Jenn-- Very pretty look. I love the way you did your eyes. You look so fresh and happy. Your teeth are gorgeous. OK I guess that sounded kind of weird but they are.
I'm trying out some Sheseido foundation right now. Actually they have it listed in the sun products. I suppose because it has an spf of 42. I'm trying that with the powder foundation that is also in the sun section. The powder is a bit dark even thought i got the lightest color. I'm palying around with it and buffing it out. so far it is doing well on my oily skin in this heat and humidity. I had read an article recommending them together so I was unsure about the powder as it is listed as a foundation powder but they are not heavy and do not cake up.
I like that I can play with the nail colors at Sephora but the ones that are online exclusive seems to be kind of a waste. They look so pretty and then I almost always am disappointed when I get them. I found a pretty pale shimmer pink called "Handpicked for Me" It takes 2-3 coats unless you want it very sheer. I've been playing around and found I can change a lot of colors up by adding that on top.
If I can ever get all my stuff together and get on the plane Tuesday then I will be good. I am ready to get the hell out of here.
There was a mouse in here a couple of days ago. I HATE them. They can live outside (far away from me) but not in my house. I have 3 freakin cats, seriously wtf? They need to earn their keep

I saw a glimpse of something run across the living room floor and I freaked. My husband was not pleased when I went up and woke him and told him he
had to come downstairs and do something. He was like what am I suppose to do? I said I don't care, take care of it. We finally went to bed and he set a live trap the next day and got it. My daughter would throw a fit if we had the old kill kind. I make him take them at least a mile away to let them go. He takes them down to a park close by and sets them free. Sorry, I only want critters I invite to live in my house. Others need to stay out in their own enviroment. Hubby thinks there may be another one and set the thingie again. I don't get this we have lived here 17 years and only had one.
I think this is why Smokey has been worshiping, that's what we call it, the dishwasher lately. At night he sits by it like it is his best buddy. Perhaps he smells something. But honestly he's too stupid to know what to do with it if walked up and greeted him.
Oh, Vegas here I come.