Bimbos unite!

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Oh, no plans as of yet for my b-day. September kind of crept up on me. I lost August somewhere along the way. We normally go out to dinner though, nothing fancy. My husband always asks me on b-day,v-day and anniversay if I want him to take me somewhere really nice, But I always say no. I hate to drop a huge chunk of money on one meal. I do love a well cooked quality meal but just don't want to pay for it,hehe. We go somewhere nice but probably not what others would call nice. He eats fancy a lot on business but most of the time he doesn't have to pay which is great. And some of those times I have gone and loved the food but glad it wasn't coming from our bank account. We can have a nice intimate dinner without spending a ton. I'd rather have a nice Coach bag, wouldn't you agree Debi? Hmm one meal or Coach bag, not a hard decision there--for me anyway.

About 17-18 years ago we were invited to this big shindig. It first started at the Country music hall of fame with some stars there and cocktails. Then a small group of us went to a very nice place for dinner. I think there were about 7 or 8 of us. I was sitting next to the man who was footing the bill. I saw the check when it came and it was over $1,500 before tip and only a few people had an alcholic drink. Who knows what that would equal today. There's so much more I'd rather do for that kind of money. But I'm sure the man wrote it off as a business expense for the company he owned.
i'm the same as you. i love going out for meals however the prices are insane. that is why me and nick do not eat out that often. plus i'm fat enough so it wouldn't be good if i kept eating out! we cook at home most nights so we have a reasonably healthy meal :) sometimes we do have a take out though from papa johns as a treat.. but that is like once a week or once every two weeks.

next week we shall eat out a couple of times though :) but the places we go are reasonably priced and i like to get vouchers too! i am always looking for money off vouchers!!

i hope that everybody has a great day... much love to all the bimbos! :)


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For birthday I would rather have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and definitely get a Coach bag! lol A no brainer there! But I have a bit of a wait before we will see what I really want on my birthday! It is tough to decide when Christmas is just 4 weeks later. Part of me wishes they were further apart, but I love the time of year, so can't complain!

Here is Rosie Lee paired up with Yummy Mummy. The Butter Glitters are gorgeous but I have 2 complaints. 1) They are bumpy. Even after a few coats of Seche Vite it is still bumpy. No other glitter polish does this to me. 2) Prepare to spend an hour taking off just a few nails worth. I will NEVER wear them on all my nails because it becomes hard as concrete.

I have 3 of their glitters, but unless I find a magically way of smoothing them out and taking it off I doubt I will be buying the glitter anymore. I am building up my glitter polishes now from other companies. This picture does not do the glitter justice, though!


Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Thanks for the pic and your review on Butter glitters. Bummer because they look stunning! Thanks for the pics of Hocus Pocus too. I need to watch it since it is for kids and isn't scary. Looks like it is very fun! Yeah I know of the holidays in the US, from halloween till Christmas. There are so many at this period, and I wonder how you guys keep up the momentum of the holidays! I'm sure I would love it though!

shadow - thanks for the comments on the blush brush. I think 168 is good for contour on me. I have quite big cheeks. I like the white goat hair of the 168 though, but the blush brushes like 129 are the black ones. Not Debi, but I will pick a coach bag over a meal too. I don't like spending crazy money on food, but like you I like to have a nice meal, but nothing too pretentious. Hope you have fun in this year's bday dinner!

Lou - I like thrillers too, but those with no horror elements at all. I love the Bourne series. I enjoy thrillers with some action and violence too, or just drama thrillers - those with a mystery. I went to feel the 129 at the counter and really like it. It is the last one in store but I didn't pick it up because I'm broke. I may wait a couple of months and hopefully they aren't out of stocks when I want to purchase it. I never heard of the Hilary swank movie, but it sounds interesting. Oh yes, H&M is opening tomorrow late morning and the evening news today showed that people are already queuing up. It's like Will & Kate's wedding lol! I hope there won't be a big crowd tomorrow when I go there, otherwise I may pass it because I don't want to be pushed. Enough of pushing every weekday morning in the squeezy trains! Enjoy your meals out next week! And do you remember what your mum answered to your question? We all ask embarrassing questions as a kid. :p

I'm happy to read all your posts and see everyone chatty today! :)


Well-known member
^^ Thanks for the pic and your review on Butter glitters. Bummer because they look stunning! Thanks for the pics of Hocus Pocus too. I need to watch it since it is for kids and isn't scary. Looks like it is very fun! Yeah I know of the holidays in the US, from halloween till Christmas. There are so many at this period, and I wonder how you guys keep up the momentum of the holidays! I'm sure I would love it though!

shadow - thanks for the comments on the blush brush. I think 168 is good for contour on me. I have quite big cheeks. I like the white goat hair of the 168 though, but the blush brushes like 129 are the black ones. Not Debi, but I will pick a coach bag over a meal too. I don't like spending crazy money on food, but like you I like to have a nice meal, but nothing too pretentious. Hope you have fun in this year's bday dinner!

Lou - I like thrillers too, but those with no horror elements at all. I love the Bourne series. I enjoy thrillers with some action and violence too, or just drama thrillers - those with a mystery. I went to feel the 129 at the counter and really like it. It is the last one in store but I didn't pick it up because I'm broke. I may wait a couple of months and hopefully they aren't out of stocks when I want to purchase it. I never heard of the Hilary swank movie, but it sounds interesting. Oh yes, H&M is opening tomorrow late morning and the evening news today showed that people are already queuing up. It's like Will & Kate's wedding lol! I hope there won't be a big crowd tomorrow when I go there, otherwise I may pass it because I don't want to be pushed. Enough of pushing every weekday morning in the squeezy trains! Enjoy your meals out next week! And do you remember what your mum answered to your question? We all ask embarrassing questions as a kid. :p

I'm happy to read all your posts and see everyone chatty today! :)
yes the bourne series is awesome!! and i am happy that you managed to take a look at the 129 :) at least you will know that it is something you can put on your list now :)

the most embarrassing thing happened to me today. i was walking down a busy street and fell over... fully on to the floor :( lots of people came to help me but i was so embarrassed. i have grazed up one of my knees and badly twisted an ankle too... so currently in lots of pain :( not what i wanted to happen!


Well-known member
You are very welcome about the Butter n/p. If you have a store near you, like Nordstroms, they let you put the nail polish on. One day I plan to go with bare nails to play with all their samples and walk out with each nail a different colour! Hehehe. The glitter is gorgeous. There is no doubt about it. It only takes one coat and it covers completely. It is just so solid...I have never seen anything like it! I also found I had to take my metal file and file the tips of my nails because they were rough from the bumpy glitter! But I sure spent a lot of time staring at my nails and saying Oooooh, aaaaah! Their n/p is very nice. It might be worth your while to buy a n/p and 1 glitter one that matches up with it in the way you want and give it a try. I'll have to try Lou's suggestion next time. cement!

I have had a fun start to my vacation weekend. We zipped over to the mall where I went nutty at Bath and Body Works, picked up some limited blushes and 1 gel liner at MAC (my first gel liner!!!) and then to Sephora for 2 new scents to add to my collection. My haul is up on my blog and other stuff will get up there eventually! I am trying to juggle a lot today!! I also went to the drugstore and picked up some goodies last night and I have some new pillows for sleeping because mine are getting too flat!! We will see if I like them or not!! Now I need to look over my fall wreath before buying another. They cost a fortune and I would rather skip it this year, but I think the silks are fading (red turning pink, yellow turning white) and so not looking particularly fall-like! But if I can save the money and do one more year I will!!

Must sell more decks, must sell more decks.... Hehehehe...

So sorry to hear about your fall, Lou. I hope your ankle feels better soon. Not a cheerful way to spend the evening. Drop on by my blog and I will visit yours!


Well-known member
Debi--cool pics of Hocus Pocus place. I watched it a long time ago with my daughter and it was good and not scary. She also like Practical Magic with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock.

I love your handbags on your blog so pretty. I don't really wear glitter polish so haven't had that problem. I will check with my daughter-in-law though since I got her Henley Regatta. She loves glitter everything. I'll tell her your trick Lou to get it off.

You are lucky your Nordies lets you try the n/p. When I was in Vegas and did a pre-order of six I asked the lady if I could swatch them and she said no that it would break the seal (that little piece of tape thingie on one side) and then they couldn't sell it. They didn't have any testers. And I was thinking all I have to do is walk out into the mall open them and see what I think and walk right back in and return them if I wanted as they have a great return policy. I'm excited about our Nordies opening in a couple of weeks as it was scheduled to open next spring. I'm sure the contractor got a huge bonus for finishing it before Christmas shopping as that is usually how it works.

I saw on the Macys site last week that the "Material Girl" line of stuff by Madonna and her daughter that they have a n/p line now. It's funny the bottles are just like Butter London with pull off square thing to get to other top. I think these are a wee bit taller but not by much. I was placing an order anyway and ordered 4. Actually I had to place an additional order a few days later and ordered 4 more. They are $7 for 1, 2 for $12 or 4 for $20. I have swatched them but not given them a try.

The 2 glitter ones I got (Labyrinth & Wild Flower) I'm not very impressed as they are kind of sheer. But I do think they would look good over a color base. Harlequin is a pretty glitter blue but not as full on glitter. Phantom is a black/grey I thought my daughter would like but it turns out she has something almost exactly like it. In the second order I got Guilty Conscience and I wonder how close it is to Fash Pack. It may lean a bit olive. I like the color though. Midnight is really pretty but I will have to wait for my Butter order where I got Royal Navy free and see how close in color they are. Psychadelic is a pretty purple. I see shimmer of some level in all of these. However it could be my lighting or older eyes. The last one I got was Hot Holly and is a great red. They have 10 colors and that is 8 of them. I am anxious to see how they apply and wear. I really hope they do well at $5 each.

Side note to anyone interested--if you do order you will probably have to call and have them adjust your order for the price if you get more than one. They are still working on it and the cart is not reflecting the discount and they will go in and fix it.
Here's a link to take a peek:

Lou--I get the whole eating out as I have weight issues as well. Also I tend to go overboard when eating out. To be honest I do that at home as well. I really have got to get myself back on a healthier eating plan. I was doing so well but I'm a stress/emotional eater. When I am under huge stress or upset I turn to food. I have always been an all or nothing type person in pretty much every aspect of my life and have a hard time practicing moderation and balance.

Before I go anywhere to eat I do a search for a coupon and clip ones from the newspaper and the little coupon booklets we get in the mail. Our favorite thai place will have coupons for $5 off two dinner entrees and I'm always so frustrated when I forget and leave it at home. My husband says it's ok, no big deal. But I'm like it's still $5 and all those $5 here and there add up. I think this comes from our first few years of marriage. Paul had a year left in college and married a ready made family with Adam being from my first marriage. I then got pregnant with Cassity right before he graduated and money was very tight.

And now 24 years and several promotions later I still feel guilty getting that $100 haircut. But Paul tells me he doesn't want me to feel that way or not go as often to stretch it out that he knows those things make me feel better about myself. He finally has said to me just this evening that he is glad that I do these things. He said he knows he gives me a hard time about my makeup thing but he likes that I want to look nice and feel pretty and he likes being seen with his beautiful wife. Yay the grump left. But that was very nice of him to say.

He used to not understand any of this stuff as I probably have mentioned before his mom and sister are extreme plain Janes so he was never exposed to seeing women applying makeup or shopping for pretty clothes and handbags and all or anything of that sort. Honestly they do nothing to help their appearance from frumpy clothes, no makeup, no real hair style or color, no pretty nails nothing girly. I seriously do not get it as they are not unattractive, not great beauties but with an even small makeover they could look so nice. But I guess it's like Paul said they just don't care how they look and it's not that they don't care about themselves. It's they have no interest in improving their appearance. They are not slobs or unclean and it is not for lack of money there is plenty of that for really nice things. I know I've babbled on about them but truely I am so clueless and it boggles my mind as to why they are like this. It is unlike any other female I have ever been around. I simply cannot relate to any of it.

This all came from a conversation tonight that led to how different our families are and how we were raised. I told him that I love and care for each member of his family but I just have nothing in common with them. His older brother is the only one that is competitive and I am super competive so we have that but that's it. His younger brother there is nothing whatsoever. His sister I can talk some books with her. But even then she reads way different stuff than I do. I like classic lit and nonfiction and she reads everything, belongs to 3 different book groups and loves sci-fi fantacy and all like my daughter. I was telling Paul that really that is all we have in common and that she way smarter than me. She is beyond super intelligent and has retained every bit of anything she has ever read, heard and learned. She can tell you every freakin king, queen, wives, husbands, affairs, and all about the entire history of it with all the political, how religion played a role in this part and that part and all to the smallest detail going so far back it's crazy. And that is just an example, she is like that with everything. She is really nice and is not the "I'm so smart" type, not at all. After saying this Paul's reply was quite funny. He said yeah but I bet she couldn't take 10 different eye shadows and come up with a pretty looking eye. I did appreciate that he does indeed notices the effort I put in even though he doesn't say it.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I read that Madonna's nail polish looks like Butter too. I agree that the small money here and there adds up. It can be troublesome, but I need to try harder to stretch my dollar.

Lou - Did you see a doctor for your ankle? If it's bad you should go see one and wear an ankle guard or something. I'm not very sure how they treat it. Hope it is less painful for you soon! I didn't have anything as dramatic, but I shopped all day today and wore an old sandals that is too loose because it is worn out, and my right ankle is hurting a little. I guess I should look for a new pair soon. Saw your blue glitter tutorial - so fun looking! I love glitters! Oh, and I have two things to share with you. H&M's queue was so long that the security guard told me it will take me an hour to enter the store. They had a promotion, where the first 5 customers got $500 shopping voucher and the first 300 got $20 voucher. People started queuing last night and I went to the store this afternoon but didn't queue - not going to stand for 1 hour, so I left. Another disappointment for me is that the UD 15 anniversary palette was sold out. I asked for the tester just to see and swatch, but Sephora declined and said they have already kept the tester. I was hoping at least I could swatch even if I don't want the palette. Now I can't even see it in real.

Debi - love your B&BW haul and the opera look!


Well-known member
Thank you Miss QQ! I think I am going to have fun with looks on my blog! Especially in the winter when I am housebound during snowstorms and it isn't so hot to play around. I am sorry you did not get to see the UD Anniversary palette. Hopefully more will come in so you can take a peek at it. I've definitely turned into a B&BW fiend! Hehehe...

Lou~I hope you are feeling better, but if your ankle is sore or swollen definitely have it checked out, keep it elevated and put ice on it. My sister sprained her ankle and sometimes that is even worse than a break.

ShadowAddict~Your nail polish haul is amazing and the colours you describe sound super nice! I think there is another brand that came out before Butter that has that kind of cover, too, but I forget what. TiffanyLD mentioned it in one of her videos.

Time to get some stuff done!!


Well-known member
my ankle is feeling slightly better now. i am wearing different shoes to work so that it has more support. and also sitting down with no weight on it when i can! i am sure it will be fine and i think it just got twisted. the swelling has gone down but it is starting to bruise now. my knee is also still badly grazed and has a huge bruise forming around it. sexy yes?!

sorry i haven't got time to respond properly. i am trying to sort so many things at once! argh!


Well-known member
Popping in to say hi. Our holiday weekend is now in utter chaos. Several hours ago I received a call from my father letting me know my sister's dog died because she left her closed in a hot car and completely forgot about her. My sister was hysterical, my nephews scattered around, 1 in shock, my brother in law devastated. We and my parents drove to their house to take care of everyone. Unbelievable. My sister drives me insane as it is, always thinking she knows everything, always telling everyone what to do and how to be, and does way too much to try to prove she is superwoman or something, and in her busy life she forgot her beautiful dog in a hot car (hot and humid today), who had the sweetest disposition and was perfectly healthy and now is dead. I don't think I will be sleeping tonight. I felt my stomach go up into my throat and my heart sink to my toes when I heard it. After caring for my BIL and nephews and being polite hugging my sister she started slipping into complete denial with chatting about everything else and pulling out chocolate bars. That was my cue for us to go home. She needs to deal with the harsh reality of it all. I mean, it was an accident, but one that was so preventable. And the dog should not have been in the car today anyhow. She brought her everywhere and called her "my daughter" (she had 3 sons, no girls) but she was a dog. A part of the family, yes, but not human, so treat your animals like animals and remember they cannot unlock a door or say they are hot and thirsty. So, another insane weekend. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever have a normal weekend. Hurricane last weekend, loss of electricity the week before, now this...

I even swore. A lot. would be so proud of me. But I can't say a word on FB because my nephews are on my page and are upset enough without needing to hear me rag on her. They are probably doing a good job of it themselves. As each one comes home from his weekend destination she is so nervous to see them and tell them what happened. Yep, I swore like a sailor in the car both ways. Then I cried like a baby when I talked it over with my nephews, but she was ignoring them and hey, they just lost a beloved pet, too. Talk to your kids, don't just say sorry. They are bottling it up inside and it's killing them. :( Now I need to calm myself down or I will be wide awake all night long. So, that is my update. Not the usual cheerful me this time. Sorry! I'm livid at the moment. And so sad.


Well-known member
Debi i am so sorry. this has even made me angry and sad. why on earth did she do that? that poor dog :( i am so sad for the kids too - loosing a family pet is always hard but when it has happened because your own mother killed it.... that is insane. i hope she is feeling pretty bad right now too- how can anybody be so stupid?


Well-known member
Oh Debi, I am so sorry to hear about your sister's dog. I don't want to sound ugly about your sister but that kind of stuff upsets and angers me so much. This happens way too often and with children also. Why do people leave them in a car especially on really hot days. I understand why you are so angry. I don't know how old her sons are but at any age that is such a horrible thing to happen and especially how it happened. And you are so right it was an accident, however one that was very much preventable. I feel so bad for them and feel for you trying to help them through it. And really? chatting and chocolate? Wow, there would be profanity flying out of my mouth like crazy and probably to my sister when her children were not around. That is so sad and I hope they are able to grieve and not keep it all bottled in. She does need to talk to them about it or they will end up resenting her and blaming her for a long time.

I really hope you and your hubby have a calm enjoyable rest of the long weekend.


Well-known member
Hi again. I am ready to turn around and go back to bed since I was crying until about 2am. Yeah, my sister is a piece of work. So stupid. I honestly can't understand how anyone can be so stupid. She dragged the dog with her while doing errands to keep her company, but thought only of herself. Cinnamon should have been kept at home where she was safe and cool with my brother in law. He was a mess and watching my sister in disbelief. I think they are just now seeing her in her darkest hour and how selfish she can be and wondering who is this person? Apparently when she got home the dog didn't jump out of the car and follow her as usual and she didn't even notice. After some time passed (I didn't ask, but I am assuming an hour or more) she wondered where the dog was. She and my BIL went to the car and found her inside, dead. I mean I know my sister is upset and devastated, but last night she was in denial and acting like if she just went on with life the dog would suddenly show up and everything would be back to normal. Not going to happen. All her toys, her bed, her kennel, food, bowls, were all still out. My sister's house is also a pit that she is going to have to go through and each time she finds one of her dog's toys is probably going to have a breakdown. Or a piece of candy. OMG I could have died. Everyone just stared at her. If it had been me I would be a mess, crying and curled up in a ball in a psycho ward. I would not be able to handle something like that. I've never even hit a wild animal while driving. It would kill me.

As for the boys, they are men now. One graduates at the end of this year, the other two are in college. As it is a holiday weekend, everyone was either working or on a date, so one by one they were contacted and told and came home. Again, over and over people are warned not to leave children or pets in cars in the hot weather, but she did. And Cinnamon was the sweetest dog (lovely Golden Lab) who still had many years to go. It breaks my heart as to what she went through and all alone. So, in spite of it being an accident, it was a stupid and unnecessary one on so many levels and I just detest my sister right now. Today will be the first of many hard days for all of them. God, if I feel this way, I can only imagine what they will go through. And I am still wondering why I was the only one talking to the boys. They were in such disbelief that they could not even cry until I talked to them and made them. lol Good aunt. I don't want them to keep it in. Let the tears pour so you can be angry and upset and sad and heal properly. What a mess my sister has made. Now I am crying again, but at least I have my priorities right. Thanks for the support, ladies.


Well-known member
you have my complete support Debi and if you need to message me then please do. I am still shocked that this has happened. As Shadow said I don't wish to be outright rude because she is your sister. But you have no idea how upset and angry I am that she didn't even realise when the poor thing didn't follow her out of the car.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Sorry, what a weekend for you. It must be horrible for you and your family. I've watched on animal rescue tv shows (forgot the name) on how dogs were left in the car and died due to the heat. Give yourself time to mourn the loss.
On the UD palette, Sephora is not bringing any more in, at least that is what they said. Maybe if lots of customers request for it they may rethink and bring more in.

Lou - good to hear your ankle is better. I hope you managed to get the things you need to do sorted out. You always respond to the posts so you must be very busy!


Well-known member
you have my complete support Debi and if you need to message me then please do. I am still shocked that this has happened. As Shadow said I don't wish to be outright rude because she is your sister. But you have no idea how upset and angry I am that she didn't even realise when the poor thing didn't follow her out of the car.

Don't worry. Trust me. My feeling towards my sister are not favourable nor very charitable at the moment. I am way too angry at her ignorance and irresponsibility at the price of the life of another. I am pissed and I think it will be a very angry day, mixed with tears. As for her, she will spend the rest of her life with this over her head. Forgiveness has to come in somewhere, but first she has to act responsible for her actions and find a way to never allow such a tragedy to happen again. And grow up and face the music. It isn't pretty. That is the price you pay when you mess up big time.

On a happier note before all this happened I was able to get some of those special MAC blending brushes from their latest collection and really love the smaller size since my eyes are very tricky to work with. I am part Native American and my eyes are partially monolid, partially set deep, partially hooded. lol Creasing is not easy. I would love to work with a MUA about if I should carry it higher and almost create a larger or semi fake crease above the real one, so you can see my eyeshadow when my eyes are open! I will study my books today and see what advice they offer. A lot of people have asked me, since I was young, if I am part Chinese. I look way too pale for anyone to associate me with being Mohawk, but I inherited my Dad's fair English skin. I think Catherine Zeta Jones also has similar shaped eyes, so maybe I have Welsh eyes, too! Whatever it all is it makes it a challenge, so super psyched over the brushes.


Well-known member
Don't worry. Trust me. My feeling towards my sister are not favourable nor very charitable at the moment. I am way too angry at her ignorance and irresponsibility at the price of the life of another. I am pissed and I think it will be a very angry day, mixed with tears. As for her, she will spend the rest of her life with this over her head. Forgiveness has to come in somewhere, but first she has to act responsible for her actions and find a way to never allow such a tragedy to happen again. And grow up and face the music. It isn't pretty. That is the price you pay when you mess up big time.

On a happier note before all this happened I was able to get some of those special MAC blending brushes from their latest collection and really love the smaller size since my eyes are very tricky to work with. I am part Native American and my eyes are partially monolid, partially set deep, partially hooded. lol Creasing is not easy. I would love to work with a MUA about if I should carry it higher and almost create a larger or semi fake crease above the real one, so you can see my eyeshadow when my eyes are open! I will study my books today and see what advice they offer. A lot of people have asked me, since I was young, if I am part Chinese. I look way too pale for anyone to associate me with being Mohawk, but I inherited my Dad's fair English skin. I think Catherine Zeta Jones also has similar shaped eyes, so maybe I have Welsh eyes, too! Whatever it all is it makes it a challenge, so super psyched over the brushes.
well i am so pleased that you managed to get some nice blending brushes! it is so great when you finally find the right one for you. i have quite a few from mac but my faves are the 217 and 226... the 224 also gets quite a big of use from me too. the 222 i am not as big a fan of - i find it too long!


Well-known member
Miss QQ~Thank you so much. Things are very sad for everyone here and still a lot of shock at what happened and confusion at how something like that can happen. Just devastating.

Lou~The 213 is one of my favourites for packing it on my little eyelids! The MAC people always seem so surprised when I ask for this little brush, but it is perfect for me! I think I have about 5 of them now! lol Always a worthy haul! I have a bunch to clean today, too. I think I will get about 12 of them done and have everyone clean and ready for action!


Well-known member
Miss QQ~Thank you so much. Things are very sad for everyone here and still a lot of shock at what happened and confusion at how something like that can happen. Just devastating.

Lou~The 213 is one of my favourites for packing it on my little eyelids! The MAC people always seem so surprised when I ask for this little brush, but it is perfect for me! I think I have about 5 of them now! lol Always a worthy haul! I have a bunch to clean today, too. I think I will get about 12 of them done and have everyone clean and ready for action!
oh you have just reminded me that i must clean all my brushes before i go to bed tonight! my dirty pot is full!!

me and nick have just had a late dinner of fanjitas which were yummy. :) Lily is also making me laugh by jumping all over the place and walking like a crab! so silly!
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