Bimbos unite!

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Ahahaha.. .for a good laugh check this video out. This is the world I was born in! And the vanity set is the one I have spoken about in the past. I wonder if I can put this in my blog. Anyone know if it is legal or takes? This vanity set is what I got on my 5th Christmas and started it all!! I have only my parents to blame...and the 60's!
i need to check this out! i'm at work and rushing to do things right now but i shall check it out on my lunch break! :)


Well-known member
So quiet in here! I was up early, then back to sleep until 10:30am having the weirdest of dreams, yet again!! I should write a book on my bizarre dreams! Anyhow, late breakfast, reading, just did a blog entry on concealers, so go take a peek, and getting a few more subscribers and comments now! Yay! About to have grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and spend more time pulling out fall decorations (made hubby help me last night), maybe watch a movie and read some more! Unless I suddenly get the wild desire to swatch! Hehehe... Everyone is still freaking out over the earthquake in VA yesterday and how you could feel it all the way up to Canada. And now we are watching Hurricane Irene heading for us. We have a very wet and dangerous weekend on its way if it stays on its projected path and remains strong. Either way it will be soaking and windy. :(


Well-known member
So quiet in here! I was up early, then back to sleep until 10:30am having the weirdest of dreams, yet again!! I should write a book on my bizarre dreams! Anyhow, late breakfast, reading, just did a blog entry on concealers, so go take a peek, and getting a few more subscribers and comments now! Yay! About to have grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and spend more time pulling out fall decorations (made hubby help me last night), maybe watch a movie and read some more! Unless I suddenly get the wild desire to swatch! Hehehe... Everyone is still freaking out over the earthquake in VA yesterday and how you could feel it all the way up to Canada. And now we are watching Hurricane Irene heading for us. We have a very wet and dangerous weekend on its way if it stays on its projected path and remains strong. Either way it will be soaking and windy. :(
Oh i need to read your blog again because i need a great under eye concealer! sadly i feel like my eyes are getting a little darker. perhaps because i am quite stressed right now so am having issues falling asleep! and it is terrible that all these natural distasters are happening around the world right now :( i hope everybody is staying as safe as possible.

Enrapture: Amplify Jumbo Waver - also please check out todays specktra blog post to see the awesome waves I got in my hair! :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi Bimbos! How is everyone? It's Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend!

Lou - I got an email from Coach introducing the new store at London, at New Bond Street. It's the first European flagship store. I hope you have the chance to visit it in the near future. :) I wore Birds & Berries with Beautiful Iris today. While I like the combi, B&B just doesn't translate on my skin. I packed on it a lot to get the colour like it is on the pan, but once I blend it lightly, it becomes sheer, smoky more blue than green. A few hours on it becomes a faded greyed blue that is hardly visible, while beautiful iris is still vibrant. B&B just doesn't agree with my skin.


Well-known member
Hi everyone! Today and this weekend are going to be crazy for us as we are expected to get hit with Hurricane Irene. All eyes are on the weather channels and though the sky is a deep blue and sunny out right now, things will change rapidly. My husband is taking the afternoon off, like most people on the east coast, to cut the lawn and put away all our outside stuff. We usually do this in September but we don't need feeders broken or decorations flying through windows. All our hanging flower plants will come inside the garage until Monday. Then we have to pray for our house, our trees, no flooding and please don't let us lose our electricity again. :( It has been quite a while since we have been hit with a hurricane. Worse is D.C. where the National Monument was damaged from the earthquake in Virginia, could topple right over in high winds and NYC is in a panic, too. So, groceries, yardwork, and bunker down. We are in for a big one.

My MAC stuff arrived and is on my blog! I am pretty happy with what I got but we did zoom over to Nordies yesterday afternoon and after swatching I found a few more things I would consider. We shall see. There is so much out there right now with the change of seasons and the fall collections, fall/winter clothes to get, birthdays and then Christmas that I have to watch my pennies! And I am losing my voice. I didn't feel great yesterday and feel icky still, so obviously have something nasty! I hope everyone has a lovely weekend while we hide from the hurricane! No fun allowed this weekend for us! Sheesh. Just when the weather was getting cooler, too. :( Kids go back to school next week so summer is basically over!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Stay safe, Debi! And I hope you are better over the weekend and not get sick. Oh yeah, I should start saving my pennies for the holiday too. I always overspend during the period because of the festive mood. Enjoy your mac items!


Well-known member
Stay safe, Debi! And I hope you are better over the weekend and not get sick. Oh yeah, I should start saving my pennies for the holiday too. I always overspend during the period because of the festive mood. Enjoy your mac items!

Thank you! I miss my voice. lol I also forgot to share a cute story. While at Nordstroms, yesterday, when we were leaving we saw this adorable old lady at the Chanel counter. She had to have been at least 80 years old. But there she was, leaning over to look into one of the mirrors and trying out a lipgloss! We were in the distance, but both watching her. I just caught my husband's eye and smiled and said, "See? Better get used to it! That is me at age 80!" I wish I had a camera with me. It would have been a fantastic shot!


Well-known member
Thank you! I miss my voice. lol I also forgot to share a cute story. While at Nordstroms, yesterday, when we were leaving we saw this adorable old lady at the Chanel counter. She had to have been at least 80 years old. But there she was, leaning over to look into one of the mirrors and trying out a lipgloss! We were in the distance, but both watching her. I just caught my husband's eye and smiled and said, "See? Better get used to it! That is me at age 80!" I wish I had a camera with me. It would have been a fantastic shot!
awww! that is stupidly sweet! that will be all of us when we are older! hee hee! :) so sweet :)

it's a bank holiday weekend here which means my store will either be very busy or it will be very quiet. i hope it is busy because i only need about £2000 to do my stores target. -plus so far this year my store is the only one to be making a profit so i want to keep it up! i am annoyed though because i have to work the bank holiday! i need a job where i don't have to do that - or at least get one or two off and not work every single one!

have a great weekend guys!


Well-known member
So, the clouds are starting to arrive and rain will start this afternoon, but the storm won't hit us for a while. We are hoping it continues to downgrade before it reaches here, both with wind and rainfall amounts. Crossing my fingers. Everything is ready though! I just hope we don't lose our electricity. Time to do fun things like wash my hair, etc. and start my day. I also hope do a bit of housework, read, play some chess with hubby (yes, we are nerds) and watch good movies! I put a blog post up last night and will try to do another today. I also just placed another autumn order with B&B Works so that will be a fun haul! I am getting so addicted to their stuff and love passing by the bathroom to just squirt myself with one of the sprays, as that is where most of it is! lol I even have spillover in crates just outside the bathroom that I need to get a grip on. Still no one buying my last few bunches of tarot related stuff. I was really hoping to cut down a bit more, but it might not happen. Luckily birthday and Christmas is really not that far off! I hope everyone is having a fun weekend! Sorry you have to work Lou. My husband works for a German company so he doesn't get most of the American holidays off, which really stinks. I told him if he ever gets another job to be sure it is for an American company where they appreciate vacation time and long weekends!! Oh, and we just got an automated call from the town police telling us that we can't be on the roads starting this evening. Housebound!! Woohooo! lol

Here is a space photo of the monster storm heading up the coast...


Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - that is a sweet story. I shall be wearing makeup when I'm an old lady too! The hurrican ehas bben reduced to grade 1, I heard. I hope that means you are all quite safe? Lou - I depotted B&B so I can't sell it. I will keep it, haven't sold any makeup too. We had heavy rain for a few days now too. Summer is over, sadly. Hope you have lots of customers buying this weekend. We have a bank holiday next Tuesday. Sorry you have to work every bank holiday, there is no chance you can arrange for one or two where you don't need to work?


Well-known member
Miss QQ~She was so adorable. I really wanted to just go up to her and give her a hug, but she looked so fragile! I probably would have broken her. Or she might smack me with her purse, being a stranger! I just wish I had a photo of it. Worthy of a front page spread on any fashion magazine, IMO.

It is a category 1 right now, could be a 1, 2 or tropical storm once it reaches us. But it still has very strong wind, thunderstorms and tornadoes embedded in it, several people have already died, trees and power lines down, high surfs and erosion. Just a mess. We have not had anything like this in New England for about 20 years and NYC and other places for even longer, so definitely not out of the woods until Monday morning. Not fun!


Well-known member
Miss QQ~She was so adorable. I really wanted to just go up to her and give her a hug, but she looked so fragile! I probably would have broken her. Or she might smack me with her purse, being a stranger! I just wish I had a photo of it. Worthy of a front page spread on any fashion magazine, IMO.

It is a category 1 right now, could be a 1, 2 or tropical storm once it reaches us. But it still has very strong wind, thunderstorms and tornadoes embedded in it, several people have already died, trees and power lines down, high surfs and erosion. Just a mess. We have not had anything like this in New England for about 20 years and NYC and other places for even longer, so definitely not out of the woods until Monday morning. Not fun!
i hope you had a safe night and things are not too bad. i am so sorry about the people that have already died. natural disasters are terrible :(

today i am staying home because i have some filming to do. i am at work this coming week but then have a week off. so rather than go out today i said i would rather save our money for our week off. plus if i bulk film and store up some videos it means i won't have to film when i'm off work either :) i'll just have blog posts to do :) also next weeks tutorial (which was filmed a week or so ago) is insane - for glitter lovers you will want to see it! so simple but so pretty! :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - not a fun weekend for sure for you then. Stay safe and I'll be thinking of you. Lou - great that you will get a good pay this month! Hope you get your forever21 clothes soon! Staying at home definitely saves money, but it's so boring for me. I have overspent this month and the last so it's very bad for me next month. I have to watch my spending in september and the next few months because Christmas is coming and I don't want to be broke before it. But H&M is opening next Saturday and I want to buy something! Bad! I look forward to the glitter video! I'm having a glitter kick recently.


Well-known member
Lou - great that you will get a good pay this month! Hope you get your forever21 clothes soon! Staying at home definitely saves money, but it's so boring for me. I have overspent this month and the last so it's very bad for me next month. I have to watch my spending in september and the next few months because Christmas is coming and I don't want to be broke before it. But H&M is opening next Saturday and I want to buy something! Bad! I look forward to the glitter video! I'm having a glitter kick recently.
well i haven't had that much time to be bored yet today. when i woke up i spent some time online sorting out specktra stuff. then i showered and me and nick walked into the village to buy some food (being a bank holiday i can't go food shopping tomorrow) then when i got back i straightened my hair and then filmed four videos. now i am uploading the footage and will be editing shortly. phew!

and yes being broke for christmas is not good. just keep thinking of that while you are at home and it will be worthwhile :) but maybe you could just look at h and m when it opens? window shopping is still fun!


Well-known member
Thanks for the well wishes everyone! The storm has now passed us and though still windy and showers coming off and on, nothing in comparison to what we had! Our electricity did go off but only for a little while. I can hear chain saws going now as people start the cleanup. Apparently over 40 streets in town are closed off because of downed trees and wires and we got hit easy compared to others. Hurricane Gloria was much worse than this. Still, I will be glad when the hurricane season is over! We still have about 8 weeks left. Anyhow, I did manage to get up some new posts on my blog, so please check them out!

Lou~Enjoyed your August favourites..I just did mine after my Ready for Reds blog. I love watching end of month favourites and seeing what everyone has been using or looks they have leaned towards! Have a good work week!

Time to have dinner while the lights still work. I won't trust the electricity until everything is back to normal, but school starts on Tuesday so the town has to get moving on cleanup!


Well-known member
Thanks for the well wishes everyone! The storm has now passed us and though still windy and showers coming off and on, nothing in comparison to what we had! Our electricity did go off but only for a little while. I can hear chain saws going now as people start the cleanup. Apparently over 40 streets in town are closed off because of downed trees and wires and we got hit easy compared to others. Hurricane Gloria was much worse than this. Still, I will be glad when the hurricane season is over! We still have about 8 weeks left. Anyhow, I did manage to get up some new posts on my blog, so please check them out!

Lou~Enjoyed your August favourites..I just did mine after my Ready for Reds blog. I love watching end of month favourites and seeing what everyone has been using or looks they have leaned towards! Have a good work week!

Time to have dinner while the lights still work. I won't trust the electricity until everything is back to normal, but school starts on Tuesday so the town has to get moving on cleanup!
i'm pleased that you and your hubby are ok! and i hope that in the next 8 weeks nothing major happens either.

and i saw your august faves! very nice products! and i love your red lipsticks swatches. i am thinking i may have to buy runway red from the new mac collection - it looks pretty and everybody is raving about it!!

today is the bank holiday monday so i shall be going to work shortly. then after work i am going to have to go to food shopping. i thought the store would be shut however it is open longer than i thought so i can squeeze it in :) makes me happy because on my day off tomorrow i have some bits to prepare for as i have stuff going on the following day. :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi Lou. I will go H&M and just window shop then, unless I find something irresistible! ;) Have a good food shopping trip!

Debi - I hope you stay safe in the next 2 months too! I saw your August favourites, they are lovely. I'm interested in Nars Silk Road and Chanel Illusoire. I passed Illusoire last week as I'm afraid it may be bruisy looking on me. As for Silk Road, I can't see Nars in person. Can you do a swatch? And what other Nars duos do you have? Does Silk Road look like All About Eve? I want to get a few of their duos, right now I'm looking at AAV/Silk Road, Habanera, Indian Song and Grand Palais. :)


Well-known member
Good morning! It is gorgeous out! It is so hard to believe we were experiencing leftovers of a hurricane yesterday and today it is bright blue sky, not a cloud to be seen, dry and breezy. It smells so good outside that I have tons of windows open! I love it!

Lou~Have a good week! :) Thank you for the kind remarks on my blog! I love doing it and it makes me pull out things, use them more, try new looks, etc. In other words I am getting to know my makeup collection better! I do like Runway Red...all the lipsticks of that collection are quite nice and the ones that look too dark are not. They are very wearable. And Revlon makes some fabulous reds that I always get compliments on, so happy about them! Gathering my favourites was so easy. It is fun to reflect on the past month and see what really grabbed your interest.

MIss QQ~Unfortunately I don't have All About Eve so cannot compare. This duo is very light and both colours could almost work as highlighters for different skin tones. The first one is probably pretty equal to Vanilla or Shroom by MAC. The darker colour is a brownish peach colour. I wore that on my lid and the creamy white one as a highlight for a quick gentle look. Like when we decided to go see Harry Potter at the last minute and had 30 minutes to get ready, drive, buy tickets and get a seat before it started! I have two other NARS duos that are much darker and just recently bought them for fall, so we will see how they look and perform! I have to be careful buying NARS. The way they set it up at the store is under a special light which makes everything look lighter. I have to swatch or drag the product out into the regular store lighting to see what it really looks like. I don't have any problems like that with other things at Sephora...just NARS. Very strange! Anyhow, I will see what my other duos are called and can try to swatch them. I'm still trying to get the best light and conditions for accurate swatching and a non sunny window seems best!

Slept in again...must have my breakfast. Loving this weather!! Now it feels a little bit like fall can't be too far away!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Yes it feels like fall is here already, in fact. We have heavy rain again. So nice to have the air outside smelling good - enjoy! I like the cool, fresh smell after a heavy rain/storm too. Thanks! I look forward to seeing the swatches, if not just the pics of the duos in their compacts would be helpful too.


Well-known member
^^ Yes it feels like fall is here already, in fact. We have heavy rain again. So nice to have the air outside smelling good - enjoy! I like the cool, fresh smell after a heavy rain/storm too. Thanks! I look forward to seeing the swatches, if not just the pics of the duos in their compacts would be helpful too.
yeah i feel like fall is here too! it is much colder in the evenings now and of course it has been very rainy and windy!
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