilled about that! Any plans yet? Too bad they couldn't have him come in this week first, at least for a day or two to get used to the place. Just stay away from the phone or they will be calling you all during your vacation and that is not fair. Sadly, there isn't anything you can do about it so let's just hope those two works things out and get along and maybe a miracle will happen while you are away. You will come back to a perfectly smooth sailing store! :)

I've been lazy. It is super hot and humid so I am hiding in my home, enjoying the A/C and pondering if I want to buy anything from the Semi Precious collection. I have so many things here and there that I want and don't need any of it! On days like this I flick on some bronzer and blush or a pretty creme blush and RC shine and that is it! A squirt of perfume and I am happy. It is too hot to fuss over looks that will just melt anyhow!! And I discovered the fun of FB's game Gardens of Time, which is unbelievable addicting! Shame on me! But the house is dusted, the towels are done, the sheets are done, so not so bad!!
yeah i am pretty excited about having a week off! i am going out shopping with another specktra member one day which will be nice. we'll be heading to mac i am sure! :) and then me and nick will be seeing harry potter one day at the cinema and going out for a meal. we're not going too far away because i literally want to stay home and relax and catch up on things i haven't done for the past 7 weeks! like reading and movie watching!


Well-known member
Sometimes those are the best vacations and are what my husband and I desperately need to do. I have time to clean house and clean up my own things, but he has a million projects piling up from not taking any vacation days and nothing in a row, like a real vacation. I wish he would get his act together. I know work is insane, but he has no life now, either. I am about to have a late breakfast and get some stuff done around the house before the heat sets in. Around 95 and humid today, with bad storms this afternoon and tonight. A little cooler in the near future. I can't wait!

I did finally get over to the MAC site and ordered a few things from the Semi Precious collection. I am having trouble getting excited over their collections since most have been real disappointments quality-wise to me. I bought the 3 lightest (or pinkiest!) MSF's. I meant to get that lipstick and blush, but they were already sold out. I don't even feel badly about it because I don't need either. But I did buy 2 of those mine Fix+ to put in my bag while day-tripping. It will feel so good to spritz myself with it! I still have a wee bit more of Chanel I want, but at the moment no tarot income so must take it slower and carefully! Reading and movie watching sounds perfect!!! :)


Well-known member
i hope you enjoy all your goodies Debi. :)

i have had a bad day today. rubbish to deal with at work again :( i was mystery shopped yesterday and the woman commented on how when she entered the store i was on the phone taking a personal call - totally untrue! i was speaking to another manager about going to birmingham with him for a training session! my area manager is visiting tomorrow anyway so no doubt i will have to talk about that with him. so frustrating :( i never make or take personal calls. they can check the phone bills if they want because the other manager even called me! not me calling him :( i know it sounds stupid to get bothered by it but i know it will cause me issues :(


Well-known member
i hope you enjoy all your goodies Debi. :)

i have had a bad day today. rubbish to deal with at work again :( i was mystery shopped yesterday and the woman commented on how when she entered the store i was on the phone taking a personal call - totally untrue! i was speaking to another manager about going to birmingham with him for a training session! my area manager is visiting tomorrow anyway so no doubt i will have to talk about that with him. so frustrating :( i never make or take personal calls. they can check the phone bills if they want because the other manager even called me! not me calling him :( i know it sounds stupid to get bothered by it but i know it will cause me issues :(
Woah, what is mystery shopped? Is that when the company hires someone to pose as a shopper to check out what is going on? Tacky! I say come live over here, Lou! Sounds rather stalkish to me. Creepy... Like you said, you have proof. The time, the day, the phone bill. Have your area manager speak up because that is not fair, at all. Let him settle the issue and don't hesitate to bring it to his attention tomorrow. Clear your name.

I'm still hiding in the house. Not much is getting done, so I better put it into high gear. I am one of those people who does nothing productive for hours and then in 1 gets everything done like a madwoman! :)


Well-known member
Woah, what is mystery shopped? Is that when the company hires someone to pose as a shopper to check out what is going on? Tacky! I say come live over here, Lou! Sounds rather stalkish to me. Creepy... Like you said, you have proof. The time, the day, the phone bill. Have your area manager speak up because that is not fair, at all. Let him settle the issue and don't hesitate to bring it to his attention tomorrow. Clear your name.
I'm still hiding in the house. Not much is getting done, so I better put it into high gear. I am one of those people who does nothing productive for hours and then in 1 gets everything done like a madwoman! :)
yeah i get these mystery shoppers every month and i always get 100%. so this result was 88% so was very bad for me :( she also moaned that i only showed her one item - i tried showing others but she said she didn't like them!! what else could i do? force it in her hand?! but then she goes on to say how nice i was, really knew my stuff and made her feel at home and not uncomfortable like some stores do :( i can't win!! to cheer myself up i popped to my neighbours to cuddle the kittens. they are about 3 weeks old now and are so cute. all very small but now have opened eyes but not steady on their feet yet. i have picked out the one i want too - it's called Moo. I am hoping Nick will let me have her! hee hee!

Lol!! Debi you sound like Nick! he will sit and chill for hours and then go crazy in the last hour and get a stupid amount of stuff done! silly though because he tires himself right out again!


Well-known member
LOL Yep. That is me. Do everything in a blitz and then take a 2 hour nap! When I am really energized it flips my husband out because I want to go from place to place and not take a break. He acts like an old man! Hehehehe... Moo! Oh, you need MooKitty to keep you company with all the other cats (I so want to call you the cat lady!). What will your other cats think about this? Will they be okay, do you think? Bring home Moo's scent now so they get used to it and bake yummy things to soften up Nick. :)

I think you should throw it all back into the mystery shopper's face. Tell them you could tell she was not a real shopper by the way she behaved or that you were suspicious of her and thought she might shoplift a 52 inch screen, so were preoccupied by her actions and didn't want to sell to her. Muahahahaha... Only kidding!!!


Well-known member
Lou--I hope things get better at work, sucks being mystery shopped. I hate that your guy did not get the position. But yay for a week off. Like Debi said stay away from your phone, unplug it.

Debi--I need a blitz. I'm slowly walking around throwing some laundry in and need to go hit the kitchen. It's a sunny day so I'm hanging a lot of stuff outside to dry. With it being so freakin hot our electric bill was through the roof. I was shocked when it came yesterday.

Everything is set up for Ishmael and he is having a really bad week so I do know it is the right thing to do and the right time. It will be on this coming Monday the 11th. His dr is off this week and I wanted him to be the one to do it. I'm not dealing well with it all. I'm getting no sleep and as usual with stress I'm eating everything in site and then some. I guess I'm stuffing sown my emotions even though when alone and at night letting them out. I'm just not going to worry about the eating right now, too much other stuff going on. I'll get on track with that later.


Well-known member
Lou--I hope things get better at work, sucks being mystery shopped. I hate that your guy did not get the position. But yay for a week off. Like Debi said stay away from your phone, unplug it.

Debi--I need a blitz. I'm slowly walking around throwing some laundry in and need to go hit the kitchen. It's a sunny day so I'm hanging a lot of stuff outside to dry. With it being so freakin hot our electric bill was through the roof. I was shocked when it came yesterday.

Everything is set up for Ishmael and he is having a really bad week so I do know it is the right thing to do and the right time. It will be on this coming Monday the 11th. His dr is off this week and I wanted him to be the one to do it. I'm not dealing well with it all. I'm getting no sleep and as usual with stress I'm eating everything in site and then some. I guess I'm stuffing sown my emotions even though when alone and at night letting them out. I'm just not going to worry about the eating right now, too much other stuff going on. I'll get on track with that later.
oh sweetie i am so sorry about how you are feeling - but you really must try and sleep. you are doing the right thing and Ishmael knows this too. and don't worry about food - i'm another that 'eats her feelings' but when things get settled you will be back on track. i'm thinking of you


Well-known member
Don't anticipate the "bad issues". Just respond to the questions later if and when - sounds totally fine. And if the response is don't be so friendly even with other manager's about work events on work time then take it as feedback (but I doubt it). You could call the area manager and be proactive if it super bothers you.

i hope you enjoy all your goodies Debi. :)

i have had a bad day today. rubbish to deal with at work again :( i was mystery shopped yesterday and the woman commented on how when she entered the store i was on the phone taking a personal call - totally untrue! i was speaking to another manager about going to birmingham with him for a training session! my area manager is visiting tomorrow anyway so no doubt i will have to talk about that with him. so frustrating :( i never make or take personal calls. they can check the phone bills if they want because the other manager even called me! not me calling him :( i know it sounds stupid to get bothered by it but i know it will cause me issues :(


Well-known member
Sorry about the mystery shopper, Lou :(

I'm the same way, Debi, about getting things done. I'll be lazy for hours (or days haha) and then suddenly jump into gear and bang out a bunch of chores or errands. I need to learn to be more consistent with stuff though... Maybe it's too late for that :D

I just got home from my mac counter and I plan on spending the rest of my day trying to be productive. I need to clean clean clean today. But, that's what I said yesterday too. Blah.


Well-known member
Aw, Lou. Don't let the situation at your job get to you like this. I know it is much easier said than done, but believe me, eventually you will hardly look back on this phase of your life. I really have to conjure up memories to think back to when I was hobnobbing with the VP's at the bank I worked at. I started off as a teller and went into the Computer Services department. Suddenly I found myself receiving raises and promotions every 3-6 mnths until I was on the level of senior manager, but on the techy side of things. At that point my job was boring. To grab coffee, walk around, rub elbows with the VP's and occasionally take a call or work on a major problem. After work I was expected to play tennis or go cross country skiing with them. I was paid well, had paid vacation time, full health and dental. And I left. I was bored to death. All the stuff I was interested in had been taken away from me. Bosses came and went, co-workers off to get married or have babies. Now it seems like eons ago and a very small part of my life. I remember being upset at situations in various jobs and under so much pressure. Now it seems like stupid stuff in comparison with the real crap life throws at us. Put on some bright nail polish, some glitter and a big smile on your face and keep reminding yourself that your vacation is coming up!! Yay!! xo


Well-known member
Aw, Lou. Don't let the situation at your job get to you like this. I know it is much easier said than done, but believe me, eventually you will hardly look back on this phase of your life. I really have to conjure up memories to think back to when I was hobnobbing with the VP's at the bank I worked at. I started off as a teller and went into the Computer Services department. Suddenly I found myself receiving raises and promotions every 3-6 mnths until I was on the level of senior manager, but on the techy side of things. At that point my job was boring. To grab coffee, walk around, rub elbows with the VP's and occasionally take a call or work on a major problem. After work I was expected to play tennis or go cross country skiing with them. I was paid well, had paid vacation time, full health and dental. And I left. I was bored to death. All the stuff I was interested in had been taken away from me. Bosses came and went, co-workers off to get married or have babies. Now it seems like eons ago and a very small part of my life. I remember being upset at situations in various jobs and under so much pressure. Now it seems like stupid stuff in comparison with the real crap life throws at us. Put on some bright nail polish, some glitter and a big smile on your face and keep reminding yourself that your vacation is coming up!! Yay!! xo
oh wow! yes i guess it shows that even though you are 'successful' you may not get the happiness to go with it. i understand why you felt like that and i don't think i would be completely happy about doing things after work hours with them! lol! when the clock hits 5.30 that is my time!! i have filmed some tutorials tonight and am wearing stupidly sparkly stuff right now so i do feel much better!! hee hee!

i hope everybody is doing ok. anybody got some exciting plans for this weekend?


Well-known member
Funny how things work out sometimes for the best - now you know that you are supported and valued in your workplace by your area manager! Hundred times better than just a neutral check up!!



Well-known member
No special plans, though I would LOVE to go to Harry Potter. I think it opens tomorrow night, doesn't it? Or tomorrow. Oh, to grab a seat for the last one. I will be so sad through it all. And have to start the books and movies from the beginning to cheer myself up. I seriously need my own Diagon Alley! :)

Hubby brought me to the mall and then B&N this evening. What I could not get online via MAC for the semi precious collection, I was able to get from Nordstroms and the MAC store! Yay! My other stuff arrives tomorrow so will put up that haul together. Very happy now! I also made a fun bright coloured quad inspired by JuicyStar's latest video, but picked out colours more suited to me, so bright yellow, bright orange, bright pink and bright purple for that Summer Sunset look! I can't wait to wear it. Played around with colours this evening, so I have an idea what it will look like and love it!

Sparkly nails. Happy Anniversary, by OPI. White and sparkly and perfect for these super hot days! July is usually the hottest month and makes me grouchy!! Hurrah for glitter! I still think we should be called the GlitterGals instead of Bimbos! So much classier!! lol xo

P.S.~ Nevermind. Harry Potter doesn't come out until the 15th. Boo hiss!
P.S.S.~ After all the Chanel shopping I have done lately, it was rather refreshing to go back to MAC which is so much more affordable and does the job well! It has been a while. And the lady missed me! So we chatted eyeshadow and lipstick colours. :)
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