Bimbos unite!

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Lou--that's funny how you guys would take pics of celebrities on tv and post them yourselves with them. I will sometimes snap a shot wit my camera of something funny on the computer and send it to my hubby.

I need to get caught up on your blog and videos. I seem to be behind on everything.

LMJ-- I know the shots in your face probably hurt like crazy but I hope that helps everything heal very quickly. Was it a glycolic peel she did? I used to get those done at the derm's office and my skin never looked better. I quit when I stopped working to cut cost. The ones at spas and such aren't as strong and are just as costly, which is stupid because they legally can't use the strength a derm's ofice can.

Jenn--thanks on my daughter's pic. She has some long gloves and all but she sometimes hates to fool with stuff on her hands.

Debe--I'm glad to hear your family and friends are ok.

Congrats on the big sell and your bag.


Well-known member
Oh, meant to say that yesterday my daughter and her friend went to lunch and planned for the 12:01am Harry Potter showing. My daughter wore her outfit like the one above and her friend did a little bit of something. So after lunch they walked across the parking lot to the theater, this was about 4:00pm and this guy there, I guess like one of the managers asked if they were there for the early screening. and they said no (they didn't know there was one) they had tickets for one of the midnight showings. And he said "and you're already here? you're the first ones and you're dressed so cool" they said thank you and then he said "well you want to go to the screening? it's for a special group but I can give you tickets" and of course they were all over that. So they planned to go to that one and stay for the later also since they didn't have to use their tickets.

My daughter called me after about 9:30pm and said that her friend wasn't feeling well and didn't really want to stay and how about I come over to see the other one with her. I was all relaxed and had just fixed a bowl of soup. I told her I'd throw something on besides the old tee I had on and come over and she was all "you have to hurry the line is crazy long" and it was. They were showing it in all of their 16 theaters at that one. I told her she'd have to buy me popcorn since I had to leave my soup. There were so many people dressed up. It was really fun.

I didn't make her pay for the popcorn because it was $8. She went back and got a med drink for $6. i hate buying snacks at the theater. I always plan ahead and put a snack in my purse and a bottle of water:) again I'm cheap. I did grab a bottle of water before I left the house. I was glad my hubby left that in there because I use my Brita pitcher.

Anyway, we both really enjoyed the movie. She was over the moon with excitement that she got to see it twice in one day.


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Today has been a crazy day. I spent a large amount of it being too hot and spending too much time online watching videos of the pros and cons of LV Speedies, colours, sizes, because I finally have enough saved up to get one. Then I felt myself still leaning towards leather and so peeked at the Coach bags. Some of their fall stuff is in but the rest will not be seen until late September or early October. That is crazy! This is New England. That is the end of our fall. November, while officially fall, can also be officially very snowy and stormy. Leaves have all dropped long before Halloween and everyone is prepared for a long winter. You don't think of fall colours anymore. So, I dragged poor hubby to the mall, yet again, after supper. I played with the Burberry satchel that is shaped like a LV Speedy. I hate it! lol I look like I am carrying around a lunch box, or a cat carrier, or a small duffle bag, or a doctor's bag. So, scratch the entire LV and Burberry idea. I zoomed with excitement up to the Coach store to take vengeance out on my wallet and buy a few goodies. The orange bag I coveted is not orange. It is sort of a red, dull orange. I wanted bright! And it was huge. Massive. Pack for a week massive. So, scratch that idea. I looked around and did not find a single bag that even called to me. Same thing at Michael Kors. Maybe I don't need a bag right now! Maybe I am just presently all bagged out. So, back to Nordies to look at Anniversary specials and deals. Bobbie Brown was, well, too brown. Sadly, same with Laura Mercier. Those MAC special edition brushes are stiff and scratchy...a no brainer for me. Not even tempted. So I ended up buying a few goodies left over from the Chanel special (sadly the blush was out of stock) but got the bright pink lipstick and gloss, the e/s quad and shimmery highlight.Good enough. Now I have several hundred dollars left over to go wild with in MU!

And I did my Summer Sunset eyes and the Chanel lady loved them and commented on how refreshing it was to see colour because too many people are afraid to use colourful makeup! Hubby and I rested, watched people walk by, commenting on every purse. We saw about 80 purses, only 2 LV's and none of them were Speedies. If you consider getting one, my biggest advice is to hold one next to you in a store. I looked ridiculous and I was soooo close to ordering one today!



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Debi--sorry you didn't find a bag you fell in love with. I love your colorful eye look, very pretty.

I also looked online at the BB set and it is way too brown for me also. I do have a BB mini blender brush from a set a few years ago and really like it, even though it's not the full size.

Did you look at the Nordies Anniv. nail specials? I really wanted the Butter London buy 2 and get a full size of their Yummy Mummy free. I called and pre-paid and will pick up in Vegas at the end of the month. There is a Nordies exclusive color so had to get that one. Here it is.

Also just saw Karlasugar's swatches of these and may have to get them also. She said these are full size they apparently do very large bottles. They sale for $15 each and this set is only $25.
I've never tried this brand, but they look really pretty.

Click the pic after you read what she says and get a good look at Chrome Passion. It is gorgeous.


Well-known member
Debi--sorry you didn't find a bag you fell in love with. I love your colorful eye look, very pretty.

I also looked online at the BB set and it is way too brown for me also. I do have a BB mini blender brush from a set a few years ago and really like it, even though it's not the full size.

Did you look at the Nordies Anniv. nail specials? I really wanted the Butter London buy 2 and get a full size of their Yummy Mummy free. I called and pre-paid and will pick up in Vegas at the end of the month. There is a Nordies exclusive color so had to get that one. Here it is.

Also just saw Karlasugar's swatches of these and may have to get them also. She said these are full size they apparently do very large bottles. They sale for $15 each and this set is only $25.
I've never tried this brand, but they look really pretty.

Click the pic after you read what she says and get a good look at Chrome Passion. It is gorgeous.
oooh chrome passion is nice but heat of the night is the one i love the most! i wish we had a store where there are special sales once a year like this! i keep drooling over all these goodies!


Well-known member
Shadowaddict~The colour Wallis looks just like one I bought from Chanel. I hear good and bad about Butter. Some love the way it goes on (Chanel is amazing, too),but both chip easily. I will hold onto my pennies for something I really, truly want! And very cool about the HP showings! I'm dying to hear all about it. Not sure when we will get to the theatre. They are so expensive here and I always bring my own water and snacks now. I refuse to see us spend 25.00 on the both of us for a few munchies. It was a bummer right after 9/11 though. No large bags allowed in the theatre. Between that, Netflix, cable and DVD prices dropping and all the lovely big screen TV's and people having media rooms, the theatres can be pretty empty now. 2 weeks into the last HP movie we went and only had 3 other people in the theatre. So much for seeing a movie with a bunch of enthusiastic viewers!!

Lou~I know! Can you believe it? I wasn't surprised that I would not like the Burberry once I started to play with it, but very shocked at the look and how it wasn't clicking. At least not now. I think I am just definitely a shoulder bag kind of gal. I like both hands free and my bags to hug my body. I love hobos and how they hold a lot but form to me! Since the only 2 stores in this area are over an hour away not too many people bother with LV's. Coach on the other hand is everywhere! My husband was laughing as we sat in the middle of the mall, watching people go by and I kept saying "now that is Coach, there is another one, see that? That is Coach, too!" I would have to say about 95% of the bags women use around here are Coach and that store is always busy. But I was SO disappointed when the bag was not bright orange. I could have lived with it if it was about half the size, but it was huge!!!! That is okay. I have that lovely plain brown one and then the one with various brown patches of leather that I haven't even used yet, plus the grey one, so I really should not complain! I have more bags to choose from right now than I have had in ages. One day another will pop out at me and I will know it is the right time to buy!!

Must start my day!!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Shadow - can't see the np at nordstrom as it leads to the home page. The lmdb np look beautiful and worth buying. So exciting that you got to watch HP with your daughter! I didn't manage to catch it this weekend. I also try to bring my own bottle of water and a snack to the movies too. Debi - love the sunset eyes look. Sorry you can't Dfind the bag you want. It's almost Monday again, the weekend is gone. I feel that summer is slipping away too, which is a little sad. Guess I have to look forward to Christmas when summer ends.


Well-known member
MissQQ--try after clicking on link in search box typing in Butter London. I clicked on it and it took me to the Nordies exclusive color but when I typed in the search it gave me all. Hopefully that will work.

This is for you Harry potter fans. My daughter sent this to me, very cute. It's a very short video.

Here's 3 funny posters people did:

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Saw the nail polish. The antique gold and khaki shade combined looks very unique. Thanks for the links I have to watch the video later and the pic is not loading. I think it is just this computer. Hopefully I can watch HP this weekend! Since you have watched it and your daughter is a huge fan, do you think it is worth watching in 3d or is that unneccessary? I plan to watch the normal one because I can't stand having the glasses on for more than 2 hrs. And that is wearing it over my usual glasses.


Well-known member
MissQQ--my daughter doesn't care for the 3D so we didn't buy tickets to it. My daughter says it always makes her eyes hurt and yeh the glasses get annoying after a while. I really don't think it would make a lot of difference.

I don't know if they over did the 3D in HP or not. I think sometimes they do in movies. I really liked Tim Butron's Alice in Wonderland in 3D because I didn't think he over did it. I really liked how he used it with the cheshire cat and a few other things but not everything.

The Butter n/p is pretty. I hope I like the exclusive color. It looks interesting. I get long wear from the Butter n/p but perhaps it varies by shade. Jenn and I both love "All Hail The Queen". This is a pretty good swatch of it if you like a nude color sometimes. It's nude with some pop to it.


Well-known member
^^ Saw the nail polish. The antique gold and khaki shade combined looks very unique. Thanks for the links I have to watch the video later and the pic is not loading. I think it is just this computer. Hopefully I can watch HP this weekend! Since you have watched it and your daughter is a huge fan, do you think it is worth watching in 3d or is that unneccessary? I plan to watch the normal one because I can't stand having the glasses on for more than 2 hrs. And that is wearing it over my usual glasses.
well i didn't see it in 3d but that is because i'm never overly fussed at 3d (in the cinema anyway - it looks much better on actual tv sets) they did film it in 3d which means it should look very good. and there were secenes where i thought it would be fab in 3d. 3d is very pricey here anyway which is another reason why i skipped.

i'm back at work now. my first week of working with my new assitant manager. lets hope he proves me wrong and it actually quite nice... but from what i was told last week i don't think this will happen and fear that this person is actually after my job and will do anything to get it. i've replaced one poor assitant manager with one that is that little bit worse! :(

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I posted but the post was eaten so here goes again. I will stick to the normal non 3d then!

shadow - All Hails the Queen looks beautiful, in fact all the Butter nps look gorgeous. I wish it is available here. I used to like the look of zoya a lot, which is not available here too. Now that I've seen Butter, it looks more beautiful. Is it expensive compared to OPI over there?

Lou - Hope you are not too stressed. Be confident and I'm sure you can take the guy on. We are behind you here.


Well-known member
Hi gang! Keeping busy over here. We are presently having a downpour and expect bad storms later. By the end of the weeks temps will be up around 100F for a few days, so I plan to hide in my house! I can never go to those 3D movies. They give me a headache and I really don't care for the experience, or being shoved behind a pair of glasses, so it is the plain ole regular films for me! Since I cry every time I watch Secretariat, I expect I will be bawling through HP! Or so caught up I might fall off my seat. The sadness comes after. When you realize there isn't any more. Thank goodness we have the movies and books to reread and watch at our leisure and start the adventure all over again and maybe even pick up subtle hints along the way that we missed before. Most of all it is sad there won't be more. Shame on her! I want to know about their adventures after Hogwarts!

Lou~You still have to pm me with the details and the ending. I want to know how they did it in the movie. I am freaking out!

Also, sent you a cheer up pm. You hang in there. Don't let some new loser guy go pushing you around. I say demote him to some menial tasks and promote the nice guy to fun things, even if you can't give him the title. Maybe the newbie will get frustrated and quit so your favourite one can have the spot. Hehehe. Evil, aren't I? :) Know we are here for any venting or support you need! xo


Well-known member
Lou--I wish you luck this week. I hate when people come in and right off you can tell they are after your job. Keep your enemies close, be nice to him and then work his ass off.

MissQQ--OPI is usually around $8-9 here and Butter is $14. It is a bit more and I was anxious at first because I don't like to spend much on n/p. I still love my OPI and will continue to buy because their shade range is so large. But I have to say I have fallen for Butter. The Nordies buy 2 get one free makes it a good deal. I wish you could pick the free one as yummy Mummy is very similar to All hail The Queen without the holographic shimmer. But that's ok I love free:) Besides the exclusive i pre-ordered Lady Muck. It looks light enough for me as a blue but still that shimmer and not glittery.

I love the look of Victoriana but probably too bright for me. They say it is pale blue but it is very teal and all the swatches look it also. And their desciption is priceless: "A textured twinkling vintage blue pale and slightly smoky. Things reminiscent of the Victorian era, such as corsets, top hats and Syphilis."

Debi--My daughter said that after the first time (earlier on Thursday) she saw HP that 75% of the theater was sobbing because it was the end. But when we saw it together later that night I just heard a few sniffles. There are those rumors floating around that Rowling is going to do "History of Hogwarts" perhaps more than one.

I feel for you on the heat. We were hitting around 99 and this week we get a break in the low 90's, yay?

I will be leaving for Vegas next Tuesday and the forecast says that tomorrow and Wednesday it'll be 106 there. Speaking of which I have tons to do to prepare and yet I am sitting here. But Specktra is more fun.


Well-known member
Lou--I wish you luck this week. I hate when people come in and right off you can tell they are after your job. Keep your enemies close, be nice to him and then work his ass off.

MissQQ--OPI is usually around $8-9 here and Butter is $14. It is a bit more and I was anxious at first because I don't like to spend much on n/p. I still love my OPI and will continue to buy because their shade range is so large. But I have to say I have fallen for Butter. The Nordies buy 2 get one free makes it a good deal. I wish you could pick the free one as yummy Mummy is very similar to All hail The Queen without the holographic shimmer. But that's ok I love free:) Besides the exclusive i pre-ordered Lady Muck. It looks light enough for me as a blue but still that shimmer and not glittery.

I love the look of Victoriana but probably too bright for me. They say it is pale blue but it is very teal and all the swatches look it also. And their desciption is priceless: "A textured twinkling vintage blue pale and slightly smoky. Things reminiscent of the Victorian era, such as corsets, top hats and Syphilis."

Debi--My daughter said that after the first time (earlier on Thursday) she saw HP that 75% of the theater was sobbing because it was the end. But when we saw it together later that night I just heard a few sniffles. There are those rumors floating around that Rowling is going to do "History of Hogwarts" perhaps more than one.

I feel for you on the heat. We were hitting around 99 and this week we get a break in the low 90's, yay?

I will be leaving for Vegas next Tuesday and the forecast says that tomorrow and Wednesday it'll be 106 there. Speaking of which I have tons to do to prepare and yet I am sitting here. But Specktra is more fun.
lol! i mean this guy actually told me face to face he wants my job... in the bloody interview!! and they still hired him!! i guess he gets points for being honest but equally i thought it was a bit disrespectful to be honest as well. but we shall see how it goes.

and you are so lucky to be going to vegas again! it's going to be pretty hot but you are going to have such an amazing time!! and yes specktra is more fun than packing - that is for sure!

I got some good news today. Nick got a pay rise and a mid year bonus which never happens!! Usually they give them a bonus and rise in December but they told him he will get them twice a year now which is amazing. it certainly makes up for my missing earnings and I am so proud of him that he is doing so well in his job. He also made me very happy when he told me that the bonus he gets will pay for various things towards our Florida holiday next year. It beats saving up each month for it! :)


Well-known member
shadowaddict~Stay cool for Vegas! It seems most of the country is pretty darn toasty right now, which I guess is somewhat normal being July! I can't wait for those first few hints of autumn that sneak in on a cool August day, just to gives us hope.I have absolutely no energy in this kind of weather.

Lou~Vent all you need to. It sounds like a trying situation, but thrilled about your hubby making more and being able to add to your favourite vacation spot for next year. What time of the year do you usually go? I have only been once and it was hot! Last week of March, 1st week of April. We spent the first week staying at my aunt and uncles house down in the Everglades and all there was to do was shop (we didn't want to spend any money yet as we had never been to Disney/Epcot) and look at alligators. Then up to Cape Canaveral, 1 day at Epcot, next day at SeaWorld, next day at Disney, next day at Cypress Garden (really didn't want to go there! lol), next day at Epcot again. Came home sick as a dog with bag cold/flu from aunt and plane ride made me deaf for several days. But I had fun! Best rides were The Haunted House, Mexico and Spaceship Earth (they have so much more now). Favourite countries were Chine and France. Favourite place to eat was France. I want to go back!!!


Well-known member

Yeh, I think the fact that the guy said that in the interview was very disrespectful. It's one thing to say that you want to eventually move up in the company but quite another to say specifically that he wants your job to you face. What an ass.

Yay for Nick's raise. My hubby hasn't had a raise in several years due to state budget issues. In a couple of months he gets a 1.5% raise, big effin deal. When you consider our insurance costs and perscription co-pays keep to go up. In the last 2 yrs our med co-pays have more than doubled. And that's not even counting the rest of the cost of living increasing. It's very frustrating.


Well-known member

Did you tell them he said he wants your job? Maybe they took that to mean that he was enthusiastic and that's why he got the job? Just a thought
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