Bimbos unite!

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LOL Yep, that is me, too! This is the second month in a row of sore boobs. What is up with that?? At my age I am supposed to be going the other way! Not feeling like I am back in my 20's again! Okay, what is a hob nob? The name just makes me hungry! lol Not that I am hormonal or anything. Hehehee....


Well-known member
I love Hob Nobs :) They're delicious, oaty biscuits that seem to melt in your mouth


Well-known member
I love Hob Nobs :) They're delicious, oaty biscuits that seem to melt in your mouth
me and a work mate were talking about hob nobs the other day. the only way you could make them better is if you took the cream from a borbon biscuit and sandwiched that between two hob nobs! :) it's like biscuit porn! :p


Well-known member
Biscuit. These English terms! lol So they are Oatmeal Cookies! I have never even heard of the term "digestive". Does this mean they are good to digest or full of fiber?

More-able = Munchies! :)


Well-known member
Thanks for the update on Littlepickle guys. I have been wondering about her also. Glad to hear she is doing well. I hope she has time to pop in here and tell us everything.

Deb--I am a cheapo. I'll check out books at B&N or some other bookstore and if I'm interested I usually order from Amazon. They are always cheaper, unless I get a coupon by email or search from Borders and sometimes they come out cheaper even with tax. Also I have some weird taste in books that nobody carries in the stores so I have to order anyway. Sometimes I luck out with the Amazon Marketplace and get something super cheap.

I always check becasue it will bring up a bunch of places and start from cheapest on. The thing is if it says under condition good or acceptable I always click on it anyway becasue then there is the whole list of sellers in "store" and you can look at all conditions of the book. You can search by ISBN, title, author, or just keyword.


Well-known member
Thanks for the update on Littlepickle guys. I have been wondering about her also. Glad to hear she is doing well. I hope she has time to pop in here and tell us everything.

Deb--I am a cheapo. I'll check out books at B&N or some other bookstore and if I'm interested I usually order from Amazon. They are always cheaper, unless I get a coupon by email or search from Borders and sometimes they come out cheaper even with tax. Also I have some weird taste in books that nobody carries in the stores so I have to order anyway. Sometimes I luck out with the Amazon Marketplace and get something super cheap.

I always check becasue it will bring up a bunch of places and start from cheapest on. The thing is if it says under condition good or acceptable I always click on it anyway becasue then there is the whole list of sellers in "store" and you can look at all conditions of the book. You can search by ISBN, title, author, or just keyword.
sometimes i buy from amazin because it is much cheaper too. luckily uk book stores have offers in the summer like buy one get one free and such which is great. now i tend to buy most books on my sony reader though which makes things very cheap!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Our supermarkets have lots of different brands of digestive biscuits. I also thought that digestive biscuits contain a lot of fibre, hence the name, but I don't know the real meaning. I find the biscuits dry and huge too lol. I've never heard of hob nob because the oatmeal biscuits we have in stores are mainly from Australia. I love chocolates so I'm loving the chocolate flavoured one already!


Well-known member
Our supermarkets have lots of different brands of digestive biscuits. I also thought that digestive biscuits contain a lot of fibre, hence the name, but I don't know the real meaning. I find the biscuits dry and huge too lol. I've never heard of hob nob because the oatmeal biscuits we have in stores are mainly from Australia. I love chocolates so I'm loving the chocolate flavoured one already!
i'm sure that in america the word biscuit has a different meaning.... it's a food item but not sure what!


Well-known member
Indeed, all this yummy food talk is getting me hungry!

I just had a long anticipated fight or "disagreement" with a long time sort-of-friend. She is almost 63 years old and owns a local bookstore. We became friendly ages ago when I shopped there or sold off some of my used books. Then we exchanged emails and wrote little notes back and forth almost every day. Suddenly she went on a harp obsession and stopped doing everything else, including reading and talking about books (weird for an owner of a bookstore, yes?) and only wanted to talk about harps and hang around people with harps. She is also very rich, very stuck up and very moody. I often wonder if she actually has something wrong with her because she can't watch the news and refuses to talk about things like the situation in Japan, or any kind of sad or bad or big news. But she wanted me to baby her when she found out another store was closing that she loves. What is with that? She also is insanely involved with Genealogy and by accident we found out our maiden names are the same. Now I know my genealogy from my uncle researching it all the way back to the 1200's. There are no gaps. But she insists we are related even though she can only trace it to the mid 1800's on her side (which was when lots of people immigrated and took on other people's names) and only wants to own me. None of my family, which makes no sense. She introduces me as "cousin" to people and I hate it, so stopped playing her game quickly and she got mad saying I have no faith in her finding out our connection. Seriously, who cares? Why not just like me for me, not my name? It isn't like she was ever with the rest of us at family gathering, holidays, funerals, weddings, etc. So the whole thing is silly. Piece by piece she has been getting really rude lately and it is getting worse. She despises computers, e-readers, technology, and blames her slowing business to it. Well, yes, if you price paperbacks at 10.00 a piece, no wonder! Finally, after another disagreement today via email I cut it. I told her it seemed like everything I said brushed her in the wrong way and she took offense at it, so I was going to take a break from emailing her and wished her a nice summer. She won't be hearing from me again, because this is a pattern with her and I don't feel like getting on that carousel once more. So, a bit tiffed and fed up right now. We are too different in age and interest (she doesn't wear makeup, she insulted my Coach bags!), we never went out and we never went to each others homes. And she says a lot of nasty things about her co-workers who are actually pretty nice people. I wonder what she says about me to others? Sorry for the rant. Fed up with this and rather sad. Ah, life goes on...

On a happier note, I ordered my Chanel stuff from the Byzance collection and the Prelude Quad. Yay!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Sorry you had the fallout today. You told us about this friend before and we could tell it was better for you to leave her to herself at the moment. I personally may feel patronised if she always call me "cousin" and yet doesn't attend any family gatherings/occasions. Since I don't know her in real, I can't tell for sure if she is insensitive or just weird. Debi, now you are free from her you should celebrate. Sometimes it is good that negative friends leave our lives.
How old is she anyway? Can't wait for you to get your chanel goodies! I'm still waiting for fall collection to launch.

I visited the LV store on Saturday for fun. I looked at the new speedy in the 2nd largest size. There are now 4 sizes, I'm not sure if all the while there are 4 as I thought there were only 3. I think it was the 35" but it was very big, too big for daily use for me. But I wasn't very excited to see it, it wasn't screaming "take me home" so it's good for my wallet. lol.


Well-known member
^^ Sorry you had the fallout today. You told us about this friend before and we could tell it was better for you to leave her to herself at the moment. I personally may feel patronised if she always call me "cousin" and yet doesn't attend any family gatherings/occasions. Since I don't know her in real, I can't tell for sure if she is insensitive or just weird. Debi, now you are free from her you should celebrate. Sometimes it is good that negative friends leave our lives.
How old is she anyway? Can't wait for you to get your chanel goodies! I'm still waiting for fall collection to launch.

I visited the LV store on Saturday for fun. I looked at the new speedy in the 2nd largest size. There are now 4 sizes, I'm not sure if all the while there are 4 as I thought there were only 3. I think it was the 35" but it was very big, too big for daily use for me. But I wasn't very excited to see it, it wasn't screaming "take me home" so it's good for my wallet. lol.
Thank you for your support! It is a little sad because I remember about 8-10 years ago when she and I had some interesting chats on literature and being an English major I appreciated that intellect. But warning signs have been popping up more and more in the past few years and the whole cousin thing is downright bizarre and childish. She doesn't have much tact in the way she deals with anyone so that isolates her even more. I took that as part of her personality I didn't care for, but none of us are perfect. But other things just piled on top of each other and I finally opened my eyes and blurted it right out in the letter. This is not a friendship. I actually made the choice not to gift her last year at her birthday because I wanted to get away from all the gift giving to someone I felt has everything, is too picky and was not very nice to me when I bought a Kindle...calling me a traitor and meant it! lol OMG! I have also been spreading out my emails to her from once a day to once or twice a week, so no big deal. It is just always sad to see what could have been a good friendship wither away, but I am not the first she has scared off and won't be the last. There is a part of me that now feels like I will be able to take a mental break from her drama and appreciate that!

Yes, I am definitely looking forward to my Chanel goodies because I haven't a single red blush, nor a gold one, really wanted to get another red lipstick and love the colours in both quads I bought. Both are very wearable for me and not being during the allergy time, I can wear e/s often during the fall and winter months! All super good things!! Focusing on the good stuff tonight! xo


Well-known member

Now here in the south this is a biscuit. Sme people make buttermilk biscuits and others have different ways but they generally look like this. A fluffly bread that you eat by itself, with bacon, sausage, gravy, maple syrup or the way I lole them with tomato slices on them.

This is a typical southern breakfast with eggs, bacon or sausage and biscuits and gravy. I do not like gravy or sausage and rarely eat bacon. About every family has their own way of making tons of different types of gravy.


Well-known member
Now here in the south this is a biscuit. Sme people make buttermilk biscuits and others have different ways but they generally look like this. A fluffly bread that you eat by itself, with bacon, sausage, gravy, maple syrup or the way I lole them with tomato slices on them.

This is a typical southern breakfast with eggs, bacon or sausage and biscuits and gravy. I do not like gravy or sausage and rarely eat bacon. About every family has their own way of making tons of different types of gravy.

see that is so random!! i saw those 'biscuits' on offer in hotels when we were in the states and i thought it was crazy having a biscuit with sausages! lol!! to be fair i never eat muhc for breakfast anyways. i have never been one to eat cooked breakfasts - i prefer a cereal bar or fruit and then mid morning a not so healthy can of coke! :p

have a great day guys. i have a silly smount of stuff to do at work today but i will try and get it all done. it's the second ass manager interviews tomorrow so i am rooting my for sales guy ben - i really want to have him!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
shadow - wow I didn't know those are biscuits. :) They look like very delicious and hearty breakfast. I wish I could take such a breakfast so that I have energy for the day, but my stomach can't take large meals, especially breakfast. But it is fun to look at the pics.

Debi - I agree, it is sad to see a friendship wither, because initially there must be some chemistry that bonded us strangers. Why not have a "break" for now, and see if in the future there are any chances/fate that bring the friendship back again? I'm so looking forward to the fall collection now because of all the great pics around.

Lou - Yes, in the LV stores in my country at least, we can ask for the bag and the SAs will bring us the sample to try on and feel. Sometimes bag looks nice on display but when I try it on, I feel that it is not me or ot my style, so I like to see everything in person, especially when the bags are so pricey! 40" is a luggage indeed! I think if I want one 30" will be it. But I'm liking the looks of Tivoli and Trevi GM at the moment. Does the Trevi GM comes in monogram or only in damier ebene? I saw a woman near my workplace, carrying the Trevi damier (twice I saw her on 2 different days) and it looks gorgeous. Hope the interview goes as what you wish for and your friend gets it! :)


Well-known member
I am super safe from spending my dollars on a LV. I am not into canvas bags and still cannot even justify the prices of Coach canvas bags, so how can I with an LV? And we don't have any place selling them at our mall, which is sort of weird. You have to go all the way down to Natick (1 1/2 hours of nightmare traffic) to look at them. I am also safe from buying a lot of the super expensive Italian bags, at least for now. They just don't seem to be my style. My worry is Michael Kors. I keep peeking in the windows of that store and saw a gorgeous, massive gold glittery bag that is more the size of a suitcase and extremely unpractical. But it glitters and is gold! And I love it!! lol

Miss QQ~After chatting it over with my husband we both think the best thing would be to simply let her go. Maybe some day I will go back into her store, come fall or during the winter. Not really sure. I want her to stop this ridiculous cousin game and having so many expectations of me. We got along better before all that, though she was still very moody. She is just getting worse and worse and I know going back would just start the whole cycle up again. I really would rather she be polite and accept me as a customer, nothing more. Then again, she always says nasty things about her customers too. All in all she is very opinionated, selfish and sarcastic. Just not what I consider a positive person to have in my life on any terms anymore.

Time to have breakfast and see what the day brings!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Have a fantastic day! Yup LV bags are expensive canvas bags. I don't have Michael Kors here but I love his designs. If it comes here I'll be so happy but my wallet will be doomed.


Well-known member
I'm not much on those big breakfasts either. I usually have a protein bar or something small and then when I'm more awake eat a larger lunch. When I'm trying to eat healthier I will sometimes scramble a whole egg with an egg white and eat it with tomato slices and sometimes with a small bit of fruit to start the day fueled.

Debi--like the others said I think this freindship has ran it's course. It doesn't sound like a very healthy one, especially for you. I say time to move on and forward and enjoy your new found loves and fun.

I had a super close friend. She was the closest I had ever had in my adult life. We did so much together and had so much fun. To make this as short as I can. After about 6-7 years she started acting different and we didn't talk as much and slowly drifted away. I haven't seen her in more than 5 years. She has 4 kids with her oldest only a year older than my youngest and she has 3 daughters. She was type that her kids had to make straight A's and bla bla bla. She was fine when my kids were going through their rough patches in their early teens but she started pulling away from me when her kids started going through theirs. But when I think back and we'd talk about different kids in school she always had the attitude of my kids would never do that. Well they did and I guess she was embarrased and shocked that her kids were just normal kids afterall.

The LV bags sound beautiful but out of my price range. We'll be lucky if we ever get college paid for and our 22yr old living on her own and supporting herself:)


Well-known member
Yes, I feel it has run its course in the sense that we only had one thing in common. Reading. We love to read. But she isn't chatting about books anymore, so along with all the other stuff going on, we haven't any common ground to get back to. I told her I felt like everything I did or said made her judge me or got her angry. She wrote back and wanted to know when she was angry at me and that she never has been angry at me. Okay. Disappointed, hateful, cruel. lol Does she want a list? I decided it was best not to answer her at all. Her desperation to keep me close to play her cousin game is not encouraging me to stay in touch. Sometimes space, moving on and finding friends with similar interests is a very healthy thing!

Windows wide open! It isn't hot or humid, so taking advantage of the nicer weather and taking lots of naps to catch up on some long needed sleep! Or reading, but my eyes keep getting heavy so I guess I am tired!


Well-known member
Yes, I feel it has run its course in the sense that we only had one thing in common. Reading. We love to read. But she isn't chatting about books anymore, so along with all the other stuff going on, we haven't any common ground to get back to. I told her I felt like everything I did or said made her judge me or got her angry. She wrote back and wanted to know when she was angry at me and that she never has been angry at me. Okay. Disappointed, hateful, cruel. lol Does she want a list? I decided it was best not to answer her at all. Her desperation to keep me close to play her cousin game is not encouraging me to stay in touch. Sometimes space, moving on and finding friends with similar interests is a very healthy thing!

Windows wide open! It isn't hot or humid, so taking advantage of the nicer weather and taking lots of naps to catch up on some long needed sleep! Or reading, but my eyes keep getting heavy so I guess I am tired!
luckily where i am it's not so humid now. we have had quite a bit of rain too which has cooled everything down! :) and i wouldn't bother replying to her email to be honest. honestly she sounds so very odd.

Naughty Nautical revisited - my blog post today is a look that i did re-creating the promo imagine for another one of my fave mac collections! take a peek if you fancy :) my day was very hectic too today :( my store still doesn't look as good as it should and i have my area manager coming down in the morning! argh!!
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