Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Debi--I hope things are going as well as can be expected for your sister's family. I have never really understood why people take their dogs while they run errands and such. I mean going to PetSmart is one thing. They welcome them. But when you have to leave them in the car what's the point? I wouldn't have wanted Ishmael to be left bored and just sitting there when he could be at home all comfy. And I'm sure when I would get out to go in somewhere he would have wondered why he couldn't get out of the car with me. You also have weirdos and mean stupid teens that may reach in a partically opened window and do God only knows what like touch a lit cig. to them. I would be afraid of that stuff too.

I was in Macys one time last year and there was a couple in front of me with a stroller and a sales lady looking in it and chatting. Of course I thought they had a baby in there. But they turned the stroller around and there was a little dog in the stroller. I was thinking wtf, are you serious, you put your dog in a stroller and come to the mall? I don't know why they were not told to leave and couldn't have the dog in the store. I mean some people have allergies and I love animals but I don't want to buy clothing or makeup with other people's dog hair on them. I've seen people with little dogs in all kinds of stores. I usually come home and tell my husband that I'm going to borrow one of his friends goats from his farm and take it shopping with me and see what the different stores do that I've seen little dogs in. I've seen them in places where food is sold and that has to be against health codes. Sorry, got on a rant there. I just don't get why you think you have to take your dog out with you. Do people think their dogs really want to sit in a hot car, even if you open a window, or even if it's not at all hot?

OK, anyway glad you got some new brushes. I love the 239 and have 3 of them and I could not live without the 217 I have at least 2. I'm not a big fan of the 222 either. I use the 224 some, probably should more often. I do use the 226, after several months of it being lost, then my sister finding it in a shopping bag at her house. I bought it while visiting her when it came out the first time. She almost tossed it as she was throwing the bag away. She thought she felt something like a pen and looked and there was my brush. She didn't even know I had misplaced it. She called me and asked if I had bought a brush out there and was I looking for it. Yes I am very good at misplacing things.


Well-known member
oh my goodness! who brings a doggie shopping and puts it in a pushchair?! that is the weirdest thing i have heard all day - although it's only 8.20am so give it time! :p lol! i would not want to be shopping for certain things if a dog is their either - guide dogs and such are fine of course but normal dogs? no way! now perhaps i am silly though because i let people bring in little dogs into my store. however if the dog barks it has to leave. but generally the little dogs are happy to be carried around the store. plus it means me and the guys can stroke a doggy! lol! :)

Debi how are things your end? I have been thinking of you.

Me and Nick had a nice day yesterday. Saw Fright Night but the 3d wasn't great. In fact most of the time I didn't even realise I was watching it in 3d! There were a couple of effects that were good though :) We also went to nandos and I had a chicken breast in pitta bread which was nice. Nick had a voucher and had a free whole chicken! Who can eat an entire chicken? My husband... and he's still so freaking skinny! He also had a salad on the side to go with his chicken! :p

Today we are cleaning the house and I shall do some blogging. But tomorrow we are off out to a large shopping centre called Meadowhall. Nick has never been and is looking forward to it. Plus we can eat at TGI Fridays because they have one there :)

Have a good day ladies :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I haven't seen the 222 before, it is not available here. Maybe the only pro store has it, I need to check. I think the 224 is too big for me, so I haven't bought it. Hope everyone is well. I'm so busy and tired and felt so silly to wake up this morning thinking it was Saturday! If only!


Well-known member
Hi everyone! Cloudy, showery and finally cool here. A hint of autumn, finally! I needed this! Maybe I can open all the windows and get tons of fresh air.

Shadowaddict~I agree with you and she was always that way. She brought the dog to every single family event and while I love her, I didn't like that she constantly shed and licked my hands. We had to keep washing our hands before eating and I stopped dressing up and we would only wear sweats or junky clothes to stuff on my side of the family. She was angry with me when I would not let her bring her dog over so refused to come to my house because it was "too clean". Well, I won't get a cat for myself while I have the entire first floor and the bedroom upstairs covered in expensive oriental rugs. It doesn't make any sense. Her bizarre habits and utter irresponsibility killed her beloved pet. Still so very hard to believe.

Lou~Glad you are having a fun vacation! We puttered around doing errands yesterday and some house cleaning with more to come. Everything got delayed with the death of Cinnamon. I think I am done shedding tears at this point. I am sure I will have my moments, especially when I am actually at their house, but we don't go over very often and less and less each year as the boys get older and we are all busy with things that family gatherings are not as easy as they used to be. That is fine with me. She drives me nuts anyhow and right now I don't want to look at her. This pushed me over the edge. But I was getting so upset that I finally just had to get back into my routine after many a downpour of tears. I am not sure how everyone is doing but now they need to deal with this tragedy as a family of 5, throw out and put away all the dogs items and toys, and my sister has to face the harsh reality of her actions.

I plan on a mellow day. If I can I hope to get to the nursery to buy one more bunch of mums to brighten the front steps. I need to keep an eye out for cornstalks and then pumpkins. Other than that I plan to read, watch movies and take a nap! Last night I put up a few new posts on my blog and am up to 15 followers! Woot! :) lol Everyone counts to me and I really appreciate it! I even have comments which is always a good thing! Trying to sell some decks but everything is at a complete standstill. Thank goodness I sold the majority earlier in the year. Some tried this summer with no action and gave up. Lots of excellent bargains, too, so rather weird that no one is snapping these up. Once the economy changes the prices will fly up again.

Off to eat breakfast and start my lazy day (as I yawn!). xo

Oh, Tangled was sooo good that I want the DVD now! Definitely one of the better animated Disney movies and they have some excellent ones.


Well-known member
Lou--don't know if it works there but before I eat/shop anywhere I do a search for coupons. I've come up with good ones for TGIF's also. Maybe worth a try to search for ones you can print. I get ones by email here and there and near my birthday by signing up for their free "club" online.

My daughter's ex boyfriend eats all day long and never gains an ounce. Paul used to be that way but at 47 it's starting to catch up with him so he has to watch it a bit. But not near anything like me. I think if he would give up his Kool-Aid & Doritos addictions he would be fine. My addiction with food is potatoes, well all bad carbs. I love them prepared almost anyway, not mashed though. I love baked potatoes and french fries most. The more you eat of bad carbs like all the processed stuff it just causes you to want more. I did really well a couple of years ago and lost over 40lbs by watching my bad carb intake. I still had lots of fresh fruits and veggies that have good carbs. I ate a lot of salads but varied the contents, so I didn't get bored with them. But once I slipped with the potatoes it was back to eating all the processed crap and of course the weight came back.

MissQQ--I think the 222 is a pro brush. I bought mine in Vegas when it came out before my store went pro. But really I don't think it's worth the money though I'm sure many would argue that as I'm sure others love it. There are many other brushes I would spend the money on instead.

Debi--I know what you mean about your house. I have 3 kitties. But when my son moved out I took over that room, as our 4th bedroom we use as a study I re-did it. I put nice bookshelves in it that I use for my doll collection that has thousands of dollars spent on them and didn't want the cats "playing" with them. I also discovered there was a nice hardwood floor under the carpet so I yanked that up. I keep that door closed at all times. My husband still wanted to have a bed in there so we bought a nice new one so it could be used as a guest room although no one ever stays here. My sister stayed in it a couple of times a few years ago. It's a queen size and although pretty I could use that space for other pretty things. My sister was always afraid of waking us with going to potty in the middle of the night. So she found sleeping downstairs on the comfy sofa in the den with a bathroom right there good. I also have a huge curio downstairs with some of my nice fashion dolls in but my upstairs ones are not encased in glass. I stopped buying dolls although some are quite tempting as I have nowhere to put them and I don't want to do like I've seen other people and crowd them all into together. It gets to a point where you don't really see all of the nice details of each one. I like to keep my spaced somewhat so I can enjoy them.

Tangled is another movie I have heard is really good that I haven't taken the time to watch.


Well-known member
Oh I forgot we finally got some fall weather. The temp has dropped into the 60's but it has been raining now for 3 days solid. it will slow down but we have had some unbelievable down pours. Lots of areas are having flooding but so far we are doing well. Other parts of the country could definitely use our rain for the fires they are having now.

Unlike May 1st of 2010 where it got so many parts of the city, so many houses and buildings floated away. That's how we lost our CCO.


Well-known member
I've had a weird but busy day! Weird in the sense that I am sooo tired, it is rainy, so that isn't helping, and finally cool air coming in here, too, which I love! But, I goofed a bit in the morning (what did I get done???) and this afternoon hubby took several hours off so I could do a few errands. First we went to a jewelers that I love and I traded in my white gold for a few other yellow gold goodies and a check! White gold looks terrible on me and I only had a few pieces. They were nice and pretty, but I never wear them. So, my pink sapphire/diamond ring is being set in yellow gold (handmade...woot!) and I got a gorgeous garnet and diamond pendant (garnets, diamonds and pearls are my favourite stones, with rubies case you want to shop for me..heeheehee!) and a nice check to be spent on makeup or something girly! I am really excited to have my ring finally in yellow gold so that will be fun to get when it is done. And I loved that everyone there always forgets how old I am and refers to me as young lady or looks at my husband's poor super greying hair (too much stress) and ask how long we have been married. When I tell them almost 19 1/2 years they start calling me the child bride, which is what the priest kept calling me because I looked about 17 back then when I was 29! I appreciate it now. Not so much then!

After that we went to Sephora where I exchanged a fragrance that I didn't like and bought 2 others. lol Isn't that the way? Came home to find one of my decks had sold for 125.00! Yay! So now I need to get a few more things done and hopefully even more done tomorrow morning because I am behind on some chores and still need to get some more mums. Not fun to do in the rain though!

Editing. On another note, I just spoke to my mother. She said my sister is doing fine. The boys are handling it in their own way, sharing pics on FB, etc. of their beloved dog and my BIL is a mess. My sister is apparently fed up with her husband because he is still upset over this. OMG. Is she insane? She killed her dog a few days ago. I put my cat to sleep and cried for over a year. I cried all weekend over Cinnamon's death and today was the first day I have been able to keep a somewhat steady balance and she is perky and fine? The saddest thing is that I am not sure if she is going through denial and will suddenly be hit by it all or if she is being her usual self; someone who thinks she is perfect and will blow off anything or anyone to reassure herself of this delusion. I swear I would punch her lights out if I saw her right now. I can't get near her for a very long time. Forget Christmas. Maybe when I am 80? I am stunned. I've never known anyone so cold-hearted in my life.


Well-known member
Debi-Congrats on selling another deck and your shopping goodies. I have been busy all day but yet it doesn't seem I have anything to show for it. I spent a lot of time catching up our checkbook as we use our debit card mostly and I do all of it online to keep the check register up to date. I got a bit lazy and was behind. I usually do it every few days.

Then I needed to check over my daughter's account and couldn't find her register. I fianlly found a new one and went back through her statements online and got it caught up. I also had to point out to her how all those little Starbucks runs and going to eat with friends and such really add up. I want her to enjoy going out but also be aware of how much she is spending. The way I figured it she spent a little over $430 over the last two and a half months on food and drink alone out with friends. That's a lesson probably all young adults go through as it doesn't seem like your spending much at $5 here, $10 there and before you know it you've blown through a pretty good amount. She's usually quite frugal so this was unexpected although I knew she was going out more and not just hanging out and they all pitch in for pizza or something. When she graduated high school in 2007 her brother gave her $1000 as a graduation gift. She put it in the bank and it lasted her for over 2 yrs. I mean we pay for all her expenses but her work and gift money is her play money and now she goes out more. She still doesn't go shopping like most girls her age. That's what my money went to when I started working. I offer to take her and never expect her to pay but she doesn't like to shop, even go to the MAC store to see what she wants. Sometimes i don't even think she is related to me at all:) I would've been already in the car before my mom could finish those words. But she hated to shop too.

I know what you mean about your sister. I don't get it either. I think it would be a while before I could face her also. I think she is being very hard on her husband and well kind of mean. The dog was his also and part of their family. He needs time to grieve and I hate it for him that she is probably making him feel horrible or less of a man because she thinks he should just get over it and be done and move on. Perhaps she is in denial and that's easier to understand than to think she is being selfish and just go on without a care like nothing happened when indeed it was tragic and she should be able to see what her family is going through. Even if she doesn't feel the grief she should be understanding of their pain. Sorry to sound so ugly about your sister but it breaks my heart to think about that poor dog which what I would think would be a slow death and her family trying to deal with the death as well as how it happened. It is just so very sad.

The 11th will be two months since Ishmael had to be put down and I miss him every moment of the day. When we got home that afternoon I just went and laid in my bed for hours holding his leash and cried. We had his leash on him and I took it off when we went into the examaning room. I know this probably sounds nuts to people but I rolled it up in a coil and tied it that way with a few small ribbons to keep it like that and I sleep with it under my pillow. Somehow it just makes me feel better and other times it makes me smile. When I think about how I used to take him out with me to get the mail I always put his leash on him as we have a long driveway and a somewhat busy road especially in the afternoons when school is starting let out. For a good 10-12 years we walked down and I got the mail and on the way back up the driveway he liked for me to hold the middle part of the leash up and he'd jump up and grab it with his mouth and we'd play tug with it. We did that several times till we got inside and did it one more time. I would then slip it off him and lay it in the floor in front of him. He would pick it up by the loop part I held and bring it into the living room where we kept it in his basket of toys. He would always drag it in so it laid exactly in a straight line then he would walk off usually to his water bowl. Of course he slowed down over the last couple of years but he still tried to grab it in his mouth as I held it close and so he didn't have to jump since that back leg was so bad.


Well-known member
I just thought I would add that eating about a third of a jar of olives at 2:15am is probably not a good idea at least it is proving not to be for me. I was having a salty craving and grabbed the jar of olives for a quick fix and sat here slowly and finished off the rest of the jar. My tummy is now feeling all wonky. I do love green olives but usually don't get so happy with the quanity.

For the last few years I've been telling my family that for some odd reason that when I feel nauseated I could eat a few olives and it would help the feeling go away and they looked at me like I was crazy. Then a few months ago a thing on the yahoo page where it scrolls across different topics it had something about green olives. I clicked on it and read the article. And part of it was that studies have shown a few green olives when eaten at the right time during nausea there is something in the olives that when mixed with the saliva in the mouth eases it. Apparently you have to eat them when you are at the stage of kind of feeling sweaty and feeling mouth watery kind of thing. I was like see, I told you it helped me and I guess it does others as well. I got my daughter to try it and now she does it too.

Ok off to bed and hope tummy will not retaliate.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Interesting about the olives. I will try it if I can find green olives.

I have been getting subcription emails from specktra on the threads that I have posted. It updates me on the new messages posted. How can I turn it all off? My mailbox is jammed up.


Well-known member
^^I'm not sure either, wish I could help.

One thing I don't like about the new site is that used to you logged in and then you saw everyone's posts. Now even if you're not logged in anyone can get on your computer, well any computer and if they know your user name they can see all your post. I liked it being more private. Other than that I like the new site although it did take me a bit to figure it out.


Well-known member
^^I'm not sure either, wish I could help.

One thing I don't like about the new site is that used to you logged in and then you saw everyone's posts. Now even if you're not logged in anyone can get on your computer, well any computer and if they know your user name they can see all your post. I liked it being more private. Other than that I like the new site although it did take me a bit to figure it out.
oh dear :( i'm not sure i understand what you mean. can you maybe send me a pm or something to let me know exactly what you're not happy with. that way i can see if there is a way around it perhaps?


Well-known member
Greetings, Ladies!

I have definitely had a busy day! I did a bit of organizing, bought more mums and a pumpkin for our hearth (big and bright orange!), picked up some mums for my father and we zipped over there. We ended up having supper with them and they enjoyed the company, so that was nice! We didn't say much about the dog's passing but my parents are rather dismayed at how my sister is behaving and shaking their heads in disbelief. She is leaving tomorrow to go on a missionary trip again and is getting so caught up in a lot of weird stuff that I just can't bear her presence. I know her husband does not like the direction she is going so I find myself wondering if they might end in a divorce someday. Very sad. Sickening how she is just blowing off the death of her dog and the fact that her actions killed her, too. Complete denial and lack of responsibility. I would not want her by my deathbed.

Anyhow, we did have fun with my parents and then zipped to the mall where I got my highly desired perfume (that post will be up soon!) and came home, puttered around, did my nails, did a blog post on my NOTD (face skin routine went up late last night) and getting ready for bed now! The air has turned super cool and I love it! And here are a few pics of my new necklace. When the light hits it at certain angles the diamond sparkles and the red in the garnet really shines beautifully. Diamonds, Pearls, Garnets and Rubies (and my pink Sapphire) are my favourite gemstones!
I hope everyone had a fabulous day.



Well-known member
Debi--that's sad about how your sister is just kind of leaving her hubby to deal with things. I mean he's grieving and then their sons although grown are also having a hard time. I understand the nature of the trip but still, considering what just happened. Is she going to be gone long? He probably feels like she is just abandoning him in the wake of a horrific storm.

I love your necklace. The garnet is so pretty and the yellow gold looks great with your skintone. All of my "real" jewelry is yellow gold and then my charms and such are sterling. I love all the stones and pearls you mentioned also. I love blue sapphire as well and it's my birthstone. And who doesn't love diamonds?


Well-known member
Yes. I mean, to be fair her trip was planned quite a while a go and for all I know she may lose out on money if she cancelled out. And my BIL is at work all day, the boys in school, college or working, so no one is really around until evening and even that is spotty. It is the attitude that she is carrying with her that creeps me out. A very cold, unfeeling, "oh well" impression and total lack of responsibility of her actions and their tragic outcome. But I do believe in karma and have a feeling it will bite her back very hard at some point.

Today I need to clean the house, put up the rest of the fall/Halloween decorations and read and take a nap and watch a movie and eat and.... lol

But I did get up another fun post on my blog. My Favourite Autumn Scents. Please stop by! Have an awesome day, everyone!


Well-known member
Debi your necklace is so beautiful! I love the cut of the garnet and the diamond is so beautiful. very dainty looking! and i agree that yellow gold looks fabulous against your skin. And that is great that you are putting your decorations up for halloween! this means we shall all see pictures! :p and i think i need to get a bottle of lavanila coconut perfume! it sounds amazing and i love coconutty smells! :)

i am in a great mood today. me and nick took lily moo over to her mum to see her brothers and sister! It was so funny because they had obviously forgotten each other and at first were really scared. But soon enough they were playing together. it was so sweet! we are looking after them all this weekend - they have 5 kitties in total. the 3 kittens, the mum and an old kitty called prozac which is 16 years old!

plus something really cool happened when one of my favourite brands said that they would send product information and samples to me to share with you all on the specktra blog and youtube! i am so excited to share everything with you all! :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - gorgeous necklace! I love garnet too, but I have no jewellery of it. I have a very tiny collection of jewellery, and I hope that as I mature I can build up a small collection of pieces that I really love. Jewellery are so expensive...

shadow - yeah you are right, which girl doesn't like diamonds. Do you like gold or silver on your skintone? I can't decide which looks better on me.

Lou - Sounds like you had lots of fun with lily moo and her siblings! What brand is that? Can't wait to see the goodies! I bought the 226 and 129 yesterday. Tried them this morning. Love the new 226, and I need some getting used to the 129, but I'm already loving the long handle.

Weekend is finally here. Had a busy and hectic week and I hope to have a good weekend. Same to all of you!


Well-known member
Happy Friday, everyone!

Lou~Thank you! I really love it and had no idea that would be able to get so much for what I turned in since value drops quickly on certain items. The check was a crowning touch. I am a bit nervous about the ring and hope they do an amazing job, though this store is basically on par with Tiffany's or pretty close to it, so I expect they will. I am one of those people who would rather save up for a year for one nice piece from them than get 3 pieces where the stones and settings are not as nice from someone else. I have done a lot of comparative shopping and in jewelry you really do get what you pay for.

Love that you are taking care of all the felines! Kiss them for me! I miss our local vet that I used to go to. After I put my last cat to sleep I needed the break emotionally. But on occasion I would peek in to see who they had. They had a lot of troubled cats that were not ready for adoption, but they let me in a back room with each cat separately and let me play with them. I used to bring them toys and so they got some brushing and extra special attention and play time and I got my cat fix for the week! Sadly the vet retired, moved to Florida and the place eventually fizzled out. They were a great personable place where I had brought both of my cats. I really miss them. Another good reason not to get a cat right now.

Miss QQ~Thank you! When I graduated from college and had my load paid off I started purchasing rings and necklaces, but most really did come from after I got married. Earrings and pendants or chains for birthdays and rings at Anniversaries. Our 20th is coming up this May. I have to figure out what to get my husband!!! I better start planning now! :) I prefer yellow gold on me because my skin is very light and white gold looks steely on me. In fact, yellow gold is making a comeback right now. But a lot of people mix too, as I do for bracelets. Gold, silver, rose gold, cheap and expensive next to each other. I love the layered look. It really is personal choice and what you think looks best on your skin, with your hair colour, with your eyes. Whatever you do always, always get your diamonds set in platinum, even if the band is gold. That way you never lose the stone. I have 6 prongs on my engagement ring. That baby is going nowhere!

Putting out decorations! Sometimes this gets so overwhelming. Especially when the weather turns warm on you again. I thought we were done with this!!


Well-known member
Happy Friday, everyone!

Lou~Thank you! I really love it and had no idea that would be able to get so much for what I turned in since value drops quickly on certain items. The check was a crowning touch. I am a bit nervous about the ring and hope they do an amazing job, though this store is basically on par with Tiffany's or pretty close to it, so I expect they will. I am one of those people who would rather save up for a year for one nice piece from them than get 3 pieces where the stones and settings are not as nice from someone else. I have done a lot of comparative shopping and in jewelry you really do get what you pay for.

Love that you are taking care of all the felines! Kiss them for me! I miss our local vet that I used to go to. After I put my last cat to sleep I needed the break emotionally. But on occasion I would peek in to see who they had. They had a lot of troubled cats that were not ready for adoption, but they let me in a back room with each cat separately and let me play with them. I used to bring them toys and so they got some brushing and extra special attention and play time and I got my cat fix for the week! Sadly the vet retired, moved to Florida and the place eventually fizzled out. They were a great personable place where I had brought both of my cats. I really miss them. Another good reason not to get a cat right now.

Miss QQ~Thank you! When I graduated from college and had my load paid off I started purchasing rings and necklaces, but most really did come from after I got married. Earrings and pendants or chains for birthdays and rings at Anniversaries. Our 20th is coming up this May. I have to figure out what to get my husband!!! I better start planning now! :) I prefer yellow gold on me because my skin is very light and white gold looks steely on me. In fact, yellow gold is making a comeback right now. But a lot of people mix too, as I do for bracelets. Gold, silver, rose gold, cheap and expensive next to each other. I love the layered look. It really is personal choice and what you think looks best on your skin, with your hair colour, with your eyes. Whatever you do always, always get your diamonds set in platinum, even if the band is gold. That way you never lose the stone. I have 6 prongs on my engagement ring. That baby is going nowhere!

Putting out decorations! Sometimes this gets so overwhelming. Especially when the weather turns warm on you again. I thought we were done with this!!
oh yes i agree with jewelery - it is much better to save and get something of good quality! i can't wait to see the finished product! and i shall certainly give all the kitties a big kiss from you! they will be fed up of me after a while because i can't stop cuddling them! ha ha! when we visited yesterday i was picking them all up and giving the kisses. i'm such a crazy cat lady!

and your vet sounds amazing! that is so wonderful that they let you come and pay the kitties attention! and i bet the kitties were so happy to see you to be played with! new toys always get them excited! hee hee! :)

i hope the heat dies down a bit for you. it was pretty warm here last night - nick opened the window in the middle of the night it was so warm. i was fast asleep though!


Well-known member
oh yes i agree with jewelery - it is much better to save and get something of good quality! i can't wait to see the finished product! and i shall certainly give all the kitties a big kiss from you! they will be fed up of me after a while because i can't stop cuddling them! ha ha! when we visited yesterday i was picking them all up and giving the kisses. i'm such a crazy cat lady!
and your vet sounds amazing! that is so wonderful that they let you come and pay the kitties attention! and i bet the kitties were so happy to see you to be played with! new toys always get them excited! hee hee! :)

i hope the heat dies down a bit for you. it was pretty warm here last night - nick opened the window in the middle of the night it was so warm. i was fast asleep though!
Kitties! That is what they are for. Kissing and wrestling with, stalking and just loving them! I love felines. They are all so fun at any age, but kittens are a riot when they try out their first growl, or arch their back, fluff up their fur and tail, walk sideways on tippy toes. lol They are trying to be so frightening but they just look adorable and when you laugh they are soooo disappointed!

The weather turned a bit and the air is drier now, bluer sky. It was pretty humid and oppressive earlier. My house is a mess. I have Halloween decorations and perfume, makeup everywhere. I am trying to work on too many projects at once and must stop the madness!!!
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