Bimbos unite!

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ha ha! yup that is lily moo all over! she keeps trying to make herself look big and threatening but it just doesn't happen. and i laugh so hard when she does the side walk! i call it her crab walk! hee hee!

today i really need to clean the house with nick. we have lots of laundry to do today - i have been selling clothing on ebay and although everything is clean i would rather wash it one more time before it is sent out. :)

have a great weekend guys!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I don't know what is a kitty side walk. Must search for videos on it! Sounds cute!

Debi - I'm not very good at accessorizing. I love the layered look on celebrities or actresses in tv shows.

Lou - Wish I have the 129 fafi short handled too. I wasn't very into mac or makeup then. But I remember I passed by the counter and saw a few fafi products. Have fun cleaning the house. :) Saw your tutorial on Tempting quad. I have it, but haven't used it for a while now. Time to get it out again!


Well-known member
I don't know what is a kitty side walk. Must search for videos on it! Sounds cute!

Debi - I'm not very good at accessorizing. I love the layered look on celebrities or actresses in tv shows.

Lou - Wish I have the 129 fafi short handled too. I wasn't very into mac or makeup then. But I remember I passed by the counter and saw a few fafi products. Have fun cleaning the house. :) Saw your tutorial on Tempting quad. I have it, but haven't used it for a while now. Time to get it out again!
ha ha! yeah see if you can find a video. if not i shall try and film Lily Moo doing it! it's rather funny! and i wasn't so into mac back then either but my mum actually bought me it from the cco which was very nice of her. and i'm bad but didn't clean much today. i just spent the day playing with makeup and writing. oh and the pr package came though - the brand is urban decay! how cool is that? they sent a whole package of goodies for me to review - also what i have been playing with all day!

and you must bust out the quad! it is perfect for this time of year!


Well-known member
Hi gang! Just quickly passing by after a very busy day. It is 8pm and we are just getting ready to have supper! Today is my hubby's birthday so we have been on the go all day long, including a few errands and antiquing! I did have time to quickly put together an inspired Steampunk look which is now on my blog! Catch up to you all hopefully tomorrow! The air is finally getting cooler and more seasonable again, though I don't know for how long. It is soooo dark out early now! What a difference!


Well-known member
Debi--I love your steampunk look. You did a great job with it. The accessories really add to the whole look.

MissQQ--I think gold looks better on my skin. I love silver also. My skin is pretty close to Debi's as I saw she had on there she was 115 in MUFE HD foundation. We are both pale. I can wear the 110 but if there was an in between it would be perfect.

Friday was my 49th b-day. I had a giftcard with some left on it to my fav day spa that my son had given me a while back. I love this place and go there for waxing and had a few facials there. I decided to use it toward a massage as I have always wanted one but too shy to do it. It was 60 minutes of absolute heaven. I requested a female and asked for firm. They charge extra for deep tissue and she did a lot but when she wrote it up she didn't charge me for it. The 60 min massages there are $75 and I know some are a bit higher around here. In other parts of the country they are probably much more as most things are. We're pretty lucky down here in the south, well except things like cosmetics that have a set price so they're the same price whereverr.

I can now see why people splurge and have regular massages. I told my hubby he needs to go and have one or I'm going to drag him there. He recently got a promotion and he is wound so tight it wouldn't take much for him to totally unravel. I need to check into our insurance as I know some have started paying for stuff like that at least a portion. It would probably save the insurance companies money with the high cost of health problems due to stress like high blood pressure, shooting blood sugar really high for diabetics, heart problems and many more.

We went to dinner at our favorite thai place that evening. I want a couple of nice chains for my Tiffany charms and the Links of London ones he bought me at Harrods last fall when he went to Europe on business. I haven't decided exactly the ones I want yet so I told him I want to keep looking. I don't want charm bracelets because I'd bang them around so much. I also kind of hate to buy and then the price of silver drop since it's at an all time high. I want quality but also save money so we'll see how the market goes. But if I find exactly what I want then I won't wait.

My husband had a hardback book made for me with pics of Ishmael from the time he was a baby when we visited him at the breeder's home before he was old enough for us to bring him home and at different stages as he grew. He had little captions put at each pic. That was one of the most thoughtful things he's ever done for me. It was so sweet. He wrapped it and had it laying out for me to find when I got up after he had left for work. As I looked through it I had tears running down my cheeks. I loved seeing pics I had forgotten about where we had him hiking with us and him running and playing and so many others. It was really nice to look at them and think back to all the happy times we had with him and the joy and love he gave us. Ishmael was a mommy's boy and my baby but he was also a great family dog.


Well-known member
Debi--I love your steampunk look. You did a great job with it. The accessories really add to the whole look.

MissQQ--I think gold looks better on my skin. I love silver also. My skin is pretty close to Debi's as I saw she had on there she was 115 in MUFE HD foundation. We are both pale. I can wear the 110 but if there was an in between it would be perfect.

Friday was my 49th b-day. I had a giftcard with some left on it to my fav day spa that my son had given me a while back. I love this place and go there for waxing and had a few facials there. I decided to use it toward a massage as I have always wanted one but too shy to do it. It was 60 minutes of absolute heaven. I requested a female and asked for firm. They charge extra for deep tissue and she did a lot but when she wrote it up she didn't charge me for it. The 60 min massages there are $75 and I know some are a bit higher around here. In other parts of the country they are probably much more as most things are. We're pretty lucky down here in the south, well except things like cosmetics that have a set price so they're the same price whereverr.

I can now see why people splurge and have regular massages. I told my hubby he needs to go and have one or I'm going to drag him there. He recently got a promotion and he is wound so tight it wouldn't take much for him to totally unravel. I need to check into our insurance as I know some have started paying for stuff like that at least a portion. It would probably save the insurance companies money with the high cost of health problems due to stress like high blood pressure, shooting blood sugar really high for diabetics, heart problems and many more.

We went to dinner at our favorite thai place that evening. I want a couple of nice chains for my Tiffany charms and the Links of London ones he bought me at Harrods last fall when he went to Europe on business. I haven't decided exactly the ones I want yet so I told him I want to keep looking. I don't want charm bracelets because I'd bang them around so much. I also kind of hate to buy and then the price of silver drop since it's at an all time high. I want quality but also save money so we'll see how the market goes. But if I find exactly what I want then I won't wait.

My husband had a hardback book made for me with pics of Ishmael from the time he was a baby when we visited him at the breeder's home before he was old enough for us to bring him home and at different stages as he grew. He had little captions put at each pic. That was one of the most thoughtful things he's ever done for me. It was so sweet. He wrapped it and had it laying out for me to find when I got up after he had left for work. As I looked through it I had tears running down my cheeks. I loved seeing pics I had forgotten about where we had him hiking with us and him running and playing and so many others. It was really nice to look at them and think back to all the happy times we had with him and the joy and love he gave us. Ishmael was a mommy's boy and my baby but he was also a great family dog.
I'm pleased you had a lovely day! and that massage sounds sooo good! i have only had a couple of massages partly because I am embarrassed but also because it is expensive. I usually get them after the festive period because lifting hundreds of tv sets really kills my back. i'm usually hobbling around after three months of it! it sounds like your hubby definately needs one too! and congrats on his promotion!

that is stupidly sweet that he made the book of Ishmael for you - such a kind and thoughtful thing. He must have spent hours choosing the pics and writing the captions. that's really something that you can treasure forever. and i hope you manage to find some nice chains for your charms too! :)

i hope everybody is having a nice stress free weekend. i can't believe i have to go back to work again tomorrow! boo! after a week off i do not want to come back!


Well-known member
ShadowAddict~Happy Birthday! I will be joining you at the end of November! We are the same age (or rather we will be!). Nice to know I am not the only 48 yr old loving makeup so much! It sounds like you had a fun day and some very special gifts! Thank you for the compliment~it was a fun look to do. Like you I am a 110 in MUFE, but I also wear 115 to warm my skin up a bit on occasions. It works like a very mild tinted moisturizer, but the 110 is definitely closest to my skin tone.

I would not be good for a massage. I am ticklish and would end up giggling like crazy. lol Except for my feet (which is so weird). My husband is super ticklish on his feet and I am not at all. Maybe because my feet got such a workout and rubbing when I was a ballerina and gymnast? Not sure, but we did use our feet for just about everything and they were always handled by spotters or dance partners or swing on the bars!

Not sure what today will bring but the weather is lovely. I would like to get out. Hubby is still in bed. Time to wake him up, lazy bones! Debi wants to play!! Yippee! Hehehe...Down with chores!

And of course, we are remembering 9/11. It is a sad day for us always because we lost a friend, who was the pilot of the first plane to crash in the towers. And my husband lost a co-worker who was servicing one of the businesses in the 2nd tower, got out, but a piece of debris fell on the back of his head/neck as he was walking away and he slipped into a coma and died a few days later. I try to move on this day since it is a sad loss for us everyday and not just on the anniversary, if that makes sense. But I am hoping the falls at ground zero are permanent. They are lovely and I like the way all the names are around it. Let's hope it is. For once, after seeing so many plans, to me it seems to be the perfect tribute.

So...I start my day!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Lou - I love to see a video of Lily Moo doing her sidewalk. :) Look forward to your reviews on the UD goodies!

shadow - I don't know gold or silver looks better on me. But silver looks more modern compared to gold on me. I'll experiment more before I decide, but right now I like both. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a fabulous time! I never had a massage but I know how relaxing it can be. It will send me to sleep!

Debi - Love your steampunk look. I'm no good for massage too because I'm bony. Maybe I can choose the least firm massage and hope my bones wouldn't be pressed too much. Hugs to you on remembering your friend on 9/11.

So I end my day, lol. Almost Monday now!


Well-known member
So, we got out and got our cornstalks! Hubby is in a grouchy mood today, though not sure why. He seems to get into perpetual grouchiness these days and is not exactly fun to be around. Boo on him. After a light supper we might get ice-cream. You would think that would make him smile. I give up. Anyhow, today was very enlightening. While out we went to Pier One and I was able to look at the Heywood collection (that silver vanity/bedroom/makeup storage set) that TiffanyD has, as does so many other gurus and sorry but eeww! I have never seen anything so cheaply made in my life. I wondered if might like something like that but the wood is just soft and sprayed very unevenly with silver spray or paint, scratches very easily, none of the pieces are sturdy and the legs easily break off, the drawers are so small and shallow, don't open up far and the fake velvet lining picks up every piece of dust around. Oh, so disappointed and even more surprised at how many people make a big deal over it. I won't be getting those. No wonder they are so inexpensive. Scratched that off my wishlist! I'll stick to hardwood goodies.

Miss QQ~Thank you for the compliment and the hugs. I love the new memorial and hope they continue to make it special. It has taken far too long to come to a final decision and make it a beautiful place to remember our loved ones. For so many this is the only gravesite and memory they will ever have. But they day isn't over and as we always get threats on the anniversary of 9/11 I am a bit on edge.

Off to see what kind of trouble I can get into now!


Well-known member
My husband had a hardback book made for me with pics of Ishmael from the time he was a baby when we visited him at the breeder's home before he was old enough for us to bring him home and at different stages as he grew. He had little captions put at each pic. That was one of the most thoughtful things he's ever done for me. It was so sweet. He wrapped it and had it laying out for me to find when I got up after he had left for work. As I looked through it I had tears running down my cheeks. I loved seeing pics I had forgotten about where we had him hiking with us and him running and playing and so many others. It was really nice to look at them and think back to all the happy times we had with him and the joy and love he gave us. Ishmael was a mommy's boy and my baby but he was also a great family dog.


Well-known member
Thanks guys for wishing me a happy b-day. I just love the book and it was very thoughtful. He is not the type to do this kind of thing, here and there. Engineers aren't exactly known for being emotional:)

Debi--I am super ticklish all over especially my feet. I have always wondered if I would bust out giggling during a massage. But I didn't, perhaps it was the firm massage not sure.

I agree the 9/11 memorial is just beautiful with the water and the names all around it.

My husband and I had pulled out a few photo boxes last night looking trying to find some particular pics. My husband found some of our brief trip to New York several years ago and there was the twin towers in several of them. It was just kind of weird and random given that today is the 10th anniv.


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I am running around trying to get stuff done today! Last night, or rather late afternoon, our lovely weekend was fluttered with our kitchen sink blocked up. Not even hair...we don't know what it was, but my husband was able to fix it after several hours of messing with it and getting even more stressed out. He isn't a happy camper right now! I have chores to do and dusting, still working on the decorations and trying to figure out how to lighten it up a bit I am also reorganizing a lot of my MU collection, tossing a few products that I used but did not work best for me (mostly Smashbox, which is terribly powdery) and other items where the colours are frightful on me, as well as crappy nail polish or colours I hated. lol I plan to pick through it slowly and methodically and make room for better suited MU colours for me! I decided not to get the new UD Book of Shadows because I have so much MU and really don't use palettes too often unless it is the Anniversary one and Naked. The rest are quads and singles or duos that I just prefer working with.

Other than that I would love to watch a movie, read a book, take a nap, so we shall see what I get accomplished! In the meantime...a new nail polish look and blog on glitter nail polish! Drop on by and take a peek! Oh, and we got our cornstalks yesterday, but hubby won't put them up until tomorrow when he works in the yard!


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I am running around trying to get stuff done today! Last night, or rather late afternoon, our lovely weekend was fluttered with our kitchen sink blocked up. Not even hair...we don't know what it was, but my husband was able to fix it after several hours of messing with it and getting even more stressed out. He isn't a happy camper right now! I have chores to do and dusting, still working on the decorations and trying to figure out how to lighten it up a bit I am also reorganizing a lot of my MU collection, tossing a few products that I used but did not work best for me (mostly Smashbox, which is terribly powdery) and other items where the colours are frightful on me, as well as crappy nail polish or colours I hated. lol I plan to pick through it slowly and methodically and make room for better suited MU colours for me! I decided not to get the new UD Book of Shadows because I have so much MU and really don't use palettes too often unless it is the Anniversary one and Naked. The rest are quads and singles or duos that I just prefer working with.

Other than that I would love to watch a movie, read a book, take a nap, so we shall see what I get accomplished! In the meantime...a new nail polish look and blog on glitter nail polish! Drop on by and take a peek! Oh, and we got our cornstalks yesterday, but hubby won't put them up until tomorrow when he works in the yard!
so Debi did you watch a movie?! I hope your day got better - silly blocked sink :)

My special edition palettes and MAC quads - here is another one of my collection videos for those interested! :)


Well-known member
LOL No, no movie. No book yet, either. I've been playing too much, organizing a lot, decorating, goofing. You know, being productive in other ways? :) Hehehehe....
I did find time to play with Smurf, our local chipmunk and gave her some corn on the cob! She loves me! :)

Thank you for the kind thoughts. 9/11 was definitely surreal. We didn't even know it was happening. It was the week of my husband's birthday and he always used to take it off as a vacation week, so we were actually on our way out to a store. We had not put the tv or radio on. We were driving down our driveway when our neighbour came flying across the yard like a maniac, all upset saying planes crashed into the World Trade Center. Well, I have never been there and being dumb I didn't know they were huge buildings. She also didn't say a word about terrorists and she then fled off to scream at more people (she is a nutcase anyhow, so another story). I just said I had a feeling someday this would happen, meaning two planes colliding in the sky and tumbling down on some place because of the air traffic issues. We continued on our way but something told me to turn on the radio. By the time we got about 1/2 a mile from our house they were talking about a plane crashing in the Pentagon, another down in Pennsylvania and possibly more in the air. I said to turn back home. I stood in front of the TV in utter shock. I did not sit down for about 2 hours, I did not cry. I could not believe what I was seeing, yet I knew it was real. And when the last tower fell I just said to my husband "And a thousand voices have just been silenced." And that was it. Not until the following day did we find out that our friend had been the pilot on that flight, and that he wasn't even supposed to be on it. Someone else was, not that it matters. Just ironic. They are sure he was dead before they even got to the towers because the flight attendant told flight control. I still watch it all in shock. I think these people walk without souls to do this sort of thing. It goes far beyond hatred or anger or revenge.

So, happy thoughts. My extra special MAC brushes arrived (the small blending ones) so now I have three and another gel liner. Will do a post at some point!


Well-known member
Oh, Lou! I forgot to tell you. That furniture from Pier One is terrible. I was so disappointed. I thought I might use my birthday/Christmas money for the vanity, one or two of the drawers and even the jewelry one. I am shocked at how cheaply they are made and don't hold up. All were rickety, the seat was broken! They were scratched, knobs were falling off and others were lose or crooked. I could not believe it. And the drawers are so shallow. I have seen more expensive ones that look similar...same silver and mirrors, same styles, some with more drawers on the actual vanity. I would definitely look at them before purchasing anything. Now I am totally on my guard! I seriously would not have given 10.00 for the entire set. It was that bad. :(


Well-known member
LOL No, no movie. No book yet, either. I've been playing too much, organizing a lot, decorating, goofing. You know, being productive in other ways? :) Hehehehe....
I did find time to play with Smurf, our local chipmunk and gave her some corn on the cob! She loves me! :)

Thank you for the kind thoughts. 9/11 was definitely surreal. We didn't even know it was happening. It was the week of my husband's birthday and he always used to take it off as a vacation week, so we were actually on our way out to a store. We had not put the tv or radio on. We were driving down our driveway when our neighbour came flying across the yard like a maniac, all upset saying planes crashed into the World Trade Center. Well, I have never been there and being dumb I didn't know they were huge buildings. She also didn't say a word about terrorists and she then fled off to scream at more people (she is a nutcase anyhow, so another story). I just said I had a feeling someday this would happen, meaning two planes colliding in the sky and tumbling down on some place because of the air traffic issues. We continued on our way but something told me to turn on the radio. By the time we got about 1/2 a mile from our house they were talking about a plane crashing in the Pentagon, another down in Pennsylvania and possibly more in the air. I said to turn back home. I stood in front of the TV in utter shock. I did not sit down for about 2 hours, I did not cry. I could not believe what I was seeing, yet I knew it was real. And when the last tower fell I just said to my husband "And a thousand voices have just been silenced." And that was it. Not until the following day did we find out that our friend had been the pilot on that flight, and that he wasn't even supposed to be on it. Someone else was, not that it matters. Just ironic. They are sure he was dead before they even got to the towers because the flight attendant told flight control. I still watch it all in shock. I think these people walk without souls to do this sort of thing. It goes far beyond hatred or anger or revenge.

So, happy thoughts. My extra special MAC brushes arrived (the small blending ones) so now I have three and another gel liner. Will do a post at some point!

On that day I was taking a nap after getting the kids to school. My husband called and told to turn on the tv and told me what was happening. I was half asleep and not quite getting it but said ok. I was watching and they were talking about the first tower and showing it and then bam the second plane flew into the second tower. I just sat there thinking is what I just saw real or is this a replay again. It was real alright and very scary. The news people were totally taken off guard for that one as of course they already knew about the first one, that's why they were on. It was so surreal. I agree these people have no soul and absolutely no care for human life or any for that matter.


Well-known member
On that day I was taking a nap after getting the kids to school. My husband called and told to turn on the tv and told me what was happening. I was half asleep and not quite getting it but said ok. I was watching and they were talking about the first tower and showing it and then bam the second plane flew into the second tower. I just sat there thinking is what I just saw real or is this a replay again. It was real alright and very scary. The news people were totally taken off guard for that one as of course they already knew about the first one, that's why they were on. It was so surreal. I agree these people have no soul and absolutely no care for human life or any for that matter.
You are correct :( So sad :(

What's everybodies plans for today? I have the day off but am not feeling that good so will be staying home. I hope I feel better for later because me and Nick are going out for a meal with friends tonight.


Well-known member
Awww, Lou. I hope you feel better soon. I hate it when I am sick on days I want to be out and about. It isn't fair. I am presently watching a neighbourhood feud. We have two families, one nice one next to us, sweet as can be, and another next to them, nasty as can be. The nasty ones moved in about 15 years ago and their son got in all kinds of trouble with the law while the parents made themselves hated by everyone here. They knew their property line ran behind another house and touched ours, but as they were friendly with the nice family, they said do with the land as you please, so they put up a swing set for the kids. 4 weeks ago they were celebrating a baby shower together and all was well. 2 weeks later they called the nice family and told them they want their land back and gave them a week to move their swingset. They brought in surveyors and now building an ugly stockade fence all along their property line. Karma will be biting them back on this one. I'm so angry I am looking up how to curse someone in Greek. May Zeus rain down terror on their heads and send them to Hades for eternity! You know, something like that. Now I need a piece of thin lead to scratch the curse in and toss it in their yard. That would freak them out. Hehehe..

Other than that, things are good. lol Hubby is busy, but taking tomorrow off to work in the yard. And maybe today I will get some chores done, that movie, that book, etc.!! I am so excited to get my paint pots and wondering if I should have ordered Hyper-Violet, though it does look very, very dark. Ah, but pretty and I bought all the others except the pale gold one. What did you guys get?

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - look forward to your brushes post! Enjoy them!

Lou - Feel better! Hope you can go out.

shadow - I remember what I was doing as well. I was in my room studying, with the radio on. There was a news flash on the radio, then my mum who was watching tv said there were words scrolling across the screen. It felt quite bizarre because we didn't have images at first, and hearing the words sounded unbelievable and unimagineable. When I finally saw the images, it felt surreal, like something out of the movies. I was quite traumatized and felt depressed for months after that. I was also unhappy with my personal life at that time, so I think that added to the depressing emotions.


Well-known member
Lou--I hope you feel better quickly.

Debi--wow, nothing like a little neighborhood drama.
That's horrible with the swingset and all, not fair to the children.

MissQQ--It got to be too much for me. I had to finally turn off the tv. I hated seeing the towers hit over and over. I understand the news shows replaying it for people just tuning in and such but after a while I had to have a break. It was just so overwhelming. When you're suffering from depression anyway it was starting to consume my every thought thinking of the people and their families and all.
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