Bimbos unite!

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It was so hot here and I was so sweaty that I actually went to the gym after a 5 year hiatus! Wanting to get back to working out somewhat regularly for the last 6 months or so I thought: "well I am already sweaty, might as well be exercising/lifting".


Well-known member
It was so hot here and I was so sweaty that I actually went to the gym after a 5 year hiatus! Wanting to get back to working out somewhat regularly for the last 6 months or so I thought: "well I am already sweaty, might as well be exercising/lifting".
Yay good for you. I need to start doing more. You know the thing cycle of too tired to workout but working out gives you energy. i used to enjoy it so much bu as I've aged not so much. Probably because I don't see the results as fast even though I know it's good for me.

OK this is really strange....ah yeh that's an understatement. My daughter sent me this link with "this is very weird."

Baby Voldemort Toy


Well-known member
oh my goodness! why did i click on that? how freaky are those babies?! and why would somebody make them! lol!!


Well-known member
Wow. Those toy babies are absolutely sick! Someone had a very twisted mind to come up with that idea! Yikes.

Staying cool here, but dreading the heat both outside and what is to come in the next several days. We are in a huge heat wave that is only going to get worse with each passing day. Bring on Autumn, please!! Our neighbourhood is oddly quiet. Not because it is summer and hot. That is usual. But because one couple should be moved out by now, the burned house is not having any work done on it and seeing it boarded up and charred is a harsh reminder of that night. Also another family has their house for sale, but no Open House and not showing pics of inside, which is really bizarre. Is anyone normal anymore???

Excited about my Sephora order that is on its way. It is actually mostly cosmetic bags, but that is okay. Good to get excited over these things! I have a few other goodies tucked inside but I forgot what! I have to keep checking so nothing melts in the heat! Other than that, a quiet day and should watch a really good movie for a change of pace!


Well-known member
Most definitely.

HG--good to see you back here. So have you been out traveling the world to help beautify everyone?
yes i agree, it's lovely to see you back HG!

I hope everybody is having a good week. I had a nice evening yesterday. We went to see the kitten Moo again and Nick has said yes we can have her as long as she gets on ok with Dylan. When she is older we'll have her over for play dates so they can get used to each other. Annie won't be an issue so that is good :) We just need a name for her now! Moo is so silly! So if you have any girl people names then let me know!


Well-known member
Thanks Lou!! The colour under my eye is the dark shade from the NARS Calanque trio, I think it's fun with the right clothes. Much like the MAC sailor/nautical card/look you did in a video.

@shadowaddict. I like your new signature inclusion of and ode to Ishmael :)


Well-known member
@shadowaddict. I like your new signature inclusion of and ode to Ishmael :)
and here was me trying to skip that trio!! lol! you are no good for my wallet! i seriously can't wait for payday because there are so many things i want to get. right now i am obsessed with getting some eye kandy glitters and liquid sugar. sadly shipping to the uk is $14 so will make sure i order quite a bit so that it makes it worth while :)


Well-known member
Oh Lou! You can skip it! There is always something in the next collection ! Lol! Actually I really like the new NARS website because it sets up a wardrobe where you'd actually put colours into categories: everyday basics, classic items, and trend items ... because really a girl only needs one or two trendy pieces for each season and the rest should be basics and classics. It got me to thinking about what I have and collect differently. I have to say I'm pretty satisfied with all that I have and actually have been dabbling in rounding out my clothes wardrobe (also with guidance from yet another book) and forming a year round, changing with seasons skin care regime and of course my cooking ventures are somewhat on hold since BBQ season. .... Soon I will have Joan Crawford-like beauty practices and hosting skills - crazy-fun!


Well-known member
Lou~Today I was going through the list of MAC collections coming up and seriously I haven't the funds for all these, nor do I need them all. I am going to start working more with my paint pots and if I like them that is the one item I am really going to go quickly as possible before they run out! But not all the colours. I want to have it all picked out prior to it. I know I want another handbag and even just got 100.00 off a purchase towards Coach as a preferred customer, but I found Ulta, tarot selling is super slow again, and I just feel like going to the mall and having fun with MU that I want. Through Ulta I will be getting my first China Glaze and Butter n/p's and I am super excited. You should see the stuff in my MAC and Sephora baskets. I can get them all, but then no purse. lol Something will have to give way to the other!

Hot again and super hot for the next few days. 100F or over. Not good. I am so sick of this weather and my stomach is still off from it. Please send clouds, rain, snow, blizzards, anything! I am in the process of neatening my MU collection, tossing some old stuff, changing out mascara, sharpening pencils. Slow work, but having fun. Anything is better than heat! I am in the mood to watch the Devil Wears Prada too, so that will be coming up in the next day or two!!

Time for more water!!


Well-known member
Lou~Today I was going through the list of MAC collections coming up and seriously I haven't the funds for all these, nor do I need them all. I am going to start working more with my paint pots and if I like them that is the one item I am really going to go quickly as possible before they run out! But not all the colours. I want to have it all picked out prior to it. I know I want another handbag and even just got 100.00 off a purchase towards Coach as a preferred customer, but I found Ulta, tarot selling is super slow again, and I just feel like going to the mall and having fun with MU that I want. Through Ulta I will be getting my first China Glaze and Butter n/p's and I am super excited. You should see the stuff in my MAC and Sephora baskets. I can get them all, but then no purse. lol Something will have to give way to the other!

Hot again and super hot for the next few days. 100F or over. Not good. I am so sick of this weather and my stomach is still off from it. Please send clouds, rain, snow, blizzards, anything! I am in the process of neatening my MU collection, tossing some old stuff, changing out mascara, sharpening pencils. Slow work, but having fun. Anything is better than heat! I am in the mood to watch the Devil Wears Prada too, so that will be coming up in the next day or two!!

Time for more water!!
oh i know! the amount of mac stuff is insane right now!! i can't keep up either! my wallet stands no chance. and i wore one of my paint posts today that i hadn't worn for a while - nice vice. such a pretty purpley colour. limited edition though which sucks! i applied with with a fluffy brush today too which is unusual for me! usually i use a finger! lol! and i can see why you want to blow your money on makeup! it is all so pretty and addictive! but think of the purse!! be it a speedy or a coach!!

it hasn't been warm here at all recently! we should swap weather! it is cold and rainy here :( and i love the devil wears prada!!


Well-known member
Give me your rain now, Lou! lol I would do anything for a cold, cloudy, dismal day. It is roasting here and they are putting out all kinds of heat warnings. Some cities are starting to have brown and blackouts from so much A/C being used. We aren't even using lights because they heat everything up so badly. Ugh! And my Cargo lip balms are melting!


Well-known member
Ah, I am sorting it and working on things that I never took the time for in the past .... lol! yes Lou for you teal can be a basic or 'classic' your timeless look!!!



Well-known member
Excellent evening at the mall. The place was mobbed with people trying to get out of the heat. But things went good. I wanted to take another look at the Coach bags since the sale for preferred customers starts tomorrow. Well, I looked at the bags again and notice way too many of the new ones were scratched up easily from people handling them, or too large, or too small. So, tucked in a corner I found a bag I have been looking at online for ages now. Basic black Madison (love this style because I love compartments!) with gold hardware for only 258.00 with the discount (not counting tax). It is gorgeous and I haven't got a single black bag. And the inside is beautiful with a deep crimson red. Oooh, I love it! No Speedy for me, but I don't mind at all. I am super excited over this one. It is more "me". This gave me tons of cash for playing, too, so more of MAC semi precious, including brushes, some NARS and other goodies from Sephora, some lovely Chanel from Nordstroms and I am as happy as can be! I got both a nice new bag and all the stuff I wanted in cosmetics, so able to empty out my baskets online with a smile on my face! I will try and put pics up tomorrow in the haul section. I am too tired now. And I am not in debt, so that is always a good thing. I have a bit more to play with before the next round. I also seem to be addicted to NARS e/s all of a sudden, especially the duos. Wearing one today and bought 2 more this evening. Pity I have to wash my face soon! Bah humbug!!


Well-known member
Excellent evening at the mall. The place was mobbed with people trying to get out of the heat. But things went good. I wanted to take another look at the Coach bags since the sale for preferred customers starts tomorrow. Well, I looked at the bags again and notice way too many of the new ones were scratched up easily from people handling them, or too large, or too small. So, tucked in a corner I found a bag I have been looking at online for ages now. Basic black Madison (love this style because I love compartments!) with gold hardware for only 258.00 with the discount (not counting tax). It is gorgeous and I haven't got a single black bag. And the inside is beautiful with a deep crimson red. Oooh, I love it! No Speedy for me, but I don't mind at all. I am super excited over this one. It is more "me". This gave me tons of cash for playing, too, so more of MAC semi precious, including brushes, some NARS and other goodies from Sephora, some lovely Chanel from Nordstroms and I am as happy as can be! I got both a nice new bag and all the stuff I wanted in cosmetics, so able to empty out my baskets online with a smile on my face! I will try and put pics up tomorrow in the haul section. I am too tired now. And I am not in debt, so that is always a good thing. I have a bit more to play with before the next round. I also seem to be addicted to NARS e/s all of a sudden, especially the duos. Wearing one today and bought 2 more this evening. Pity I have to wash my face soon! Bah humbug!!
wow!! i agree that the madison bags from coach are lovely - i like the shape of them too :) and you got red lining!! how perfect is that?! :) i'm so pleased! and it was very cheap too (compared to the burberry and speedy!) and it sounds like you have got some lovely make up items too! you'll have to post a picture for us!!

another downer of the rain is that people do not come into my store! booo!! come buy tv's people! please!!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by WhatWouldJoanDo
@shadowaddict. I like your new signature inclusion of and ode to Ishmael :)

Thank you. We got his remains back yesterday. The lady who did it called and said she had taken the urn I had left for her to use to the vet's office. She has such a kind soft voice. My hubby picked it up on the way home.

She had placed the urn back in the box it came in and had this lovely cream colored netting (like wedding stuff) wrapped around whre the top of the box lid closed and a large tied beautiful bow with a small cluster/bouquet of creamy little roses in the middle of the bow. She also slid under the bow a very nice cream colored envelope with a beautiful card inside with a nice sentiment and also wrote somehing personal herself. Also inside the card she placed a small (4 X 3) plastic ziploc with a lock of Ishmael's fur. She had it tied with a pretty ribbon and above the bow the fur was almost an inch kind of arched and then came down thick from the ribbon and curled a bit at the end. I was a thick lock as he had long thich fur. She made sure she included each of his colors, the white, sable, dark brown, and the almost black. She also included her card with a cute little dog with angel wings pin you can wear. It was all so beautiful and heartwarming to see the love and care she puts into it to help the grieving family.

I was amazed at what care she took in doing these nice added touches. It was hard for me when my husband brought it in. However all the added nice touches made me feel so much better to know he was handled with such care from a kind and caring person who cherishes her own pets as well as other people's.

I still cannot believe this was only $100. I'm sure this was quite time consuming and the cost comes nowhere near what it's worth and means to us. She We wilwww I was thinking we would add more to the check for her as I know this probably doesn't cover her cost and time. I don't want to call it a tip, seems too weird. But maybe just say this is a token of our appreciation for the care you took with Ishmael. Is this an appropriate thing to do?
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